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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lauri

  1. lauri

    My Dad has lukemia

    My heart goes out to you. I will keep you in my prayers. Anytime you need to talk you know we are all here for you.
  2. lauri

    Phantom/recurring smells?

    I think that blowing your nose is a good idea. You can have Post Nasal Drip (that is congestion that can go down the back of your throat) and not even know it. Now is that gross or what?!Flonaise (sp) nasal spray works great and smells good. Good luck to you.
  3. lauri

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    I did it! I exercised at Curves. I HAVE MORE GOOD NEWS!!! MY DOCTORS OFFICE FINALLY SUBMITTED TO THE INSURANCE TODAY. They wouldn't submit until they were sure they had EVERYTHING that the insurance requires. Since the Insurance office is in Dallas, they will receive it tomorrow!!!! Now, I just have to keep coming up with the money to pay my COBRA and bills. My husbands was laid off a few weeks ago and my substituting doesn't pay much. (oops sorry that is info for the winers club) Well, anyways one more step down.
  4. lauri

    tricare woes!!

    Lisa, Brain cracks me up, too. i've thought about how it must look when I say certain things. I am usually sitting here laughing or with this HUGE smile and there he is with that "seriously" funny face! I laugh all of the time when I am here! Thanks all!
  5. lauri

    tricare woes!!

    Just wanted to wish Good luck to you!
  6. lauri

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Wow! DeLarla, I'm not even a motor bike fan and I find that pretty picture impressive! How on earth do you guys ride bicycles? They hurt my butt!!!! I find myself trying to scoot to the wider part of the seat and then I feel like I am about to fall of the *%@#$% thing!
  7. lauri

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Hey! Is it too late for me to join the "Olympic Team"? Maybe it will encourage me to get back up to Curves! I had the flu and got out of my routine. I have missed for almost 2 weeks!!!! How is everyone else doing? I am going in the MORNING 8am sharp. I need to make up for all of those missed days. Did you know that if you have a daughter they can join with you for only $10 a month? I signed my 14 year old up. I don't want her to ever have the weight trouble I have had. It's been good for our relationship, too!
  8. I would show up to a schedualed time if I was able-other than that I would check in when I was on
  9. lauri

    Caution - highly addictive

    :phanvan No date yet. I have jumped through every hoop and dotted every I and crossed every T any still I wait! I am not sure if the hang up is the insurance or the Dr's office! They had a change in staff and I think that may have something to do with it. :nervous I just want to get it done! :Bunny
  10. lauri

    Caution - highly addictive

    You guys are so funny! I feel for the first time that I am with people that understand what I am going through. I hope that I will be able to help others the way that all of you are helping me. When I get home, I check my email to see if there are any new responses to my threads. I laugh, cry, and laugh some more. I am an addict and proud of it! :cheeky
  11. lauri

    What does PB'd mean?

    Nancy! You are doing Awesome. Way to lose.
  12. lauri

    What does PB'd mean?

    Ok....that is disgusting! I will sure watch what I eat! I am so glad that I am learning all of this before my surgery.
  13. Thank you all for the encouragment and advice. I am waiting for the band not the bypass. When I talk to my doctor, I will get more specific. I am so ready!!! Lauri
  14. Hello. My name is Lauri. I first visited this site Aug.2, 2004. Since that time, I have been trying to get approved for the surgery. I have spent alot of time and money and still, I wait. My family is frustrated and keeps asking me if I really think this surg. is worth all the time, stress, and money. Frankly, I am beginning to wonder myself. I have been overweight most of my life and for the past 30 years, losing weight has been the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. I don't want to give up but I am scared, worried, frustrated, and almost broke! I am so afraid that I am going to go through all of the things that my insurance wants me to do and that they might still denie me? Can anyone help me? I guess I just need to talk to someone who won't ask me, "Is that all that you can think about?" Thanks, Lauri 5'1 235 PS. When I was younger, my cousin, who died recently, used to call me "little lulu" I would really like to be that person again.
  15. lauri

    My Baby is Driving!!

    My daughter is turning 15 Nov. 9th! She is already trying to get me to sign her up for drivers ed.! I wasn't even ready for her to go to High School!!!!! She went from wanting to be with Mom all the time to either being on the phone/computer with friends or being at some school function over night! Hey, her school band made it to AREA! She is in the color guard. More being away! I am still waiting to have my surgery but if I could go to Tijuana, I would have a margarita and maybe some flan! Lauri 235 5'1"
  16. My nutritionist said 4-6 weeks of liquid only and then 4-6 of what she said should be slushy or watery baby food consistancy. Is that too concervative? She said it was to avoid problems with the band slipping.
  17. lauri


    THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT!!! can you tell I am typing with kids climbing on me? LOL Lauri
  18. lauri


    It's nice to hear that the pain isn't bad and that you were up and going so soon! Thank for in support!
  19. Wow! I was told I would be on a liquid diet for nearly 3 MONTHS! I am glad to hear that you were able to have your band done and are doing so well! Keep me informed. Thanks so much! Lauri
  20. lauri


    I understand your feelings. Sometimes, I wonder how I will be able to do it and I worry about the pain. BUT, I hate being overweight, not feeling good, and not being able to fit into the clothes I like-sooooo I am going to do whatever I need to do. We are going to get through this!! Keep in touch. I will be praying for you. Lauri
  21. Thank you both for your support and encouragement. It's good to know that there are people out there that have been through this and understand. On the UP side of things- I did join "Curves" 6 weeks ago and have met some wonderful people, lost one pound and 5 inches in my hips!! Thanks for reminding me to drink water! It's so easy to just grab a coke when I feel tired. I look forward to chatting later. Lauri
  22. lauri


    Have you have your surg. yet? Lauri
  23. How much does it cost to have the band done there? I am having insurance trouble? Good luck! Lauri 5'1" 235

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