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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lauri

  1. Thanks Zoe!

    Whippledaddy-LOL You always make me smile! Thanks!

    New Hope- That is cool! (My mom actually called me from KEMA Friday night! She and my dad were celebrating his new promotion!!!! He works for Eagle Oil in Houston. I couldn't believe THEY were where I wanted to be! I really hope that Steven gets a job this week so that we don't HAVE to move but at least I already know people if we do. Heck-I know great people all over the place now.

    Thanks everyone! It was nice to get up and see that you are with me. XOXOXOXOXO

  2. I'll be thinking about you. You need to hold your head up high and smile. Be proud of yourself! We all are!! Just know that if they don't say anything it could be that they don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. My sister in law had a gastric bypass. She lost about 70 or so pounds from the last time that I had seen her. I knew before I saw her that she had lost the weight but I wasn't sure what to say or how to say it. I didn't know if she knew that I knew about the surgery. My mother in law had let it slip when talking to my husband one day. She looked great but I never had been one to care much about someones weight! I was happy for her because I knew she must feel alot better physically and mentally. I finally (the next day) was able to say something when she asked me what size I was wearing. She said she had a dress that was made much like the one I was wearing and thought it would fit me. She said that she had bought it without trying it on -after she had lost some weight. (she brought it up-I was sooo relieved) They were too short on her. She is quite a bit taller than me. That was when I casually said," You look great. I wish I could lose some weight." She then told me she had had the surgery. It was nice to have it all out. We were able to talk about it and that was when I deceided to look into weight loss surgery myself.

    Anyways-go and have a good time! It really doesn't matter that you had surgery to lose weight the important thing is that you look and FEEL great and that you are loved! You go girl!!!

  3. Thanks all. It means sooooo much to me that you care. Today, Steven and I are going to get boxes to start packing things. He have to start putting things in storage so that we can get ready to show the house. I am trying to think about this in a positive way. I mean, even if we sell the house and have to move in with my parents, that maybe where God wants us. Maybe, there is a teaching job in Humble, Cleveland, or Kingwood that is waiting for me. My Mom won't be so lonely! She will be able to help me with the kids while I look for a job. I will be able to get my daughter away from this boyfriend of hers. (I know that sounds mean but she can do soooo much better) I'm sure that everything will be ok. Hey-atleast you guys will go with me when and if I have to move. ;-) I will talk to everyone later.

  4. I would like to thank everyone for your kind words of encouragment. I really didn't mean to unload like that but I guess that I felt in someway that if I could just talk it out- it would somehow not hurt so much. Your all right! I appreciate each of you for being willing to listen when I really couldn't talk to any one else. I do have alot to be thankful for and I am going to make that list! Well, my husband(a major blessing) is getting jealous. He says I spend more time with Yall than I do him. ;-) I guess I better go to bed.. I Love all of you -does that seem strange? People I've never met have become so important to me that I check my email several times a day to see what is going on with them??? Thanks!

  5. I just needed to get this off of my chest. Sometimes....Well, alot of times, I just want to scream ENOUGH!!!! I know that I haven't had as hard of a time as some people but I am really tired. Truth be known if it weren't for all of the caring, fun people here and the support that I have received I am not sure how I would be dealing with things. The thing is I feel so guilty for feeling as depressed and hopeless as I often do. It seems like my whole life has been one struggle after another.

    When I was born, my lungs weren't fvery strong and I had severe allergies. I spent the first several years of my life in and out of the doctors office and such and my poor parents had to watch everything I came in contact with. My food allergies alone consisted of: potatoes, corn, milk, eggs, flour, bananas and several others things that didn't really concern me. I could not have anything with the least amount of these items. Think about it. The ONLY candy on the market that I could have until I was about 8 years old was Bottle Caps! Any one remember those? I ate alot of rice and soymilk. My enviromental allergies forced my parents to move to West Texas. I had to sleep in a recliner because my asthma was so bad. I couldn't play like other children because I couldn't breath well. I took allergy shots twice a week. I missed alot of school and struggled to make friends. Then, just as the shots were starting to work, I began to gain weight. From the 2nd grade to the 3rd grade, I gained like 40 pounds-or what seemed like it anyway. My parents put me on diets and the Dr. made me wear this awful back brace because the weight was causing me back problems. Kids made fun of me all of the time. After two years of torture, a Dr. realized that I had a Thyroid problem. The weight came off.

    I still dealt with allergies and my thyroid had cause me to quit growing for two years. But the worst thing was my self esteem. I never got that back. Even though I have been told that I am pretty, I have never believed it. That can cause alot of problems. Without going over the details, I have been married three times and have struggled financially for most of my adult life. I did start college when my first child was 2 but that took 8 years for me to finish school because I had so many health problems, got divorced 2 times, and had 2 more children. I had an emergency hysterectomy after my last child and my second husband left me for the baby sitter because he "couldn't handle me being sick all of the time". I managed to finish my senior year in school-a single mom of three. Then, I got a job in Dallas teaching- I thought things were finally looking up. I had a job, wonderful kids, and then....I got married moved to Little Elm and Started a new job..

    All of a sudden everything began to fall apart: I started getting sick, I found that a close family member had been abused, my weight was going up and I couldn't quit crying. The dr put me on all kinds of anti de pressants and I just continued to struggle. At work, no one knew what I was going through. I put on a smile and didn't tell anyone. Then, I missed an after school function because I had to go to the hospital. My principal was furious. I explained to him that I had been having some health problems and that I had been taken to the hospital. My dr. thought I could have cancer in my kidneys because I had been peeing blood for several weeks and tests didn't look good. I even gave him the note from the hospital. He told me two days later that he felt that it was in the best interest of the school district not to renew my contract! I had to work the next several months knowing that I wasn't coming back-I don't know how I did it. I was sick and now I knew that I wasn't going to have an income or INSURANCE soon. I felt like he had just given me a death sentence! THEN a two weeks before school was out my cousin was violently murdered. He was like a brother to me! I missed three days and came back in a daze. THEN three days later a truck ran a red light and totaled my car. I was so lucky that I wasn't killed! I spent the summer in physical therapy. Now, I am paying COBRA because my meds are more per month without the insurance than the monthly payment and I still don't have a job! To top it all off----My husband was just laid off from his job!!!! What the hell? Haven't I been through enough? Will it ever end?

  6. Since I am not banded, I am not having that easy of a time YET but I do have one- about a year ago, I felt like I would never lose weight. I had lost all hope. I literally threw all of my clothes away. Well, at least I thought I had. I found my favorite pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear in 9 years (size 16-18) and a favorite sun dress from the same time (a large). Somehow they got put in a box of the kids keep sake baby clothes. I got so excited when I saw them and I thought "COOL! I better wash these up and put them in the closet! I will need these soon." It just occurred to me reading everyones posts that for me that is a NSV. I have hope![]

  7. Jodie-Great LOSS!!! I am so sorry to hear that your divorce is going rough. As a woman who has been through 2- I understand. Walking really helped me though my last divorce. Sometimes, I got lost in my thoughts, prayers, crying, and sometimes singing and would walk for more than an hour or two! I am sending big ((((Hugs)))) to you! Take care of you!!! We are all here for you.

  8. Leatha I am going through the same thing as far as my pulse being too high the last two nights. Tonight, it was in the 80% the first time I checked and the next time it was over the Way over the 90!!!! They made me stop. I really didn't feel like I was that over exerting. I was still talking-I thought that was supposed to be a sign that you are ok. I do not have High BP or anything as serious as a pulmonary embolism(whatever in the hell that is!?) ;-) but I am frustrated. My Curves lady said that it is probably high because I have been under a ton of stress with Steven being out of work. Could that be it? Anywho-she said I needed to go to the dr.

    On the LIGHTER side of things----I HAVE LOST 5 ---- COUNT THEM ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE POUNDS!!!!!! I had to get off and on the scale three times before I could believe it!!! ;-)

  9. Hello Willpower! I live in Little Elm. I substitute at Frisco ISD! What an awesome school district. I am waiting on approval, as well. Back in July, I learned about the lap band and have been jumping through hoops, crossing my T's and dotting my I's every since! Dr. Cribbon's office finally got enough info. to send the request to the insurance about two weeks ago. Good luck to you! Maybe we can meet sometime.

  10. :P Welcome! You have found the best place known to mankind to find support, make friends, learn everything you need to know about the lap-band and issues related to it, and probably a few things that you will wish you had never learned! :( Visit often and laugh hard!

    Do the banana dance! :banana :banana :banana :banana :banana

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