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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by SParkle

  1. I'm 11 months out and seem to be maintaining - not really lost anything since January. I'm still a little over target but my Dr said he was quite happy and didn't seem to think I'd loose much more.

    I am eating what I want to, with the odd treat and seem to shift between the same 4 or 5 lbs. If as some say, I eat solid Protein then i can still feel amazing restriction, so I know its not stretched much at all. So I can also feel a big difference with the the ease that a slider food gives, so these are my occasion treats.

  2. I also lost quite a bit of hair and asked my hairdresser about going lighter - she said no way would she even consider it. Now, at almost 11 months out I have a load of new growth, and have done for a while now.... its almost 2 inches long now so hiding the thinning nicely.

    Stick with it as it is, change your parting to hide it a bit more, wear bandanas etc.... it'll come back, just keep taking the Vitamins and Biotin and making sure you get your Proteins in.

  3. Good topic Suzanne

    I'm thankful -

    - to my husband for giving me this chance to restart my life.

    - To the internet for finding this site and all the support I got pre and post op, information etc

    - To my surgeon and his team for the operation and support they have given me throughout

    The list could be endless... but those are the main ones for me.

  4. I've just had my birthday, 9 months post op.... and we went for a meal too..... although hubby ordered and I just picked off his plate.

    I think the spa is a nice idea, but perhaps be careful of massage, esp. where your stomach area is concerned - perhaps check with your surgeon first before booking anything massage related, in case it damages your sleeve. There are plenty of other treatments you could have without any concern at all, manicure, pedicure, head massage etc etc....

    But I know exactly where you're coming from, I have lost all interest in food.... which is really weird for me. I have no desire to feed other people either, and whereas we did quite a lot of entertaining, now I shy away from having to cater lots of food for people which just makes me feel quite nauseous at the sight of it!

  5. I did Optifast, and found it ok tastewise.

    I think the reason I managed ok with the pre op was that I got my head around the fact my life was going to change, forever...... and this pre op diet was the last actual diet I EVER had to do, and stick to for that to happen and for my life to change.

    My hubby paid for my surgery, so my role in it was to stick to the pre op in order to make sure I was a healthy as possible for surgery.... it is hard, but steer clear of the tv if possible. Spend the time researching your surgery, reading the forums and also looking at photos or video of other sleevers for inspiration....wear blinkers for your journey to and from work.... trust me, you'll get thru it. It'll not kill you to stick to it, but missing out on surgery 'cos you cheat on the pre op will be totally disastrous for you after such a build up.

    You CAN do this... we all have... so dig deep and think of where you'll be in a months time.

    Good luck,

  6. I can't really help too much on which Proteins as I was on Optifast for a week pre op, but if you do a search you'll find a lot of details come up under the Pre and Post op diet section.

    You'll be fine... just keep in your head this is the last 'diet' you'll ever have to do.... stick to it to maximise your weightloss before surgery and ensure your Dr is happy with everything, and before you know it you'll be posting from the losers bench.

    Good luck

  7. Tell them you didn't ask for their approval, you wanted their support. Maybe they will turn it around and surprise you. Some people don't realize how negative they sound until you tell them.

    I like this response too..... your original post is one of the reasons I only told 2 people - my husband and my best friend. No one else knows, as I know I would have to fend off the ones who would judge me for doing it. I know there are lots the would support me, but for me, the emotional issues behind my weight have been there for years, and I would cry when talking things thru with people so I wanted to protect myself from that.

    I chose to opt out of the support network, but have this board for support and advice, and my Dr and his team who are brilliant. My husband, bless him is amazing beyond words, and I thank him for this chance at a new go in life for me.

    Yes you're young, but you deserve a great life... the sleeve will give that to you, if I could have known what I know now when I was your age, I would have done it then and saved myself years of grief and stretch marks!!

    Go for it... we're there for you even if your friends aren't.

  8. Hiya!

    Sounds like you're doing great! - I can eat about the same if I go slow, but still feel amazingly tight restriction on what I consider 'normal' eating speed....and as I have more or less maintained since the New Year think I might just go with the normal speed and stop at that to help shift the last few lbs. I have lost this week which is the first time I've got this low, so am well happy with that, and will use that feeling to spur me on this week to shift the gear up a little and achieve my normal BMI.

    I am able to eat a little more cottage cheese than I used to, maybe 3/4 cup, but something like chicken, I can maybe eat about half a small breast and thats it, stuffed! I find bread fills me up way too quickly so I tend to keep clear as a rule, maybe just once or twice a week I'll have a small slice.

    Keep in touch hun!

  9. My Dr said no lifting for 6 weeks..... as I help my husband out with his concerts it meant I had to take a roady vacation! Its not worth risking anything happening and damaging your sleeve, you've been thru so much to get this far. The last thing you need is to go back in for any reason and risk being off limits for even longer.

    I think the 2 week mark was when I felt 'normal' again, I thought I did before then, but once I reached it I realised I'd been fooling myself.

  10. Well I think I found part of my problem. I don't think I can tolerate artificial sweetener. About 20 minutes after I had some tea with sweet and low I started dry heaving. As soon as I drank it it stated feeling weird in my stomach. Same thing happens when I drink crystal light. Apple juice and Water with plain lemon does not do that. I was also able to eat a whole piece of shaved deli roast beef. Tonight do not feel nearly as "yucky" as I have the past week.

    Hopefully this will help more as you stay off it to test it then.....but I certainly found I was terrified to drink anything more than a tiny tiny sip or 'eat' anything as well.... which I think helped loads with my mindset about food in general. It will get easier but as Tiff says time is the thing now.... stick with it, you're doing great, it will take time for your body to adjust and for your mind to catch up with it, but boy you'll be on cloud 9 when you do!!! Try to ignore the tough bits at the moment, and think of how brave you have been doing this, and set yourself some goals longer term to look forward to. Your emotions will even out and you'll be rockin' that sleeve!

  11. I got the call from Dr. Higa's office a few minutes ago saying Blue Cross had approved me today! My date is March 18th, 10 days before my bday! Super excited, nervous, scared, relived, stressed all wrapped up in one. Please send prayers my way folks.:amen:....We need a rock on smiley on here.

    What a fabulous birthday present!! You'll be fine, just give it all for the pre op diet, and you'll be posting back here again before you know it...good luck - keep us informed.

  12. I think I've improved health wise since the op.... my asthma has stopped, as has my rhinitus, and I've not had a cold or sore throat at all since the op... despite mixing with people that have had really bad colds, and husby having had one too......

    Maybe I'm just lucky!

  13. Congrats!! I've just started jogging, combining it with power walking to get used to it until my fitness levels improve, but feel so buzzy after each time I can't wait until I can even jog around our long block(about half hour) let alone run it!

    I NEVER thought I would want to go running, but this is my way of starting it... so I'm right there with you all!!

  14. Hiya

    Maybe its something in the Water at the moment, as I was sleeved about a month before you, but seem to be static at the moment, although I'd like to shift another 10-14lb ideally. I'm wondering have I got 'there' or can I still loose more... my Dr said if I pick up my exercise that I should be able to lose a bit more... so thats what I am doing.

    Maybe try the 5 day pouch test again to see if you've increased amounts a little without realising.

    Either way... good luck.

  15. Hi and welcome

    I'm an expat, who was also done privately... and am also adopted so can understand where some of your thoughts are coming from on that side of things.

    Congrats on making the huge decision, and I assure you things do get better... I'd say the first 2 weeks are the hardest, but you'll soon be past them and on the fast track down the BMI scale. Take it easy, it'll happen quick enough.

  16. Glad to hear you're back on track and doing ok now.....

    The way I approached it was to think this is the LAST diet I'll ever be on. Hubby paid for my op, all I had to do was stick to the pre op diet, get the op and stick to the post op... which is easy as you'll not want to eat much anyway!

    8 more days to go? Then its the last 8 days of a diet for you.... EVER! What better gift can you have, keep that in mind and shift the most you can before your op and you'll be putting yourself up there for an easier time post op, and less risk the more weight you can shift.

    Good luck - you'll be fine.

  17. My Dr saw me in hospital and each day until I left on day 3.... then one week post op, then one month post op, then 3 months post op.

    I saw one surgeon who does all his post op stuff online, you email the blood test results to him... so presume if you have a problem you would just go to the emergency room.

    Chat to your surgeon and tell him your concerns, see what they say.

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