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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SParkle

  1. Wow- what a difference already!! You're doing a great job - keep it up hun.
  2. SParkle

    anyone get dizzy

    I've started to get this the past couple of days.... so will be interested to see what response you get. I put it down to the fact I need to drink more fluids..... but not sure really.....
  3. Something so simple, yet it explains so much - many thanks!!
  4. HI and congratulations. Each day does get easier and the first couple of weeks will pass by quickly for you... well done on your weightloss so far! Kathy
  5. SParkle

    Time Off Work

    I don't work on a daily basis but felt 'normal' after 2 weeks....If you're doing heavy physical stuff then I'd say take longer as the important thing is you don't risk getting a leak which would mean you'd need more time off anyway.
  6. SParkle

    A touch of the "blues"?

    I didn't really feel down at loosing a friend - food, but more that my life revolved around it... I'd eat sleep and breathe food, so couldn't work out how I would cope with that, but I did. I know a lot of people get the blues post op... whic his why its important you have sufficient post op support. If you do comfort eat then the only thing you turn to for comfort has almost totally gone... (cos you can eat so little post op). So you need to hang onto the fact this is happening to improve your life and health. Arrange things to do pre op to help keep your mind off things too much... I also felt a bit weird, possibly blue over the fact I failed myself by not being able to do this on my own, having to resort to such a drastic action as surgery to solve my weight problems. Good luck Kathy
  7. Hi there I was certainly obsessing about it all for months before my surgery.... joining this site in Feb and finally getting the sleeve in June. once its done it does ease off a little.... so you can channel your energy into the next 'project' that comes up in your life. I'm sorry to hear about your marriage issues.... hopefully you'll get this sorted out. Good luck
  8. SParkle

    Insane comments

    I hate the 'pretty face' comment, as all I can think is that they think the rest of me is fat!! The reasons quoted are some of the reasons I chose not to tell people..... they want to involve themselves in every part of your life if you tell them about the WLS. And yet who are they to you... I understand family and close friends are entitled to their opinions.. but apart from that I don't advise my neighbour about her weight ot health issues.... I let her live her life.. so let me live mine the way I choose to. Most of them aren't opinionated enough to stop you eating so you don't gain weight....so what changes when you do something about it and suddenly they want their say?? Where was their advice 3 dieting attempts ago??
  9. SParkle

    Newbie Medication Question

    I took my Nexium crushed to start with, and that tastes foul.... even mixed with water or anything.... but eventually I tried it cut in half and that went down ok... t me it seemed huge to start with that I didn't want to try it and get it stuck.
  10. SParkle

    Please help...

    I have no idea on the medical side as I'm a Uk ex pat.. but just wanted to wish you luck and hope you get this sorted soon.... sounds like a total nightmare. Be strong.... Kathy
  11. SParkle


    My Dr gave me clearance for swimming when my scabs were gone and scars healing up - ie no open bits at all. Then it was only for gentle stuff... not over exerting myself at all... I have been given full ok at 6 weeks out for my cardio stuff. If in doubt then don't risk it..... the last thing you want is an infection in your scars.
  12. SParkle

    Hello! I'm new.

    Hi and welcome I'm sure you'll find loads of information not to mention support on here... good luck with your pre op appointments. Kathy
  13. I felt 'normal' again at the 2 week marker.... before that yes, slightly irritable very weak and tired easily.... Good luck with yours.
  14. SParkle

    Gas gone?

    I can't honestly recall... as it seemed to go gradually.... but I think after a week I was a lot better. But the bloating took a couple of weeks to go down for me. I still get loads of gurgles tho!!
  15. Thats what we're here for babe!! ;o)
  16. Hi Terri I'm so upset for you..... I know how hard this has all been and really thought you'd turned a corner. Maybe the solids might be too much if you're still having issues and he wants to be 100% certain everything is ok inside. I know as much as you as we're buddies... but I would have thought the starvation mode thing is likely - hopefully some long termers will come in on this with more ideas. I have also been very up and down on my weight... staying the same for a week then losing, so not classed as a stall, but slow. Remember as well you're at the lower end of the BMI scale so it may take a little longer - with the tickers I keep looking as well and its not fair to compare yourself to anyone with a higher BMI as it won't equate, they will lose quicker. Hang in there hun..... sending big hugs as i know how frustrated you are..... Kathy
  17. SParkle

    Laying on stomach?

    I think I was about 2.5wks before I did... it felt weird at first but ok after the first few times. I think its just when you feel its right and comfortable.
  18. SParkle

    Hiccups when full

    I don't get hiccups... but I'm not sure if thats just because I have gotten used to sensing when I am full and don't get too full.... so don't hiccup.... not sure. Do those who get them feel themselves getting nearly full before the hiccups start? I only get about 5 bites of food at the moment before the filling sensation starts for me, restriction is quite tight (bougie 32f).
  19. Congrats on your date. Your surgeon will give you a list of medication that you need.... mine wouldn't let me take anything else unless I checked with him first so don't waste your money of stuff which you may not be allowed to take. Also check up what you are already taking, including contraceptives to make sure they are compatible..... as some pills aren't allowed to be taken.
  20. Congrats! Not heard of the procedure but hope your recovery is a smooth one.
  21. SParkle

    Starting Pre-op diet

    For me I had a one week pre op diet, and I was so worried I'd not stick to it. But.... being aself pay I just kept it in my head that we were spending all this money to 'fix' me... after 20 odd years of dieting... so the least I could do was stick to the diet not to mention the health benefits of shrinking my liver, putting me in the best possible position for a major surgery, losing the most weight possible to give me a head start. Tips to help you have already been listed like eating seperate from family etc.... avoid temptation if you're likely to be tempted..... I didn't but my head just clicked into the right place. Stick a sticker on the fridge at eye level saying DON'T EAT!! Every time I went in the fridge for liquids I saw that, and it reminded me. It worked for me..... If you feel the urge then get out the house, go for a walk, get down the gym... anything but cheat on it. How do you imagine you would feel if they got in there, then closed you back up as you'd not shrunk your liver enough ?? Totally Gutted I bet. Good luck
  22. SParkle

    4 Weeks Post-op Today

    28lbs - you're doing great babe!! Keep up the great work and enjoy the solids!!
  23. Jillian - I had my one month check up today and something was said which might help you....we were talking about the fact that I thought I would have an issue with realising when I was full once sleeved, but infact i don't - i can sense that about 5 bites of food is enough and know not to go over that. I've not once slimed or been sick as a result. The shrink said that was great, as if you push your sleeve one day, it'll stretch a little to allow for that.... if you then push it a little more the next day it'll stretch a little more... etc etc day after day if this goes on you'll end up with a fairly large capacity.... thus be able to eat more, and possibly gain weight. When she said this I thought of you.... as I kow you've said you can eat quite large amounts.
  24. SParkle

    Pineapple juice...

    My nut allows fruit juice which have no added sugar - and no citrus based ones in the first 4 weeks.
  25. I lost 6lbs pre op.. then regained it all whilst in hospital. 1st week I lost 9.5lbs 2nd weeks 5lbs 3rd week 2.75lbs (stalling for a bit but shifting a little) 4th week 5lbs And I have stayed the same for the past week.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
