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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    3 days post op and some issues....

    Hi NY -- My port incision was sore for a couple of weeks. Holding a heating pad to it would help. The diarrhea is normal. (I posted the same question when I was going through the liquid phase, and was reassured by the answers.) EAS Myoplex fruit-flavored shakes worked for me; they taste OK and have a lot of Protein. You're right to avoid dehydration and starvation. Get some calories into you! And walk -- even if you're a little slow and unsteady, you'll feel better. Welcome to Bandland! It gets better.
  2. Hi Fran -- I live in Chicago, and while I had my surgery in Mexico, I'm seeing Dr. Horgan for aftercare. He's well-trained and has a lot of experience. Are you having the operation at the U of I hospital? Good luck, and let me know if you need a local "bandster angel." I'm not very experienced (with the band, much less angel-hood) but I'd be glad to help in any way I can.
  3. That sounds like a dare to me -- which room, Paula, did you have in mind, and when? Thanks, Leatha, for sharing these pictures. You look great.
  4. Margie, everyone has posted some wise words about mood swings, hormones, etc. If you are really worried, see a doctor. It's great that you can go on line and write out your feelings here -- but you might want to consider talking to someone in person. Is there anyone in your life you can talk to honestly about what you're going through? A husband/partner, friend, or family member? If not, you might want to talk things out with a clergy member or therapist, someone you can trust with your feelings, who will listen and respond with care. Good luck. I hope that you're feeling better.
  5. Zoe

    TWO Major NSV's!!!

    Babs, you are an inspiration to those of us in the early part of our band journey -- no, you are an inspiration, period. Congratulations!
  6. Zoe

    NSV anyone?

    Congratulations, Nancy! What a wonderful NSV. Keep 'em coming!
  7. Zoe

    Five more days.

    Ryan, it's really just a matter of hours now. I remember a couple of months ago when you first mentioned your surgery date, it seemed so far off. . . now you're almost there. I am thrilled for you. Yes, it's a scary step, but the rest of us who have already stepped on the banded shore will be there waiting for you and will walk by your side along the path. I can't imagine the heart of the thin man will be different from the heart of his larger predecessor; you're just going to pare away a few outer layers to reveal more of yourself.
  8. That's normal. If you want to know more about what the rest of us have experienced, read old posts here on LapBandTalk; we bandsters might not be medical experts, but we've written a lot about why we decided to get banded, how we feel right after surgery, what it's like to get through the first few weeks on liquids, whether to tell anyone about our bands, and lots more -- including our worries and fears weeks and minutes before going to the hospital. If you have any questions, just ask!
  9. I feel like such a wimp with all this talk of Harleys, since I'm terrified of motorcycles. When I want to feel the wind through my hair, I open the sunroof of my car or turn up the setting on my blow-dryer.
  10. Good for you, Melanie! It's great that your partner will be able to relate to what you'll go through with the band; many of us have people close to us who just don't get it. Is there any chance at all that Kaiser will cover the surgery -- or at least the follow-up care? If your disability is weight-related, the insurer may figure that it's actually cheaper to give you a band than to pay for long-term doctor visits and physical therapy. But even if you have to pay for it yourself, if you're like most of us self-paying bandsters, you'll find it is worth every cent. Good luck. Just think, you'll have a new, improved body in a year!
  11. Penni, that sucks. I hope you feel better. Make that husband of yours do all the lifting, heavy or not! I'm still in my dog-walking groove: at least 45 min. every morning at a good pace that gets my heart pumping. The big November rains haven't started yet, so I haven't had a recent day when I just want to stay in bed. I feel great, but that scale just won't go down! Oh well. I've joined the scale challenge, which is harder for me than this exercise challenge; I shaved my legs yesterday and had to stop myself from jumping on the scale to see how much I'd lost to the razor!
  12. Zoe

    My Doctor's Appt

    Congratulations, Paula! With so many things going right for you, MIL will have her dirty work cut out for her. How lucky most of us are to have our bands to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! (insert dancing turkey here)
  13. Hi Danyielle - I second what Nancy said. Remember, it's your BMI that matters and not your actual weight; 191 pounds on 5'2" looks a lot different than on 6'2" -- you know that already, but it's worth repeating, because the 200-lb. mark is irrelevant for shorter people. (At 5'9", I wouldn't have been a band candidate at 191 lbs., but you might be.) Some doctors use a 35 BMI as a cut-off point, but not everyone has the same standard. Surgeons will still consider you a good candidate for the band if you have serious weight-related complications. Sounds like you're in pretty good health; that's great, but a disadvantage if you're set on getting the band! You might want to start documenting any joint problems -- have an orthopedic specialist check you out, if you have decent insurance. If you really think the band is for you, do as much research as you can. Let us know if you have more questions. Whatever you decide, good luck to you.
  14. Hi Dallas -- It's nice to see another tall woman here! Congratulations on your weight loss; sounds like you're going slow and steady. There are a lot of Texans on LapBand Talk, and I think they're planning a get-together this coming weekend; check out some of the other threads. Welcome!
  15. Becky, you're right -- I'm sure a lot of bandster guys are delighted to lose their man-breasts and throw their man-sieres away. (Remember that Seinfeld episode?) Penni, first, congrats on the big weight loss! Second, thanks for sharing that lovely image with us. . . you are officially recruited as drummer for the Undulating Pendulums. I'm afraid to ask what you'll use on the waa-waa pedal. Maybe Miss Paula can help you out! Between everyone's responses to my original post and the incredible gassy thread elsewhere on LBT, I've been laughing all day!
  16. Zoe

    Burping & Farting

    Thank you ever so much, DeLarla, for enlightening us! I now have plenty of brilliant conversation openers to keep people away from me on the train and at cocktail parties (in case a particularly fragrant fart doesn't do the trick).
  17. I'm forming a rock band called the Undulating Pendulums -- anyone want to join? I guess I'll break down and buy some new bras, even knowing that if all goes well with my weight loss, they'll be too big sometime next year. So we're not talking La Perla here -- I'm off to Target, if there's a sale. Oh well. When I lose another 50 lbs. I'll be able to wear the lacy numbers (dating from the Carter administration) that are gathering dust in my sock drawer. Look out for a 70s underwear revival sometime next summer! (No pimp hat or platform shoes for me, though.)
  18. Zoe

    Burping & Farting

    I'm sitting here giggling. . . I'll have to read this thread out loud to my little nephew, who loves all body noises. My experience has been different from the majority who've written so far: I was a pretty decent farter pre-band, and a champion belcher, even among my mighty brothers, who are truly noise-makers of note. (This gift won me a part in a high-school play that required me to belch repeatedly, on cue, without the aid of a microphone. Meryl Streep, watch out.) Now I'm much less productive both fore and aft -- largely because, in the case of the belching, I don't drink anything carbonated, which used to bring on the Cessna noises Penni so aptly described. In the old days, after just one can of ginger ale I could do a halfway decent impression of a 747. Now I'm down to propeller level.
  19. Welcome, Kristy! I love your list. God bless your angel for giving you the means to reclaim your health, and congratulations on your 15 lb. loss -- you're on your way.
  20. Dan and Estela, welcome to Bandland! The first week is the hardest. You'll be feeling better in a day or two. There are lots of November bandsters around, including a number of people getting surgery later in the month: Congratulations to all of you!
  21. Zoe

    Pitty potty! Why me?

    Lauri, I'm glad you're able to look at the bright side -- although, as Ryan wisely pointed out, why shouldn't you be unhappy after going through such a rough time? But you are moving in a healthy direction. Just thinking about getting the band, even waiting for it, is a hopeful step. You're looking for change in your life, and you're taking action to try to make it happen. That's a whole lot. I hope the move goes as smoothly as possible and that you hear some good news soon.
  22. Zoe

    I'm Home!!

    Congratulations, Blossom, and welcome to Bandland! The world is divided on those circulation boots; people either love 'em (Marie & Lisa G) or hate 'em (you and me). FYI, I ate the outside of tamales (basically they're just corn meal) when I moved to mushy food and had no problems -- so don't bury those goodies too far back in the freezer!
  23. Zoe

    Why don't I want them to see me?

    Alex, I'm so glad you wrote what happened at the party! I started reading this thread wondering if the afternoon would go well. I'm delighted, and relieved, that it did. I don't know about you, but I am sick to death of having my weight be such a big focus in my life. Whether miserable while gaining or elated to lose, sometimes it all feels the same: Enough about the fat already, when can I stop obsessing? I suppose my LapBandTalk addiction is just another manifestation of this. Then I remember: oh, yeah, I'm an American woman, and almost all American women of all sizes are bizarrely focused on weight. (In an unfortunate side effect of gender equality, plenty of men have this obsession too.) First this preoccupation is forced on us by others who draw often cruel attention to our size. Then we seize it as our own and come up with excruciating ways to torture ourselves without additional help from the outside. Sorry, I'm starting to rant and ramble. But your story touched a nerve!
  24. Nik, Nov. 9 is almost here! Congratulations. I think it's great that you already know not just your doctors but the medical center before you proceed with the band. Let us know how you're doing after the surgery; I'm sure you'll do well.
  25. Zoe

    First taste of solid food

    Congratulations, Betty! Isn't solid food great? I think the only people who truly appreciate it are bandsters just coming off mushies and seniors fitted with new dentures.

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