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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Maddie

    1 week out today

    Glad to hear you are coming along so well. I'm also thrilled that you got yourself checked out when you had that extra pain. It's so important to listen to your body. Gratz on the weight loss, you are really gonna be a star with this sleeve. Sleeping in your own bed and on your side...niceeeeeeee. Keep up the great work and best of luck on your continued success.
  2. Maddie

    Almost 5 weeks out!

    Gratz on your success. You are doing great, keep it up and keep us informed.
  3. Thanks for asking Christie. I'm getting there slowly but surely. I had another follow up today with my dr, he is really happy with how I have done since my last hospital stay. My cough is almost gone and I haven't had to use oxygen for 2 days. Because I am sedentary due to my back, I have been giving myself 3 heparin shots a day which have left me sore. But, after the dr saw my tummy today, he said I can start going in the pool for activity which means I can stop the shots. I am so happy about that. I have also lost all of the Water weight I gained in the hospital (26 lbs) so I am feeling more comfy in my own skin now that all that tightness is gone. My body is still really sore in several places due to pic lines, etc. But, I feel SO much better than I did a week ago. I know I am behind where I should be. It's really easy to lose site of hope when big things keep happening. However, having crossed these hurdles and being on the other side of them now gives me great hope. I'll soon be catching up to you guys soon, so look out! LOL Again Christie thanks for asking, it was so very sweet and thoughtful of you.
  4. Maddie

    3 Months Post-Up!!!

    Great progress. GRATZ!
  5. Maddie

    my first major victory

    That is so incredible. GRATZ! keep up the good work, you are sooooo working that sleeve.
  6. I am not a Dr Davidson patient but it's pretty much the same with staples no matter where you go. It doesn't hurt or cause any new soreness. In fact it feels great when they are out, less tightness and itching. Generally you don't have much feeling at the incision line anyway due to them cutting through nerves. Really there is nothing at all to worry about. You will be fine.
  7. Huge Gratz! The news on the labs is fantastic and the weight loss....sweeeeeet.
  8. Maddie

    I survived Recital!

    I bet the girls were lovely. Have fun at WDW.
  9. I still crush my blood pressure pills, in fact all of my meds. As far as the lactose thing, most if not all protein drinks can be mixed with water as well as milk. If you want milk though, there are lactose free varieties. Good luck finding what works for you.
  10. What a horrible ordeal. Thank God you got her proper treatment in time. I hope the scan goes well and that she continues to heal.
  11. Maddie

    not sweet protein shakes

    I thought the Unjury chicken and beef broth were pretty blah, but the chicken soup actually had some flavor.
  12. Thanks Tiff, that makes perfect sense and puts my mind at ease.
  13. Oh, I hope someone answers this one too. I'm only 2 weeks out and and still very concerned and wonder if and when things are safe.
  14. Maddie

    So excited and READY

    Welcome. Gratz on getting a date scheduled. It is very exciting. Best of luck on your journey.
  15. I wouldn't be concerned. You just happen to be doing very well. Some people have lots more swelling and that's why they are so limited in the beginning. Sounds like you are doing great!
  16. Rest well and gratz on making to the other side.
  17. Maddie

    Day 4 post op.

    Sounds like you are doing great. Best of luck on your continued success.
  18. I had a tough time but didn't cheat because I was too scared to cheat. Hang in there, you can do it.
  19. Keep us updated as to how you are doing. Best of luck.
  20. I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I went to my profile and then to edit signiture, then I typed in the info I wanted and clicked save. If it's something else you're looking for, I'm sure someone else can help you.
  21. When I feel hungry, I'm like you...I feel like I could throw down a burger like it was nothing. But, when I sit down to eat, 2 bites and I'm stuffed.
  22. I agree with the others, call your dr and ask for some liquid pain meds. The over the counter ones come in liquid too.
  23. Maddie

    Getting sleeved on the 29th

    I don't know about the stomach thing, sorry. Gratz on getting a date. You are so lucky to have had someone go ahead of you on this. She will really be able to help you through it.
  24. I agree that you shouldn't take yourself too seriously, but that diabetes is another story. To me, you sound like most of us before surgery, second guessing, unsure, etc. That's all normal. Only you can know if this is right for you. You are very fortunate to have your endocronologist behind you on this, it's really great that the two of you can see the same light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to your health. Best of luck.

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