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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Norma

  1. Norma

    I hope someone reads this

    I hear you. What worked in the beginning; are you still doing those things? Just breathe and take it each day at a time.
  2. Tomorrow will be brighter! Get some rest. Enjoy the fact that you are getting the tool that will help you. I think the answer is that you won't need the trainer and will be able to eat better with less work(mental).
  3. I've had lots of surgeries--most common is feeling a little nauseous, dry mouth and maybe cold. Just tell someone and they will help you with it.
  4. Norma

    I hope someone reads this

    I read it-what is your problem? I have not been sleeved yet but will help if I can. I was a little surprized that this section had never been used too.
  5. Norma

    My own room!!!!

    Just a question, but what exactly do these men "do" when they are on "lend"?
  6. Norma

    not losing anymore!

    As a therapist, I will attempt to tackle the question of food/weight related therapy. Lots of people need the accountability-to-self piece of writing down what they eat and how much they exercise, other people focus on the head hunger issues-why am I eating? what emotions am I stuffing?etc., EMDR focuses on dealing with traumas to disconnect the heighted emotions/inaccurate cognitions that are stuck together with relationships, dating, sex, self esteem, self beliefs, etc. There is a lot more, but this is a start.
  7. Norma

    I have a date!

    Congrats, yes you sound a little excited! I will look forward to watching your progress.
  8. Norma

    Reflections from a Fat Chick

    [quote I still struggle with chronic depression and am on medication for bipolar disorder. I am a very blessed person. There are so many things in my life to give thanks for. My husband loves ME the WAY I am, and the more I hate myself, the more he loves me! blessed with a job I LOVE (teaching K-8 music education),I am the mother of four goofy dogs. Things are going so great for me, yet, there has always been that one thing that has been like a dark cloud over my head- and that is my weight problem. Sometimes I feel so guilty for allowing myself to be sad over my self-image when I have so many good things in my life. I want to go hiking with my husband or travel places and not feel ashamed in my own skin. I want to break the obese curse of my family and not be "the fatty" anymore. Rose From one fat chick to another-welcome! I relate to your story and have days that I think I'm kidding myself that the sleeve will work for me. I am so glad to see that you are going for it at 24. I will be 50 before I get there but hope to find the financing within the next 6 months. My sleeve will be my birthday present to myself. I want my life back. I want to reverse my diabetes, sleep apnea, joint problems and maybe even go on a date for the first time in my life:001_wub: Congrats on having a wonderful hubby. Take the dogs for a romp and stick to your pre-op diet. You are gonna make it. Keep posting!
  9. Norma

    Vitamin D

    [quote It should be noted that a strong craving for sweets can potentially be a symptom of Vit D deficiency. Many studies show that obese people are severely lacking in Vit D. As we lose weight it often times becomes worse. Many doctors still go by what used to be thought of as normal blood values of 20-50. This is no longer accurate information. We should shoot for lab values of 50-80. I did this and realized I was severely deficient in Vit D. I started supplementing and deep bone pain is gone as well as my craving for sweets. I am going to order the kit. Will let you all know if I test low. Anything I can find to help with the sweets cravings and with body aches-shoulders, back and knees-I am willing to try. WASa, got any ideas about carb cravings? I am a sucker for hot buttered fresh baked bread or chips and salsa at a mexican place.:thumbup1:
  10. Norma

    My future babies

    I am with WASa:001_rolleyes:--I am fine with 4 legged furry babies but not interested in having the human kind--especially now that I'm almost 50!:thumbup1: But good luck to you. I'm sure that there are sleevers out there who have healthy pregancies.
  11. Been there; done that! :thumbup1: I agree that therapy works and the best therapists are the ones who did the hard therapy work themselves. I like EMDR becasue it has helped me deal with past trauma and with food issues. I believe that once school starts for you again that things will get easier. Keeping your mind active will help by giving you less time to run around up there in your mind second guessing yourself. Keep posting
  12. I knew immediately that gastric bypass was not for me. I had settled on the band because I had met people who had gone to Mexico and done well. I guess that I am lucky to have been financially challenged and had insurance companies that did not approve bands. That's how I got to be in the group who will list sleeve as my 1 and only WLS. Now, I would like to be less financially challenged :blush:so that I could get on with my life sooner I hope to be able to set the date sooner rather than later. I am tired of living vicariously through this board.:001_tt2: Hope you guys don't mind putting up with me for a while longer!
  13. Congrats for being pumped on your surgery day--How Exciting! I don't know when my day will come as I am trying to find the money. But, am so happy for you. Keep us posted on your progress.:001_tt2:
  14. Since the sleeve does not cause malabsorption, why do people experience hair loss? Can it be avoided by taking vitamins and do all experience this?
  15. I am allergic to Protonix which I was given after having an abcess in my colon removed (diveriticulitious-sp?) which my doctor stated was from the Metaformin causing constipation and diarrhea. Anyway, my question is -why does Dr Aceves give you Nexium and if I have allergy to Protonix (severe hives and itching), will I be allergic to Nexium? Second ?-pain-I have a very high tolerance to pain, i.e., I had abcess the size of a baseball without knowing it till I literally passed out when I twisted to get out of at the car. I noticed passing out, went to doctor and mentioned that I thought I had pinched something in stomach-doctor touched stomach, found the outer wall to be hard and had me get a CAT scan or MRI-can't remember which. Lab calls doctor who calls me and says get thyself to ER ASAP and I am driving down highway arguing that "I'm sure I'll be fine; it doesn't really hurt-how can it be serious?". Long story to say-How do you know if you have complications if you don't feel pain? I mean, I am totally confident in Dr. Aceves and his team, hospital, etc. But, things do happen and I can not rely on pain to tell me that something is wrong.
  16. Norma

    down to a size 12

    Clothes are a big issue for me too. I love Lane Bryant and am glad that finally there are cute and fun clothes in my size, but I just dream of being able to go into a regular store and get clothes off the rack. I have hated the terms for large size clothing since I wore Chubbies in grade school! I will have to be careful not to become "addicted to clothes shopping" when I get to have the sleeve and experience real and lasting weight loss. But, it will be a healthier addiction!
  17. Norma

    Almost there..........

    Welcome, GreenBay Girl! You might try emailing the doctors you are interested in and asking for their complication rates, leak stats and staple line experience and ask for references from people they have sleeved. Those references can probably set up up with other message boards where you could find some good info.
  18. Norma

    Sad, Mad and Disappointed

    And, if the receipt is not enough to get out of Mexico, rent a car and take a longer vacation!:biggrin0:
  19. Norma

    Complications after Sleeve Surgery

    I also want to know all of the above. Why would a leak happen 2 weeks after surgery?:biggrin0:
  20. Do you think that your difficulty with sleep has anything to do with psychological anxiety you had before surgery about not coming out from the anesthesia? I am basing that on my experience of initally not being able to intiate sleep after getting diagnosis of sleep apnea because a psychological fear of not waking up/dying-treated it with one session of hypnosis.
  21. Norma

    Sad, Mad and Disappointed

    I haven't tried a loan yet because I know my credit is not good. I might try that in another couple of months, but want to see what I can do with Medical Flex Spending account next term (Oct) and how much I can save since I moved in with friends and cut monthly expenses first. I haven't lived with anyone in 32 years (since high school) :blink:so I am getting adjusted to having housemates right now. So far it has been great (6 weeks now). I am positive that I will find a way to get this surgery. I can not afford not to.
  22. Norma

    Sad, Mad and Disappointed

    Judy, I went to a local doctor Dr. Malley in KS for consult after attending his seminar for lapband. I told him that if I couldn't get financing that I would not afford to be able to have surgery as a self pay. He agreed that he would refund the money for the consult if he did not do the surgery. I was turned down for financing through the company that does his financing and started looking into Mexico doctors. He refunded the consult fee but he suggested some doctors and through that I have found Dr. Aceves. I am still looking for the $9500. I know the anger and disappointment, but it is your body and your life. Don't let some insurance company :cursing:convince you to do a procedure that you are not 100% comfortable with. I will keep you in my thought and send positive energy to you. We will both get our surgeries done. I know it! Ask your doc for a refund of the consult fee if you can't have the surgery done with him.
  23. Norma

    I did it, i did it, i did it

    I like elliptical walking machine in gym or walking in the pool and swimming. I can not tolerate the heat/humidity so do all my exercise in the airconditioned gym with a fan blowing on me or in the pool.
  24. you might want to try some benadryl cream on the site itself.
  25. Welcome. I am new too. I haven't set my surgery date yet but will have the sleeve with Dr Aceves. I am happy for you that your wait is less than a week away! I totally relate to being overweight and obese forever - started for me at age 5 or 6 and then obese since high school --for past ten years or so I have been around 300lbs on a short 5'3" body. I think that food addiction is harder than nicotene or alcohol because we can't just quit eating food altogether. Please post about your surgery experience and about whether you get any vacationing in at the same time.:tongue_smilie:

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