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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by bigdd

  1. Thanks so awesome ! ! !

    Did you know for every pound of weight you lose, that you relieve 4pounds per square inch off of your knees ? ? ? I've had 2 ACL surgeries on my left knee, most of the meniscus is gone, and I no longer have any knee pain. It still creeks a little when it's cold outside, but luckily no more pain.

    You're doing so great ! ! !

    No I didnt know that about the 4 lbs per square inch. Is the meniscus the same as the cartilage? I went to 2 differant knee specialists and I guess my cartilage is ripped right out of there and the bones are hitting. But both doctors said they wouldnt do anything until I lost weight. If it keeps getting better the way it is maybe I wont need them anyway.

  2. I had the same problem and it lasted about 2 weeks. I sent a email to my contact person and this is what she told me and it makes sense

    "....please don't be a slave to your scale, only weigh once per week...your body needs this time to adjust to the weight loss you have had thus far and you will have weeks that you may not lose any weight...I have had stalls for as long as 5 weeks....it is just your body adjusting, trust me, it doesn't like to give up the fat...give it time and please be patient. This is going to work for you so just go about your daily business and let the sleeve do it's thing, remember you did not put the weight on overnight, nor will it come off overnight. :sad0: "

  3. My Doctor also said (after my direct question) the part of your stomach that is taken away is the part that stretches, the thicker harder muscle part is what is left. And it is very hard to stretch it. He said it will only stretch about 2 extra oz's. and that's it.


    My doctor also told me when asked that the most my sleeve will stretch is 3-5 % over 5yrs

  4. I know what you guys are talking about with your taste and smell senses being changed.......One drink that i had before the operation was a moca ensure drink.......I bought a couple 6 packs to drink after the operation as well....I cant stand them anymore......just about made me gag..was so sweet. I landed up taking them to the local food bank... Also those protien bullets. I drank a few before the sleeve.....also made me gag afterwards. I tolerated them for the first week of Clear Liquids then got rid of the rest...

  5. LOL.


    I can just imagine this scenario. Big guy comes in and order what? A Happy Meal?? I don't even order anything anymore, I just nibble on some of my kids Happy Meals. Got to love your sleeve. Congratulations on your weight loss this past week - I'm jealous.

    thanks...... I was shocked at the loss....... My kids are grown so I have to order my own happy meal :biggrin0:

  6. Im 5 weeks post op tomorrow..the first 3 weeks the weight dropped off like crazy, Almost to fast.. Then it came to a screeching hault and I actually gained 2 lbs. I have just started loosing a bit again. I was told its normal and its just your body adjusting and also your body hates to give up the fat

  7. I only told a couple family members and my closest friend before i went. In the 1 st week afterwards I told most of the rest of my family members and now that things seem to be ok and im loosing some good weight I have told a few other people what i did especially the friends that are overweight themselves

  8. No, I haven't tried that. Does it firm it up? The noise I just attribute to my body getting used to having nothing in it.

    Ya it does firm it up some...lot less brown liquid :crying:....The Dr told me a lot of the noise is stomach acids being re-established as lots are taken away with the surgury

  9. I just got home yesterday. Surgery was done on Mon, Dec.7th. I have been dealing with a lot of "noise" from my stomach, and you guys are defenitely right..liquid in, liquid out, LOL. I am shocked that Judy is on soft foods only 1 week out? My dr. just told me yesterday to do 3 weeks of clears?

    I would LOVE to do two weeks of clears, and a week of full liquid(xmas is coming up).

    After 4 weeks im still getting some noise from stomach as well..... are you taking benifiber? it will help with the liquid out......helped me lots

  10. Well its been 4 weeks now since I got my "sleeve" All is going very well. Im stalled at 46 lbs lost, but have been told that is normal so my body can adjust. I have had no problems so far, I know I dont get all the Water im supposed to but im working on it still. I have had a very bad knee for the last 2 yrs and boy I cant believe what a differance this weight loss has made on it already and I still have a long ways to go. :biggrin0:

  11. I am only 1 week out. I just had my first bowel movement this morning.

    It was very firm/hard. It took a while but everything came out ok (pun intended) LOL. I was worried about being constipated. I don't get much noice from my tummy. I was pretty "windy" the first week though.

    Everything is GREAT, I've not had one problem at all. I've tried some things here and there, especially this week. Peanuts (chewed to mush)

    pureed porks chops in gravy (only ate an oz) very good. I've had a couple bites of refried Beans & mashed potatoes. All went down well.

    Im just wondering Judy. Did you have the sleeve? Are you supposed to be eating already? I had to go on 1 week of clear fluids 2 weeks of full fluids

    1 week of soft food then other food........no nuts for a couple months. If you had the "sleeve" im amazed at the differance in post op diets:ohmy:

  12. HI BIGDD



    Hi Lucy

    Glad everything went well...you should be home now? I had a hard time getting in all my fluids also.. Especially trying to get the protien in also. I know even now that I dont get in all the Water that im supposed to. Im just full most of the time. Dr. Alvarez is pretty cool eh.

  13. I'm not post surgery yet, but I will be soon. I've always been overweight since 1st grade! I've always made pretty good food choices though, just the wrong portions.I do however have the biggest sweet tooth!!!! I like to eat something sweet after almost every meal! Can anyone offer advice about how to get away from this?

    how were your sweet cravings after surgery?

    how much candy/cookies whatever, can you stomach NOW?

    I'm hoping my need for sweet will diminish after surgery.... advice please!

    I have always been a big fan of sweets and pop......im 13 days post op now and I havent even wanted anything sweet.......before op I was drinking those "ensure " drinks everyday and now they seem so sweet I cant drink them.......

  14. I am almost 6 months out and still can't do the Protein drinks and now my hair has started to fall out - thank goodness I have a LOT of hair so I'm hoping that it stops falling out before I lose it all.

    Maybe a dumb question..........why does the hair fall out? lack of protien? I have a shaved head anyway so its not a concern for me.... Im 13 days post op now and im also having a hard time getting the protien in......

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
