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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by jmaclary

  1. LeeLee, I don't think you're paranoid. So many people just don't understand what this surgery is all about. They have probably heard some "juicy" story about a bad surgery, and that's all they know about. I actually got tired of my weight running my life. My husband is an executive and I was always the fatest wife at an event, etc. I told everyone about my surgery. I told my office because I'm very close to my staff and they are very supportive. Also, my boss needed to know why I would be out for a week and a half. I told my family and my two sisters and mom have been quite supportive. My dad on the other hand, doesn't get it since he's very active and a very heathy eater. He didn't think I needed the surgery. BUT he has called me every week to see how I feel.

    Bottom line -- I just wanted the whole mess out in the open. One of my bosses told me he thought I was courageous for taking this step.


  2. Hi! My names is Jeanine and I am three weeks post-op today. I've lost 25 lbs so far. I've been lurking on this site since about a week before my surgery. Everyone here seems so educated and caring!

    I have been married to the sweetest, kindest man in the world for 30 years. We never had children due to unknown infertility problems. We do, however, had three beautiful and quite spoiled Shih Tzu -- Stuart, Bentley and Isabel.

    When we married, I weighed about 125 lbs. When I graduated from high school (a million years ago), I weighed 115 lbs. Over the years, I put on 10 lbs here and 10 lbs there, and couldn't stop. I've tried every diet out there -- Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Physician's Weight Loss, QuickTrim, etc., and kept many gyms in business. :crying: I'd lose the first 20-30 lbs., get to a plataue, get discouraged and stop trying.

    I thought about gastric bypass and then the lap band for many years. I went to a seminar given by a local doctor about five years ago but my insurance didn't cover the surgery. I couldn't afford it myself. Recently, my husband got a bonus and we decided to use it for the gastric sleeve surgery. He is so supportive!

    I started at 275 and am now at 250. Of course, I want it all gone now! :sad0: I have had a very easy time of it considering the posts on this site. I have had NO pain. Not even immediately after surgery. I felt like crap for a few days but I'm sure that was the anethesia and other meds they gave me in the hospital. I spent one night in the hospital. I filled my pain and nausea prescriptions but never used them. I'm a bit run down but I'm hoping that gets better soon.

    Anyway, I'm new to this site and wanted to say "hello" and thanks for all the information!:blush:


  3. Congratulations on the comments. I am three weeks out, so not much to compliment yet. My husband is my biggest supporter and he says he sees a difference already. I've lost 15 lbs so far.

    Several people have mentioned that I took the easy way out. OMG! If I hear one more person tell me that, I'm going to scream. I totally disagree with that statement. You only have to read these posts to see what everyone is going through . . . and it is not easy. For most of us, it was a last resort.


  4. Maggie, I'm new to this forum so this is my first post! :001_smile:

    I had my sleeve done on 3/22 so we are at about the same place. I lost 20 pounds the first two weeks and now into my third week, and nothing. I think I may have hit my first slow down already! It's funny 'cuz when I dieted before surgery, I would get to the 20-30 lbs lost mark, and not be able to lose. Maybe my body doesn't want to be below a certain weight? Who knows? But now that the surgery is done, I have no choice but to wait the slow down out.

    Hang in there!


  5. Meesa! I just joined this group and I am exactly one week away from my surgery too! Monday 3/22 12 noon. I have waited so long for this, did tons of research, etc. so I feel I'm ready. But, like you, I am very nervous. I'll be checking back to this thread to see if there are any answers to your questions about liquids and words of wisdom!

    Good luck! God bless!


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