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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lepez

  1. Hi. I am an RN and of course I am obsessive about looking into surgery before I will go under the knife. Hence, I have been researching the lap band for almost a year. I was scheduled to have it done in September but in late August I was informed that a new gastric band will be released in the U.S. sometime in 2008 and will have no port and will be adjusted telemetrically by a remote control device outside the body. I cancelled my surgery to wait for this band since the thought of having a port infection or complication freaks me out.

    However, the thought of the gastric band becoming a reality is making me almost have panic attacks. Yes, I am slightly afraid of the surgery itself but I am mostly afraid of the life change. I am not that worried about the thought of not being able to eat certain foods. When I really start to think about it, the thought of looking great kind of scares me and I can't figure out why. I can't figure out why I feel so much more normal and safe in a fat suit. I need to get to the bottom of this so that I can truly work on my root issues or I will not be successful.

    Did anyone feel this way? Could you please share your thoughts on what scared you about the surgery , the life changes, compliments, and unexpected feelings that would happen after surgery:ballchain:. I would love to hear how you overcame the mental challenges that arose from having the surgery, losing weight, and how you handle stress now. Maybe if I hear enough stories then I will have an "Ah Ha" moment and be able to really identify what is at the root of my insecurities.

    Thank You So Much in Advance,


  2. If you have a complication the insurance companies WILL pay for it. They could not deny a legitimate complication. The same goes for elective cosmetic surgeries and procedures that are self pay.

    If there is a complication and reason to remove the lap band the insurance company will even pay for that surgery but will not pay to have another one put in.

  3. I found this article about the Telemetric Band

    LAP-BAND: Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery | Easyband

    Taismommy - Thanks for the article.

    Does anyone know a projected start date? My doctor thinks February or March but he does not know for sure until the company notifies him. I thought that maybe someone knows a doctor or someone who works at the company who has more inside information. Oh well, it was worth a try.

  4. What is it.???? Donna

    It is a new type of gastric band that has no port. It has a hydraulic system within the band which is adjusted by the doctor from a remote control on the outside the body. It was trialed in Europe for about 4 years and had been trialed here in the U.S. for a year. The results have been about the same as the lap band but minus all the port infections/ flippage and 2nd surgeries to fix the port problems. The company has applied for FDA approval because of the positive results and it is expected that it will be approved for use in 2008.

  5. I got my lapband on October 3rd. I lost my best friend on November 16th!

    Here is the email that I received:

    Dear Amy,

    Well, this is not going to be what you want to get from me, but hey

    "let's be honest before we start lying to each other". (That is what I normally say to her.) I'm really

    sorry, but I am not going to be able to come up next weekend. (She was suppose to come up to Canada for the weekend.) As I always say, if you're not living on the edge- you're taking up too much space; however I seem to be way too close to the edge as of right now. I'm really trying to be rational and not get overly emotional while still

    allowing myself to feel these days as that seems to be the healthiest

    space for me. (I think she is preparing me for what is coming next...) Let me explain: this will be train of thought, stream of

    consciousness style as that's when I can get most honest with myself.

    Right now I need a break. I don't know how much of it is you, but I'm

    definitely aware of how much of it is me. A lot of this will sound

    accusatory; I wish it didn't. I've lied to you so much in the last few

    months specifically about your weight loss surgery. I'm pretty sure that's

    what got me started on the bad feelings. It wasn't all bad by

    any means. It was actually so wonderful in my suspended world of

    denial for awhile. I said most things to keep the peace and got so many

    wonderful memories and good times recently, so it seemed worth it- but

    it's seeping into the rest of my life and the web is getting too tangled

    now. ( I told her a few months ago that I was having WLS and she seemed really cool with it. We had a fantastic summer, and had some kick-ass trips.) I wish I could have told you how much I didn't want you to

    mutilate your body, how much I thought that there were other things that should have been tried first. (We talked in length about all of my options, and the proceedure.) I just went along with everything you said because I was afraid of making you angry. (This is so not true she ALWAYS speaks her mind. That is what I like about her.) I thought I was willing to exchange your happiness for my integrity, but it turns out I'm not. Now I cansee some of the fruits of your labor, not really the weight loss-(I have lost 30 pounds and two pant sizes; there is no way she could not tell!) I think I'm just programmed not to care about that; my family always

    said I was so much happier in the arms of a 'big' person even as a

    baby that my tummy would stop hurting and I would just fall asleep.(Huh???)

    Still, I do see that you look healthy and seem to be proud of all your hard work. I want to be supportive, yet I'm not there. I might get there and I might never. I finally like my

    body in the past couple of years, even more than I ever could have when I was thin. (She has been working out and I am very proud of her. She is not overweight.) I love how strong and energetic I always feel- not sick and weak like I did in college. Right now I just know that the holiday season is never really as easy

    as I I also know that I have way too much wrapped up in

    diet hell. I really can't begin to explain what any kind of food

    restriction does to me, how emotional that issue is. Yes, you've

    heard me say it- and unless I screamed it in the street for 24 hours

    straight I fear you couldn't possibly get it. (She does not like it that I refuse to eat sugar and wheat product. I did not make her make me special meals, or eat different foods. I just didn't eat bread or sugar, and that freaked her out.) So that's the major

    dilemma right now- how to deal supportively with you while dealing with that

    side of me that just doesn't see a happy normal between us about this

    issue. All I can see is that I'm terrified of being in a household

    where the 'mother' has extreme diet restrictions and I just can't do it

    right now. (I guess her mother dieted a lot.) I think it's making me hypersensitive to lots of other small

    things. I can feel myself over-relating to you as if you were my mom

    and I can't do that anymore. (Since I can't eat bread...therefore I must be her mom...I guess.) It will literally push me over the edge.

    When I joke about walking a fine line, it's not really a joke. I

    barely made it through this past weekend and I'm not ready to try it again

    right now. I feel bad that I

    lied to you. I want you to be so successful in your endeavor.

    You feel bad you lied to me? How about writing me this email? Today I lost over 150 pound because of my lapband. She was my best friend for 25 years. I am so sad I am going to bed.

    Dear Cookielover,

    I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I wish I could leap over there and give you a big hug. I think it was cowardly and reprehensible that after 25 years your friend dumps you in an email. The least that she could have done was have a phone conversation with you. I do however understand that she obviously has some deep food issues as a child with her severely restictive mother. Maybe when she saw that you are being really restrictive in your carbs and sugar she was re-living her childhood issues. But frankly, she may be jealous that you are taking care of yourself and are possibly a happier person. The other option is that you might be talking about food issues, restictions, exercise, etc. so much that she might view you as a different person from the one she has known all these years and is not enjoying her time with you in the same way she use to. Either way it is my opinion that you should pick up the phone and talk it over so you don't wonder for the rest of your life Why she really stopped being your friend.

    It is a sad thought but sometimes we outgrow our friends. Maybe your friendship with her will end but you WILL make many new friends along the way that will have your new interests and new positive outlook in common. Good luck with the situation and I will keep you in my prayers.


  6. Hello fellow nurses. I have been a night shift RN on a pediatric oncology unit for almost 11 years , but I just got a new job as a clinical care coordinator which I start monday. I can't wait to work days and NO holidays or weekends!!!! I am not banded yet because my doctor said that the telemetric gastric band will be FDA approved in 2008. He thinks around Feb. or March. If anyone knows anything please share.

    Wasabubblebutt- Thanks for the travel food tips. I can't wait to try them as soon as I get my band. I have never heard of dried cantaloupe. Sounds Yummy.

  7. I was once a physician, a neuro-radiologist. When I was in my first year of a fellowship in pediatric neuroradiology I was assaulted near the hospital. I was beaten very badly and left for dead. I suffered permanent brain damage.

    I went through a long, tough rehab but I'm told I am a totally different person than I was. I no longer had the drive to achieve and among other things, lost my comprehension and passion for medicine and science in general. All those years of education and I was no longer competent.

    So I am very lonely. My husband died when we were in medical school. I no longer remembered my friends from school and we no longer had anything in common. My life has no meaning.

    Dear Serena,

    You have been through an unimaginable experience. I am so sorry that your life has been turned upside down. You said that your life has no meaning,however, you can bring NEW meaning to your life. Think about what new things interest you and focus on bringing one smile to your face a day. Pretty soon you will have a new focus, new hobbies, and know that people care about you. You have a new chance each day to find your passion. Be angry, grieve, and then pick yourself up and find your new passions. You can do this!!!!!!! Please know that we are always here so that you can vent, share your struggles, your blessings, and even your one smile moment for the day.

    My heart is with you and you will be in my prayers every day,


  8. I spoke with my surgeon's office. They were great about it. They would like to do a total unfill just to be safe but agreed to give me two weeks to see if it resolves itself with some TLC. And yes, it was scary but since I have had things like this happen before it was much more scary for everyone around me. It happened at work so they were all quite nerved up about it. Thanks for your responses and support.


    Thank Goodness that you are ok. You should ask your doctor about prescribing the Epi Pen for you. It is an emergency shot of epinephrine that you carry in your purse and have in the house to inject yourself with incase you have trouble breathing. It comes with easy to use directions. Better safe than sorry.

    Stay away from those KIWI for life!!!!!

  9. My doctor ( Dr. Nguyen) said he is switching to the new telemetric band in January. It sounds really good not to have a port but I have not heard much in the way of info on this site. Does anyone know more info on the rates os slippage or erosion etc. i looked on the website but it doesnt mention any studies and I can't seem to find much on it. The surgical technique appears to be the same so I need help to decide whether I wait till Jan. or Feb. or get the VG band now. Thanks.

  10. lepez: Is that really true, a party to a lawsuit (divorce or other) can supoena a phychologist and make him/her produce his notes in court? I thought that was only in the case of a homocide.

    As for forwarding the emails and having someone else copy them, I suggest that she be very careful about that. It is much better if she would take care of the copies of these emails herself. You don't want stuff like that floating around with others to read. If she cares one shred about her husband, and if the marriage stays in tact, it's a mighty huge elephant that they'd have to bury. I'm not saying this even so much as to protect her husband's respect from others, but also because if other people read these highly personal emails, they become a party to their relationship in a way.

    It's sort of like one friend bellyaching to her other friend about some awful something-something her husband did that hurt her feelings, or was stupid. The friend forms a strong opinion about her husband and what a stupid louse he is. Then when the wife gets in a good mood toward her husband again, the friend is still thinking he's a jerk and the wife doesn't want her friend thinking those awful things about the man she loves. Not well put, but you get the point.

    Yes. My friends lawyer did it but fortunately never needed to pull the therapist in because he settled right before they went to court.

  11. Seems to me if you have the emails, and backing them up in hard copy, and keeping a log, are both EXACTLY on target---and excellent advice---but anyway, seems to me, you should be able to take them to the police, if an actual threat of physical harm was made, against your brother, and if nothing else, have a peace bond, or a restraining order put on her, at least against your brother. He may not be afraid of her or her husband, BUT it would be prime evidence for you in the future!

    If the woman is a true psycho, and she sounds as if she and her husband could both be---you need to document everything. And having police involvement, may not be a bad thing.

    Pay attention to your surroundings, and be EXTRA careful of what you do and say---put yourself above reproach.

    green--I think--I may be wrong (it would definitely not be the first time!!!) that maybe Laura read it in an earlier post in the thread...I can't scroll back, I am on quick reply, but I remember reading it too, and thinking at the time that the number was skewed. When I read Laura's post tho, the # seemed familiar to me.


    - I agree whole heartedly with Kat817. Your brother NEEDS to get a restraining order against her because it will help your case. If she threatens you in one of your husband's emails then You can get a restraining order for YOU and YOUR CHILDREN. that would take care of the problem with her seeing your children.

    - Forward ALL 1000 emails to a good friend or family member to print in hard copy. You never know what threats you might find in them or evidence of her being truly psychotic and unfit to be with your children. She might talk about drinking or addictions ( you never know). SEND THEM ALL.

    - Don't keep hard copies in your house because he could destroy them and delete the electronic version.

    - ALSO, don't tell your therapist anything that can incriminate YOU!!!!!! If you were to go to court then both you and him could supina( I know I spelled it wrong) the therapist or her notes to court.

  12. Green -- you ought to read the e-mails -- she's a manipulative bitch. And That's not just the scorned wife saying it -- these e-mails are huge pitches - "fight for ME instead" - she's even asked him to marry her in one of them ====== she's still married (though supposedly separated from her husband)!!!!!! It's just the opposite of what you said about being the perfect lover because you didn't WANT attachment... She set out from the beginning to steal my husband for herself & despite his initial NOs, she kept coming on strong (using a different tactic)... And now that their lies & his betrayals are exposed, she's trying every trick in the book to keep him. His e-mails to her have said "I don't know you like this" and "I've never seen this side of you before" and "it scares me to hear you talk like that"..... She's pulling out all the stops & while he hasn't left home, and continues to tell her he doesn't intend to leave ME, he still hasn't cut it off with her...

    Until she's out of the picture, what chance do I have? I don't know why, but I feel like if he could just shake her off & refocus HOME, then the choices we make would be OURS together to stay & fight or to let it go -- but right now the choices are a tug of war between the greener side where somebody else is mowing the grass & home where he's expected to do the yard work! Years & years of yard work are what he faces before home has a flowering garden again...

    And I can't help but feel like owe it to everything I value in this world to fight... I'm just delusional, I guess...because I know this isn't a fight I can fight (let alone WIN) alone.


    I am so sorry that this has been so out of control. I haven't followed for a couple weeks so I had some catching up to do. First of all, you have every right to still be devistated. This is such a huge change for you. I agree that you shouldn't make any major changes unless you are ready. However, there is one thing I want to suggest. Just in case he were to serve you papers( and he probably WON'T but you never know) you need to get a few things done for yourself while it is still BOTH of your money. Things that you would not want to pay for yourself like new tires on your car, major dental work, new clothes in a few smaller sizes, gift certificates for the grocery store, clothing stores or toy stores for presents and stuff later, a new camera and flashcards, etc. It can't hurt to be prepared and even if you work it out you need that stuff anyway. I hope you take care of yourself. You are in my prayers

  13. > The World's Shortest Fairy Tale


    >Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?"


    >The girl said, "No!"


    >And she lived happily every after and went






    >always had a clean house,


    >never had to cook,


    >did whatever the hell she wanted,


    >never argued,


    >didn't get fat,


    >travelled more,


    >had many fantastic lovers,


    >and only cooked the things she liked to eat,


    >and always had money.


    >She went to the theatre,


    >never watched sports,


    >never wore fricken lacy lingerie that went up her ass,


    >had high self esteem,


    >never cried or yelled,


    >felt and looked fabulous in sweat pants,


    >and burped, swore, and farted when she felt like it.

    Thanks. I Needed that.

  14. Lepez - I just want to say thank you for what you do. My sweet little great neice died from neuroblastoma at the ripe age of 4. The strength it takes to deal with that kind of sadness day in and day out is remarkable. I'm sure you have already left a legacy.

    StephC- I am so sorry for the loss of your niece.It is very heartbreaking to lose a child and especially to watch them go through so much. I love what I do. As you know, children are really brave and I find it much easier to take care of them than adults because if they are feeling slightly good then they just want to have a good time. They can have chemo running and they still want to squirt you with a Water gun or play a video game .

    BJean- The emotional rewards are unmeasurable.

  15. <p>Hello. Everyone. </p> <p>About 5 years ago when I stopped smoking. I gained so much weight. i tried everything. Nothing seemed to work. After gaining over 50 lbs . I had a baby putting on another 21 lbs. Family and friends try and spare my feelings by not telling me how big I've gotten. Well I finally came to the decision about getting banded. No one knows. I will tell my husband after I get it done. Because I know he would freak out the thought of a weight loss surgery. I told him that I'm getting a procedure done. I'm doing this for me. I'm 5"3in 248 lbs that is not cute. I'm only 35 yrs old. </p> <p>I want to enjoy my children, my husband and my friends. I went to a bachalorette party I was so out of breath with just seconds on movements. I went with my daughter on a out door trip with her school I had to keep stopping the walking was killing me. I love having sex but with the weight gain, I'm limited to one position all others tire me out. I want my old back. Give me 9"s and 12"s not 18"s and 20"s. So I will keep my secret until its over. Oh god I hope nothing goes wrong.<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)" smilieid="8" class="inlineimg" /> Sep 6 is my date.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Essence36</p> <p>Long Island , NY<img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/kiss2.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Kiss2" smilieid="154" class="inlineimg" /></p>

    Dear Essence36,

    Please take this with a grain of salt because it is only my opinion. I hope you change your mind about telling your husband and children. God forbid you experience any complications from the surgery and need your husband to care for you, take off work or make child care arrangements last minute. It is kind of unfair to him since he Will find out about it afterward and possibly resent you or have trust issues with you. This is Surgery and things can go wrong. Maybe he will freak out about the surgery or maybe he will help you cope with it but it is unfair to just spring it on him when you need a ride to and from the hospital.I am not sure what ages your kids are but they will also need to know because there will be some big changes in your eating, exercising, and in their lives too.

    Whatever you do know that we will support you and hope that the decision you make is one that you AND your family can benefit from.

  16. Dear BJean,

    Yes, having a hysterectomy does reduce your chances of breast cancer because you are put into immediate menopause which significantly reduces the EStrogen production that would have peaked in the beginning to the middle of menopause. If you are genetically Estrogen receptor positive then you have just reduced your chances of getting breast cancer.

    Sorry to everyone else for straying from the original thread but my heart goes out to BJean.

    Things that you would be surprised to know about me

    1. I am a Pediatric Oncology Nurse

    2. I collect Pez candy dispensers (Thats why my screen name is lepez)

    3. When I was in my 20's I had every color hair ( pink, green, blue,

    purple, etc.)

    4. I am trying to write a book on how to leave a legacy

  17. Well, here goes. I never thought I'd admit this to anyone and I'll bet I probably shouldn't be posting it now. But it's what is always lurking in the back of my mind...

    Both my mother and my sister and a friend of mine all lost quite a bit of weight in the year before they got breast cancer and they subsequently all died.

    There, I've said it. I guess I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I am somewhat afraid to lose more weight. It is completely ridiculous, I know that!! Don't scold me, I can't help having this irrational thought about a relationship between rapid weight loss and breast cancer. :cry

    Dear BJean,

    I wish I could give you a hug right now. I bet you are so frightened and I can't say that I blame you . Noone knows what causes breast cancer but there are certain undeniable factors involved in some cases. I have never heard a correlation to rapid weight loss and then being diagnosed. I think that the RN in me wants to share one thing with you. My sister was diagnosed with premenopausal breast cancer almost 3 years ago at the age of 47. She is in remission now . When she got diagnosed I spent every waking free moment doing research and talking with every doctor and collegue I could find. My sister is estrogen receptor positive which means that the more estrogen she puts out the higher her chances are of relapsing. Thank goodness she is thin . The heavier a person is the more estrogen is produced. The less a person weighs the less chance of producing excess estrogen. This is part of the reason I am in the process of being approved for the lap band. If I am also estrogen receptor positive then I want to give myself the best chance that I can not to produce excess estrogen. I want to lose weight to DECREASE my chance of breast cancer. I know that I could still get breast cancer for a lot of other reasons but I will have done all that I can do .

    It might be that after they lost the weight they started feeling comfortable enough with their bodies to do a self breast exam and possibly to go see a doctor for a mammogram. They might have had the cancer for a long time but did not find it until they lost the weight. Most Breast cancers are not rapidly growing so Please everyone do your breast self exams and get your yearly mammograms even if you are obese ( especially if you are obese ). I hope this helped calm your fears just a teeny bit. I am sorry if I brought up a painful situation in a sort of clinical way but I just want you to know that the weight you are losing could actually help you . Please do your monthly self breast exam and get your yearly mamograms on time.

  18. Yeah, um ................... she's pregnant.

    Numb, numb, numb...........

    Wow!!!!!! I am so sorry that you have to live this kind of Hell right now. I have a few comments 1. The divorce rate is probably high for lap banders because we were in bad relationships which helped us to get fat in the first place. After losing the weight, we probably gained confidence which leads to wanting a happier life. 2.Since you have not had sex with your husband for 6 months since the lapband you need to get tested for every sexually transmitted disease, have a pap smear and ask for the HPV test, and also test for Hepatitis C. 3. He also needs to get tested including swabbing the inside of the penis for STD's 4.Do not jump Back into bed with him without a condom on. 5. If she was sleeping with your husband casually then she was probably sleeping with other guys casually. 6. She is probably lying about the baby so don't fret till you see proof and even then don't fret till paternity is proven 7. I hope this was a wake up call for him that the grass isn't greener on the other side because using his depression as an excuse to have an affair is pathetic. 8. Most of us are depressed, some go to therapy, some take meds, some gain weight but CHEATING IS A CHOICE. He thought it out enough to buy a cell phone for her and cash his check to spend money on her and take money away from your children. HE IS NOT A VICTIM. He might have BEEN a nice guy but the person he was and might still be is NOT such a nice guy.

    I have a pretty crappy marriage so I am no one to councel you but it breaks my heart to hear you make a ton of excuses for him when he should be on his knees asking you for forgiveness. You are supporting him through this when he should be supporting you. And he still admits he misses the other woman. That is like hitting you with his car and backing up to hit you again. I hope you find a lot of good friends and a great therapist to help YOU through this situation and if YOU DECIDE ( not him) to Stay in the marriage I hope he realizes what a wonderful person you truly are.

    All My Prayers To You and Your Children,


  19. No, Dr. Nguyen thinks it might have happened when I was still healing. There's really no reason why it happened. I'll tell you more in detail when I see you at the meeting. Some of us from lapbandtalk.com are getting together, are you joining us? We're getting together in Huntington Beach. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f26/cali-bandsters-unite-8430/ This link will tell you more about the meeting in Huntington Beach.

    Hello Sandy,

    Unfortunately I can't make it to the Huntington Beach Party but I will be at the support group on Tuesday. I can't wait to meet you.


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