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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sabrina

  1. Well, Im definately getting all my protien in. But I'm not sure if I'm eating enough. It is the strangest thing, because I'm not sure if I am full. I hope that makes sense. Maybe I'm not getting enough nutrients, even tho i'm taking my Vitamin and B12 religiously. Maybe I'm just tired from surgery. who knows. :confused1:

    I think that, for me anyway, your body just has to adjust to a new routine. I ate a lot more (even while taking my Vitamins, etc.) than I did post op. You are still on liquids too. I can guarantee you aren't getting the same nutrients on broth and sugar free Jello that you do on roast and potatoes LOL I could be totally off base with this, but that is how it was with me. Now I'm cool on what I do get.

  2. I get terribly thirsty during a meal. Even with the band it was a hard habit to break. With the band, however, it was like the Water would pile up on top of the food and come right back up. It was a horrible feeling. I haven't really tried it with the sleeve and if I do drink within even an hour of a meal I sometimes get that same sensation that I used to get with the band. Tonight I grilled some filets medium rare. They just melt in your mouth. I did open a bottle of merlot and took teeny tiny sips after bites of meat. It went down just fine, but they were very small sips simply to enhance the taste of the meat and not to overcome thirst.

    For me it is more of a comfort vs. discomfort thing. I am terribly uncomfortable if I do drink too soon after a meal. My band also put a huge hole in my stomach which had to be repaired. I'm not sure if that caused my esophagus to become "tighter" hence the discomfort.

  3. Mups? Is that just regular Nexium? I take 40mg a day. The resident who wrote my script did it for 20's twice a day. His boss, my surgeon, said I can take them together or twice a day. He just wanted me to get the 40mg in my body. He then gave me a script for 40mg at my follow up. Personally, I would see if my doc could write me a script here and get it filled. If not, El Farmacia is on just about every corner in Mexico.

  4. LOL Post of the day!!!!

    Sabrina, I did have surgery in Mexico. Maybe it depends on what type of surgery you are having, how long you will be sedated and what your movement limits will be afterwards. Hopefully a nurse will answer you more. Seems they always want you to get up and walk right away, and if you have to get up to use the bathroom, that is a start! lol

    I wore my underwear during my Tummy Tuck and lift surgery; in fact I didn't even take my pants off.

    I used to be a nurse (hated it!). Every surgery that I had to attend during clinicals consisted of being butt nekkid under that gown LOL They almost always had a foley cath too as soon as they were put under.

  5. I was not catheterized during my surgery. I have been for a couple of my surgeries but not all. A couple gals left their panties on during surgery as well.

    Did you guys have surgery in Mexico? Perhaps that is the difference. They took out this catheter before I woke up thankfully. I hated, hated, hated getting it taken out previously even if I was under the influence of my morphine pump :)

  6. I had my last two babies at 35 and 36, you have plenty of time still LOL I had my uterus yanked at 37. I wasn't using it anymore anyway, so why not? No periods, yay! My pregnancies at that age were no different than my pregnancy at 30 and 32 other than I got a buttload more tests because I was considered to be of advanced maternal age.

    Best of luck to you all. One of my friends tried for years to get regnant to no avail. Once she dropped 50lbs she got knocked up immediately.

  7. I had a horrid sinus infection not too long ago. Along with it came a headache from hell. At 3 am I couldn't get back to sleep because I hurt so much. We were traveling and the only thing I had in the hotel room (besides the tylenol my husband had bought me earlier) was one lone advil in the diaper bag. I took it because I was desperate. it took the edge off my headache and thankfully didn't screw up my stomach. Ibuprofin is the best pain killer for me, but sadly we cannot take it. I think a very random one every few months would be ok, but not for daily use by any means.

  8. It is scary, I totally get that. I think we all had second thoughts if only for a fleeting moment. My biggest fear was that I would be unable to enjoy some things that I love. Now that I am all healed up though, I can eat anything. The only no-nos for me would be the carbonation. I have done fantastic not craving diet dr pepper and beer. I love beer, like love it so much I would marry a guy named Samuel Adams just because he is named after my favorite beverage LOL Sam is probably the reason I chunked up in the first place. I have had zero issues with this. I was even on a cruise last week and did fine in the sun without my buddy. Didn't even miss him. You will do ok, I promise you. The recovery really isn't that bad even. You are sore for a good week, but it is more like you got beat up rather than cut open type soreness. The second week put some clothes on, get out of the house, and you will feel even better.

  9. The first month (really the first two weeks) were hell. Just in the sense that I was getting used to this not eating thing. I had to smell the pizza my husband picked up for the kids and not get a bite. It was an adjustment for sure. I regretted it for a good week or two. i am less than two months out now though and love it! Get your mind in the right place as far as the liquids for a coupe of weeks, and you should be ok. Sorry about your vivid dreams. That would be disconcerting to say the least.

  10. Well, I cruised 6 weeks after surgery. Typically vacation drinking for me entails carrying a martini in each hand to balance myself as I walk around the ship LOL I did not drink much this time, but when I did I had no issues. My tolerance was a little lower, but not much. Probably because I couldn't sip an adult beverage while eating. I also made homemade margaritas last night to watch Idol. They went down really easily. It really is empty calories, so I am going to keep having a beverage down to 1 or 2 one night a week at most. The best "diet" alcoholic beverage is a vodka martini up. Not an insane amount of calories, no carbs (or virtually none), and more bang for your buck so to speak. You can sip on one of those for an hour no problem. Now if you slam it, well then you may get a tee bit wipsy :)

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