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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    Update From Baby Cheeks

    Hey, LoveMe, do you have the Inamed LapBand, a Swedish band, or some other kind? I'm asking only because you had your first fill less than two weeks after surgery, and your second fill two weeks after that. Every doctor has a different protocol -- but yours is very sped-up for the Inamed band. Most of us don't get the first fill until six weeks after surgery. Congratulations on your loss!
  2. Zoe

    Want that pattern for the hat!!!

    Great hat! I think you could make a small fortune selling them. . . put me down for one, extra-large (why should my head be any different from the rest of me?), extra-floppy for use on bad hair days. . . you will have enough spare cash to buy yourself a new small-size wardrobe by the time winter is over!
  3. Zoe

    Need some input please!!!

    Hey Will, remember your insurance company is trying to spend as little money on you as possible while extracting the highest premium from your wallet. Check out the insurance threads on the board. Lots of people here have been incredibly frustrated by their insurers -- but they kept fighting. Some of us were so fed up that we decided to pay for the band ourselves rather than haggle with insurance. Some kept hounding their insurance company until they got a response. Your insurance company wants you to walk away. . . so it doesn't have to pay a cent. Unfortunately for most insurers it's just a financial calculation. Will they come out ahead in the long run if they pay for your surgery? If the company's already shelling out money for you on obesity-related illnesses -- diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, joint trouble, etc. -- you might have an easier time persuading someone to approve your application. If you truly believe the LapBand is the right thing for you, don't give up. You will find a way. Good luck -- and let us know what you do next.
  4. Zoe

    You know your a bandster when.....

    Great post, Gina! I'm not sure I'm headed for that pony-tail holder, but it sure is an image to ponder.
  5. ROFLMAO, Penni! I was always self-conscious when that Queen number came on the radio back in the old days. . . I've been taking three- to six-mile walks with the dog every day for the last five days. Will probably burn a lot of calories with nervous energy watching the election returns tonight!
  6. OK everyone. No matter what shape you're in, or where you are on your band journey, you can join in this challenge. Walk, run, or bike to your polling place today. Cast your ballot. And here are a few ways to burn some extra calories: 1. If you have to wait in line, do a few stretches or walk in place, imagining what it would be like to live in a country where you had no voice in choosing your leaders. 2. If your voter registration is questioned, don't punch out the election official; quietly flex your arm muscles. 3. If you have to use an electronic machine and it doesn't work, take several deep breaths, then talk to the election judge, keeping your stomach tucked in: Abdominal toning and democracy in one simple move. Don't forget -- if you don't like the results of the election, you can always make a punching bag, attach the picture of your choice (doesn't have to be a candidate; Karl Rove or Michael Moore will work just fine), and slug away, thinking of the great muscles you're developing. The polls are open all day. Get your Nov. 2 workout!
  7. Zoe

    Junk Food Challenge

    Good for you -- both for talking to Erin and for bringing fruit! That's two victories in one day. I wonder if Erin will be asking you about your band someday; yeah, it sure sounds as if she's out of control. (I say that because she reminds me of me.)
  8. Zoe

    could it be meno-pause ??

    I'm 47, and my two post-band periods have been lighter than usual. It might be age, it might be the surgery, it might be my slight weight loss -- whatever the case, I'm delighted!
  9. Excellent news, Lainie! And mushies will seem like a real thrill. There are a couple of threads in the Food section with lists and recipes when you get to that stage. Meanwhile, congratulations.
  10. Zoe

    The countdown begins!!!!

    Blossom, I'm glad to hear the testing went well. I hope you can keep yourself amused before Friday, because it's easy to go stir-crazy while waiting for the surgery day. Let us know how everything goes for you; you've learned so much about the band, I'm sure you'll be a model patient!
  11. Zoe

    Stranger Danger

    I'd love to write an eloquent response to Ryan's story and the other wise and wonderful posts here, but the first words that come to mind are: CAROL SUCKS! And Craig's even worse because he set up the little game with no object in mind except to bring you down. You're smart to recognize that the co-worker gremlins are so powerful because they're echoing your own self-doubts. But we know that you're doing the right thing, and we know what courage and, yes, strength are required to decide to get the band. You might work in a prison, but if these two vipers have to entertain themselves in such a hateful way, they're living in one.
  12. Zoe

    255 Pounds

    Congratulations, Megan. That's a big deal, getting down to a teenage weight, no matter what the number is. When I was 13 I dieted down to 142 lbs. I was a big-boned 5'7" then, and my parents and the diet doctor all said I was still too fat. When I look at pictures of myself, I don't know what they were smoking! And of course I didn't stay that size for very long. . . headed straight for 200. By the way, I love your Buddha quotation.
  13. Zoe

    I'm a real bandster now!

    Congratulations, Denise (and Michelle too)! You'll feel a lot better in another couple of days. Welcome to Bandland!
  14. Zoe

    Update to life or something like it.

    Good luck, Bobby. Sounds as if your daughter comes first in your life, even if she doesn't always know it. I hope she comes back soon. At least you know she is safe.
  15. You can get bitters or Campari from a liquor store. Bitters are a bright red liquid that lives up to its name, in sort of a good way. (This cure is not for anyone with alcohol problems.) Good luck and let us know what the doc says. PS: Try turning off the "caps lock" key.
  16. Zoe

    Junk Food Challenge

    Amen! (and I think the word is saboteur. . . saboteuse for a woman.) Send us her address! Or let the biker convoy deliver the stuff in person. I have been hiding from the trick or treaters because I didn't buy any candy. Last year I bought a huge bag of mini-Butterfingers and only a few kids showed up, so guess who scarfed down the leftovers in one sitting. I don't trust myself alone with the stuff. Penni, I don't know how all of us are going to get through the holidays. Can any one-year-plus bandsters out there who have gone through the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas/Hanukkah-New Year's food riot give some advice?
  17. Zoe

    THE moment..

    What amazing stories from amazing people. I am in awe of everyone here. Some of you have gone through such trials, far beyond weight, and instead of allowing yourselves to be subsumed by life, you have held on, gathered your courage, and prevailed. I feel privileged to be part of this board.
  18. Zoe

    Many Emotions..surg Date 11/11/04

    Hi, NY Lapster. You're not alone in trying to figure out if, or when, you should tell people about your band. Check out the "My Secret Lapband" thread started by Gail: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3061 Good luck!
  19. Hi Avery -- I haven't had the hiccups since I was banded, but I used to get them all the time. A bartender gave me a tip that has worked every time: Get a slice of fresh lemon or lime and sprinkle some Angostura bitters or Campari on it. Suck on the slice. Magic!
  20. Zoe

    Junk Food Challenge

    Oh boy, do I need this thread! I think there must be something in the planets, or maybe it's El Nino. The Axis of Evil is not Iran, Iraq (pre-Saddam) and North Korea, it's Frito Lay, M&M Mars, and Cadbury. The only thing that works for me is keeping junk out of the house, period. If I have to have something, I have it at a restaurant or somebody's house. Otherwise I'm with Penni -- the size of the bag/bar/carton is the size of the serving. DeLarla, I think all of us on LBT should sign a joint message to Erin: "Hello, dear, we don't know you, and your life is your business, but do you realize you are subverting someone who's worked very hard to lose weight, and who could use some support in her life-changing effort? Eat what you want, and as much as you want, but please keep it to yourself, or a bunch of big irritated women (and men) are going to kick your ass from hell to Breakfast."
  21. Zoe

    Sleep Apnea

    Hey Greg, good luck. Too bad you have to wait until the 15th for the tests -- let us know how you think you did.
  22. Zoe

    Caution - highly addictive

    Great post, Lisa! I have just gone 48 hours without LBT -- hope I haven't missed much.
  23. Janie, who was banded in Perth, is having trouble; see her thread at http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3418 Any suggestions on someone she could see in W.A. (or elsewhere) for a second opinion?
  24. HarleyNana, have a big piece of cheesecake for me and tell me all about it!
  25. Lauri, I'm thinking of you and your family -- as everyone who reads your message will be. Hope your grandfather is going to be OK.

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