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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GeorgiaRN

  1. Today has been interesting...woke up and didn't feel particularly hungry. But as the day has gone by I've been hungry and don't feel much restriction. Won't get my first fill until week 6 - good chance I'll gain weight at this point. Although I'm still trying not to eat much and making good choices...I'm disappointed. I guess that's part of the ride?? Praying to feel some restriction!!
  2. GeorgiaRN

    Average weight loss

    Thank you and it does! I thought it was a fairly reasonable question
  3. GeorgiaRN

    Average weight loss

    Thanks for the responses and info! As it stated in my post, not trying to break any records, only trying to get an idea of what kind of weight loss everyone was experiencing since being banded. Research so to speak. I imagine everyone will lose differently for various reasons but it's nice to have an idea of what that may be. I'm pleased so far with my loss and I hope to report more every week
  4. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    It really does get better! Take things slow. Everything from drinking to eating to walking. Moving around will help. I have literally listened to my body and followed the way I feel when it comes to moving forward - one day at a time. And I feel pretty good. I have lost 9 lbs since surgery one week ago today. I am still on full liquids for another week or so then maybe mushy foods. I don't have another appt until Nov 6 and then I may get my first fill. So far so good! Hope the weight loss continues going this well!!
  5. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    I would recommend trying to walk as much as you can. Also try the gas-x dissolvable strips. You should start to feel less discomfort soon! Hang in there!!
  6. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Well I decided to try a cream based soup mixed with a lot of water so that it would be slightly thicker than broth. Now I feel stuffed. The most I had was somewhere between 6-8 oz over 30-45 minutes. I even waited as I ate and ate with a baby spoon...the fullness snuck up on me. I don't feel sick or nauseous or like anything is stuck - just full. Hoping this feeling passes soon. Lesson learned.
  7. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Ok that's good! Doesn't taste like a frosty but it's pretty darn good!
  8. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Protein shake recipe (Wendy's frosty): 3/4 cup of milk of your choice - suggested almond milk 15 ice cubes 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1-2 TB spoons unsweetened cocoa Sweetener of your choice or 1/4 banana I haven't tried yet but I'm going to make it now I think!
  9. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    I'm not going to push it with eating mushy foods. I'm going to still stick to broth and shakes because I want to lose as much weight as possible. We'll see...I'm going to try a new protein shake recipe this afternoon...mmmm (I hope).
  10. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Ha ha! That's funny! As a nurse, those topics are always talked about and celebrated! I'm feeling so much better! I can honestly say that yesterday and today my hunger is so much less. A protein drink/shake is really satisfying me. I'm on day 6 and feel fairly "normal". Spoke with my Drs nurse and she said that since I wasn't having any difficulties with my liquids that I may get to try some mushy foods starting tomorrow (my one week post op appt is tomorrow). If my scales are correct I think I have dropped 8 lbs since surgery! Not bad for 6 days! This is very exciting and I'm so happy to already see a difference. Hope everyone is doing and feeling great!
  11. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    Thank The Lord your biopsy was negative! I'm sorry you've been sick. Hope you get to feeling better very soon! I am most sore in the evenings as well - my port placement and one of my laparoscopic sites still hurts pretty bad at times! But I'm making progress!
  12. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    I'm still have a good amount of pain on my left side as well. I'm thinking it's just from hernia repair and band placement. I will be praying for good results on your biopsy! Get some rest! )
  13. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    Here I am dozing off and then I get these emails...I just realized I forgot to take my vitamins dang it!
  14. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Congrats! Glad everything went well! Keep making progress...I've been pretty hungry today and so I called my dr to see if I could try a protein shake and he said yes! So, the chocolate protein shake tasted delicious but still having hunger pains. Pushing on...
  15. GeorgiaRN

    Worried about safety

    I'm a nurse as well and I was slightly nervous about being put to sleep but it all went perfectly fine. I had about 8 hrs of bad gas pains. I took my liquid lortab and went to sleep as soon as I got home. When I woke that night - those gas pains were already 90% better. My stomach is tender but I also had a hernia repair. Its been hard as far as the food goes because I have been hungry - like my third day post surgery. Broth and jello fill me up shortly but then I feel hungry again. I'm sure you will all do great! Good luck!
  16. I'm on 2nd day post op and I feel ok besides normal soreness. However, my face is flushed today and feels hot. Anyone else experienced this??
  17. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    Anyone feeling weak? I think I'm feeling a full sensation after drinking but not sure. It's kinda hard to tell between full and hungry honestly.
  18. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    My port is located kinda on my left chest wall - right above my breast - I think lol. My incision is kinda on the side under my arm a bit.
  19. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    I haven't had anything this morning except a cup of black coffee and a couple sips of G2. I'm not really hungry right now. I can't wait to be able to do protein shakes, smoothies etc. something a bit more substantial. I read so many post on different forums last night regarding the green zone, others not losing weight, fills etc and now I'm scared. I want to be restricted and lose my weight!
  20. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    Yes I have been hungry - but I'm only allowed clear liquids. I'm on my 3rd day post op. I know this may seem gross but I have had 2 bowel movements and I am so happy about that. I'm hoping to advance to some shakes after my first dr appt.
  21. GeorgiaRN

    Sept 26, 2013 BAND DAY!!!!

    I'm still pretty sore too but I can tell I'm a tad hungry. I had a bowel movement last night and that helped some - I think.
  22. GeorgiaRN

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    Good job on the weight loss y'all! I sure hope I'm down eighteen in that amount of time! Thumbs up!

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