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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SParkle

  1. He didn't want me on it long term... at my one month check up prior to that he said take 2 a day for the first month, then one a day... but as i was still getting acid he said take 2 a day for another month, then one a day and see how I get on. After another month then as and when I need it, max one a day. I have a check up in about a weeks time so will review it with him. But I have to pay for the Nexium, and they're not cheap!! So its in my interest to try and wean myself off as soon as the time is right.
  2. SParkle

    weight watchers anyone?

    I did WW from Nov to April pre op... and lost 21lbs. I found it quite good, as it had smaller portions than other diets I had tried. I'm not sure I would be able to even get near the amount of points they would allow you to have each day tho.... not sure how that works - but maybe you could go along and have a chat to them.
  3. Something I found useful was to get rid of all tempting foods from the house.... and stock up on things I knew would be ok my my post op diet. It made me feel great knowing that there was nothing 'calling ' to me.... apart from the fact I wasn't hungry.... You'll be great, just take it easy and do the sippy Water and walking....but you'll feel on cloud 9 at having got the op over and done with finally...... nothing really feels better than that, and each day you'll feel better and better. Good luck
  4. Yes it has - thanks very much for that - keep us informed how you get on.
  5. Well done Mini Me - Its lovely to read as we're about the same, I was touch heavier than you, and you're a bit taller than me, but its nice to know I could be almost at goal (( I am aiming for 140lbs to start with) in a few months time. Can I ask have you upped your calorie /food intake at all, and how much you are losing at the moment? I seem to have stabilized after a fairly quick start then some weeks of hardly anything going to lose about 1-2lbs a week at the moment, but think it may slow down nearer to 'goal'.
  6. SParkle

    Got to have...

    I know i loved the savoury vegetable juices - we get one here called V8 which is lush! i got so tired of all the sweet Protein drinks so it was a welcome change. Keep rocking that sleeve - you're doing really well.
  7. SParkle

    one week post-op

    COngrats! Do take it easy going back to work so soon..... but I do admire you for going thru with it after all your husbands issues - hes done fab too now! You'll soon be posting even more weight loss so keep up the good work.
  8. I never ever thought I would say this, but I'm finding it hard to eat stuff as I just don't really fancy anything. I can manage chicken, beef and fish, but not pork, but I just don't really desire anything. I find myself still having a Protein shake each day to make up my protein as I'm getting bored with my food choices. I'm having cottage cheese with chilli in it, for some spice but things like deli meats, eggs....well they're just not doing it for me. Anyone else feel like this?? The not feeling hungry thing is great, but I know I need to eat something for the protein and also to help lose weight. Having been a compulsive eater for years this is just so left field for me its weird!!!:wink0:
  9. Les - one of my issues is getting the variety in.... veg is low down on my priority list, so I try and make sure I get some fruit each day anyway if I don't get veg..... if we eat out I might nab a bit of veg off hubbys plate! like you we order different things so i get a bit of variety without having to way over order. I am conscious of carbs but don't avoid them - I find Cereal in the morning gives me a good carb hit and sets me up for the day, then I?ll have a protein shake mid morning, as I have found if I have it early I am then not panicking I haven't had the protein quota for the day later on. Good luck with breaking the onederland barrier.... I expect we'll be hearing your cheers very soon! :001_smile:
  10. Aww... thanks! I have found it a bit easier this past week.... spicing things up a bit has helped and I can still stomach it as well which is a relief.
  11. I chose not to tell, because when you do you'll have the same conversation 'why'..... and for those that don't understand it'll get harder and harder..... I still get the 'why do you want to loose more' question.... and they don't even know about the op....I don't think I could face the great surgery debate with everyone as well, some things, for me are best just kept private.
  12. SParkle

    Unconscious Eating

    I used to eat stuff without really thinking, but for me as soon as I started my pre op it all just went away. Once you have the op you may find like I did that you become VERY conscious of everything you have to eat or drink... chewing like mad to make sure it's mush once you get onto solids, splitting pills in half or crushing them as you can't face swallowing something that big..... Don't worry too much about it.... you'll need to be wary the first few weeks while you heal,. but you can still eat everything long term. Good luck with your surgery.
  13. SParkle

    Favorite Transition Foods

    I got tired of cottage cheese until I started to jazz it up a bit with chilli, lime zest, a squeeze of lime juice and some cilantro... yummy!!
  14. SParkle

    NSV: new clothes!

    Congrats!! Its so strange isn't it? Not knowing what size you are and having to keep trying smaller and smaller until you get the fit you want.... normally I would have picked the largest size.... I've been trawling thru 2nd hand shops to stock up on new things which don't cost much, got 6 items all for one euro each this week... and feel a million dollars in them. like others I'll be happy doing that until my weight settles and then maybe I?'ll invest in some which cost a bit more like some decent fitting jeans etc. Keep up the great work - I see you're just over half way now.... way to go!!
  15. I've recently seen a few episodes of Man Vs food..... where a guy goes round doing some of these food challenges - Eating a 72oz steak plus multiple trimmings/side dishes in less than an hour..... and Its really made me think about all my fellow sleevers out in the US. Here in Spain we go out to eat at least once a week, and I'll have a starter and maybe I'll finish it over the course or an hour or so, maybe 'll take some home with me. But all the portions of 'normal' food I saw served up in the US restaurants seems HUGE by comparison..... Now I even look at my husbands dinner and feel quite queasy at just looking at the size of it....before I could happily sit down and have a larger portion than him, now I am happy with my 3 or 4 oz portion of whatever..... Its amazing how quick my attitude has changed after almost 10 weeks....
  16. SParkle

    Bag it......

    Thanks Gary. After years of yoyoing up and down I have heard this idea many many times before, but never actually done it.....if I had I may have realised exactly what the weight meant to me.... a lb here and there doesn't seem much unless you can equate it to something... a child, a pet etc.....I know I'll never want to (or have to) carry around that extra bag again, and all the rest my new tool will allow me to shed. Bring it on!!
  17. SParkle


    I think all of us who are sleeved have thought the same.... I'll be the only one it doens't work for, nothing else worked so why should this?? Put it away..... box that thought up and mail it with no return address - it won't be you. You will rock your sleeve!! And you will make jaws drop when you walk into a room in the months to come. Good luck for Monday.
  18. Thats fabulous Dansha!! You're really working that sleeve!! And you're about 1/4 of the way to target, ALREADY!! Keep up the great work.
  19. Hi Chilo, Thats why I have been leaning towards taking it in the morning, as otherwise I forget! :001_tt2: Can't really work out if I produce more stomach acid at night when not eating /drinking, or during the day......I get the burn from it at any time, and have only had acid reflux in my mouth once, thank goodness!!
  20. Hi there Just wanted to wish you good luck! I'd take small things that you can snack on thru the day, maybe if you've been eating hot stuff you could get a food warmer (flask) which would keep stuff warm? Soup or a stew would work if you can eat them. I saw somewhere on the web the idea of bento boxes - which the japanese use, with small compartments for each food group. At the moment I am into cottage cheese which I spice up with chilli, lime zest and juice and coriander - I hate plain cottage cheese!! Also a touch of hoisin sauce is good too. Hope it goes well!
  21. Hi and welcome I beg to differ... 'several' may say that, but what about the lots that post their weight losses and swear its the best decision they ever made? Just look at peoples tickers for the proof. You may find that you're reading the threads which you're drawn to with the problems you have commented on.... hunger, poor weight loss, stalling etc.... but do check out the success stories too. A lot of people are the type to only post here when they hit issues, gas pain, stalls, etc.... but there are many which are happily losing and just don't bother to post their joy. I had about the same amount to lose as you do, I was a self pay. I spent years yoyoing back and forth. There really was no alternative for me.... or I'd end up severely obese in the end the way I was heading. You may lose it slower, as you may have a lower BMI, but you will lose it. I did have what I thought was hunger... but realised it was acid. I have to force myself to eat now to make sure I get in my daily amounts... never ever before have i felt like that. I lost quite quick to start with, then it slowed down, almost stalling for a while, now its picked up again and I'm loosing about 1-2 lbs a week, regularly!! I'm almost half way to my target of 140lbs after just 11 weeks. This is the one place where we will not be biased, but honest with you... and I still think you'll find the opinion comes back where we're happy with the decision we have made. Also I've yet to see a surgery site where they will be totally honest about all the issues you may encounter, I asked my surgeon about all of them and he agreed they could all happen to me..... but over all I still weighed up the risks and outcome and went thru with it. Its a serious life changing surgery, and you should be aware of everything you may encounter along the way so you can make an informed decision about it. Good luck - and do fire away with any questions.... thats what we are here for.
  22. I'm bumping this as its got so much information in it, and I've just had to search thru loads of posts to find it. Thanks for all the info everyone.... my Dr wants me off Nexium..... but slowly, so its good to read other peoples experiences.
  23. The white tongue is also a symptom of ketosis - which might be the first thing to look at if you've not already. I use a tongue scraper on mine..... which helps a lot. For more info check out this link that Mini Me posted in another post.
  24. Sorry to hear you've had a rough ride - don't even worry about your weight at the moment, just concentrate on getting better.
  25. Fantastic news - so pleased for you!! You'll make a beautiful bride.

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