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Posts posted by Beachmamaof4

  1. I was told the same as you. I will wait at least 30 min. There have been occasions where I will drink sooner than 60 min. after a meal. It's hard to fit everything in. Ha ha! Hence, why I haven't been on here much (or at all) since the surgery....any free time is spent eating, tracking food or working out. LOL. Hope everyone is doing well!

  2. Wow! Amazing you can tell already! I was just telling a couple friends that I'm at 4.5 weeks and I've dropped 30 lbs (29.5 to be accurate). My pants don't fit any differently (my favorite jeans, for now, are still just as snug and no one has noticed). Feel proud and happy!! :)

  3. Wow I am so in these shoes right now it's horrible!!! They have denied me for the same exact thing even though now am at a 41.5 with HB pressure but not for the past two years. It's so frustrating I was really hoping to have this done in October ... I started everything in May

    Don't give up! I am shocked, but insurance approved me the first time! I was sure they would say no because I clearly didn't meet guidelines they provided me in the clinical bulletin. My unsolicited advice...i had several of my doctors write letters on my behalf stating how it would help the health problems I did have (even though they weren't one of the 3 conditions insurance mentioned). And, I sent pictures over the years to show this has been a long-term thing. I think it helped to see a patient as a real person w/my kids, not just name on paper. Best of luck to you.

  4. Hi ladies,

    Great to know of some other sleevers in Oct. When I originally set up my appt. w/WLS doc last April, the plan was for me to have surgery in Sept. Things were a little delayed. But, all worked out. I have my date. Oct 4th is my surgery. This Wed. is my final consult w/doctor before my surgery, and when I'll get my pre-op diet instructions. My plan is all liquids for a week. Not so excited about that part, but I know it's necessary.

    I lost 10 lbs from eating healthier, smaller portions. Unfortunately, I know I couldn't sustain that long term because my hunger always wins out; hence, why I'm cutting most of my stomach out. LOL!

    I've been reading through a lot of the threads for newbies about shakes, meal plans, etc. I'm still a little confused on what you actually eat after. I have the lists the dietician gave me, but I'm type A. I'd like a list of sample meal plans for each week after surgery up through "while you are losing weight" to "maintaining". Anybody find something like that?

  5. I haven't had surgery yet, but sadly, in my early 30's, I started losing my hair...huge bald spots on top and in the back. I tried a number of things. Something that has worked for me.... My friend saw it in the Skymall magazine on her flight. It's called Toppik and my kids joke that it looks like pepper. But, you just sprinkle these "flakes" in your hair (you buy the color closest to yours). Best thing I've found so far for this issue. Google it....good luck :)

  6. Excited to start the pre-op diet, as it's one step closer to surgery! Not so excited to be starving, but I'm committed!

    Wondering...Bariatric Advantage sells a Pre-op kit (bars, shakes) that I think will last 2 weeks. It's expensive--$200. But, I'm thinking it might be worth it just for convenience and peace of mind (knowing I'm eating correct amounts).

    Have you tried it? Your thoughts on it? Thanks!

  7. Wow, loved reading through this whole thread. How inspiring! Little scary about pain and nausea but I guess "no pain, no gain"... or weight loss in this situation :) I'm waiting for insurance approval. We submitted to aetna 13 business days ago, but who's counting?! If they don't approve me, will have to do self-pay.

    I've been seeing a doc at Medical City Dallas, but am not totally sure. I keep researching online and looking at doctors ratings, hospital rankings, etc. I could seriously drive myself nuts! Anyway, thinking about switching to Dr. Nicholson. A friend is an Anesthesiologist at Forest Park Frisco and speaks very highly of it. And, I must admit, I like the pretty hospitals :)

    Enough rambling....just nice to share with others who can relate. Great job to you all!

  8. Wow! Ok, I guess my ins. coord. was right. So, the second time when you had a BMI of 40 and sleep apnea, did you wait the 2 yrs for comorbidity? So, you haven't had the surgery yet? Or, were you able to finally get approved? Sorry to hear that!

    I have Aetna and was denied by them TWICE. I have a BMI of 40 and sleep apnea. For the past two years my BMI was around 38-39. They are sticklers on their requirements. I was denied the first time for BMI over 35 but no co morbid conditions. They second time I had reached 40 with sleep apnea but because I hadn't had the comorbidity for two years as well I was denied.

    I'm sick of Aetna and their games. Dropping them during my next enrollment. Good luck!

  9. Hi--can you tell me more about this peer review? You got denied from Aetna? I saw a post of yours on another thread....and then can you tell me your timeline and story after the denial? Congrats! So happy for you and your impending journey to health! :)

  10. Hello, been a roller coaster of a ride this week re: gastric sleeve journey. Good news: my husband has come around, and said he will fully support my decision to have the sleeve. So relieved! :)

    Bad news: After I've accepted the changes, mentally, and invested a lot of time w/lab work, Upper GI, psych eval, and meeting w/the dietician....there may be a snag with insurance! So, apparently, Aetna has a requirement that you have had a BMI of 40 for at least 2 years. Currently, I have a BMI of 40. However, my BMI for the last couple years has been between 33-35, well, actually as I'm thinking about it...probably 37-38. I asked the gal at the Dr's office who schedules the surgery if we could go back to 2002. She said we could try, but most likely, Aetna will want the weights from more recent times. Awaiting Dr's records from OB/gyn after having a baby in 2010---but I think it will fall just shy--like I'd have a BMI of 39.

    Now, am I backwards in this logic? Wouldn't showing a BMI of 40 from 2002 give more credibility to the fact I've been struggling with weight this long, have been able to lose it, but I gain it back, which is why I need something this drastic???

    So, my question is...have any of you with Aetna had luck submitting BMI/weights from 10-11 years ago? Or, anyone with Aetna have luck submitting a current BMI of 40 but in last couple years, records showed a BMI of 38 or 39 (no comorbid conditions---just asthma and immune deficiency which I don't think they consider)? Thanks!

  11. Congrats! I'm counting down the days too! So excited to have a group of people who will be going through this at the same time! I have to wait 3 mos w/RD visits per insurance. I'll be done 2nd week of Aug. and they say it takes 2-3 weeks to get it all approved. So I'll have surgery & my b-day in Sept!

  12. Comparing info...

    I asked my Dr. at our initial consultation if you can gain weight back after the sleeve? He told me the new stomach can not stretch more than 5%. At my psych eval, I mentioned that & the psychologist was floored; said he knew people that gained it all back after the sleeve! That scares me.

    Curious what others' bariatric surgeons told them about possibility of weight gain?

    My doctor, Dr. Kuhn, also sad the max. you could expect to lose is 80% excess body weight (on his web site, it says 70%).. Yet, on the forums, I see people who have lost more weight. Wondering if that is a rare occurrence?

    What did your Dr. Tell you?

  13. Hello! I'm new to the site and will be sleeved in Sept 2013!! I'm 36, been married 13 yrs and have the 4 cutest kids (thankfully they are cute cuz they can be ornery on occasion ????)! I used to work in Marketing but have been a full time mommy CEO since having kids.

    After 15 yrs, I've admitted to myself that I'm a food addict. I've always joked that if I sewed my mouth shut, I could lose weight. This is the closest I can come to that ???? Very glad to be on this site! I've loved reading everyone's inspirational stories, seeing gorgeous "after" Picts and getting all the advice!

    I've had my initial consultation, passed psych eval, have my upper GI this week and wait my 3 mos required by ins. So I'm looking at early Sept. '13 surgery.

    As I type that, my stomach gets upset. Nervous & scared. Wish I could skip ahead to about Dec! Yet, very excited for a happy, healthier life. We live in Dallas area. New to TX and LOVE it here! I've not taken the best care of myself over the last few years, as I give 110% to being a mom w/4 kids (2 w/special needs).

    Looking forward to getting to know you all. I don't have a support system. I'm only telling my husband and mom because all (and really, all...how is that when you hear such high obesity stats on the news all the time?!) my friends and family are skinny and I don't want to hear judgments. In fact, my husband is not on board. He doesn't want me to risk surgery because every surgery comes w/a risk.

    He keeps saying he doesn't understand why I can't have the self control for small portions/exercise to lose weight on my own. I've tried getting him to understand my side.

    Ok I'm rambling...it's just nice to have a place to talk about the surgery w/people who relate and won't judge. Thanks for reading ????

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