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Posts posted by lauri

  1. Excuuusse Me? How can I drool on it when it just fits over my nose?! Well, never mind that's even worse!!!!

    Hey! Thought of a real positive about my cpap- My husband has been eating too many Beans lately. It's so nice to put my GAS mask on and leave the lovely smell of the room to him!!!

  2. Good Luck Greg! I have been using a Cpap for about a month now and I feel like a new woman. My tests showed that I stopped breathing about 20X per hour! I have been sleeping for the first time in years!

    When I got mine the rep. told me I should probably replace it every 3-6 months. So far, It's not that bad but if I lay on my side it starts making obnoxious noises or tickles my face as the air escapes. If I don't wake up soon-I get a headache. I guess the air pressure is too low when it leaks out. The good thing is that I used to have severe migrains 2-3 times a week that would send me to the hospital. I have only had ONE bad one since I got my machine. I won't even think of sleeping without it now.

    ?[B]Our electricity goes out at night quite often during the rainy season. Night before last-it was out for two hours-so I just stayed up because I was afraid to sleep without it. Any suggestions...Has this happened to any one?

  3. Ok! Ok! I'll go! I really don't want to go out and exercise. I quietly missed it yesterday but you guys are relentless. What the H*** time is it anyway? With the time change and the power going out from the weather every clock in my house has a different time. I am so confused. ?Why is it so hard to want to go exercise when is cold, wet, windy, and cloudy? I mean for crying out loud-I am going to be inside!

  4. No problem about the "hijacking" I just consider it a kind diversion. It's always nice to be able to laugh when you are having a hard time. :pirate Grandad was on the beach fishing the last time, I talked to Granny! They always spend a couple of months at Padre Island this time of year..They are so full of fun! I hope that I can be that way when I get their age. I hope they both live to be healthy hundreds! They worked hard and did without all their lives and are now enjoying their retirement. I wish I could now:slots and shows in Las Vegas and Laughlin, Horse races in Ruidoso, Hunting and Camping in Colorado, Fishing in Padre, Carnival Cruises!!!

  5. Lethal Woman-Where in the heck were you going in such a hurry? Hot date?

    I can't believe that my mom hasn't ever gotton a ticket! She told me that the police escort was going to slow for her and so she actually motioned for him to move over and past him right up!!! I don't blame her. My grandad is the sweetest, most giving, Christian man I know. The thought of losing him is more than I can bare. I can't imagine what it must be like for my mom. I am just so thankful to God that he is ok.

  6. I continue to be astonished at the ignorance and cruelty of some people! :sick I am waiting for my band and am going through some similar experiences. Please know that you are not alone and YOU ARE STRONG, you are doing the right thing! I have watched my mother diet and beat up on herself my whole life. My THIN father was always commenting about our weight and asking "do you need to be eating this or that" and looking at other women and saying that if my mother looked like that he "wouldn't NEED to look" and in the same breath ask her to bake a cake/pie/cobbler or other desert. He once told her that if she would lose 25 pounds he would take her to Hawaii when he went on his company trip. Guess what? He went without her!! In my teens, I became bulimic and very thin. For the first time in my life he said he was PROUD of me! I am now 35 and my mom is still overweight. She has had both knees replaced and now can barely walk because of her hips. Her entire adult life, as has mine, has been consumed with losing weight. I think all of us know how that feels. I REFUSE-ABSOLUTLY REFUSE to spend the rest of my life like this. We are all strong because we choose to do what we need to do. I am going to lose weight FOR ME!! You hold your head up and know that if the truth be known you probably have more will power and more strengh than alot of people. We are all behind you. By the way, You are a creative and talented writer, as well. :)

  7. Thank you all for your support. I don't know what I would have done without you. When I can't talk to any one else-you are here. When I sent the email the other day, I was crying so hard I couldn't even speak. I was all alone here at the house and needed to be with someone. You were the first ones that came to my mind. I hope you know how important each of you are to me. I appreciate the way that you have taken this newbie in.

    Grandad is doing AWESOME. He went home yesterday and feels fine. ;-)

  8. Thank you one and all. I talked to my mom a few minutes ago and she said that he was in ICU and that he seemed to be doing ok. They are running all of the test on him right now. I appreciate all of your support. Being somewhat of a hermit for the past few years, I really don't have any friends around here-it's so nice to know that you are all here. ((((HUGS)))) Can you feel them?

    Hey-my mom beat the helicopter to the hospital!! SCARY HUH? Grandad told her that if he had known she could drive so fast he would have ridden with her. What a character!

  9. My Grandfather just had a heart attack. My mom, and her parents are somewhere near Padre. My dad called me a few minutes ago. Mama had called him crying and told him to let my brother and me know and hung up. He said that he could hardly understand her because she was very distraught. He was taken by helicopter. My mother is driving to the hospital. I am so worried about her driving if she is in that bad of shape.

  10. There is nothing sacred to him!! Everything goes. It can be really embarassing sometimes. But, let me tell you -nothing could be worse than this: When I was teaching Kindergarten, one of the boys turned to me one day (his mother was standing nearby with a group of other moms) and announced that his mother did not always wear underwear to bed!!

  11. I would like the recipe. Sounds tasty. That is my 7 year olds favorite word lately.

    "This is very Tasty"he says all sophisticated like. '-)

    But the best new word is Ploat-a-pladder. We were eating at a restaurant the other night and he just bursts out to the waitress that your liver is attached to your Ploatapladder and that his Mom was going to have hers fixed so she could lose weight???????

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