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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. 149!!!!! That's so great! I hit 158 recently and I was thrilled to be in the 150's! You must love the 140's! I did my measurements and I went from 50-45-50 to 40-34-42!

    I would love it if we April sleevers would keep in touch more, but most of us have wandered off....living life.

    I'm pleased with my progress overall, but I have a couple of downfalls: bite-size butterfingers and popcorn! One for sweet cravings and one for salty cravings!

    I am still trying to exercise more, and not doing too badly at it. I got a Nookbook for Christmas and found I can do my eliptical while reading. That's great for me because I get bored easily. We have 5 acres and my hubby and I carved a system of trails this winter. I take my 6 dogs walking as often as I can. I've even tried running part of the way!

    One of the best things I do for myself is to keep a nice salad ready in the fridge at all times. I cube up chicken on it for my Protein. I do better on the days that I go to work because I have a good pattern of eating and drinking that I've developed. My days off are another matter.

    Have you had any health concerns, Lucy?

    How are you doing? Are you out doing the dogs yet? I started walking my dogs more and they get tired and stop and sit. I am like really. Makes me feel like I am progressing. scale hasnt budged in quite awhile, but I am hangining in there. Would love to hear how you are.

  2. Hi All April 2010 Sleevers and Everyone else who wishes to drop in and say Hello!

    It is great to see this thread back again.

    Life is good for me, but I also have not reached goal. In fact I have not fully decided what goal is?

    I have been in a 6 month stall and enjoying maintenance too soon.

    My surgery was 26th so I will weigh in and measure up tomorrow, I have cut back on carbs for a few days now hoping that will make a difference to my 1 year mark.

    It would be great if we all could keep this thread alive until we all reach our goals. I stopped using the boards for the past 6 months and found that I lose my focus when I am not in touch.

    There is a great thread in the General section called "4th July- How much will you weigh" and I have joined that and pledged to lose another 14 lbs.That has helped me get focused again.

    Looking forward to hearing from all April 2010 Sleevers,

    Will be back tomorrow with my statistics.


    I agree that support makes a difference. You can send me a message anytime. My doctor said that 135 should be goal. He said that we need to have some room to add pounds as we age. Uggh..I have been trying but this week I am going to be very strict and try and drop a few pounds. Goal to drink water...which seems hard for me still. and stay away from those dreaded white carbs. I found a great tasting Protein Drink that I got to sample before I bought it. pro-5 by nu-tek Mocha cappaccuino. I am not a big Breakfast person so I am going to sub the Protein drink in the morning. have a med lunch and light dinner. I am nervous for my appt. I did take measurements at the beginning so I will share those with him. I am going to try and do cardio in the morning for 30 min and weights in the evening. I found some info that it is much better to do them apart on the same day if you want to see "fat burning" results. Let me know how it goes at the doc. Keep up the good work.:rolleyes:

  3. :rolleyes: I can't believe it has almost been a whole year. I head to Dallas this week for my one year check up. I am frazzled. I had hoped to be at 139 by my 1 year visit. I think I will be 10 or so shy. I feel like I have failed or something. Crazy I know but I have worked hard. The weight just hit a stall. I am proud of myself but cant help but feeling like I messed up a bit. I have had some issues with food intolerance. I have found I do experience dumping. Rare it is, but I am quite sure that is what it is. I have friends who had other surgeries and said OMG that is dumping. I can have chocolate, but if any other kind of sugar goes in like grapes or fruit or a jelly bean...holy cow I get bubbles and start feeling like I am going to lose it. I even have had sweats. So I am still learning. I hit a stall for a bit and suddenly my hair is growing like crazy. I woke up and thought someone had chopped the front of my hair, and realized it was baby hairs. Yea...I guess that body has to focus on one thing at a time. I am hoping that the weight loss will kick back in now that the hair and nails etc are all looking really nice. I hope everyone is experiencing great results and I would love to hear what has been going on good or bad. I have til the 29th to shed a few more pounds. Wish me luck.

  4. Hi Lucy! I found my measurements from my highest weight and compared it to current about 2 mos ago. I was amazed at the loss, but I'm going to do it again soon to compare. I mostly watch my scale and clothing size to measure my progress.. But now you've made me curious so I'll have to find those notes and re-measure myself!

    The holidays took away almost any chance of me getting online. I am glad to hear that you did the measurements. I am planning on measuring today and then again in May. I hope to be at goal by then. I hope. I weighed myself 4 times standing in different positions on Sunday morning when I hit 149. I was like..it must be broken. Yipee. I just wish I didnt have any cravings. Silly cycle we experience coupled with kids makes it really hard sometimes. I take a few steps forward and then a step back. I should already have reached goal. I have been a little naughty about food over the holidays, but am doing much better. I have found that edamame is awesome and great Protein low calorie and satifies the salt craving. Let me know how you are doing. I need to get online more ..It helps keep me focused.

  5. Thanks, Lucy. That was a good pep talk! I called my girlfriend to meet for aerobics the very next day. Unfortunately, she had to work late and couldn't make it, so I went to Goodwill and found a couple of shirts and pants that weren't baggy on me. I'm in a size 14 now. And to think I was a size 3X just 6 months ago!

    It sounds like you have your hands full with the family, too. I know what you mean about there being complaints when you first started taking time for yourself. I belonged to a support group in my 30's that was for people who were raised in a dysfunctional family (who wasn't?). That's when I first became aware that I needed to set boundaries. I'm much better at it now, but I still wrestle with just the sheer amount of work/tasks that I want to accomplish vs the energy and time available to do them!

    I'm not feeling so anxious now, but I wish I were like the Cullens in the Twilight series and didn't need to sleep at night!

    The size change is so amazing. Doesn't that make you feel so awesome? Pat on the back. sleep, what the heck is that? At first I started to get some sleep, but now I can't. Working out makes it possible to fall asleep, but staying asleep is hard. I have a picture show running in my head 24/7. I guess I should be thankful that I get some rest and try to take naps ... Hmmm where does that get penciled in?

  6. Venting is a good thing. Sometimes it helps just to communication how you are feeling.

    Today, I'm having trouble staying positivie. I have so many things I have to do and it feels like I'll never be able to catch up. I tend to spread myself too thin and try to take on too much. I need to get it under control, but my time and energy runs out before the work does! Mostly it has been the commitments I've given to family. I want to help, and sometimes it seems like I'm the only one that CAN help, but I have so little time.

    I can feel my anxiety levels going up. I need to calm down, make a list of what needs to be done, prioritize the list, then take care of one thing at a time.

    It's always been a challenge for me to keep my life in balance. But I don't think I'm alone in that.

    By the way, I'm impressed with the commitment you've made to exercising! Going back to your post, cool trendy clothes are the BEST! Stomach muscles? I wonder if I have some! I keep meaning to work up an easy exercise routine to tone muscles, but I never find the time! (that subject again!!!!)

    You must stay positive...Practice what we preach...isnt that funny. I used to be really terrible about letting everyone and I mean everyone utilize all of my time. As the weight has come off, I have started feeling different. Ive wondered how I let things get so out of control. I have 3 kids that are young a home business (dog grooming) and a husband who is uncrontrolled type 1 diabetic. I have been everyones everything...oh wait ...I was everyones everything except for me. I finally said wait...I need to go work out ..I am doing it.. Odd thing is at first there were tons of guilt trips and objections and then it became fact that I was going and I needed it for me. Now I do . I go sometimes just to have down time to think. Somewhere along the line most of us devalue ourselves because we feel like our weight cancels us out. Well, it doesn't and if we remembered that long ago, we probably wouldn't have continued weight struggles. I am so thankful for having the opportunity to feel good again. Grab a picture of a heavier weight and give yourself a pat on the back and keep moving forward. I only have about 5 pics from the last 11 years. I was so self conscious. Now, I went to my 20 year reunion last weekend and I clicked and was in tons of pics and am proud of myself. I still have 25 pounds to go and I will make it, and so will you. How is that for pep...? I need to update my picture.

  7. Hi Lucy! I was thinking about reviving the April Sleevers thread to see how everyone is doing!

    We are similar in our beginning weights and where we are now. It's ok to feel a little self doubt now and then. It's normal. I think if we had higher bmi's to start with, we would have lost more weight. But think of how much better you are feeling now....more energy....size 10 pants! You've done a GREAT job! I'm still dreaming of size 12 pants! I got my labs done recently, too, and was thrilled to see that my cholesterol was within the normal range for the first time in 20 years!

    I can eat 6-8 oz of salad, but I can't eat that much chicken. It depends on the density of the food. I do agree with other comments I've seen on the forum that it is good to up the calories for a couple of days, then back to low carbs. I've seen that break a stall more than once.

    Anytime you need a cheerleader, count me in! You are changing your life one step at a time, for the better! LIFE IS GOOD!!!

    Thanks for the pep talk. The hardest part is that there are so few sleevers in my area. I go to a support group and it is nice, but bypass is very different. I think my hormones fluctuate with intensity now that I can really feel what is going on with my body. It makes me a little emotional. On the bright side, it is amazing to have my clients tell me how some people who lose weight dont look good , but that I do. Makes me feel great. I can wear a medium not an xxl... I can buy cool trendy clothes. My 10 year old is so excited for me. I have so many things to be greatful for, but I guess it takes time for our brain to catch up with our body. I didnt know I still had stomach muscles. How cool is that. Three c-sections and I still have muscles. I found that by combining exercise info I have from many healthy diets you can tone your body nicely. Big tip...Treadmills are the best for now. Stairs and other machines can cause damage to muscles and tendons and the body is focusing on repairs instead of weight loss. So 15-30 minutes max on treadmill ..I found incline of 6.5 and 3-4 pace is great. I work out with weights for an additonal 30 minutes or so changing out arms and legs and abs. I have helped my fellow bypass buddy drop ten pounds by getting off the stairs and other stuff.(that was in about a week) It works for some reason. I have lossed inches so I guess I should be happy and I have helped someone else along the way who was not doing so well. Okay so I am doing good. Wow did I just babble it all out or what. Thanks..I needed to vent ...

  8. I had my 6 month check up and it really isnt six months yet, but I was in Dallas and was not going to make another trip. The doctor says to continue doing whatever I am doing because I am having great results. Hmmmm. I guess I feel like I should have lost more weight by now. I work hard and work out often. Kind of makes me feel upset. I feel like I can eat to much. Is six to eight ounces ok? I guess it is a little self doubt. Feeling a bit down.

  9. I have been satisfied with the whey Protein I'm using and didn't even think of trying the egg white protein! Thanks for mentioning that! The orange crystal light sounds good with it! Question: does the egg white powder come in flavors like the whey? What brand do you like?

    I used the Jay Robb Egg White protein. I know it comes in chocolate and vanilla. I have heard they have plain too. It really is good. I haven't tried other brands since I tried a sample at my local sunflower market which is like a natural grocery.

  10. I have found that if I have Protein before bed (egg white powder) and I keep my calories 800-1000 I lose almost a pound a day.. Very strange. I have been stuck for awhile so I decided to add in the egg white protein, which by the way smells awesome and taste great mixed with orange crystal light. Had some friends try it last night and they couldnt believe it... Just wanted to share. :confused1:

  11. I am happy to report that I am able to fit in a size 10. I can even wear a t-shirt with it and not look bumpy..woo hoo. I have stalled out for quite awhile. I have been teetering the 168-165 mark. I am fortunate that my weight is pretty evenly distributed all over. I have been exercising more and can see that it is helping. I feel much better. I just feel frustrated about the two month slow. I am hoping to amp it up this week and am going to get together with a couple of ladies who had bypass and we are going to make meals and share with each other since our families eat what we shouldn't. We did find that using myfitnesspal.com has helped keep track of the calories and exercise. You can even use it on your phone. I would love to hear from anyone who has suggestions or needs support. I keep telling myself that I have done really good. But that darn scale ticks me off. :thumbup:

  12. I wanted to share some hope for people who might be frustrated. There are many people who have the sleeve who did not have as much weight to lose as others. Like myself. I started at 221 did the two week pre op diet and was down to 209...Today I am at 176. 175 in the am. I was stuck for 4 weeks at 181-183. I was very upset. I started wondering if I had messed up. Was this it? Then all of the sudden I stepped on the scale and there it was 179. Two days later 177 and today two more days later 176. I did increase my Protein with a Meal Replacement. The Bariatric Advantage. I cannot stand anything else. Makes me physicaly ill. I have been attending weight loss meetings but am the only sleever. It still helps. I guess the point is don't give up and don't start eating poorly when you stall. If you do,it is sabotage. Keep at the protein and remember your body needs time to play catch up. I am so excited to see the move. I look forward to reaching my goal by October. If anyone wants someone to report to and has a similar goal/time frame I would be happy to help.. I have my 20 year reunion. I will make my goal..Thanks to everyone who shares and posts such supportive information. You are a large part of the success. :)

  13. I am happy to have such a group online to talk with. Something exciting today is that before surgery the nurse made me get on their scale and for once the scale matched my scale. It gave bmi etc. I was so excited. The doctor's office always displays more, but not this time. So of course I had to make sure when I got home. Yeah! I know we all are ultimately responsible for the way we feel, but it sure is nice to see that there are so many other people that have similar situations or are not having perfect results. Thank you to everyone for posting and responding and just being honest. How refreshing and helpful. :confused1:

  14. Yes, I'm still on a PPI. I still need them. I guess no one else feels the discomfort when food is going down.

    I have a hard time with soft bread. Sometimes eggs and things like sweets...ie grapes and oranges etc. My body makes me feel like either I swallowed a rock or I am going to throw up. It feels like air gets sucked in or something. Strange feeling.

  15. My doctor put no on the ibuprofen. He gave me loratab elixir and that was that. I don't know how long I am to avoid it. I guess the idea is that is can cause bleeding of the stomach and could hinder healing. It has been 11 weeks but my primary said she doesnt know anything about this type of surgery and couldn't say. I decided to see a weight loss specialist who is also an endo doc. He did all kinds of bloodwork. I am waiting to get the results and see what they have to say. So at this point I can hold out a little longer on the ibuprofen. I am having abdominal surgery for adhesions tomorrow and Novasure. I am hoping that will help relieve some other pain. I am trying to stay positive. It is so hard no having another sleever in the area. Everyone has had bypass. I attend meetings and it helps some, but what they can eat vs what I can eat is different. Their experiences are very different in the begining. I know that 40 pounds is alot. It is just that a stall makes you feel like you are failing. Silly... I don't regret the surgery by an means and am thrilled that I weigh less now then I did when I was pregnant for the second time. Thanks for support and the info everyone shares. It is really important and very valued. :thumbup1:

  16. I am experiencing a stall. I know I need to work out, but I am so darn tired. I have started taking my Multivitamins twice a day again and B12 once a day. It seems to help. Can chronic pain affect how we lose weight? I have had serious foot pain my whole life. I keep going even though I hurt. The lack of ibuprofen has taken it toll. I am frustrated. I guess I just need a pep talk. Is anyone doing just weights? Any suggestions? Thanks!

  17. I think that you may be right about the B12. If I do it every other day even the high dose, I can tell. If I miss Vitamins the next day I feel sluggish. Every doctor has a different regimen, but I guess it is a little trial and error for everyone. Today is a tired day. Yesterday was good.. I took all of the vitamins etc today and hope tomorrow is back to normal. Thanks again everyone. I am happy to say That I have made it to the 180's which I haven't seen in almost 9 years. That makes me happy.!:biggrin0:

  18. Think of yourself and your well being. If others are not capable of understanding ,then you don't need to share it with them.. The forum can be your support line. You deserve to be healthy and happy. This is one time when it should be an "all about me" .Good luck! Oops almost forgot. A positive attitude on your part is all you need to succeed. You may have to avoid some people for awhile. At some point, they will get it and be happy for you.

  19. I decided to take my multivitamin twice a day and B12 every other day. I am having a terrible time stomaching the calcium citrate and am heading to the store to find another brand. I am feeling much better and oddly enought the scale shows I dropped a couple of pounds. Maybe I was healing or something..The body is a complicated piece of machinery. I guess you have to experiment with the Vitamins and when to take them. I have found that I can tolerate foods quite well just small amounts. Maybe I feel better because I am getting good nutrition in small quanity versus trying to drink my Protein. I had two boiled eggs yesterday 1 lean Hebrew National and some cream of mushroom Soup 98%ff and a couple of bites of cottage cheese. I felt good and the scale moved.. Woohoo. I am feeling a bit tired today, but I have a labor intensive job (pet grooming) and 3 children to take care of at the same time. I think the fatigue today is normal. Thank you everyone for all your info. It really does help. :lol0:

  20. Dr Nicholson in Dallas has done a tremendous amount of surgeries. If you type in Dr Nicholson bariatric in any search engine it should take you to his site. His staff is amazing. Self pay was 12,200. It pays for surgery, up to two nights in the hospital pain meds while there etc. I believe it even covers follow up visits and and all preop work. It is all listed on his site. Good luck!:001_tt2:

  21. Thanks for everyone's input. I am taking a Gummy adult Vitamin but it seems to upset my stomach and cause the its coming back to you feeling. So, today I chewed a Bariatric Advantage chewable and it took an hour for my stomach to clam down. I thought I was going to be sick and now all day I can feel my stomach. Up to this point I was never really able to feel it. I did take the B12 and one calcium citrate so far. The Calcium citrate is suddenly causing me nausea too. I never had an upset stomach except in the hospital.. Today is exactly 4 weeks. Is it possible to become more sensitive? Is my stomach healing and getting sensation? Anyone have this experience? Is it the Vitamins? :(

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
