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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SnowDaisy

  1. This makes a lot of sense. Like any dieter wls or not, we all lose loads during the first weeks and then it slows up. X
  2. Thank you for your response...it was really helpful. It's really helpful to know that it's not necessarily going to be a "yes or no" answer to my question....I'm glad that there are options. Xx
  3. Thank you for you input....I'm well aware of the fact that I'm not trying to change a haircut.
  4. Thank you so much for your reply. Well done you...So it is actually possible, that's such good news to me. I have a lot to think about. Thanks again x
  5. SnowDaisy

    Switching surgeons

    How did all this work out? I have a similar enquiry. Xx
  6. SnowDaisy

    VSG to RNY anyone?

    I hoping to get a revision from the sleeve to the bypass so I'm keen to know how others are doing too. Xxx
  7. Hi That weight loss is good. Don't forget that if you had to lost weight prior to surgery, your weight loss will be a little slower than say someone who had not restricted their diet...just like when we all go on diets, we have a good loss on the first week then it slows down. I started making other things my "best friend", like clothes, handbags and shoes. I remember buying lots of scarves in all different designs and colours for the suits and dresses I planned to buy in the future....I can tell you I was matching those scarves to those suits, shoes and handbags within 6 months of my operation. I think once you start to see and feel the changes in your shape and size you will get a new lease on life. You'll get there. Xx
  8. SnowDaisy

    Anyone with Humana?

    Good luck with your surgery...let us know how it all went. Xx
  9. SnowDaisy

    Anyone with Humana?

    Who is your surgeon? Xx
  10. SnowDaisy

    Struggling...is it too late?

    The five day pouch test sounds like a good idea to me. Go girl...x
  11. SnowDaisy

    Anyone with Humana?

    Is Humana part of Tricare? I think if it's part of Tricare you can have a lower BMI but with co-morbidities. Good luck with your appointment. X
  12. Scared, worried and terrified

  13. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Well done to the surgeon.... I hate to think what could have happened had he not seen this and took the decision he did. Xx
  14. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    After reading a lot on here about nicked spleens, I wonder if open surgery help to prevent that somewhat. Xx
  15. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am glad that you are starting to feel better now; that must have been scary for you. I have been having some problems recently. My husband had to rush me twice to the ER because of severe upper left abdo pain that seemed to radiate into my back. The pain had intensified for 2 weeks, I had seen my PCM, but they pretty much brushed my symptoms aside and gave me Carafate. The hospital and it's staff ( not where I'll be having wls) were useless...they gave me a release document that said gastric ulcer even though there was no sign on CAT or MRI scans or X-rays. However, my bariatric surgeon did an upper GI Fluoroscope and thinks I may have a twisted stomach caused by the sleeve I had done 3.5 years ago. I saw my gastroenterologist last Tuesday and he said that he doubts after having had a negative H-Pylori test (done at bariatric surgeons office) and having been on of various gastric pump inhibitor meds for years that an ulcer would have formed. So I'm having a colonoscopy and an upper gi endoscopy on Tuesday next week...hopefully they might shed light on what's wrong. Xx
  16. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    well, no death is a GREAT thing!!!!! I know there are others around here that ended up with open, hopefully they'll chime in for ya Ok so reading again, it states that the national average is 1 in 300 and his is 1 in 1000. X
  17. SnowDaisy

    Blood in your stool after surgery

    How are you now? Hope all is well xx
  18. SnowDaisy

    Surgery Day Tomorrow!

    Hope all went well xx
  19. The poll is a great idea but perhaps the addition of "considering revision" might help to include everyone. Xx
  20. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, it states on his website that he was one of the first to do laparoscopic and then goes on to say that he performs all his weight loss surgeries as open and for the reasons I have already stated above. I'm not happy about it but I don't think I have any choice. He does have a good reputation and I can't find a single thing said against him. Of course laparoscopic is safe...I had my previous operation done that way, so I know the pain of that...I just wanted to know what to expect with open. I think you are right, it's just easier for him. Xx Oh, and I think his website mentioned something along the lines of using open as a way of maintaining a 0.01% death rate. (Wording might be a little off). X
  21. SnowDaisy

    Open Or Laparoscopic ?

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, it states on his website that he was one of the first to do laparoscopic and then goes on to say that he performs all his weight loss surgeries as open and for the reasons I have already stated above. I'm not happy about it but I don't think I have any choice. He does have a good reputation and I can't find a single thing said against him. Of course laparoscopic is safe...I had my previous operation done that way, so I know the pain of that...I just wanted to know what to expect with open. I think you are right, it's just easier for him. Xx
  22. Also very interesting xx
  23. You look fantastic...well done

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