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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe

  1. Zoe

    so frustrated by school

    Big yes to what Kathy said. Take action and take names. Is there an assistant dean you can talk to? Or a secretary? Get everything in writing. Talk to the head of the admissions department; surely one of those four transcripts is on file. You are going to finish your education, that's for damn sure. . . control your fury and turn it into a focused laser to slice through the thicket of red tape. Just be careful about burning clerks and assistants if you're seriously pissed off -- they can make life difficult for you, as I'm sure you already know. Good luck. Go get 'em!
  2. Zoe

    NSV anyone?

    I was able to sit comfortably in an el cheapo class airplane seat last weekend for the first time since I flew home from getting banded.
  3. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Hey! Where is everybody this week? I lost a half a pound, nothing short of miraculous considering how much chocolate and ice cream I put away last week. Slowly crawling to the 200 mark... Jonathan, how are you doing?
  4. Zoe

    Restriction luck

    OK, take a deep breath and repeat the mantra: This time is for healing. Weight loss comes later. Yeah, it's frustrating, especially if you lost a lot of weight right after banding (as you have) -- but it's just physiology. You're not a failure. You're normal. Of course you're going to be able to eat a lot; your body doesn't even know it has a band right now! Just hang in there till you get your first fill. Even if you don't hit the legendary "sweet spot" the first time around, you'll probably notice a big difference. So don't beat up on yourself, or we'll have to kick your ass.
  5. Zoe

    8hrs to go....

    Hey Brissiebabe, you may be one of the lucky ones who don't need pain meds, but if not, just make sure you avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Tylenol, which can irritate a banded stomach. Your doctor will almost certainly give you some pain meds. If you need more, ask what he recommends. You are probably already out of surgery as I write this! Welcome to Bandland!
  6. Zoe

    Missing for awhile

    Good luck, Vera. I hope you get a satisfying result from the trial.
  7. No, I'm not talking about exercises. . . and first, let me say that I never imagined I would read, much less post, anything on the plastic surgery forum, but recently my thighs have gotten, well, saggy. Some of it's just plain age, which I can deal with (not planning on launching a career as an underwear model) but some of it is from weight loss. Not to be graphic, but we're talking both inner and outer. Anyone know if there's an easy operation to get rid of saggy leg skin -- kind of like a tummy tuck for thighs?
  8. Zoe

    I am sad and angry...

    Well, at least you've had some good news. Now let's hope they go for the thighplasty, otherwise it's ass-kickin' time.
  9. Zoe

    Almost There

    Oh Christina, I hope your insurance says yes. Funny what a difference a few little numbers can make! Let us know as soon as you hear an answer -- we're all rooting for you.
  10. Penni, Donovine, and Alexandra, you all look fabulous! Alex, I always thought my before picture was the worst ever, but I think yours wins the prize. But what a difference the band has made to all of you. Gorgeous, dahlinks!
  11. Zoe

    A feeling of Fullness

    I'm with Jenna. I used to be able to eat a 12-ounce steak, salad, baked potato, bread, and a huge slab of chocolate cake, and still not feel full. Not any more. A cup (not even a bowl) of chili did the trick for me today. If I'd kept eating, I would have felt uncomfortable . . . you know, like having that fourth slice of pumpkin pie. As for PBs, while they're certainly no fun, I wouldn't worry about them. Unfortunately it's something you'll probably experience at least once, but it's usually over in seconds. Think of it as an initiation into a select club.
  12. Zoe

    *whoa* - Holy Moly!!!

    Hey, doll, that was fast! No wonder you're excited. But what's up with "gotta get control of this diet"? Has your surgeon asked you to lose weight before you get banded? Whatever the case, you deserve to celebrate. Congratulations -- May 5 will be here before you know it!
  13. This is great! You should add your picture to the before-and-after thread. Congratulations to you both!
  14. Zoe

    G'day from Australia

    No kidding! Even if our insurance won't cover a single penny, if the surgery costs AU$13,000, that's about US$10,000 -- throw in another $1000-1500 for plane fare, and it's still a lot cheaper than most US docs. Plus you get the Great Barrier Reef and all that sunshine. All aboard the Aussie express!
  15. I just got in and am way late for chat, but if y'all try this again some other night I'll be there. Boy, is this thread relevant for me today. There's a new Coldstone ice cream just off campus, right on my way home, and it was calling my name. I normally don't beat myself up for occasional treats, but they've been more than occasional this last week, and I can't blame hormones or steroids (not anabolic ones!) this time around. Broiled chicken makes me PB, but ice cream and brownies slide right down. I feel like I need a personal cop to yell, "Stop! Get away from the spoon!"
  16. Zoe

    Update on my problem port

    That sounds like a great plan. I wish I could be as philosophical as you are about accepting long-term results!
  17. Rats! I have class tonight, so I won't get home until about 9:30 CDT. I'll check in anyway and see if anyone's still chatting then.
  18. Zoe

    Singing after surgery

    >hijack: Hey Lisa Green, we Chicagoans are growing in number, so watch out or you (can I say "y'all" with a Midwest accent and not sound like an idiot?) will be singing the Chicago blues! <hijack Guitarman, I think you've made the right choice. Good luck!
  19. Zoe

    Las Vegas Marathon

    Penni, I walked the Chicago marathon 10 years ago as a member of the Leukemia Society's "Team in Training." I slowly built up my endurance over six months; I trained with a friend who had a similar schedule, so we kept each other motivated. (My dog is my current walking partner.) You might be able to walk the Vegas marathon if you aren't up for running. Walking or running, your ambition is impressive! I wish I could talk myself into walking 26.2 miles again.
  20. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    Our race across the '99 line is still on, then! At the rate I'm going, I might not get there for another four or five weeks, but I'd love to get to the "other side" by May 1. Ready, set. . .
  21. I agree -- I think the nutritionist forgot (or never knew) that most bandsters don't have much restriction until their first fill, if not even later. Now that you're one month post-surgery, you're probably able to incorporate regular (i.e., solid) foods in your meals. But you're still healing. I found the post-surgical weeks 4-6 very difficult: my appetite had come back, my abdomen was no longer swollen, and I wanted to eat anything that wasn't nailed down. My advice is to go easy on yourself, and not get upset over the nutritionist's suggestions. You'll get restriction eventually, and when you do, the band will take care of portion control for you. Until you get a restricting fill, you're in bandster no-man's-land, experiencing none of the advantages the band offers. By the way, I should mention that I am not strictly following the band rules, and I usually eat 3-1/2 meals a day, not six tiny ones -- but eight months post-op I'm happy with my weight loss and feeling great. TN, you'll get through this rough part of banded life. Meanwhile, hang in there, and if you can, try not to obsess about calorie counts. It gets easier.
  22. Zoe

    Singing after surgery

    I sing in groups purely as an amateur, but I can attest that Kathy and Donali are right. For me the trouble wasn't shortness of breath but just plain pain from my incisions. Guitarman, even if you heal very quickly you might have trouble singing with any power. So unless you're just doing breathy background vocals, my suggestion would be to let someone else sing. And as for the guitar, you might have a hard time resting the instrument against your body. I play seated, and my guitar rested right against an incision. And, not to be gross, but your incisions might start bleeding through your clothes if you put too much strain on your midsection: not an appetizing look for a wedding singer. (This happened to me while I was taking an exam.) So I vote with Donali: give yourself a break for a month or so. Good luck!
  23. Zoe

    Such sorrow at a young age!!

    What sad news. I wish the best for Jacob and the girls' families as they grieve.
  24. Zoe

    Weightloss Challenge

    204.5 for me today on my new Tanita scale. I can't wait to cross over to Onederland!
  25. Zoe

    Claraluz, where are you?

    Anyone heard from Nancy (Claraluz)? I haven't read anything from her lately. I hope she's having a great time with her new dog.

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