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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TennJenn

  1. I agree with the others, just tell her & of course give her all the papers and x-rays you have from the surgery. I talked with my PCP about WLS before having it...once over a year ago & once about 3 months before my surgery. She wasn't really against it, but she wasn't thrilled either. At the latter visit, I simply told her that I had done my research & chosen the VSG and that I'd be going to Mexico to have the surgery. She questioned me a little about the surgeon (his stats, why I didn't chose a US surgeon & how I found out about Dr. A). I plainly asked if she would be willing to help with any follow up care I might need (labs, etc). She said she would be glad to...just let her know what needed to be checked & what was the best way to code it so my insurance company would cover it.

    6 days post op, I went in for a visit to get a new bp med script. & I took all my "goodies" from Dr. A with me. I showed them all to her & we discussed it a bit. She checked my incisions & looked at the x-rays (she was fascinated by the leak test x-rays!). She said the surgery report looked great & I looked great, so all is well. I made my appointment for labs at 3 months post-op. All I have to do is fax her a list of the labs I need drawn prior to my appointment & no problem.

    Go in to your appt. confident. Remember that YOU are the one that ultimately makes your healthcare decisions. If you feel that she will not be helpful or makes you feel uncomfortable in anyway b/c of the surgery, I am sure you can find a well qualified PCP who will offer you the best care. It's your choice of PCP...you are the boss!

    Good luck. Be sure to let us know how it goes.

  2. How are your readings, still good?

    I would love to get off my BP medicine. I am on Toporal XL (yes I know I have to move to the no extended release after surgery) and it gives me strange dreams and makes my scalp feel funny sometimes.

    So far my readings are good! I do have some occasional borderline readings (130-140/80-90) but after resting for about 10 minutes it is "normal". :biggrin: I really didn't expect to come off of my meds b/c hypertension runs in my family (even in the non-overweight family members). So, I am still bracing myself for having to go back on meds, but it would be a much lower dose than what I was taking. I was maxed out on the Procardia & my BP still wasn't what my PCP refered to as "well-controlled". My next option was going to be adding another med to the Procardia...so I'll accept having to be on one med, low dosage if that does indeed happen.

    Good luck with yours!

  3. Well, I'm a stay at home mom but I thought I'd chime in here anyway. :wink1:

    For me, 2 weeks would be plenty. I definitely would advise waiting until you are on full liquids. I was very weak on clears only but once I started full liquids, my energy level was great. If you would like an additional 2 weeks off, go for it! But as far as healing, etc. I think 2 weeks is enough to be feeling somewhat back to normal.

    Good luck! You are gonna love Dr. Aceves & his staff (but I'm sure you've already heard that many times! :biggrin:)

  4. Vegas covered most everything else...

    My flight out was 12:30 and we had plenty of time. We got back to the airport a little after 11:00am (and we had to drop off another lady at a hotel first). I don't think you'll have a problem there.

    I did freak out a bit by the line at security at the airport, but it moved very fast. My DH had plenty of time to eat before boarding the plane & we still had time to just sit there.

  5. I just had my VSG there on July 7th, so it's fresh in my mind!

    Yes, they have airconditioning. My DH was cool enough, but after the surgery I had hot flashes. The nurses immediately brought me a fan & it was a life saver!

    The cafeteria food looked & smelled amazing! My DH said is was indeed VERY good food. And it was not expensive at all...I think he paid about $6.00 US for each meal (including his drink) & he got a lot of food for that.

    My offical last meal was from the Lucerna room service...a bowl of potato and bacon soup! It was yummy! DH had a club sandwich with fries & I kid you not, that thing was HUGE. It was reasonably priced as well.

    If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. :001_smile:

  6. I called my insurance company myself & discussed WLS with them. I know ins companies can be hard to deal with, but that's your best bet to get started. I found out that my BCBS of TN policy does cover the sleeve, but I wouldn't qualify as my BMI was 34.5...I didn't want to wait any longer, so I self paid.

    If you have a surgeon that you are seeing, his/her office should help you deal with the insurance company. They should try everything in their might to get you approved for the sleeve. If they are not trying to help you, I suggest you see about finding another surgeon whose office staff is willing to help you.

    Good luck!

  7. Well, I must be really hungry because I had a dream about eating fried chicken last night. In the dream I was at my mom's house and she had all this chicken from Popeye's and I tore into it. I was also drinking a COKE! I just ate and drank like normal thenfreaked out because I'd forgotten about my sleeve. Weird.

    I'm eating Jello at the moment, lol

    I did the same thing! I dreamed that I ate one chip and then freaked out because I'm on liquids only. :laugh0:

  8. rosey- I was the same way...so weak I could barely move while on clears, especially near the end of the 10 days. I drank a Protein shake a day earlier than I was supposed to. I just drank it slow & only had one (basically it took me half a day to finish it). But it made so much difference in my energy level. Without it, I don't think I could have been able to attend to my children that day.

    Now I'm on full liquids and my strength is much better! I imagine things will just get better and better from here...I just wish I could get to whole foods already! I'm ready for some crunch! My teeth haven't had to work in a while...they're bored.:laugh0:

  9. I'm also not even worrying about Protein until I get on mushies. I do already have my first mushy meal planned, and I'm still a week and a half away!

    My doc has me on clears for the first three days after surgery only. Curious as to how long you guys are on clears after surgery? Also how long on fulls?

    I'm clears day 1-3, then fulls days 4-14, then pureed foods.

    Dr. Aceves' post-op diet is 10 days clears, 10 days full liquids, 10 days mushies. I just started full liquids...can't wait for mushies! :001_smile: BTW, what is your plan for your first mushie meal?

  10. Thanks for the ideas, everyone. I had potato,cheddar, broccoli & chicken Soup (completely liquified in the blender of course) today. It was YUM! I couldn't eat much at all, but it was nice to taste something besides broth! :001_smile:

    Vegas, I'm curious as well about 6 more weeks of mushies...does it have something to do with the spasms you're having?

  11. Glad to hear you are doing well, Rosey! I'm another 20-something (okay, so I turned 29 today! But I'm 29 & hodling!). I had my VSG July 7th & I'm doing well!

    shanda- If you are prone to motion sickness, you can ask the Dr. for a prescription for Drammamine for your flight or ride home. I get motion sickness very easily so I asked for something (well, my DH asked for something for me!) and Dr. Campos gave me a prescription the night before we left. My DH went to the Almater pharmacy across the street and filled it & got the Nexium I needed. The Drammamine was about $6.00 US.

  12. Now the potato cheddar Soup sounds good! Do you remember the brand? Was it one in a can? Oh, my mouth is watering now! :drool5:

    I thought I could boil my own potatoes & add in some cheese and then put it through the blender. I guess I just need to make sure it's liquid enough, right? The consistency should be of such that it could be drank through a straw???

    I'm just terrified of having something that I shouldn't & then it causing problems...or worse...a leak! :scared0:

    I think I really need to find an unflavored Protein powder to add to my food. I've tried unjury & didn't like it...too much of a bad smell. I guess I'll try to one at GNC as someone else here as mentioned.

  13. wow - i'm the exact opposite - the colder something is, the easier to get down. and i'm finding i can take much bigger sips. i'm worried now that i'm drinking TOO fast.

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I got to worrying that I was taking in too much too fast as well. I'm tyring to pay close attention and follow the rule of no more than 2 oz in 15 minutes.

    And cold Water is going down easier now, but in the beginning it always caused a tightness, crampy feeling. Now I'd rather have cold Water b/c it tastes better to me. :001_smile:

    independence- How are you doing? Have you moved to full liquids yet? If so, I'd love to know what you are eating! :thumbup1:

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