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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Frankie

  1. Andrea - big congrats on hitting 100 lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!! You must feel amazing- way ato work your sleeve.

    Things are going well for me. I hit my goal of 145 at the 4.5 month mark but then decided to go for a few more. I am now 129 lbs. I still get thrilled seeing lower numbers on the scale but really don't want to lose anymore - I just replaced my whole wardrobe with 4's and 6's and don't really want to have to do it again - LOL. Plus the lower I get the more loose skin there is! So I need to start working on maintenace. I plan on gettting my BMR measured as soon as I have time to schedule it. One of the medical centers has a wellness program where they do that testing. I figure that will really help me determine how many calories to maintain. I am currently eating around 1000-1200 and carbs are around 75-100 depending on how much fruit I eat that day.

    Hope everyone else is doing great.


    VSG 3/22/10

  2. Mini-me,

    I not sure since I am in the same boat that you are. I picked a goal of 145 since it seemed like a good weight for a 5'5" 50 y.o. I figured I could maintain at a normal BMI and still be able to eat enough to have a "decent" way of live. Well I hit that weight a few weeks ago at 4.5 months out. Then I decided I should go on to the 130's for some weight lee-way. I hit 135 this morning and yet I can't seem to make myself start going towards maintenance. My thought this morning was - maybe I should get down to 128-130. The skin is holding up OK but I have noticed in the last week or so that the lower I go the more loose skin there is. So I know that I need to stop now or very soon. I also want to go on a very large shopping trip and want to be at a stable weight when I do (and don't want to be so low that in a few months the clothes won't fit). I have increased my calories from 800 up to 900 or so. And tonight I may get up to 1000 if I have another snack (Zestar apples are in our local organic market and they are wonderful). My plan is to keep exercising but I am going to get my basal metabolic rate tested so I will know what it is and not just be guessing from doing the calculations on the computer. And then I will base my calories on how much I exercise that day and what my weight is doing. Or at least that is my plan right now.

    It will be interesting to see what others have to say and hear any advice.

    Best of luck. You have done great.


    VSG 3/22/10

  3. Booklean - you sound like you have done so well and will soon be at goal also! Congrats to you. I didn't really have any one problem area. I have always had ugly thighs so that would be it. Everything else has been proportional. I am lucky that I have always had a small stomach (or at least I always have when I haven't been overweight). I really have only been doing cardio since surgery. I live in Minnesota so in the summer months I take advantage of being outside. But once it turns cold out I am going to join a gym and start working on the weight training to further tone up. Good luck and I will be watching for you getting to goal!


  4. Just wanted to share with everyone that I reached my goal in 4 and 1/2 months!!! I started as a 50 y.o. lightweight with surgery weight of 213 and today I am at my goal of 145 - that's 68 lbs lost in a little over 4 months. I set my goal at 145 because it is a normal BMI (I am 5'5") and should be easy to maintain. But I think I will go for 10 more pounds to 135. This hasn't been the easy way out since I worked for every single pound lost. I did not just let the sleeve do the work - I have been exercising since surgery starting with walking 3 miles/day and then adding in biking. I am currently biking around 75-100+ miles a week along with brisk walking most days (Yes I do work full-time also and have a family). I have had no problems, can eat anything and have never been sick from the sleeve. I have been good about staying on the diet of 800 calories with 30 grams of carbs. I figured I had 80% of my stomach removed and paid thousands of dollars out of pocket I was going to work this thing as hard as I could. I haven't dealt with any hair loss yet but don't think I am totoally out of the woods since I recently read that for some it doesn't start until 6 months post-op. But I am keeping my fingers crossed. I am not going to go for plastics because everything has recovered just fine and should continue to get better as I add more weight training into my workouts. I think the girls are better than before now that all that back fat is gone! Yuk.

    So for those of you just researching good luck and I do recommend the sleeve. I am not going to say I love my sleeve like most people do - don't get me wrong I like it A LOT. But I think I will save the proclamation of love for a year out when I see how well I do with maintenance.

    Best of luck to everyone.


    VSG 3/22/10

    Dr Aceves

  5. I laughed when I read you were going crazy without a scale while on vacation. I can so relate!! We spent a week at the beach this summer and I was going nuts. I finally made my husband go with me to a Walmart one evening (it was close by but I would never shop at a Walmart!) because I knew they would have some scales and I could weigh myself. I surprised myself and lost weight while we were at the beach. Hope you have a great time!


    VSG 3/22/10

  6. Weird to hear this. My mother suffers terribly from nervous legs but has never taken Tylenol PM (she gets the good stuff and doesn't need OTC). I however have started taking it in the last few months since I have always been a lousy sleeper. But it hasn't given me any problems. I will keep a watch out for it since I have had nervous legs before but usually related to a cramped space like an airplane. Thanks for the info!


    VSG 3/22/10

  7. I am also going to chime in and say you will get wonderful care with Aceves and group in Mexico. I too could have gone anywhere in the US and have no problem paying for it. But since I was going alone (just easier for everyone) I just thought staying at a hospital for 3 days was the way to go. Oh and I am very picky since I am an RN.

    As far as the stats go with losing weight I don't know the details but I am just a little over 4 months out and I am at a normal BMI and about 3 lbs from my goal weight. Have lost over 65 lbs since surgery on 3/22/10. So no one should have any worries about surgery with Aceves - they will do their very best.

    Good luck,


    VSG 3/2210

  8. Keep up the good work and way to go!! I do think that really working hard to get lots of exercise has helped me lose the weight. I also started as a light weight and am 50 with a metabolism that isn't like it was when I was in my 20's. We both had our surgery in March and will be at goal before we know it. Keep working it!


    VSG 3/22/10

  9. Wow Achopp - you are down 78 lbs! Way to go - you can make it - halfway there!! Things are going well for me. I am trying to stay focused and really work my sleeve (excersing a lot). I want it to make goal so bad and soon. I have 11 more pounds to get to goal of 145. I am 5'5" and 50 years old so I thought 145 is a reasonable weight for me to be able to maintain and is a healthy BMI. Truthfully I would like to get down in the 130's but I will have to see (I have 2 skinny sisters who weigh in the 120's and it would be fun to get close to their weight again).

    Hope that everyone else is still doing well and rocking their sleeves!


    VSG 3/22/10

    Dr Aceves

  10. I am from Minnesota. My clinical nursing background was in Labor & Delivery but for the last 10 years I have been building, designing, implementing an electronic medical record for a large health system here. I am 50 years old, have not been overweight my entire life - just the last few years - I think it is the slowing metabolism along with the awful Minnesota winters with too much eating. I had my VSG done in Mexico on 3/22/10 [my health insurance didn't cover the sleeve and I didn't meet their BMI requirements] and I am down 53 lbs with only 15 more to go to goal! I have taken care of 100's of post-op patients over the years but this was the first time I ever had surgery. I must say the spinal duramorph is the way to go for post-op pain free recovery.


  11. I am so sorry you are having a hard time. Those first few weeks can really stink. Just hang in there it does get better. I would call your doctor and see about increasing your dose of PPI to 2x/day. That is what I had to do after about a week out. After 2 months I then went back to 1x/day (hopefully will get off of it someday but I am not worrying about it now).

    I can tell that you know you should be following your doctor's diet and not advancing early so I don't need to say much about that except pull yourself up and start following his/her guidelines as far as the diet goes. You do not want to risk that staple line.

    As far as those jobs go - yes you WILL be a loser in the biggest sense of the word!!


    VSG 3/22/10

  12. I was weeding the garden yesterday, stood up and my pants fell down to my ankles. Ooops!!! Luckily I was alone.

    On the last notch on my belt.


    I laughed out loud so hard - I wish I had been there! I can so relate because none of my pants fit me anymore and I have gone through all of my small sizes.:scared0:


    VSG 3/22/10

  13. Delawaregal -

    So sorry to hear that you are having a hard time. I do agree that first month is not great. I really had no problems at all but did not have a ton of energy like I normally do. That was probally the hardest for me - I just couldn't accomplish in a day what I normally do. It took about 8-9 weeks before I felt like myself energy wise. But I promise you it does get better and your energy will increase. I now have my normal energy level back - I work fulltime, bike about 15 miles every day and also try to get in a brisk 3 mile walk. As for your not being hungry I have never really felt hungry per se but certainly always look forward to eating even in the beginning. I would just advise you to keep trying to get your protien in and really focus on staying hydrated.

    Hang in there!!


    VSG 3/22/10

    Dr Aceves

  14. Butterfly - there are a number of folks on here who have had the band to sleeve revision. I am sure one of them will chime in. I have just had the sleeve and have had no problems at all and am losing great. The one thing that I do know from reading posts is that you want to have someone who has lots of experience with doing revisions since they are harder. I do know that Dr Aceves is supposed to have experience with revisions.

    Good luck.


    VSG 3/22/10

  15. Congrats on the 50 lb mark!:thumbup: That is a major accomplishment and I know that you must feel great. I also hit the big 50 this past week and have been dancing around ever since so I know how excited you are. We are very close in surgery date and starting weight so we must be on the same path. Keep up the great work! I also hope to get to somewhere around 135 - 145.


    VSG 3/22/10

    SW 213

    CW 160

  16. I am sorry that you are feeling bad. I am not sure what to say to make you feel better except that the sleeve is just a tool that you will have to work hard to lose weight. So I wouldn't go into surgery feeling guilty for "taking the easy way out" because having major surgery is not the easy way. Nor are all the choices you have to make after surgery the easy way out. I have worked extremely hard since surgery making the right choices every day and getting out and sometimes exercisng 2 hours a day. This was one of the hardest and best things I have done for myself and there is absolutely no guilt what so ever! Just think that you are doing something positive to make your body healthy. You may need to talk with a WLS couselor before surgery regarding your thoughts to make sure you are really ready for this. Good luck with everything.


    VSG 3/22/10

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
