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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by clk

  1. I'm not active much anymore but always want to chime in on slow loss threads because I SO related during my loss phase. I averaged 6 pounds a month and had one double-digit month (month one, 11 pounds). It took me a year and a half to lose 107 pounds.

    But - big BUT! I've kept it off for 9.5 years pretty effortlessly. That slower loss gives you extra time to work on the head side of weight loss. By the time I got to goal eating everything in moderation was just so natural to me that I never stopped and developed another food issue in maintenance. It's hard, but view this "extra" time as a blessing. Your body will have more time to adapt to weight loss, new habits, and new ideas before you enter the maintenance phase.

    And don't be in a rush to enter maintenance! In hindsight, I can say maintenance is the more challenging part. It's accountability, it's strengthening those new habits, and it's for the rest of your life.


  2. I'm about 9.5 years out with a sleeve. I am within a couple pounds of goal and only gained when put on a med that's notorious for weight gain, but most of that fell off after I changed meds. Other than that I have stayed in the same window for years.

    I know that we all know this, but exercise matters! I did absolutely no exercise after my surgery. I was more active in my daily life but structured exercise was never something I added. I've been working out with a trainer - because even being small I am still 46% body fat! And I have very little muscle compared to my overall weight. So I'm lifting and generally getting much fitter. This may or may not result in a weight change, but I'm hoping that I'll have more endurance and feel stronger.

    I eat like I always have, moderation in everything, though obviously protein/carb balance is a bigger focus now that I'm lifting. Those that knew me back in the day know that my BMR was crazy low before my surgery, and I have been able to bring it up to about 1160. I eat about 1500 calories a day, which is just enough for my goals - seems low to my trainer, but he understands my surgery. But it still feels like a ton of food because I really do have a lot of restriction. Seven "meals" a day, folks!

    All in all, still hanging in. Incredibly grateful for my surgery.


  3. Hey girls. So, 8 years out now.

    I'm here for kind of a vent. I posted about my struggles before. I've been seeing a therapist and she's really been reluctant to contradict my doctor but she absolutely doesn't believe I have a full-on eating disorder. but I don't think there's any denying that anyone that gets to where we were has issues with disordered eating. and the control aspect after weight loss surgery is such a major thing.

    Anyway, my doctor's solution back when this all happened was to have me gain weight, and the way she made sure that happened was by putting me on a medication that really increased my appetite at the same time that she took me off of my mood stabilizer that suppressed my appetite and prevented binging. I didn't really gain much - 12-15 pounds - but I felt like I was starving all the time and the only thing I wanted were processed carbohydrates and soda. the medication is known to cause that issue. I guess my vent is that over the course of 9 months or so she feels I've gained too much weight. Like, there was some magical line four or five pounds ago that equals "healthy" and now I've crossed it. She immediately pulled me off of the Seroquel, put me back on the old mood stabilizer, and put me on a weight neutral substitute for the Seroquel. She's "hoping I'll be a better weight soon."

    Can I just say a really loud, emphatic WTF?! This neverending BS about our weight with physicians is probably going to drive me mad.

    My only health concern is that my a1c jumped from 4.1 to 5.1 over that time frame, so still healthy, but clearly indicative that my eating habits had taken a dive.

    I'm just doing my own darn thing from now on. To heck with it all. I'm still maintaining, still itty bitty, and never would have put on a pound if that idiotic doctor hadn't made me. my focus right now is eating 3 meals a day and 4 Snacks.

    Just a little vent, and a reminder that no matter what size we are the garbage about our weight never seems to end!


  4. I'm so sorry, OregonDaisy. You've posted about your struggles since your injury before. :(

    It's a real trap for all of us I think, because we just eat a lot less post op. A lot of people completely avoid certain food groups or limit their carb intake severely. I think it's more easy to fall into an eating disorder than a lot of us are willing to own up to. In reality, the entire post-op diet is a doctor recommended eating disorder, you know? I mean the idea is that will eventually eat more food, but every single one of us has that fear of being the weight we were when we started again. And pretty much all of us freak out over 10 or 15 pound gains, and have a lifetime connection to the scale in a way that people that haven't struggled with morbid obesity just don't get. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

    I wish I could say something to help you or offer a suggestion, but clearly I'm not coming from the right place myself. all I can say is I'm sorry and that I hope it gets better for you.


  5. So, I have been incredibly reluctant to reply to the few posts that have come out lately. I have always really considered myself a moderate eater with no food group banned or limited. My weight became *pretty* stable several years ago, although I still dropped from about 126 to 112 over the course of 4 years.

    I don't often share this but I have bipolar type 2 along with anxiety and PTSD. Basically, I see a psychiatrist really regularly to keep me stable. A couple years ago she tried to tell me that I had an eating disorder, that I had one before even losing weight because I binged and then dieted when I was overweight. She said that my diet was varied, but I was restricting my intake.

    I posted several times about a year ago about my struggles trying to gain weight. I think that in my head I was eating enough. And then once I tried to regain my body resisted for a long time. My official diagnosis now is EDNOS, anorexia with bulimic tendencies.

    Once I finally accepted my diagnosis, I dove into recovery the same way I dove into weight loss immediately after surgery. Within about 5 months I am back up to a weight my doctor approves of - 124 pounds. More importantly, I eat. Pretty much around the clock, pretty much whenever I feel hungry. Eating has pointed out the truth in my diagnosis. I used to wait until I was completely light-headed and couldn't function to eat. I'm lucky if I was touching 1100 calories a day, but I think on average it was closer to 800 or 900. I feel no desire to restrict. I never engaged in purging, which can be an incredibly addictive aspect of bulimia. I think that this has made my recovery easier. I occasionally have to be careful about binging - that is, separating eating what I want from eating everything in sight.

    It had nothing to do with body image. it had nothing to do with wanting more results. It had nothing to do with being unhappy in my skin. In my case, it was entirely about control, and it started when my life was spinning wildly out-of-control and the only thing in my entire life that I had a say about was what I put in my mouth.

    So, I'm sorry for the novel, but that is what I have been up to in the intermining time since I last responded.


  6. I lost slowly and steadily over 17 months. I really dislike the idea that there's this magical year you have to lose your weight in or it's all over. I participate in several groups and see people lose over two years. Your sleeve (in my case) still works. I had a baby at nearly 3 years out and had another loss period after nursing, between 3.5-4.5 years out. Again, slow and steady. But the weight came off.

    Even now in maintenance, weight comes off if I'm not careful and it's strictly a calories in vs out game. The restriction is still there.

    This tool is for life.


  7. I'm 7 years out. I take calcium citrate because I'm still on a PPI and they affect Calcium and cause bone loss. I've had one cavity in the last 7 years, and I'm still mad about it, because I spent four years overseas, half on a hardship tour without access to regular cleanings and know it wouldn't have happened otherwise. I got pregnant right at the end and by the time I got it taken care of I needed a crown. Still pissed off. But otherwise? No issues whatsoever. No deficiencies, no dental problems.

    Look - get regular labs and take the supplements you need. I do labs every 3-6 months, depending on what we're checking. Eat a varied diet, don't slack on supplements, don't guzzle soda or slack on dental hygiene.


  8. I've had a heck of a time regaining, too. My body's set point was lower than what I think is ideal - I tend to stick hard between 116-118 pounds and I'm 5'1" tall. Yes, this is technically a healthy weight. But I'm quite thin, bony underneath clothes, and nothing but loose skin and jutting bones, really. I've been stuck here for years.

    I've tried regaining. I'm adding 500 calories a day, mostly fats and carbs but additional Protein, too. I think my next step is going to have to be building muscle. I think that might be the only thing that does it.

    People don't really get it, because for some, regain comes so easy. But I can eat pure processed crap and actually lose weight. My body refuses to put on weight. I absolutely commiserate with you.

    I've had labs run, they suspected a thyroid issue but nope. I eat constantly - it's a chore, like in the early days.

    I'd love to see some solid advice, because nothing I've heard is working. My nutritionist said add what I've added, and if all else fails, eat a lot of nut butters and ice cream. That's crap advice.

    Hugs, I hope it gets better for you, too.


  9. Have you considered IBS? A trip to the doctor is in order. My husband and MIL have IBS, it's triggered by stress and their variety is horrible digestive distress immediately after eating or drinking. Neither is sleeved, both had onset later in life. My husband's is managed well with meds my MILs not so much.

    Dietary changes could be the culprit, easily, and any other number of other maladies. It's not necessarily sleeve related.

    I'm sorry you're suffering. It's awful. Please see your doc.


  10. In what freaking world is 800-1000 calories maintenance level???? ? ?????????? ?????????
    I'm sorry for my language, but for the vast majority of the population, maintenance level is somewhere between 1200 and 2500 calories. This includes sub-5'0 tall, 70 year old women.
    This thinking that people can and should consume less than 1000 calories for extended periods of time (even beyond weight loss)... where does this come from??

    Concur, wholeheartedly. This is unhealthy, extreme dieting, restrictive, borderline anorexic thinking. My pre-sleeve BMR was very low (just over 1100) and I'm terribly inactive but I still eat 1,200-1,300 calories most days to maintain and now that I'm trying to gain it's more in line with 1,800 a day. If I would get off my lazy can I could easily build my body up to eating at this level regularly.

    We cannot starve our bodies long term. It leads to deficiencies. Blood, hair, bones, teeth - it will show in time. It's just plain unhealthy. You're trading one form of disordered eating for another. Healthly balance is critical.


  11. My stats might sound disappointing, because most people want to lose quickly.

    My only double digit month was the first one. After that, I lost about 6 pounds a month. So, less than 2 pounds a week.

    But that didn't stop me from shedding 126 pounds, or from keeping it off. So, no matter the rate, stick with it. There will be stops, starts and stalls. Long term maintenance is the real goal.

    Good luck!


  12. I'm 7 out. I'll occasionally have a soda, but mostly lost my taste for it and it takes me all day to drink one. Plus, the sugar. Soda is a slippery slope to regain for people that are addicted, in my opinion.

    But carbonated Water? Oh yeah. I'm on it. I alternate that and still water all day long.

    An occasional beer or cider, yep.

    I was never told no carbonation. Obviously it's not good for a healing sleeve, but the gas in a sip of a carbonated drink cannot physically stretch your sleeve. So really, we need to be mindful of what we're drinking calorie-wise and account for it. Empty calories add up quickly, be they juice, tea, alcohol, whatever.


  13. I don't see how anyone sleeved could eat that. Really. Really!

    On a big day, I'll hit 120. For most folks here, with the exception of people that really work out (definitely not me) that'll sound like a lot. I really don't think it is. I can't eat a lot of calories or I gain - I'm at 1200-1300 to maintain. MFP thinks that's low, and also that I need more carbs. But I eat grains, breads, veggies, a variety of foods - don't feel deprived. I just don't really have room for more or want more. It's working for now. I have to be careful to keep eating them, because avoiding them does make me lose, as I discovered by accident a little bit ago.

    Anyway, thanks for that info. I, personally feel that while I think we all need carbs and balance in our diets, 250-300 seems excessive. Maybe years of sleeved life have skewed my perspective.


  14. popcorn doesn't slide for me. I can eat more of it than I probably should - say, 2 cups - but I'm definitely in the minority. For most people, it's a slider. I get full on it, and it's uncomfortable if I do eat so much I get full. It's also given me digestive issues, if you're picking up what I'm putting down. Definitely not my favorite thing to eat. And I'm not carb-avoidant. I eat about 100 g a day, sometimes a little more.

    I'm 7 out. If I eat it, I usually measure a cup out and only eat that. I think I first tried popcorn around a year out, only because I lived overseas when I was sleeved and didn't go to a theater or have a reason to try it before then.


  15. My eating habits from a year on to now are the same - I just increased calories and carbs as I transitioned to maintenance. First veggies, then grains as I could eat more. My initial loss period was 17 long months.

    I do frequent small meals and Snacks. I feel like it helps both my metabolism and with my feelings of satiety. I still don't really feel hunger, but the idea of needing to eat is still ingrained.

    I'll have Breakfast, a few hours later a Protein snack like a hardboiled egg, or raw nuts and cheese. Then lunch, and a few hours later another snack, maybe deli meat, Jerky or roasted chickpeas. dinner. I play nighttime snacking by ear. If I want something sweet, I might have a smoothie, a Protein Shake, or if my calories allow, a piece of dark chocolate. Or a string cheese. Or I might just drink Water if I'm out of calories or not feeling genuine hunger. Sometimes I have to eat - I've had a low calorie day. It all depends.

    I'm easily maintaining my loss. I never feel deprived. I don't binge or graze. I don't feel the need to overeat at meals. This works for me. My sleeve is just too small to adhere to the classic "three large meals" that other people do, and that made me obese in the first place.

    I do track, though. I'm sure not to let little calories here and there add up to a big shock.


  16. I'm 7 years out. I am maintaining, under goal.

    I had one small period of regain, 8 pounds, just over 3 years out. I lost that, plus some baby weight and went under goal between 3.5-4.5 years out. It was slow, but it happened.

    It takes regular weighing and being vigilant about my choices to stay stable. I think if I tried to just "wing it" and also avoided the scale I'd find my clothes getting too tight. I'm not sure. I'm unwilling to find out.

    This works for me. I can say it's possible to take weight off again. Dense Protein, eat by the hierarchy, track your intake, eat a deficit from your previous intake. It might come off slowly, but it'll come off.


  17. 27 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

    With a history of GERD, if you choose the sleeve, be sure you are willing to entertain the notion of a revision if the GERD doesn't improve or gets worse. If you would prefer a "one and done" operation, go with the bypass the first time.


    I'm 7 years out, sleeved. My reflux is now out of control. I'm on both Protonix and omeprazole. I still have acid rumbling all night, burning in my chest and vomit burps. I'm following up early next month, but of course GI is the next step. My reflux is purely due to my sleeve. I truly feel they're going to recommend revision to bypass. If not now, at some point over the next year.

    Some people have resolution of GERD with sleeve but overwhelmingly you'll see a worsening of symptoms. Surgeons often recommend bypass to these patients for a reason. The sleeve's biggest side effect is reflux - even in people that didn't have it previously. Weigh your decision carefully.

    Best to you! It's a lot to consider.


  18. Starting as a lightweight, you can expect slower loss no matter your surgery. That doesn't mean you won't reach your goal quickly; some still do. But expecting double-digit returns every month just isn't realistic. I'm 5'1", sleeved, SW 242, lost 6 pounds a month, got to 116 pounds.

    You should be basing your surgery choice on physiological factors - do you have reflux, want malabsorption? Rate of loss is something mostly beyond your control.

    Both surgeries lead to success for a lot of people.

    Good luck.


  19. I thought I'd avoided gallbladder issues. I was between 6 and 7 years out when an attack hit me and my husband took me to the ER. I had no idea what was wrong. Lodged stone; gallbladder full of stones.

    Get that bad boy out before it tortures you. I'm sorry for you. I was an incredibly slow loser and still lost mine. My surgeon said just drastic weight loss will do it.

    The surgery was remarkably similar to my sleeve (if you're sleeved) with a quicker recovery because I could eat and sleep more comfortably.

    Best to you and good luck,


  20. Post surgery, as a military officer's wife we moved to a country where drinking was the norm. Expected. Not just wine - vodka. Former Soviets. As diplomats, I often faced situations where I couldn't turn down multiple toasts. For me, it was hell. I have a low tolerance for alcohol. I don't like being drunk. Alcohol was everywhere. There was no avoiding it. In time, it was the norm for me to constantly have at least a glass of wine in hand. Nearly two years of that. I think I was grateful to get pregnant at the end of our tour.

    Weight wise, it didn't really affect me, but my loss was slow as I inched to goal. Alcohol is purely empty calories. And I didn't carry the drinking back with me. I do it in moderation now - never more than 2 glasses of wine or 1 beer, maybe every other week.

    Transfer addiction is real. Alcoholism post food addiction is real. Be very mindful that you aren't filling a space that you used to fill with food. It can spin out of control, quickly.

    If you ever feel you need to drink, you know you have a problem.

    Be well.


  21. I'm 7 years out. I had one period of small regain - 8 pounds, after my dad died and while I was suffering postpartum depression. It was solely due to poor eating habits.

    Regain is due to not overcoming the initial causes of our obesity. Eating around the sleeve. Yes, injury, illness or medication can be responsible - I don't want to rule that out. But most often, when you see regain, it's slider foods, not eating by the hierarchy so you feel full faster and you eat more, and just plain eating crap. Binges and grazing, emotional or mindless eating - if you don't fix this, you don't get long term success. Period. It becomes a struggle to stay at goal.

    I fought hard for my new habits. I think every time I put food in my mouth. My diet is carefully selected to be balanced and nutritious; I avoid binges, I don't graze. With this, I maintain successfully and have for years now.

    I had therapy. I firmly believe that many of us need to deal with what's under the fat and causing us to overeat in order to achieve this level of success and to stop looking at food for solace.


  22. I want to know who these people are. If I'd had that expectation post op I would have been so incredibly frustrated the whole time.

    The idea to measure (and also take pictures, visualization helps) is a good one. Many times during my loss phase I stalled but lost sizes.

    I lost, on average, 6 pounds a month. I only had one double digit month - the first one. Towards the end there were a lot of 2 and 3 pound months. When I lost baby weight and went under goal later, it took 14 months to lose 26 pounds. Slow loss is still loss. Keeping it off is what matters.

    You're off to a great start. There are other ways to measure success than the scale. New habits, exercise, fitting in New clothes, health changes - don't be a slave to the scale.

    Good luck.


  23. I got pregnant at 2 years post op. I even did fertility treatments (frozen embryo transfer), so I was on hormones. I gained a solid 100 pounds with my non-sleeve pregnancies, 1 natural, 1 IVF (twins that time), so I honestly expected a big gain.

    I gained 26 pounds, a third of it prior to 6 weeks pg, solely from hormones.

    Post pregnancy, I didn't even look like I'd had a baby by about 6 weeks out. After nursing, I readjusted my initial goal down by ten pounds. I lost all the weight and actually got smaller than I intended. I won't lie - it was slow. I was a very slow loser the first time, too. And I was already small. But it came off and I easily maintained. This was several years post op; I've maintained that for years, too.

    Honestly, I could eat a little more while pregnant and nursing but still had crazy restriction. I wasn't going nuts on slider foods. I just can't see a massive gain.

    And bonus: I was diabetic pre-op and had gestational diabetes with my twins. My blood sugar at my test was crazy normal. Didn't even have to do the 3 hour. But the glucola made me dump the first time. :( That stuff is foul.

    Good luck. It can definitely be done. And your sleeve works at any point post op, even if loss is slow sometimes once we're close to goal.


  24. I think it takes a long time for the head to catch up to the drastic changes in the body.

    For me, I got very small after years of maintenance. It still sounded "off" to hear people refer to me as tiny or itty bitty. But I am very petite, in both stature and size. Accepting it has been hard. I don't view myself as fat, but wrapping my head around the reality of my weight and size? Mind warp.

    And I made a conscious choice to gain and THAT was hard. Every pound up was intentional but still felt "bad" to some part of me. I needed to gain, I was incredibly small - technically a healthy weight but smaller than I'd been at 11 years old. Just drawn looking and really in need of a few pounds. But wow, the hangups I encountered that I thought I'd long put to bed!

    I think many of us have deep seated feelings and long standing ways we've viewed ourselves. It doesn't change overnight. Or even in a year. Or clearly in my case, over seven.


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