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Posts posted by clk

  1. It sounds like your endo is very advanced and is a pretty serious case, based upon the bleeding you're describing.

    Unfortunately, the symptoms of endo could be other things and without a laparoscopy most women aren't diagnosed.

    I had different symptoms from age 15 out and it wasn't diagnosed until 2008. It's a shame they weren't able to catch it sooner - suffering from infertility it should have been one of the things the doctors were looking for.

    Infertility is a struggle and I'm sorry that you're having to deal with not only a surgery but the emotional difficulties that come with facing the end of your opportunities to have a biological child.

    I did read some interesting information about hysterectomy not necessarily curing endometriosis. It does in some cases, but not all. For me, the lesions are worst on my bladder and pelvic/back wall. I am able to *mostly* control my pain and have a normal life with birth control, but in my case a hysterectomy would only resolve the issues regarding my ovaries and fallopian tubes (where most of the other cysts/lesions are located).

    Please do some research on hysterectomy and endometriosis before you opt to do this. Make sure you're more comfortable with the procedure and that you understand what it will do.

    On a more positive note, my dear friend had a simliar issue. She had female troubles her entire life, but the final straw was when she bled for fourteen months and finally had to have a full hysterectomy. She, too, was holding out because she still really wanted children with her husband. However, she recovered from the operation very quickly and actually lost almost all of her excess weight in the year following surgery. Her cysts were causing massive amounts of hormones to be pumped into her body, and somehow once everything was regulated she dropped the weight quickly.

    I wish you the best. Please do some research before you opt to do this.

  2. Thanks for all of the information on this. I got the same answer as Tiffykins when I recently called - that it's not going to be covered in 2010.

    I have Tricare Prime Overseas and it's definitely not covered here.

    I think part of the confusion is also that just because a MTF does a procedure does not mean Tricare covers that procedure. Surgeons at MTFs do all sorts of surgeries on a wait list basis for things that are not covered under Tricare. For instance, my husband had a free vasectomy reversal (TMI, I know) and my friend had breast augmentation done. It depends on where you go and who the surgeon is, not to mention how busy they are and what surgeries they want to do.

    Also, from what I hear it's much easier to get a revision done, or to get a surgery performed when you have some sort of complication to go with it that requires a surgery anyway.

    I was also told that they will likely do repayments but not to count on that if I choose to self-pay. So don't count on reimbursement - though once Tricare does start covering this anyone that self-paid should try to get reimbursed. It can't hurt to try.

    I'll just keep waiting and trying to lose this weight the old fashioned way in the meantime. They'll only do bands here, and I'm not even messing around with that nonsense.


  3. Thank you!

    I got a call back today from a nurse with our insurance company that said nope, Tricare is not expanding coverage to the VSG this year, though she admitted it had been on the table. She says they did approve the military treatment facilities that have surgeons already doing the surgery to continue doing so, but that it's not a standard coverage in the next year. She estimated it would be by 2011 or 2012.

    Just throwing that out there in case anyone else has questions. I can't vouch for her accuracy, but she was the fourth person I talked to that said the same thing - no coverage for it in 2010.

    I emailed Dr. Nick's office and got a tentative yes, it's possible but the gal who contacted me said she was forwarding the message to the doctor to confirm since they don't normally get people traveling from overseas.

    Thanks for the detailed response.


  4. I'm covering my bases, here. In the event Tricare won't start covering VSG come January, I'm trying to work a backup plan. I called Tricare and asked about potential coverage but nobody could help me. Bummer! I'll have to keep waiting until the New Year and call again later.

    Also, I'm discouraged by the long waits here...I'm in Germany and the clinic near us is limited so we drive to another one that takes patients from three areas. My doctor gave me a list of four requirements to meet before she'll even refer me to the nurse practioner that does the referrals for surgery. Unfortunately, I'm not getting in for some of those appointments until May, meaning I could wait until Fall to get the surgery (still assuming they'll do VSG).

    I know it's impatient but by golly I don't want to wait another seven or more months!

    Anyway, enough rambling and onto my question:

    Does anyone here know Dr. Nick's requirements for surgery if you self-pay? Seminars, classes, evaluations, etc. is what I need info on.

    My mom is in Dallas/Ft. Worth and I can easily take my toddler twins and stay with her for a few weeks and do the surgery BUT I am not permitted to be out of Germany for more than 30 days or I'm supposed to report it so they can cut off our COLA pay. Anyone military will understand what I'm saying...basically we lose over a grand a month in pay if I'm gone longer than 30 days and they find out! I can't leave the kids behind, either, because DH does not have the kind of schedule that could handle full time care of the kids while I'm gone.

    His prices are competitve enough that even paying for three round trip tickets from Germany to DFW would make the cost works out to average from what I've seen. And, what the heck, I was going to buy a new car with that money but a new body and outlook on life are probably a better investment, right?

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks so much in advance!


  5. I guess I'm not so very sympathetic. I agree the system needs work, but I think the issues are the ones the government put there in the first place. Every time they touch something the budget explodes and the quality and efficiency collapses. I'm of the mind that less government involvement is a good thing.

    I don't think insurance is a human right. I think people shouldn't ever be denied care, but I think that forcing other people to fund a national insurance plan is just plain wrong. What's next? Funding a house for everyone? Making sure everyone gets paid the same wage no matter if they work at McDonald's or practice law? When we start to expand the definition of what rights and entitlements people are required to have, the situation gets sticky. I believe in my own right to choose for myself. I'd rather donate $100 a month to a charity program that helps fund these things than be taxed $50 a month for it. It's just the principle that matters to me.

    I just want to point to our VA and military hospitals. This is government contracted healthcare, people. Sometimes it works. Usually it doesn't. Stroll on down to the VA in your free time and see how great our veterans have it. You don't have to look to Canada or Europe to see people being declined care or suffering long waits, I promise (not to say these stories are the norm in those places). Heck, I've been waiting since SEPTEMBER to get an annual pap exam but they're full up and won't have appointments until February.

    We do have "free" insurance (you just have to be willing to fight in a war to have it) through my husband's job in the US military.

    With this insurance my DH had to wait 9 months and see four different doctors, two different physical therapists, have three MRIs and three sets of X-rays done for a minor knee surgery (torn meniscus). This is an inefficient, wasteful system.

    I've had to wait in line at the pharmacy for three hours for some "free" Motrin and allergy pills. I see a different doctor almost every time I go to my clinic and they seldom take the time to glance at my file. I had a doctor tell me I couldn't have a referral to physical therapy because my weight was causing my ankle pain. I have screws in that leg from an injury! She wouldn't even listen to me...she just sent me to the nutritionist (for the third time).

    And these are just a few of my own personal examples. There are troublesome cases everywhere.

    I grew up with NO health insurance. I didn't see a dentist for the first time until I married my husband. We were too poor to afford insurance but too rich to get assistance/Medicaid.

    When we had problems we paid for our bills ourselves. We had accidents like all kids do, and my parents had to make payments to pay the bills off.

    Insurance was never intended to pay for every little thing. I think we need to back track and go back to a time when insurance was for catastrophic illness or emergencies. If we made our doctors compete to have patients as customers, instead of blindly allowing our insurance to pay we'd all get better prices. I know it will never happen, the same way I know that my Libertarian beliefs will likely never be shared by any President we have. I accept that and try to muddle through the best I can.

    I know my opinion isn't the popular one at the moment. I just disagree with the way our government is attempting to fix the problem. And I strongly dislike the way our elected officials are going against what the majority of America wants - they are supposed to be representing us, not themselves or their private interests. I'm very disappointed with the entire situation.

    Right...enough griping for me.

    Thanks for making sure this thread stays civil and polite. I'm new here but I felt comfortable posting my opinion even though it's likely contradictory to the feelings of most folks here.


  6. Thank you so much for the helpful, detailed response.

    I have no doubt I can wait until January for the surgery. I had to re-start the process once we got here and I'm still waiting for my appointment with the nurse that refers everyone to the surgeon. Here they make everyone go to one person who handles all referrals for WLS.

    I'm hoping they'll be able to do it at Landstuhl, which is only an hour away, but if I have to find someone off post I think that will be trickier.

    In any case, thanks. I'll keep my appointment next week and go from there.

    Thank you for the response - you really helped confirm my belief that the band is not the way to go. I'll just do my best to get Tricare to cover the VSG instead.

  7. I'm new and considering VSG. I was reluctant to pursue any WLS but my last doctor suggested a band to me. After reading/researching for seven months I don't think it's the right option. I do need a restrictive procedure but my biggest issue is that I always feel hungry, no matter if my belly is full or not (and it's not always head hunger, either!), so I think the VSG will provide a better solution for me. I can see myself suspended in a special sort of hell with the band - unable to eat but still always starving, and having my food options limited, too!

    My question is about Tricare and VSG. I read on another thread that Tricare is going to start covering VSG very soon. How soon? Does anyone have more information about this? I cannot find anything about it online. I know they cover bands and RNY with no problems, I'm just curious about this procedure. I definitely meet the Tricare requirements for WLS.

    I'm torn. I'm not sure if I should accept the band knowing it will likely require a second surgery at some point (but doing it anyway because insurance will do it for free) or if I should find a surgeon and do a self-pay for the VSG because that's what I really want.

    In any case, info on the Tricare issue would be appreciated.


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