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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SParkle

  1. SParkle

    Volume of Food - Questions!

    Christie - I would say my eating capacity is about the same as yours - I certainly can't eat a whole chicken breast, - this weekend I tried fillet steak for the first time, cooked a small one at about 4ozs, and managed to eat about 2/3 of it, but it went down ok. Rebecca - my drinking started off pretty bad, small small sips... but now, over 9 wks out I can drink more or less normal size mouthfuls. If I have too much then I do get that 'funnel' feeling where it backs up slightly, but the larger amounts mean I'm certainly feeling less thirsty than I was. I'm only 5ft 4 in height tho so not sure where that affects it for me.
  2. You're looking fab Tiff - and have been such an inspiration on the board for all of us - thanks for all the information you've given - its invaluable.
  3. My Nut said I could try it about 8/9 weeks out... so I tried it but to be honest didn't really enjoy it. I don't as a rule drink much anyway as I am usually driving, but I tried wine which I had ice in and also watered it down. I've not tried spirits yet, but I'm in no rush to - empty calories in a way - I'd rather lose weight quicker and go without IMO.
  4. I would have leapt at the chance... my skin wouldn't have been so ravaged by yoyo dieting over the past 20 yrs - I would have been a healthy weight for the previous 8/10 years which to me would only have been a bonus.
  5. My Nut likes me to have several 'small' meals/snacks a day... so I find I am eating more times than I did before the op, but obviously so much less in quantity - which for me is really weird, as you associate it with not eating much. I've not been hungry since the op - any rumblings I have I think are just acid...so I have to keep reminding myself this is a good, different thing I am going thru. Weird!! LOL
  6. SParkle

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    Thanks - I weighed this morning and was a little disappointed to see only 0.75lbs down, but its still a loss. I did start tracking cals and protein, but seem to have slacked off with it so might try again and like you, up the calories a touch as i don't think I am getting that much the past couple of days anyway. Veg has taken a real back seat for me..... I do try and get some fruit in - i was cleared for all fruit, so have been having watermelon and grapes, which I know some people have problems with but I've been fine. I really don't like much more than that.....but I am still taking Vitamins, and having Cereal which is hi fibre to help in the bowel department. I think getting my head around the eating because we know we need to thing, rather than because we are hungry is the hardest for me....its almost as if I can't be bothered, so I'll have a drink instead of eating to keep fluids up. I don't have a support group, so use this board as mine... so thank you all!! :thumbup1:
  7. SParkle

    Arm Exercises

    Thanks Tiff - just what I was looking for. You're a star!
  8. SParkle

    Fitness for the unfit

    How about swimming - you don't have the pressure of your body carrying the weight, as the water does, so once you get clearance from your Dr it'd be great. I've been swimming since my Dr cleared me at 3 weeks out after my scabs hd come off and the scar healed up, and feel great for it.
  9. SParkle

    tired and weak

    The others are spot on... I only started to feel normal really at the 3 week point... but each day I felt a little better. If you're tired then do listen to your body and rest when you can - you've been thru a lot and need to give your body time to heal, esp after complications, and don't over stretch yourself at all. Good luck
  10. SParkle

    2 Months - 26 lbs

    Hiya We're only a day apart surgery wise and I think we're more or less level weight loss wise.... I weigh in on a weekly basis so will update my ticker tomorrow morning. I've been eating everything, but to be honest have been concentrating more on Protein, I find pork doesn't sit so well with me now - too heavy... but anything else goes down ok. I've not eaten a lot of bread or potatoes, so figure that if we're more or less level on the weight loss then it doesn't really matter whether we're picking more protein high stuff (like me) or more carb stuff - like your potatoes...) it seems pretty even either way. I've also been pretty up and down on the weight loss.... but have upped my exercise this past week having lost over 2lbs last week I thought it might help somewhat - watch this space! LOL Good luck and hang in there--- and also remember. the lower your BMI the harder it becomes - my Dr said it was equal to some one of a much higher BMI loosing double the amount I had when it came to my one month check up.
  11. Hi silvia

    Thanks for the photo comment... If you read my blog I have had a pretty normal time of it all... nervous as hell but loving it since surgery. Best decision I ever made IMO.

  12. SParkle


    I bought the BSN LEAN DESSERT range - these taste more like a milk shake than a Protein drink....I've not tried the banana based flavours as I don't really like bananas, but the choc fudge and cinnamon bun ones are lush!! How about trying to sell the ones you don't like on Ebay? It might be worth getting something for them even if you don't get it all back.
  13. SParkle

    How many oz?

    Hi Barbie and welcome. I'm sure you'll get some answers from the long term sleevers about portion size - I think most seem able to eat twice the portion size when they start out, over time. I'm coming up for 9 weeks post op, and can eat very small portions....but also noted that it depends on what I am eating.... hard Protein like chicken is perhaps harder for me than fish or seafood. This forum is very good for support and most questions on here help everyone so its worth reading through the posts for more information. Good luck with your surgery - lt us know how you get on with it.
  14. SParkle

    the ordeal

    Sounds like a traumatic trip... but you're safe now. Don't worry about the gain - I gained all that I had lost on my pre op which was upsetting, but I knew it would come off long term - It'll happen with you too. Take care....
  15. Its natural that you'll be scared...... but it'll come round son enough and be over with before you know it... I can't begin to think how quick the past 8 weeks have gone for me already. Good luck with your pre op diet.... do stick with it, it'll be worth it.
  16. Hi and welcome to the losers bench. I had problems peeing as they wanted me to measure everything I peed, so gave me a tub to put in the toilet which was uncomfortable to sit on.... so relaxing was an issue!! I wasn't released until I was up to 1litre a day... which was making sure I was hydrated enough. Good luck
  17. Hi there - good luck for your surgery.

  18. Hang in there - you're still very early days... and its true when people say it gets better every day - just take things easy and you'll find your body adapting. I slept on my side with a pillow propping me up after about 4 days....but only on my right side, getting onto my left side took at least a week more....
  19. Fantastic news to read.. well done. You'll soon be at goal and houting it from the roof tops!!
  20. SParkle

    *** Shrinking Feet ?***

    If you think about it, your feet are holding you up... so the weight is spreading them. Even tho they are mainly bones, the less weight bearing down on them, the less spread there should theoretically be... so they should be at least a little narrower if nothing else... I'm hoping I don't loose too much size wise as I have some lovely boots I want to keep wearing!!
  21. SParkle

    Round 2, wish me luck

    Fingers crossed for you..... good luck!
  22. Does anyone use a diet tracker app with an Itouch or I phone? I have seen a few but not sure which one is best for us? Any ideas gratefully recieved. Kathy
  23. SParkle

    Three months

    What great pictures - such a difference between them. Keep up the good work.
  24. Everyone is slightly different but I felt 'normal' again at 3 weeks out, so you should be ok with 4 weeks. I didn't drive until 2 weeks out... felt a bit delicate but ok.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
