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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Katrina

  1. Ooh I hope so...

    I had been wishing for a new years eve surgery. I thought it would be neat to start over on years day with a sleeve. Heres to hoping!

    How loose is this dress of yours, I mean 8 pounds could be a big change in how it hangs, and not only you will lose some inches also.

  2. Thanks Deedee, wow 8.5 to go girl keep it up.

    I am really looking forward to surgery most cause I am not fearful of surgery I have had more then one before.

    I thought I would start the party a little early and I bought the cutest pair of shorts. In a size 16 I figure I will be there by the summer comes around. Im roughly a 22/24 in some cuts and a 26/28 in others but I plan to wear those cute shorts THIS summer.

  3. I am still pre-op but I have finished my Kaiser Options Classes. As of 12/17/2009 I have lost 44.6 pounds with my classes, and I still waiting on my date.

    I would like to still drop 23.4 pounds before surgery its my personal goal to be only 100 pounds away from my final goal before surgery. If I make it I will be thrilled, if I dont well I tried darn hard!!! LOL

    I am hoping for a surgery soon, but I figure I have waited this long whats a few more months right? (HA!)

  4. I am not sure its a fear of losing yourself but finding the real you. I think I was fearful of it up until a few days ago when my hubby said this to me.

    "Love, I adore you now, I will love you then. But I cant wait to meet the "real" you and not the you, you are showing the world."

    I thought about it, I thought what the heck the REAL me who am I now then if not the real me??? I am the me that makes me happy not the me that lets me be happy. I can not freak out when I go somewhere I know I wont fit, I wont freak out when someone says 'man that person should drop some pounds' cause for once it wont be about me after surgery. But I will comment on what that person should do. Since their comment is so mean.

    I am pre-op, and I still dont have a date but I wanted to share what I thought.

  5. Katrina, Wow, I can't believe you have already lost 43 lbs and you haven't had surgery yet. How are you doing it? I tried the Atkins diet just before Thanksgiving and could only do 12 days. I think its the lack of sleep. I find myself being hungry late at night. My sleep pattern is all messed up. I would like to loose some before the surgery though. Would love to know what you are doing.

    I am so glad I found a group of women that will know what I am going through and I can share this with. My family is extremely supportive. My sister is paying for my surgery. She has seen me struggle my whole life. My husband is excited one day and the next day he tells me he's going to miss butt. I won't miss it. I'm tired of it being in the way.

    Midwestgirl......where are you getting your surgery and I would love to go on this journey with you!

    Thanks for the support.


    Hey there, I am only doing what we will be doing after surgery. No drinking with meals, no drinking 30 mins before meals or until 30 mins after.

    I eat much smaller portions and I was walking for 2 miles 3 days a week.

    I also dont torment myself if I mess up I stop think and fix, I dont beat myself up.

    I have only had 2 soda's since June/July I do Water, flavored water, and

    Protein drinks.

    I do fairly well with the sweets, I have a piece if I cant truely ignore the craving anymore but thats after fighting it for at least 2 days. If its still there, I take a bite/piece... then I am good.

  6. 198.8

    That's right, I am finally in ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!


    I have not seen this since 1988 and am so excited I could literally cry! I haven't been on much the past couple of weeks because I have been busy with switching jobs and just being plain exhausted. Plus, I admit, I was a bit depressed because the darn scale wasn't moving.

    But now, I am officially in onederland, I have a great new job, amazing kids and my hubby and I are doing fabulous. Life is so good right now and I am so blessed to have had this wonderful surgery and all of you wonderful people to share it with!!

    I totally love how your weight 198.8 and your year 1988 matched... LOL it a sign LOL j/k

    Best of luck to you dear and GREAT job!

  7. I told everysingle person who would listen to me. I have gotten nothing but the best support from everyone. Not a single person has said anything rotten or evil. So I think its helped keep me on track since I am pre-op they ask me about my weight every two weeks. (When I have my Kaiser options classes) they cheer me on and are just great people.

  8. I have not had my surgery yet but I picked VSG cause I have endometriosis and I talk some medication for it. Its heavy duty at times and with the RnY I cant have it. I cant live without it, my endometriosis is far to painful.

    I had a total of 168 to lose, and since I am pre-op I have been working darn hard on it. I am down 43.4 pounds I dont have a final date yet for my surgery but best of luck to you.

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