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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SParkle

  1. i heard that too...... Jillian - can I ask when are you managing to drink so much and eat so much - are you stopping the liquids before and after eating or do you drink with your meals - I know from reading other posts although the surgeons say don't drink with meals as it means you can eat more as it slides thru the sleeve.
  2. Well I was done on 10th June so not too far behind you... and i seem about the same as Texas chick and Ntvtxn - able to eat small and often. I hoep they give you some answers when you do speak to your surgeon, or maybe get an xray done to see if theres any enlargement.
  3. Well done on making the decision.... it can't have been easy but we're rooting for you! Good luck - keep us informed when you get your date.
  4. Jillian - when was your surgery? I can barely eat 1/3 of a chicken breast, WITHOUT anything else..... I'm only 5 weeks out now, but I don't see how I could eat what you had. What size bougie did they say they used on you - I'm a 32f.
  5. Hi Gloria

    I hope you're ok - not seen anything posted from you in the last few days so thinking about you and hoping you're just busy recovering with no complications. Do post when you can.


  6. SParkle


    Thanks - not the case over here on the ones we can get, whether spanish or otherwise.............I think I am just too aware of what they put into them... or not as the case maybe.... sausages of any type have never been my favourite - if I have meat I want it to be 'proper' meat rather than processed.
  7. I'm now 4 weeks out and have moved onto soft foods.... my restriction is quite severe and tonight I had chicken breast, of which I managed to eat about one third.....couldn't fit anything else in at all. Please tell me how you manage to fit in your Protein and make the transition over to foods rather than Protein drinks, as at the moment I have been having 2 protein drinks a day and one 'meal' (maybe with a snack or two depending how I feel). But I don't think I can eat enough to get in 60g protein....if I scramble an egg I can't finish a whole egg.....
  8. Thats great news!! Well done!
  9. SParkle

    DOWN 30.5 pounds!!!

    Angie Thats great news - a fabulous holiday present!! Enjoy your break.
  10. I think I was scared as well about the changes I would have to make post op.... but for me the long term effect of the op outweighs those changes. I know I'd never be able to get to target on my own - I've tried for the past 20 yrs and not managed it.... the fact I may not be able to eat certain foods long term is worth that gamble. I can't comment about the cravings but I can say I don't feel hungry.,.... which for me is totally weird!I used to stand in front of the fridge looking for something to eat..... not now. Good luck with your decision
  11. My BMI was 35.8 at the beginning of my pre op diet, I'm 5ft 4.5 and was 208lbs. I can't really comment on the goal issues as I was told I could aim around the 140lbs mark....I may end up lower but I won't know until I get there. I know theres people on here who have gone lower than their original 'goal' and have to up their calories to maintain but I suppose everyone is different. I'm hoping I won't go too skinny, and I think I'll find it bizarre to think I have to actually gain weigth after having the surgery done to lose it all in the first place. But after 20 yrs of dieting, yoyoing and never really being happy with my body I am finally starting to see the light. I could never do this on my own - I know, I've tried. Even after reading all the stories on here about the fab weight loss during pre op diets I started to question the need for the sleeve in my life... but my life no longer is revolving around food.... I'm no longer hungry. This isn't something i regret doing. I wish you luck and I'm sure you'll get more response from others who are further down the line.
  12. SParkle

    No more Insulin!

    Great news - congrats!!
  13. SParkle

    I'm SCARED to eat!!!

    I started with mushies having far too large a portion ..... and just not being able to finish it... even tho it looked tiny it was still too big! Now I'm on soft foods I'm still having the same issue - my restriction is so much I can hardly eat anything more than about 5 bites of 'food'.
  14. Thanks Tiffykins.... I think the small meals thru the day might help... and will try adding another egg white to scrambled egg or omelette tomorrow. I had ham and eggs today and gave the yolks away but could only manage about 1 white and 1 slice of ham. I think I was really shocked at the amount of restriction.... but also relief that I don't feel hungry with it!
  15. I'm having a problem understanding the fact you'd even want to eat a whole box of anything when you've been sleeved.... why would you want to risk gaining when you've worked so hard and undergone major surgery to reduce your weight and live a healthier life? What does your Psych say about this? I used to have large portions, now my portions are SEVERELY reduced..... theres no way I would even want to try and 'test' my sleeve to see how much I could eat.
  16. Hi Gloria

    just wanted to check everything went ok... been thinking about you and hoping you're well on the road to recovery now without any complications.

    Take care


  17. SParkle

    Can't nobody hold me down

    Enjoy!! Good luck with it.... your excitement shows.. and is infectious!! ;o)
  18. SParkle

    My pre-op diet is driving me insane!

    I did a week of Optifast shakes and clear drinks... no caffeine or bubbles. Its possible, and I can honestly say I didn't cheat once. I figured if hubby was prepared to pay the huge amount of money for my new life, the least I could do was my part and stick to my pre op. It did me good sticking to it, if its any consolation... put my head in the right frame of mind for post op.
  19. SParkle

    my drain wound is still open

    Hi I had my op on June 10th. My drain was removed on 12th June, with no stitches, just a gauze to cover for the first day. I was told to swab with iodine and just leave open, I did that, and haven't had any issues at all. As far as exercise goes I 've only been walking and the past few days have been doing very gentle swimming but nothing more.... I want to make sure everything is 100% before I do any more. Have you voiced your concerns to your surgeon when you saw him? I hope it gets healed soon for you.
  20. HI Maryann and welcome. I'm sure you'll find loads of support and info on here to help you along you way. I hope your pre op is going well.... your op day will be with you soon enough and you'll be on the losers bench. Use the time pre op to get everything done around the house so you won't need to worry about it during the first week or so post op....as you'll feel pretty fatigued. Also prep what you can food wise, stock up on your clear fluids and broths..... etc. Good luck Kathy
  21. SParkle

    10 Days Out!

    Welcome to the bench!! Well done on your weight loss so far!
  22. SParkle

    Nervous about pre-op diet

    Well done... keep it up. Good luck
  23. SParkle

    Seeing is Believing

    I had that too.... the wall.... so much so I convinced myself I wasn't going to survive the surgery as I really couldn't even begin to think I would ever reach my goal. The only thing that made me go in was the nothing ventured nothing gained thing..... I had to try, I certainly wasn't going to get to goal on my own - as I'd proved so many times before. In a way we're all doing this alone... its us who has the surgery, the emotions etc etc..... unless we share with others, no matter if they are family colleagues friends etc. The good thing is you have us all here to help and support you..... At the end of the day you only get one life - and what you are doing will give you such a better one in a short space of time. Good luck.
  24. SParkle

    Made a mistake

    I'm on the side that says call your Dr just to make sure...I was told to wait 6 weeks for all clea on everything, so all i've been doing is walking and gently swimming....but the swimming has only been the last few days.

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