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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Hychap2009

  1. Hello there, firstly let me say I for one do not take offence to your story, you're just keeping it real from what I can see. What a sad story, i feel sorry for your mother-in law - It seems to me that she was just looking for a quick fix. WLS certainly is not that. Her Sleeve is only a tool - she needed to work her tool, instead she disregarded the guidelines. Not taking in her liquid was her first major mistake - dehydration can be leathal. I think the other thing is, as far as I know in the USA and the UK it is mandatory to undergo a series of tests to evaluate your suitability both mentally and physically. She sounds like she was not really ready for this. You would expect to have follow up consultations and test after surgery. The fact that your mother in law has buyers remorse is not suprising really, sounds like she went through this whole thing with the wrong mindset; by herself without any support at all; no support group; no family support and no doctor follow up.

    I don't think this is the norm, but if people are not aware or do not do the research and understand that this is a tool and that the changes start with the individual - change of life style, then they are surely asking for trouble. That said, lets hope she changes her mindset - and gets with the programme , and eventually benefits from her sleeve. Right now she needs lots of encouragement and support to get back on her feet.

  2. I am one week out today and feeling a bit down. I came home from MX with a cold/sinus thing. On top of that, I have an infection in one of my incisions. Plus just trying to heal up from surgery. I have a low grade fever off and on. It's just really hard to know if my fever is from the cold, from my infection or if I am suffering a leak. I keep freaking out there I'm going to rip my stomach open. The cold is causing me to sneeze and although it doesn't really hurt to do so, it scares me to death. How long until I no longer have to worry about my stomach leaking? I know I'd be feeling so much better about everything if I didn't have all these other things going on at the same time. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Happy Thanksgiving all.

    Hi, Sorry to hear about your discomfort. Try hanging on in there - if your fever continues I'd call the doctor and explain your concerns. Take care.

  3. Well you wouldn't believe it but they offered it to me !!!!

    I have other conditions Asthma , PCOS , High blood pressure ,and last year was given a BiPap machine for sleep apnoea after discovering I had secondary polycythemia (blood condition ) and very low oxygen saturation so my consultant suggested WLS and as soon as I agreed I seem to have been fast tracked as others I have spoken to at the hospital clinic have been waiting 2 years or more in total and have to travel miles fortunately I live in west London and Charing Cross Hospital is the home of Imperial Weight Centre UK's first Academic Health Science Centre (AHSC) and the largest trust in the country. I had my first consultation about it in July 2009 and my surgery date is Dec 14th ......maybe because of pre existing conditions or it could be the good old postcode lottery .....but I think they think it will be an investment and save the NHS money in the long run ...:lol0:

    Anyway I am so excited about it I tell anybody who will listen and for the first time in my life I am happy to tell people my weight .....bizarre and my friends all seem really curious

    Hi, you could almost be speaking about me. I have uncontrolled high blood pressure and have done for around 20 years; diabetes type 2 taking 2 types of insuline and metformin;Nightmare PCOS, asthma, Diverticulitis and Planta Faciilitis. Life sucks most days, but by the grace of God i'm still here. Like you it was my Diabetic Consultant who referred me for this surgery has she thought the only way to improve my health conditions was to lose weight and it surely was not going to lose weight on my own. Initially I was so scared, attended obesity clinic from there was sent on a series of test (it seemed as if I lived at the hospital) i was there so often - because of my asthma I had to become an out patient at the respiratory dept for months and was also tested for sleep apnea (clear) that God. I have a heart murma so this was checked - have some damage to my kidneys - Oh I so need this surgery for my health. I think its available to anyone on the NHS if they have co-morbities. My BMI is 52 and i'm only 5ft 2in. I have two surgery postponements - bad time of year for me, I'll always catch colds about now because of the weather.

    I've made the decision not to tell people about my surgery. I say people but I mean people outside of my immediate family members and a few very close friends. Anyway, i'm potentially looking at a January surgery.

    Congrats on your December date.

  4. I went on the waiting list Jan. '09 and was told the waiting list was 6 months. Unfortunately for me I've had so many set backs and only this week had to have my surgery postponed again. I was scheduled for 30th Nov. but i've developed a bad cold that has turned into a throat infection due to the post nasal drip - this in turn has triggered my asthma, so I'm at home trying to get well. The hospital would not carry out surgery under these conditions and needs at least a 4 week gap between the end of the cold and the surgery date. So, I'm looking at Jan. 2010 before I'm likely to my surgery. It's been so frustrating as the same thing happend last month, I reached my hospital bed, but because my chest they sent me home - too risky, that Oct 19th. My journey so far has been so dramatic.

  5. Hi Elaine,

    Welcome. How did you manage to get the NHS to do this?! Well done you!

    Good luck with the op and also with the pre-op diet.

    All the best,


    Hello everyone.

    I've not visited here for a long while. Just out curiosity is it not normal to get WLS on the NHS. I'm having mine on the NHS London Kings College Hospital. Or is it different depending on which part of the UK you live.

  6. I've just sent for a few Protein drinks just to try them out for when I have my surgery. Has anyone tried the following:-

    Reflex nutrition whey Refresh RTD - 40g Protein

    NSC Pro Shot = 25g protein.

    I ordered 5 in total so that I can try the different flavours also.

    I would like to source a resonable tasting Protein Drink rather than a shake. This is so I can vary the types of protein liquids I take alongside the food choices that I make. I have a small tub of unflavoured Protein Powder as I'm aware that my taste buds may change after surgery, so I'll wait till after to choose a powder, they are quite expensive to decide you don't like it.

    I'd welcome any suggestions particularly from my UK peeps - as sourcing the right type of products here in the UK can be a bit of a mission.


  7. Hi Ardita

    How great is this - a site just for us. lol. I'm sure I followed the link you posted on TT that led me here. Like you I previously searched for a site dedicated to sleevers but initially came up with the same sites you mentioned. I once found a site for sleevers but there were very few people on it, was not very active. I've had some good support from the TT site and will still visit there, but I'm so happy to have found the home for sleevers.

    I have placed my blogs on vertical sleeve gastrectome surgery blogs. I hope i've done this right. If not, some guidance please.

    Oh thank you everyone for welcoming me here.


  8. Hello everyone,

    How good and how pleasant it is to find you UK sleevers. I'm a newbie so I look forward to participating in this sub forum. I'm a pre-op and a foodie like a lot of people on these sites. In my preparation I've spent time trying to source some of the food products commonly used by our WLS American cousins. I've discovered Total (FAGE) oh it's so fab. and versitile. Hope i'll like it as much when I'm post op. Did any of you source any of the food products used by the American WLS community, or did you just adapt the foods that you're use to?




  9. Hello everyone, So good to find an active site dedicated to "Sleever's", WOW. I've been on the TT site which has been so useful but the majority of posters are either lap bander's or ByPassers.

    So i'm just going to help you to get to know me and my journey thus far, some of this post I will copy from previous post - just to save time. lol. So far it has been a bit of a roller coaster ride. I'm currently pre-op, i was added to the waiting list 23rd January 2009 with the expectation that I would be having my surgery in May '09. Anyway as you read you understand my journey.

    I origianally posted this 10th Feb.'09 on TT, so you'll see where my head was at back then:-

    "Well here I am, finally facing the prospect of having WLS. I've been overweight for far too many years now. When I was in my early twenties I was an extremely active person, always on the go. Life changes, and my activities changed along with it. Before I knew it, it was so easy to put on weight. I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, that didn't help my weight problem but I didn't understand the condition at the time.

    I have high blood pressure and i'm a diabetic. Never controlled. I also have some kidney damage and suffer from Asthma. Well you've guessed it, my weight has not helped my condition any at all. My quality of life is pityful. At the diabetic clinic they finally gave me no choice. 'Do or die'.

    So here I am, waiting for the date of my op. I was told it will be within the next 4 months. I am terrified, but want to make sure that I do everything to make this journey as easy as possible. I worry about not being able to sit and eat with my family and friends, this is a very social and cultural part of my life. I fear the internal pain i'll suffer after the op. After six months or a year, what kind of meals will I have? Will I every be able to enjoy a tall glass of iced cold Water again? Eat a whole sea bass - a glass of anything?

    How does one get use to not eating delicious food.

    Why do they have to take 85% of my stomach away.

    I'm quite depressed at the moment. I think I ought to keep a diary of my progress before and after the op. Oh by the way, I'm scheduled to have the Gastric Sleeve."

    So guys, I've moved long way ahead since writing this, a lot more informed and so much more ready. I copy the rest of my journey into a blog, so hope you're take some time and get to know me. Hope to get to know some of you and would welcome the support.



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