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Mid West

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Mid West

  1. Mid West

    Can I Change My User Name?

    Lol. Don't forget the Dihydrocodiene - knocks Paracetamol on the head, if you forgive the pun :-)
  2. Mid West

    Can I Change My User Name?

    Yay! I'm now UK-RNY :-)
  3. Mid West

    Can I Change My User Name?

    Thanks Molly - weird timing, I just PM'd you to say good luck for tomorrow :-)
  4. Mid West

    coffee drinkers

    Over here, we're not told to avoid coffee at all! In fact it's on our diet sheets :-)
  5. Oh dear. I suspected from the moment I started eating food again that I didn't have much restriction. I've mentioned it a few times in various threads here and thought perhaps it's because I'm a band to RNY revision or that I don't feel full because the nerves aren't healed and sending full messages to my brain. However I'm now 4 weeks out and just had a 400 gram (14 ounce) ready meal and a bowl of Cereal just an hour later. I'm going back to see my nurse in a couple if weeks so will talk to her but has anyone else experienced this?
  6. I guess the scariest outcome is that the surgery wasn't done properly - but you need to know so you know where to go from here :-)
  7. I'm not sure how it works over there but if it was me, I would go and see my GP and ask to be sent for an x-ray to see what's going on in there!
  8. Yeah it was quite soft. We call TV Dinners ready meals. I did suffer a bit later last night with feeling really full. So my mission today is to stop eating when I first get those 'enough' signals. I've never been good at that, preferring to finish whatever I'm eating (just one more bite, lol). So today I'm just going to stop and throw away whatever I have left if and when I get an 'enough' signal :-)
  9. Thanks guys. I will definitely keep you posted :-)
  10. Mid West

    Rude is never ok.

    Lol! Ok but it's not quite Downton Abbey, lol
  11. For example, I just ate a whole ready meal which is 400g. Ok, now I'm full (as in I don't want anything else) but I'm not stuffed. 400grams is about 14 ounces :-/
  12. Mid West

    Rude is never ok.

    Please tell him this – “Whilst being rude and making people feel like crap when we were at school, you obviously weren’t doing much learning. Your first sentence is correct. However, in your second sentence, the word should be ‘you’re’ (an abbreviation of you are) not ‘your’. What does ‘yeah for you’ even mean? Are you congratulating me or is this an affirmation of my very existence? You do not start sentences with ‘but’ as it’s a linking word (it’s the same with ‘and’). Can’t has an apostrophe between the ‘n’ and the ‘t’. I am perfectly calm, just sharing my news with my ‘friends’ on Facebook which I hear is a perfectly normal thing to do. Now, away with you and learn 1) some manners and 2) some grammar … oh yes, and as you said ‘Lol’."
  13. Molly, ask them for Dihydrocodiene. Good stuff and they should be happy to give it and send you home with some :-) I didn't take all of mine but glad I had them.
  14. Mid West


    It's not dumping as such as sugar alcohols have this effect in people who haven't had surgery. It's just the effect sugar alcohols can have. ... On anyone :-) I must admit, they never have that effect on me so I guess I'm lucky.
  15. I think we're just feeling the emotions that before the surgery we used to stuff down and avoid with food! Now our drug of choice / prop isnt there, we actually have to feel those emotions (and deal with them). It's hard but it's a much more natual way of living in the end :-)
  16. Mid West

    Re-evaluating friendships?

    People don't like change. We also put people in pigeon holes without realising we're doing it. So, when you lose weight and you're no longer 'the fattest person in the office' for example, the next person (who now is the fattest person in the office) is likely to be annoyed with you. It's the same in families and all walks of life. I lost a friend when I lost a lot of weight previously, she stopped inviting me to things, started to make sarcastic and bitchy comments, so we're no longer friends. I have a friend now who is very angry that I had this surgery. She kept saying she hoped I'd change my mind. Now she barely speaks to me. She has her own weight issues and doesn't want to be the 'fat friend' that I have been, so I do understand it. It's human nature I'm afraid. Some people are more self aware than others and can pull themselves up on this type of behaviour and the rest we just have to ignore. To thine own self be true; do what's right for you and let everyone else deal with it in their own way :-)
  17. I was weighed at 10 days post-op and had lost 9lb but I haven't weighed since. I don't want to do it too often and like you, I'm not keen on weighing and counting food. That's what I've been doing for 30 years! And because I want to live a normal life around food, I'm happy to lose a little slower, with the hope that it's a more sustainable way of living than counting, counting, counting. Obviously though, we need to meet the RNY half-way, so I do try to keep an eye on what I eat but if a snack grabs me or I fancy something, I have it if I want it and just add it to My Fitness Pal. Being too restrictive on 'diets' is what got me to this size in the first place. From now on, I'd like to be a sensible eater, not obsessed by either too much or too little food. I guess I'll be weighed again in a couple of weeks when I have my next check-up so I'll let you know if I've lost anything. I am going to ask about the size of my pouch whilst I'm there though - becuase I can definitely eat more than other people here can!
  18. Do you know roughly how many calories you're taking in each day? I aim for 1000 but it's often 1200 or 1300.
  19. What does your Doc say about it? I know we're prone to losing slower but if feel the same as you if I wasn't losing at all. How much can you eat? I can eat more than I thought I would, had a two egg omelette tonight and I'm only 3.5 weeks out? I wonder if this is because I'm a conversion.
  20. Aw, sorry to hear that. When did you have your revision?
  21. Mid West

    Revised from RNY to ERNY.

    Wow. I've never heard of this. What it is exactly?
  22. Mid West

    Intake log app?

    I've just started using My Fitness Pal this week and I love it. I'm amazed that I type in any good I've bought from a supermarket and it knows it!
  23. Mid West

    Horror stories?!?

    Hi. The worst and saddest story Ive read is one in the Complications forum called 'Family Still Suffering ... ' if you can't find it, search for the word 'hunny' as that's what she calls her boyfriend. It's an awful story and basically comes down to his surgeon not doing the job properly. It's worth knowing these things and choosing your surgeon on his/her results but don't let them put you off. There are some great facts on this thread earlier (I think) from DLCoggin that help :-)
  24. Why can't we take ibruprofen? I've not heard this before? Thanks
  25. I think the part that scares me is that I WANT to feel some restriction! That's half the point of the surgery. I don't know if Harleychic13 agrees but I want to NOT be able to eat as much as I could before. Yes, of course we should stick to what our advisers tell us to eat - but if there's no restirction there, it's just another diet and the reason we all had the RNY is because we've often succeeded then failed again with diets. I'm sure I will feel restriction when those nerves are firing on all cylinders and this morning, I made scrambled egg and could only eat half of it - not really because I felt restriction but becuase I felt a little nauseous and thought that was a good time to stop. I guess it's just a fear that I'll be the one in a million that the surgery doesn't work for, lol. When I start to feel like that, I just remind myself that I'm only three weeks out and that I expect many people feel like this at some point :-)

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