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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by twobluecats

  1. Yah for you! I feel quite a bit better this morning as I'm typing at my computer instead in my chair on the laptop. I got in about 40 ounces of water yesterday with 46 grams of protein. I had only one cup of soup spread out throughout the day. Gonna shoot for more water and walking today. I just walked around the house a few times yesterday. The drain tube is actually the incision to the far right. It's just an annoyance, and I'm afraid I'm gonna jerk it out! The main incision is low on the left, and it is freaky looking around it. It's like a big dimple in my tummy. The PA explained to Matt that they add extra stitches in that area to avoid a hernia. Looks weird. The baby incisions are all very small, less than 1/2 inch. The biggest looks to be about 1 inch. Word to the wise....get the Miralax that they recommend. I have yet to visit the bathroom for more than a tinkle......gonna hit the Miralax today. Of course, I haven't eaten much of anything, but still.

  2. Hey, Barb! It's Theresa. I'm doing okay. The pain has really just been around the largest of the incisions. The pain pump came out today, but I still have the stupid drain until next Wednesday. I haven't got sick at all, but I can only take in about 2 ounces at a time. I've had protein water, chicken broth and cream of chicken soup. Just a tiny bit fills me up, and I feel a sense of real fullness, then a gurgle, and then a burp! You can't much more of a worrier than me, and I promise you can do this. Any word on your cardiac stuff yet? Keep me posted, and I'll be sure to keep you updated with my progress too.

  3. Hi Barb this is Matt,Theresa's husband we had a good night but , when leaving the hospital she had a bout with nausea and severe pain. Now that we're home, it's all eased sipping on some protein.

    Theresa says don't fret about EKG findings. She's sure that a Cardiologist will clear you for surgery. In fact, a girl having surgery yesterday had to do the same thing. Let us know how it all go's we're pulling for you.

  4. Preop wasn't really bad as Dr. Nick at least allows us the meal per day. I didn't cheat with carbs, and I couldn't believe I didn't crave more stuff. Good luck to you on the next step, and I really appreciate your thoughts. I know you will be there with me tomorrow in spirit, and that will be enough for me. I will try to post tomorrow via my iphone if I feel up to it. Your wisdom with regard to God's plan is inspiring too. I'm not sure he's had enough time to deal with everyone else today since I've been bugging him about me all day! HA! But, you are so right. I once thought I shouldn't consider surgery because God gave me this body, and I can do it on my own. Then, one day I realized that I'm certainly not honoring God with the way I've treated my body thus far. My odds for doing this alone just weren't good enough, hence the surgery. I will talk to you soon!

  5. Thanks so much, Barb! I appreciate the prayers, and I'm ready for this time tomorrow! I spoke with the anesthesiologist just a while ago, and she was really nice. She knows I'm a nervous surgery person! I'll definitely keep you posted. What day is your surgery, again?

  6. Thanks so much, Longhorn! I am as nervous as a cat in a Rottweiler cage! But, I'll keep praying on it, and it will be good to be this time next week! I will definitely post progress reports! Keep us posted on your journey as well!

  7. Yes, I know what you mean about watching what you eat. Christmas won't be bad for me as I'll be post op and probably having soup and maybe a bite of mashed potatoes! But, I'm sitting here talking to myself this morning about how I'm going to avoid chips and salsa today when we take a coworker to lunch for her retirement. I will because I know I have to, but why did she have to pick mexican food? This is a girl who always PICKS SALAD!!!! I'm doing well on the preop diet though. I may have more than five ounces of meat on some days, but I'm holding fast to the one meal with meat and veggies only, and I've been having about two protein (didn't want icky slim fast!!) shakes a day and substituting v8 juice or broth for the other drinks. I'm not a big sweet tooth. I found a shake at Costco called Premier that is prepackaged and not bad. One of the other sleeve patients had one at the support group. They pack 30 grams of protein in 11 ounces, so that's good!

  8. I got a grey folder, but mine is for Baylor since I'm a self pay. I can try to find out more tomorrow night from the folks who had their surgery at Forst Park. I'm not sure what that "pre op education class" is. I wonder if it is only optional to those that are self pay? I bet Bea was confused and talking about the support group meetings that happen in the evening. Can you, perhaps, call the Forest Park facility and ask? I hate trying to find answers and getting frustrated all along the way! I have to say that they stay so busy, it is hard to sometimes get all the information. I really like the support group; you might find one in your area once you have surgery. I like having that monthly accountability and someone else to talk to who is going through the same thing! Also the obesityhelp.com Texas community board seems to be really active. I like that!

  9. Don't worry about the discretion. Trust me, I fully understand, and I have no clue who you might be! But, I do know that I wish you the very best of luck. I just can't figure out why you are having trouble with United. I was actually shocked as to how quick they responded. I actually got the letter from them this week explaining their decision. Pretty cut and dry.


    I wish you the very best of luck on your journey, wherever it takes you. And, feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My surgery is set for December 14.

  10. Yep, started my preop yesterday! I too have been having all my favorite foods. Way bad! But, surprisingly, today was not bad at all. I'm drinking the Premier protein drinks (30 grams each!) from Costco as someone at the support group meeting suggested. They aren't bad at all, and I'm not one to like sweet things. I'm glad we get one reasonable lean meat/veggie meal a day compared to some folks! I'm really nervous about surgery still. That's just me..it wouldn't matter what kind of surgery it was! However, I have to admit that knowing that a huge chunk of my stomach is going to be removed sorta freaks me out!

  11. Howdy! My husband indeed works for Mary Kay. Are you here in Dallas? Yes, my insurance is United through Mary Kay. I submitted nine years worth of medical documents and also my Weight Watchers information showing six months of meetings and weigh ins this year. Surprisingly, I heard back immediately that I had been approved.


    Sorry for the big time delay in my response. I was away from the boards for a while!

  12. Done! December 14! Woo Hoo! I will start my preop diet the day I get back for Walt Disney World. I'm so ready for a new life. And, yes, knowing that we can look at January 1, 2010 in a whole new way is absolutely energizing.

  13. Well, take care of yourself. I'll report back after my appointment tomorrow!

  14. Not yet. My consult is tomorrow, so I'm hoping to have a surgery date then. We leave for Disney World on Friday and gone all next week. I suspect I will do the pre-op the two weeks following Thanksgiving week. I know it's all Slim Fast type shakes and one meal of 5oz meat and 2 cups veggies daily.

  15. Just a note to say that you've been in my prayers today. I hope all went well with surgery number one (okay number two...;-)...)...

  16. Sleeve, no question. Ever since I found out about it, I've known it was the one for me. I just got home this morning from a sleep study. I don't think I have sleep apnea; I don't snore. But, he apparently scheduled it. I am going to take the rest of the year, about 2 1/2 weeks off. I think you are smart about the holidays; that is why we moved Disney to Thanksgiving. I sure didn't like the idea of having surgery before we went or even just after as I'm sure I would have been on liquids either way. And, my husband is having his second shoulder surgery on December 28. I really wanted to do it this year.

  17. Great news, Barbann! My insurance approved my surgery, and I have my consult with Dr. Nick on Thursday. I expect to have surgery the week of December 14. We are headed to Disney World on Friday and gone all next week. So, I'll get back and do my two week liquid diet. It's so hard to believe that I'm doing this, but I think I'm ready! Glad we get to go on this "ride" together.

  18. Will do! I'm ready to get going. This is exciting (and terrifying), but I do feel somewhat at peace about it.

  19. Hello there! I was wondering how your consult went with Dr. Nick? I have one this coming Thursday. Were you able to schedule surgery?

  20. Not a thing. I was hoping she would post and let us know what Dr. Nick said. Have you tried to PM her?

  21. Hi, Norma. I am expecting to have surgery in December, and I would LUV to begin therapy around the same time. My hope is I can find a therapist in the Dallas, TX area that focuses on eating issues. I just want to ensure that I'm doing all I can to beat this unhealthy relationship with food. Any advise on therapists in the area? Many thanks, and I hope all is well with you!

  22. Thanks so much for your feedback. This is pretty much where I'm at right now as well. I know in my heart of hearts that I've tried to be successful in keeping the weight off in the past without success. Folks who know me can't believe I am going down the WLS path as I've always been so determined to do this on my own. But, you are right, I'm just so tired of not being the person that God created because I hold back on things because of my weight. Security and self worth are not a problem, but, as you know, there are so many things that we put on hold "until I get the weight off." I'm READY TO LIVE! Thanks again for your thoughts. It means a lot.

  23. Hello! You know, It's killing me to wait around for the doctor's office to get back with me on my insurance benefits. And, the longer I wait, the more I go back and forth on whether I'm selling myself short to go the surgery route. That said, I know in my heart of hearts that my history speaks for itself when it comes to my success rate. You are such an inspiration, and I could really use some right now. Did you struggle with the decision, even the with the band? Do you recall what your deciding factors were? I'm terrified of surgery, and I know going in to remove a major portion of my stomach is not a light thing to consider. But I'm SOOO TIRED of my weight dictating every aspect of my life. Words of advise, honesty would be greatly appreciated as your story and your success and apparent zest for life are all something I really connect with. Thanks for listening!

  24. That's great news! I'm hoping to hear from them this week. I will probably call them on Tuesday if I haven't heard from them. I really liked Dr. Nick, and I'm ready to get this show on the road.


    I've never really thought of surgery until very recently--always thinking I could do it on my own. But, I've finally reached a point where I can't face the hard fight and the backwards slide anymore without ever actually achieving a normal and healthy weight. I'm terrified of surgery, but I feel like my odds are against me if I continue at this weight.


    Please keep me posted on your progress, and I'll let you know what they say when I call (or they call) this week.



  25. Hello! Just checking in with you to see how you are progressing. I LOVED Dr. Nicholson, and my husband enjoyed the seminar too. I think he felt more comfort after hearing all the questions. I'm hoping to hear something next week regarding my insurance coverage. My family (parents and brother) are still very apprehensive and worried that we don't have enough information about this procedure, so hearing of other peoples journey makes it easier for me to know this is the right thing for me. If 10 years worth of medical notes from my doctors that cadidly document my weight ups and downs don't show the need, then I don't know what does. I think it's hard for folks who don't live in this skin and who have not fought the battle for years to completely understand.

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