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Lisa B

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lisa B

  1. Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to let you all know that my surgery was on Monday August 3rd. I'm 6 days post op and I'm really doing well. There were no complications and I'm drinking my Water like a Pro! I also get mushies but very very tiny amounts.

    I asked the doctor if I could have my Lap Band once he removed it since I had bought and paid for it, but due to Govt. Regulations he had to destroy the band.

    Hope your all doing well.

    Lisa B

  2. Today the doctors office faxed me back the paper work for my surgery to turn into my work.

    For the Gastric Bypass I will be off Aug 3 to August 31. So that's 4 weeks. Then they have on the form that for one year It will be optional to work 4 hour days - I guess this is a clause in case I have trouble?

    24 days til surgery! I'm getting very excited!

  3. Wasn't sure where to post since I don't think there is a Gastric Bypass section here (if there is.. sorry for posting in the wrong spot)

    My surgery for the Gasric Bypass is August 3rd. I know it's a painful surgery and I'm allergic to Codein. Was wondering once I get home from the hospital how or what I would take for pain? Is there liquid meds by prescription?

    I will be off for a minimum of 4 weeks- I'm hopeful my procedure goes well. And that I can begin exercising / walking right away. I'm very hopeful that my skin will shrink with my weight loss. I was told by many friends that exercising could help this process? So I'm all for it.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Haven't been on this site for several days.

    Lisa B

  4. Deciding on WLS is very difficult, then deciding on which one to get is also a very difficult decsion. But having made both decisions should put your mind at ease... Yes it is natural to be scared and you should be- If you weren't I think there would be some concern.

    I'm glad you've been able to make your surgery choice. I wish you the very best luck and I'm sure you will do wonderful with the Sleeve or whichever surgery you chose.

  5. I really can't remember how long I waited. I am sure it wasn't long because as soon as I got home from the hospital, I felt normal and really could not even tell I had surgery. I am betting it was the night I got home from the airport or the next morning.

    :confused1: That's what I'm talkin about!!!:thumbup1: I'm a girl who WANTS to partake in that kind of Activity.... Too much is never enough if you know what I mean- So .... I'm pretty sure as soon as my incisions are feeling comfy I will be all over the situation!!:001_tongue::lol0::001_tt2::biggrin2:

  6. Now that I've chosen the RNY as my revision surgery it was reccommended by ladiesassie to ask about Protein shakes....

    A person at work told me I should drink the already made Low Carb Slim Fast shakes- 20 grams of Protein and -0- sugar..... Is this something I can drink right out of the gate? would it be too sweet for me?

    Also what other types of drinks in powder form are GREAT tasting? I don't mind blending them up as long as they taste good.

    I really don't want to lose my hair ( My hair has already thinned out from the lap band) So it's important that I get in enough protein to keep what I have left :tongue_smilie:

    Any in sight would be very helpful to me. So let me know what your favorite high Protein Drink is- It must be sugar free though- I'm sure it will be difficult to find good tasting drinks that are sugar free.....:thumbdown:

    Hey you guys have a great Tuesday today!!!! Only two more working days left this week!!! :thumbup:

    Thanks again for your insight!!:biggrin2:

  7. Ahhh Thanks everyone!!! It was such a difficult decision... I'm glad the date has been set- Now i just have to step through the next few whoops and of course pay for the surgery and then I will be on my way. Thanks for the welcome arms- I really appreciate it ;-)

  8. Hi everyone. I'm recently new to this site. I came here because I was determined to get the sleeve done and remove my band.

    Today I scheduled my surgery but decided on the RNY over the Sleeve. My surgeon really feels that I would do better with the RNY over the sleeve - Because I love sweets, and I know how easy it is to eat around my lap band I've decided to go with the RNY as my revision. I feel that I've made a good decision and Hopefully with determination I will be a success story.

    I owe each of you who post a big Thank you-- I've learned alot about the sleeve and was originally my choice for Revision. Thank you for posting your experiences and your success stories.

    This is a great forum- I hope it's okay if I continue to come back and visit and post even though I'm not a sleeved person. Your all so inspirational!

    My surgery date is Aug 3rd!!!

  9. I'm booking my surgery tomorrow - They told me they have a July 27th date available. They told me I would take my Educational 4 hour class two weeks before the surgery - They said they would review the Pre op and post op diets at that time.

    I know each doctor is different on diet requirements, but wondering why they would wait two weeks prior to the surgery? I must admit that I've gained some weight since the doctor took my fill out. I can eat anything now, and I'm hungry all the time. I need to get back on track and make better choices. It's been nice being able to eat normally again... first time in 4.5 years.... but it's not nice gaining the weight.

    I'm really looking forward to my surgery.!!!

  10. HI all so this is my first post ...I have no clue what i'm doing anymore ...I thought i knew what i was doing ...I was going for the lapband...i even have a surgery date in july .... then i start reading about what some of all yall have gone through with the band and how u've changed to the sleeve ...I don't know what to do ...I read about the sleeve and it's like i don't really mind having that part of my stomach taken out .... it's jus the fact of the staples and leaks that freak me out ... anyway i don't look forward to going through what ppl with the band do either ....although i know 2 of my cousins that have the band and they have like no problems have dropped at least 100 pds they are at goal and i just thought that's how it would be for me . so now i'm confused if you don't mind i want to ask a few questions like. I just thought that I would be able to eat normal food in smaller quantities and not eat junk really but like rice and baked potatoes or some Pasta wouldn't be on the No list... although i understand in moderation.

    1) How do u know which surgery is best for u ? I mean how do i choose?

    Research your options. Do the homework and go with your gut instinct. Not everyone has problems. But others do. It's all different circumstances - Everyone's sugery is different. Too bad we can't go racing through time to see what our procedure would be like and how successful we would be. For me, I chose the band- I read about the problems but I was very optimistic about it and I knew that I would be successful. Fast forward 4 years- I'm down 50 pounds and had a 100 to lose. I consider my band journey just that. I did not fail the band- the band failed me. So I'm choosing a different route to continue with my success. :redface1:

    2) What types of food do u stay away from with the sleeve? i mean can't tolerate and if u don't what happends?

    I'm not sure- I still have my band. but I can say from being a banded patient that everyone reacts differently from certain foods- Trial and error so to speak. You will get to know your body and what you can eat. Of course you should always make good healthy choices.:laugh:

    3) so is there always a chance of leaks I mean after surgery like a a few months post op or after?

    From what I've read.... There can be chances of a leak. But- Do your homework on the doctor that you choose and is the surgery done in a clinic or a hospital? Best to verify if they do Leak checks before leaving the OR- :thumbup1:

    4) I read a post on here where someone wrote that if she drank Water then she woudln't be able to eat or soemthing ? is it that small of an amount that u could get down?

    Remember your sleeve is small and narrow - and when newly sleeved you will be limited on the amounts that you can take in. You should not drink during your meals either- Like I said, Read up and make yourself aware of everything. The more you know the better off you are :thumbup:

    5) is it the same as the band where you can't eat and drink at the same time? I believe it is!

    6) can someone that has had the sleeve for more than 3 months let me know what a daily amount of food is i mean what u would have for all ur meals ?

    sorry , but i really hope i get answeres i don't know what to do anymore..

    thanks so much ahead of time


    Good Luck on your Journey and the decision of having the band or the Sleeve. I can tell you that the new Realize band is supposed to be much better than the Lap band. It's wider and holds more liquid and you can find the "sweet" Spot much easier than the old one. :rolleyes:

  11. First off, I'm sorry that either of you have had problems.... When I read this- It scared me ;-( I currently have the band and I'm 4 years out........... Reading your posts, has totally opned my eyes- I hope both of you girls regain your health and your strength quickly and Yes a positive attitude can carry you the distance- Stay focused on the prize of weight loss, and take it day by day. Please keep us posted on your progress.

    Thinking of each of you! and Hugzzzz to you both

  12. :sad0: First off, Congratulations on the awesome weight loss:thumbup1:

    Your doing great! I can't wait to have my Sleeve done and rid myself of this lap band.....

    One thing to keep in mind that anytime you have surgery Regardless if it's weight loss surgery, your body has to heal itself, and will use LOTS of calories in the process.... So maybe this could account for some of the loss???? Not sure but who cares right??? As long as those pounds come off -

    Keep us posted on your success! I'm so excited for you!!:biggrin2:

  13. Hi wishinghoping,

    Just wanted to say that I am banded right now and going to the Sleeve. My surgery is not set yet, but should be on the books next week for a month or so out. My band has been with me for 4 years and most of these four years have been misery for me. I've been sick most of these four years- meaning that I choke a lot at night when sleeping and I'm constantly going in for fills and un fills at 200.00 a pop- I'm a self pay as my insurance has excluded any obesity type issues - The band is VERY high maintenance. I do want to say that a lot of people I know with the band has had GREAT success - I on the other hand falls in that small percentage of Failed banders- I did not fail the band... the band failed me.l This has been detrimental to me because I paid $15,000.00 to place my band and thousands of dollars over the last four years to cover the office visits , fills and unfills, and the xrays etc- The new Realize band seems to be better than the inamed lap band- this band is a 4cc band and the Realize band is a 10cc band.

    At any rate, good luck with your decision. It can be difficult to decide, but if Insurance will pay for one and not the other... then you will have your answer. Just wanted to stop in and say hello and welcome!

  14. :blink: Yesterday I took half a day off from work and drove almost three hours to go this Mandatory Seminar that covered three weight loss surgeries.

    I arrive right on time- The nurse recognized my name- As I've done everything backwards .... Meaning you are supposed to go to the seminar, then have a consult then do the stress test, cardio and pulmonology clearance....

    I had the Consult first, did the stress test, cardio and pulmonology test etc.... They told me It was mandatory to go to the seminar as it's part of their requirements for the surgery.

    There are two doctors who work together on each surgery. The Dr that I went to did not happen to be there last night. The other doctor began the seminar and within the first few minutes he showed the three surgeries, and this is what he said.

    " We care for the Lap Band procedure, the Gastric Sleeve procedure- which we will NOT be talking about today, and the RNY procedure":mad0:

    I could not believe they would send me to a seminar knowing that they don't talk about the Sleeve???????? The Dr said that this procedure is only done on 500 pound patients-:o

    At any rate, I sat there and listened to the RNY and decided right then and there that was not for me. After class I asked the doctor about the Boughie and he said they do not use that instrument- they use and endescope size 32F- :thumbup1: I told him, that was what I wanted to hear and showed him my scribbles on my note pad- Thanks to this forum I was prepared on size and tools etc ( THANK YOU )

    So today, I will call the office to see what my next few steps are..... They did say I would have to sit through a four hour class that talks about the before and afters of the surgery- etc. That should be my last step- other than paying for the surgery and scheduling the date.

    THanks to all of you for answering my questions.... Have a great day!:biggrin2:

  15. :o Obesity is EXCLUDED from my Insurance plan...... I'm a self pay patient......... so that's why I have been researching like crazy between the Gastric Sleeve and the RNY-

    It's the same price for both- I've decided on the Gastric Sleeve. I don't want Malabsorbtion and I have about 60 pounds to lose total so I feel the Sleeve will allow me to reach that goal. I just want to keep the weight off after the weight loss. The doc's always say the easy part is losing the weight, the hard part is keeping it off.

  16. Tonight I'm attending a Seminar for the Gastric Sleeve, Lap Band, and RNY surgeries.

    Currently I'm a banded person of 4 years. I'm researching my options of either doing the Sleeve or the RNY-

    Why can't the doctors' do a Sleeve and complete it with the RNY re-routing of the intestines? Is this possible? I know when I had my consult a few weeks ago the doc said that normally a person of 500 pounds or more will get the sleeve first to lose a 100 pounds or more THEN they would do the RNY on them to finalize the surgery.... Do these patients have better succes since the sleeve was done first and the main part of the pouch is muscle tissue? I don't know??? I'm just curious.

    I'm looking forward to the seminar tonight- I think it's going to be very informational and I'm hoping to finalize my personal decision for me on the sleeve or the RNY-

    Next week I'm hoping to schedule my surgery for July sometime. I'm missing my fill restriction in my band- My stomach is always growling and I feel hunger at every moment of the day now that my fill was removed due to my prolapse.

    I will let you know how it all goes tonight! Take care and have a good day!:confused1:

  17. The sleeve or the RNY... One will be my second surgery- I'm just so confused on what to do???? I love sweets and carbs and I do have will power- but sometimes i give in.

    My doctor does both procedures but says that the RNY is more successful... both being the same price makes me struggle that much more on what to do.

    This WlS is definatley not an easy decision. This will be my last surgery since my band has failed me... ( I did not fail my band ) I just want to make the right choice....

  18. If you have a house you could also do an "Equity line of credit" and this type of loan is less than 5% interest and the good thing is you only have to PAY 1% of the total amount each month. so let's say you take out 15 thousand- your payment would be $150.00 each month. This is a much cheaper way to go- So you might want to look into that option as well if your a home owner..

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