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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by maxcat

  1. http://verticalsleevetalk.com/insurance-financing/1451-bcbs-federal-denied-pre-approval.html She did get approved.

    ObesityHelp.com - Insurance trouble

    http://verticalsleevetalk.com/insurance-financing/3390-bcbs.html page down to Tiffykins and she has about 5 links on there that might help you.

    When I first talked to my surgeon he said if I could not get approved for VSG what other one are we looking for to get approved, I said none. Its either the sleeve or nothing.

    I will be in your shoes soon too but I have Keystone Health Plan East.

    Good luck and let us know how it works

  2. I just want to make sure my info is correct for contraindications

    If I have acid reflux or GERD I am not a candidate for the band but will this prevent me from getting the sleeve?

    If have to take NSAIDS and/or steroids once in a while and low vitaminD and family history of osteoporosis does that mean I am not a candidate for RNY?

    Just getting my info together for my final visit with the surgeon before it goes to the insurance company.

    Thanks for your help

  3. I will hopefully be starting my 2 week liquid diet soon and I am wondering what kinds of hobbies did any of you pick up to keep your mind off food and did you continue your new hobby after your surgery to keep you occupied?

    I had to fast for 1 day(Clear liquids only)for a colonoscopy and I thought I was going to lose it. I need something else to occupy my time so I am preparing now.


  4. I am gathering info to use in my denial appeal to my insurance company and I also plan on using other agencies to help me in my Quest for the sleeve.

    I have 5 levels of appeals and I plan on using every one of them if I have to. I hope I don't have to. I want my sleeve yesterday. I am so ready!

    Once I have been denied ( I am sure i will) I plan on contacting my states insurance commission, the Attorney Generals Office and my local Civil Rights Agency as they are the ones who handle the Americans with Disabilities Act. If any one else has any other agencies to contact please let me know.

    When I contact these people I would like to use a list of insurance companies who have covered the sleeve.

    So if you could just take 1 moment and post, I would greatly appreciate it and other who are going through appeal my also find this info handy as well.

    Thanks for your time

  5. Had endoscopy done today. Dr said he found scarring where my esophugus (spl) meets my stomach, scarring in my throat, a fold in my stomach, and said the bottom of my stomach was red and irritated. Also said something about testing for E Pylori. Said stomach might be healing from an ulcer. He took samples of everything to be sent out. Said i still MIGHT be able to have the sleeve done. He said absolutely NO Nsaids EVER. That was one of my arguements for having sleeve over bypass.

    So I have no idea where this leaves me. The test results will be in next week and I have an appointment with the surgeon again on the 23rd, all my other testing has come back fine. So now its just wait and see. I will be devastated if I can not have this surgery.

  6. Ok I'm having some trouble making decisions where to have the sleeve done.

    I am trying to have it done here in Philly thru my insurance. My insurance will cover it if my BMI is over 50 and if it is part 1 of a 2 part operation, the second part with in 2 years.My BMI is 43 so I do not qualify. It has not been approved as a stand alone procedure. I'm jumping through all the hoops for insurance to see if the will substitute it for RNY. i hoping my surgeon will write a letter deeming it medically necessary. I'm pretty sure I am not eligable for RNY. I sometimes take steroids for my back and NSAIDS for my back and osteoporosis runs in the family. I want to get a dexascan to see if I have it too. So I'm hoping that that is enough to sub the sleeve. If not I am ready to self pay. Also insurance will have paid for all my tests and I can take the results with me where ever I go. Now the next question is where to go USA or Mexico.

    I am not afraid of Mexico I have already picked a surgeon there. My problem is when I get back if there is a problem no one will help me because I am a liability problem. I hear that Texas has alot of great sleeve surgeons too, now when I get back here and have problems will I also be considered a liability because some other surgeon did the surgery? What if I moved would that also be a problem since I would not see the original surgeon? So I guess my question is would I be better off Dr wise if I had it done in US (Texas) rather than Mexico.

    Also does any one have recommendations for self pay surgeon with lots of experience and reasonable prices in Texas?

    Thanks to all, sorry its so long

  7. I have told very few people, my boyfriend, a close friend who is a nurse and her husband is having gastric bypass, and 2 of the owners where I work so they know whats going on. I also told a close friend who opinion I really valued, she begged my not to have it done said she heard she knows of 2 other people that had it done and they went crazy, lost the weight and left their husband and kids and took off and went wild!! Needless to say after that no one else will know. When the time comes I will be telling everyone I'm having gallbladder surgery. I'm also a very private person.

  8. Did anyone opt out of the epidural. And if you did were you given anything extra for the pain. And why did you choose not to get it.

    I heard that even your legs are numb too and you cant feel them(I dont know how true this is) if you dont lie still for a certain amount of time your can be paralized. Dont know how true this is just asking around.


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