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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dalisgirl

  1. Hello Sleevers, I went to Dr. Aceves who is very strict about Clear liquids for 10 days post op followed by another 10 days of full liquids. When did your surgeon OK full liquids? Also, should I be able to consume a full Jell-O cup with no pauses 5 days out? Is my pouch too big? I am going CRAZY! I think 70% of commercials must be about food. I just want to eat something other than clears. broth, crystal light, Jello and popsicles are just not doing it for me. (Funny thing is...I don't think I am hungry, just want to stuff my face.) OK, I know this is YEARS, DECADES even of poor eating habits and it will take time to change. I just want some tomato and cream of chicken soup! Or how about some yogurt! I am going to pray through the clears and try to occupy my mind. Any suggestions?
  2. Sincerely wishing you the best in your Weight Loss Journey!

  3. I am having the hardest time with my family supporting me. They are telling me that everyone that I "meet" on the internet is paid by the doctor's office to "lure" patients to Mexico and that you guys are not real. I am feeling so low right now because my mother and her Psychologist friend have just come to my apartment for an "intervention". They are telling me that since they've known me for my entire life that I don't have the will power to stick to eating 3 TBSP of food at a time. They're telling me that I'm going to "BUST" my pouch and die and that the bad decisions I make are going to effect their lives forever. My mom even told me that she doesn't want to be a mother again (to my daughter, who's 8), she just wants to be a granddaughter. I am full of tears and hoping someone here can offer me some comfort or reassurance that me going to a "THIRD WORLD" country with poor sanitation is the right choice for me. I'm 5'2, 278 lbs and been overweight since I was 8. I also have co-morbidities. My surgery is scheduled next week. Please help.
  4. Hi NiceGirl, If you are feeling weak, I doubt you're getting enough nutrients. Like everyone else said, get something to reduce the stomach acid. If one doesn't work, ask for a different one. There are lots of Protein powders and ready mixed drinks out there that do not contain lactose and their are also milks that are lactose free. So, fortunately, in 2010, they are making a lot of lactose intolerant products. Walking everyday will improve your mood and energy levels and carry a Water bottle with you when you go and listen to some good motivating music. Some exercise will also preserve your muscle mass. The body will lose muscle mass before fat if we don't get in enough protein. B-12 and/or B Complex - There are sublingual tablets and I personally like the gummies (red raspberry flaver from CVS...taste like gummy bears...small, easy to chew, and you can take more than one if you an energy boost). I've also seen sublingual liquids in a dropper that you hold under your tongue for 30 seconds and swallow. Wal Mart, CVS and GNC carries the liquid. Are you becoming dehydrated? make sure you get in enough liquids and protein to keep up your energy. If you are feeling this bad at a month out, you might want to schedule some blood work to see if something else isn't going on and to make sure your nutrient levels are adequate. Don't compare your weight loss to others. I'm sure you already know this and it's hard to do. I choose not to weigh myself daily. I don't keep a scale in my house. That way, I don't focus on pounds. How's your blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes? Were you on any meds? Have you been able to come off of any? (other than acid reducers) Hang in there; you are losing more than the recommended 2-3 lbs a week.
  5. Dalisgirl

    helpplease need advice

    I think the gas noises are normal. I had my surgery last Thursday, April 28th. It's Wed morning and all I had to drink was a few ounces of flavored Water and I am hearing all kinds of noises. I don't feel gas pain though. I don't worry about the noises. Lots of people experience diarreah. liquid in...liquid out. If it is so severe that you are becoming dehydrated...that is not good. You can increase your Fluid intake to prevent dehydration and take Immodium to combat the diarreah. If I have pain from drinking too much too fast, it is centralized right in the middle of my chest behind the breast bone and kinda stays there for a minute or so until I can do little burbs and it passes down. Sometimes it feels like little bubbles rising up and you can hear little noises. I still have pain behind the incisions when I cough or sneeze but You can tell it's more of a muscle pain not a stomach/esophagus pain. Your only a few days out, try taking a pain pill or some liquid tylenol to see if that helps. Call doctor soon if you don't get relief.
  6. Ok, here I go again. I am about to buy my tickets to Mexico for the second time. Nothing can stop me now! LOL. I am going to Dr. Aceves on Wed. April 28th, flying into San Diego and having surgery on April 29th. Just looking for others who are going to be at the airport with me. Thanks!
  7. Dalisgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    Thank you everyone!!!! Had my first challenge: Went into a Mexican store and was confronted with chips and pastries and candies of all kinds of wonderful fabulous flavors that they don't sell in the US. DANG! LOL! I had to leave them behind. I am doing good though. Sipping, walking and BREATHING!
  8. Dalisgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    well well well...after wanting weight loss surgery for 8 years, going to several US seminars, coming up with various scenarios for how to pay for it, cancelling out on Mexico TWICE....I am FINALLY SLEEVED!! Hip Hip Hooray! Lol...AHAHAHAHHA! I am in Mexicali RIGHT NOW. Hospital is fantastic. Nurses are superb and Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campos are great. I am so glad I came. I had to travel by myself, but I did it and I am alive to talk about it.
  9. Dalisgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    Hey Stcyt, Well the biggest worry for your family is already over, you're already sleeved and you're alive! So, I think with my situation, my mom's biggest fear is *Mexico* and surviving surgery. I have told my daughter and my mom. I'm not telling anyone else. After I start losing and the questions start rolling in, I am going to be honest, but not go into detail. Just say, I had surgery. If they are struggling with weight, I will answer as many questions as they have so I can perhaps help them with their own WLS decision. Skinny Minnies, I'll keep the details to a bare minimum.
  10. Dalisgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    Hi LapGyrl...I will have to check out your YouTube blog. I have rescheduled my surgery for Mexicali and I will be sleeved on Thurs 4-29-10. YEAH! My mom is finally starting to come around a little bit. Thank God. She still doesn't think I should go, but at least we are now able to talk without arguing and tears. I think what really helped is that I put her on the phone with one of Dr. Aceves' patients to help her understand the procedure better.
  11. I buy the Greek yogurt at Publix (I am in the South...Florida) and I get it at Wal Mart. It is in the Yogurt section with all the others in my stores. Look around the sour cream and cottage cheese areas...it's there. It's a little pricier than regular yogurts but not by too much. The plain is a great substitute for recipes that call for sour cream. Thanks for all of the well wishes!
  12. I have had SEVERE insomnia since I decided to get the surgery...not really because of fear, but just anxiousness and nervousness. I have tried Melatonin as a stand alone sleep aid...didn't like it. I also tried an all natural sleep aid that is sold on Home Shopping Network, HSN.com. I like those! But you have to order and wait for delivery. They contain Melatonin as well, but I didn't have the weird side effects with these. They also have Chamomile and Valerian Root (Which you can buy on it's on in a walmart or drugstore in the Vitamin section) in them. You can take between 1 and 3 pills depending on your needs. I take one and it's a very natural way to go to sleep. Two is more intense with a great feeling of sleepiness. I have found if I don't take something now that I know I'm having WLS, I will stay up all night reading blogs on computer and just having racing thoughts. I should take my own advice, but I think this might help: warm bath, no tv on while in bed, dark room, hot chamomile tea or non caffienated tea before bed, NO CAFFEINE, read until your sleepy. Or write in journal. Eating healthier will pass good habits on to your kids. You'll be more active with them as well. Media has kind of stuck in our heads that surgery is a cop out, but it's not! If someone had High Blood Pressure, first doc tells them to try and modify their diet and exercise. If that doesn't work, then they are put on medicine. Nobody looks at them like they are "coping" out. Sometimes surgery is just necessary to reach a better goal and maintain it. Surgery will put you on a LEVEL playing field with everyone else and make your goals more achievable without constantly feeling deprivation.
  13. Hey lovely ladies! Actually, I have tried the greek yogurt and to my surprise, I liked it! BUT...I only tried the one with HONEY!?!?! LOL! It had at least twice the carbs as the plain, but still less than the yoplait FF Light. I just dont know if I can eat plain yogurt? I need to search the recipe section.
  14. Wendylou, I am starting the pre op diet tomorrow. I actually did it a few weeks ago and I had cancelled my trip because of the Earthquake. I lost 8 lbs the first time. I think I've gained back 4 lbs of it. So, I start tomorrow. I do a lot of deli meat with cheese melted on it, Protein shakes (gotta be careful cause if prepared with milk...that's a lot of carbs), shrimp or fish (NOT fried), and eggs. Yogurts seem to have a lot of carbs so I only eat those if I am craving something sweet. I had cravings all 7 days but they did lesson as the week went on. I am going ALONE. I don't mind being alone, but I am nervous about the long plane ride home.
  15. Dalisgirl

    Dr. Aceves patient's...HELP!

    Everyone, thank you for your support! The Earthquake was on Easter Sunday. I was supposed to fly out at the crack of dawn on Tuesday morning. I was at my mom's house on Sunday and she told me I would be a fool if I flew to Mexico in the midst of aftershocks. She told me that her government job had just sent warnings out about Americans being killed in Mexico and she didn't think it was safe. She even went as far as to say that they might take out my kidney and sell it. I had her talk on the phone to a patient of Dr. Aceves and the next day, her answer was still NO. To boot, she told me that she planned on keeping $2000 because she needed it. I thought she was going to let me have that money to help finance my surgery. She makes GOOD money and lives alone. I was laid off last month and am a single mom. My husband died in 2007. At the last minute the pressure was on and I had to decide to go or stay. I am ashamed to admit it but I didn't go. I'm already regretting it. This is the second time I cancelled my surgery. I am so bummed out and disappointed. I even wrote a post advising someone else to forget about what their family says and get the surgery. I got scared because I didn't have my mom's support and I started worrying about how will I survive without the $2k that I thought I was going to get. I know I want the sleeve over any other surgery. I guess I will just have to wait and get it. Meanwhile, my life is absolutely miserable. I avoid mirrors. My daughter is embarrassed of me. I have no friends and am becoming a recluse. I look and feel WORSE than I did when I was 9 months pregnant. This is not the life I want to live. I'm just praying for a miracle to come through so that I can pursue my goal of having surgery. If anyone is reading this, I hope you have the power within to follow your dreams and not live a life of regret like myself. I hope to reschedule with Dr. Aceves in about a year and hopefully my finances will be better. To all of those who have supportive family and friends you are truly blessed. You should thank them. For all of you have parents willing to help you with your financing, you are also blessed. I too am blessed for having a forum like this in which to express myself and being able to walk. Thanks for reading.
  16. I found some rather tasty foods for people to try doing a pre op diet that is high Protein, low carb. Here are my food reviews: Hood Simply Smart Fat Free Milk - This does not taste like Skim Milk! It is thicker (but not too thick). Like the carton says, taste just like 2% milk. It has 90 calories for one cup. 10 g of protein per 8 oz. 35% Calcium and 35% Vitamin d. No artificial growth hormones. Also comes in chocolate. Both taste very good and richer than regular skim. Also great for children/spouses who are not sleeved who don't like Fat Free Milk. Stonyfield Organic Oikos Greek Yogurt - my 1st experience with greek yogurt. Thick, tangy/sour, but good in a different way. If you like regular yogurt, you might like this. A 4 oz cup of the HONEY flavor (honey is at bottom of cup) is 90 calories, 10 g of protein, 13 carbs. I would buy again. They have plain and other flavors too. Bistro Sensations - sold at wal mart, they have a few different flavors. They are chicken sausages. I have the Smoked Mozzarella w Artichoke and Garlic. Yum. I've tried 3 flavors, they are all delicious. Sold by the hot dogs. 1 link is 110 calories, 2 carbs and 16 g of protein. Excellent flavor and non sleeved family members will also enjoy in a bun. We can eat ours just grilled or baked. I just put on a piece of foil in the oven for about 10 min on 400...Nice and browned. Sam's Choice Stuffed Chicken Breasts - in frozen food low freezers at wal-mart. Three cheese & Jalapeno and Pepper Jack/Swiss/American Cheese & Bacon stuffed chicken breasts. This is a heat and eat, which may be good for some. Jalapeno ones are 230 cal for a 6 oz chicken breast, 34 g of protein and 4 carbs. Pepper Jack ones are 260 cal, 3 carbs and 37 protein. Yum! Again, another food product that a non sleeved family member would enjoy. Oh, these come in about 5 flavors. I just picked the two with the lowest carbs for my pre-op diet. Hope this helps someone. :confused1:
  17. Dalisgirl

    Financing w/ Aceves

    I financed with My Medical Loan for Dr. Aceves and there is a fee of $500 that they charged me. A one time fee that the finance company charged. I only was approved for $7000 with a "Health One Visa". I was going to pay the rest out of my checking account and use my debit card. Dr. Aceves' office charges a 3% fee for using a credit card. If you use a money order, cashiers check or travelors checks, you can avoid the 3% fee. You can try for a personal loan with your bank or credit union to avoid the finance charges.
  18. Dalisgirl

    Mexicali---any updates?

    Oh...Citygal.... I'm SUPPOSED to fly down at the crack of dawn tomorrow and I have been up ALL night (til 7 am) watching the News. I do not know what to do as of yet. So confused and now feeling stressed. My daughter is on Spring Break this week, perfect time for my surgery. Otherwise, I might have to wait until summer. Was SOOOO looking forward to this and am wondering if I should cancel and just pay the extra and go local. And I have seen reports of aftershocks! Been a lot of Earthquakes...Haiti, Chile, Mexico.
  19. Dalisgirl

    Earthquake near Mexicali

    Hi Ruth, Please post whatever Nina tells you. I don't want to inundate her with calls/emails but I'm scheduled to arrive on TUE for surgery on WED. Yep, you're right...gotta love the drama! And my mom sounded thrilled that there's a chance I might not be going....LOL. (She is not happy I'm getting surgery and that I'm going to Mexicali.)
  20. Dalisgirl

    7.2 Earthquake near Mexicali and Tijuana

    My surgery is scheduled for Wednesday and I am scheduled to arrive on Tuesday 4/6. I am extremely worried now and wondering if I should cancel. I don't have long to decide. IF anyone is there, please respond with how things are going? I've seen pictures of cracked roads and broken down buildings. ??? I pray that everyone is doing well. I am about to email Nina and hope that her email is up.
  21. Many doctors only require a pre-op diet if your BMI is over a certain number. Dr. Aceves requires it for patients with a BMI over 40. (I think...or is it over 50?...mine is 51, so I can't remember.)
  22. LOL...Well, I live in Florida, not New England. But, also, if your grocery store doesn't carry a specific product, ask the store manager if they can order it in. People request items all of the time.
  23. I bought that milk at Publix. If you have a health food store in town, they may sell it there as well. I don't see Hood brand products too often. BTW...the chocolate milk has more carbs than the plain.
  24. Hello Sleevers, This is my 1st post. I've been lurking on the website off and on for a few weeks and have found the information here very useful. I am going to Mexicali on Tuesday, April 6th and am having surgery on the 7th. I hope to meet someone else before I get there. I am quite nervous because I regularly read the posts about leaks and other complications and I am praying that I have no problems. I'm also traveling alone and have about a 10 hr. trip back home to Florida. Plus, my PCP doesn't know yet! I will call for an appt. tomorrow. I am 278 now, highest 290 a few months ago and I'm only 5'2. I've been overweight since I was 8 years old. My PCP thinks that WLS is too extreme and that I can lose weight on my own (low carbs, exercising, don't eat after 5 pm, and no soda). Hmph! :sad0: I have hypothyroidism and don't know if that is prohibiting my weight loss success or not. I've done Weight Watchers several times and Jenny Craig twice and other diets. Even had a personal trainer. The weight just doesn't come off. I've never lost more than 20 lbs & after several attempts become frustrated, feel defeated, give up and gain the weight back plus some. I'm starting my one week pre op diet on Sunday. :wink0: Thank you.
  25. Hey Grace! Thanks for the post! I'm gonna take your advice and suck it up, get on the plane early and ask for the extender. It can't be that bad...right? I'll just keep telling myself, this is why I'm having the VSG done in the first place, for a better quality of life.

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