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    babypoe reacted to kvdme in Regrets   
    When I went to my last doctors meeting, he was telling us that he did surgery on his daughter 6 weeks before. All she did was cry due to mourning the loss off food. The death of her friend, comforter, companion. In a way its the lost of a bad friend. They were around you for all the wrong reasons.
    At week one, I could not deprive myself of something I loved, so indulged. I bought instant mashed potatoes... put a teaspoon of mushroom Soup on it and I was happy. I ate one bite, thats all that made me feel better. It IS hard not having it there. After a day or 2, it went in the garbage. My head hunger was satisfied and I could move on. I have to every now and then let myself feel normal. I Eat something everyone else has. We went on a short road trip 2 weeks ago. I made Terry stop and get me a happy meal lol. It was just the thought, I coudln't eat but one fry but I was happy I had it in my hand. Silly I know.
    I think its about allowing yourself to work the food and head hunger out of the way. I am just over 4 weeks and I had a big appetite for the first few weeks. but its going away. It must take some time to get out of your system. I get hungry but it only last till that first bite.
    Tonite Im having something I call savory...tomato Soup. I have a unsalted saltine with it, just one.. nibble away but gives me that incredible sense of normalcy.
    Its kinda funny, I look at what I eat now and realize just how much food I was consuming before. I don't know if any of you have had this, but I am having floods of old memories of me thin come back, old feelings and thoughts. Its like I am becoming the old version of me again and I like that much much better than a big bowl of potatoes and gravy and the misery of all that fat. I am more social and I notice the way others talk to me differently... more positive.
    Its the little things in life that make it worth living. Im thankful I will have a tomorrow, Im thankful i don't have the ball and chain of food around my body. I CAN eat what I want. I just choose not to and you will too. Sometimes the strict diet can pull you down. Too much routine, too much of the same foods. Find ways around it. Get a food you love and "taste" it, you don't have to eat it or even much of it. Sometimes just knowing the taste will get you by. My first week I ate some mac and cheese. Just chewed it and out it went, just for the flavor. I was struggling too. But that passed and so even thinking of that doesn't appeal to me. But I needed it that first week or so. I needed to know I can eat eventually. I know I can now so its not such a big deal but try telling me that the first week lol
    Good luck with your weight loss. I know you will pull through this time and look back and say boy, glad that parts over lol look at all the weight I have lost.... Food? Eat??? maybe later lol
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    babypoe reacted to caligirl3 in Smoking, Pre-Opp   
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    babypoe got a reaction from caligirl3 in Smoking, Pre-Opp   
    smoking restrict blood vessels; which are critical to healing. Imagine the complications if ur body can't heal... (i.e rupture, infection, etc)
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    babypoe got a reaction from 7 Bites_Jen in 2 week liquids-scared!   
    Found ya ...looking forward to it
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    babypoe reacted to 7 Bites_Jen in I Have a Cooking Show!   
    Hi everyone! I'm JenniJune and I have been a member of this forum for a while now. I would like to invite you all to come and check out my and my mom's new YouTube show just for people that have had weight loss surgery. It's called 7Bites (obviously, LOL).
    I owe this website a lot - I certainly could not have gotten through my surgery without it. But I still had a ton of questions. That's how 7Bites was born. I hope this show can be of some help to some, if not all of you! Please let us know what you think!
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    babypoe reacted to 7 Bites_Jen in I need advice please from the vets   
    At over a year out, I am still losing. Yes, it is possible to eat around it, but it is MUCH harder to eat around the sleeve than it is to eat around other surgeries. The thing to remember is that after a certain amount of time, your stomach relaxes, and you will be able to eat a LOT more than you were in the beginning. This is where the REAL work comes in. If you start to eat more carbs and eat junk, it's inevitable that you WILL stop losing, and could even gain some (this has happened to me!!). The thing to remember is that "protein first" is not just for a while - it's forever. Or for as long as you want to continue to lose weight.
    Be mindful too - your loss will slow down considerably after the first 6 months. You will likely go from losing 5-10 lbs a month down to about 4-5 lbs or less a month. DO NOT LET THIS DISCOURAGE YOU. It is absolutely normal and ok! This won't mean that you're "eating around your sleeve" at all - rather that your body is adjusting to it. As long as you are losing every month, you're okay!
    Hope this was helpful!
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    babypoe reacted to 7 Bites_Jen in 2 week liquids-scared!   
    Always follow your surgeons instructions - there's a reason for what they do! Some don't worry too much about liver size, mine did - if your liver was a certain size, he'd close you up and not do the surgery. That's the point of the all-liquid diets.
    There are lots of ways to make it palatable for the two weeks before surgery - and the full liquids stage after.
    Does he have you on a specific Protein shake? If so, you can add extracts and spices (cinnamon, allspice, etc.) to vary the flavors. If not, you can also make homemade Soups and stews and puree them (just omit any Pasta, rice, or potatoes for the two weeks).
    If your interested, we have lots of ideas on our first episode. Just click the link in my signature for the YouTube channel, then go to the episode called "Preventing Yuck in a Cup".
    Hope this helps! :-) Good luck!
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    babypoe reacted to gomekast in newbie   
    Hang in there! When I started my pre op diet, I felt great days 1/2. 3-5 however were an entirely different story. I took a ton of hot baths, and knitted a lot. I did what it took to pull threw those days. Today was day 14 of my pre op diet. I have tomorrow as last day of pre op diet, then is have one Clear liquids day.
    What pulled me threw was knowing that I was laying the ground work for better health. I wanted to be in the best shape by having my liver shrink as much as I could possibly get it. I've had ups and downs the last 14 days...it takes more mental work than the average person could possibly muster up.
    Stay strong and think of your health! One last word, be kind to yourself during this time. My usual stamina has vanished...learn to stop and rest.
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    babypoe reacted to love to be at goal in newbie   
    I have attended the seminar, had a surgeon and dietician visit. I had my blood drawn and will have an endoscopy on 10-25-13. They will submit my papers to the insurance co. after the endoscopy. My surgeon requires 20# lost before he'll do the surgery. Considering how slowly I lose weight it might be a LONG time before surgery.
    Congrats to you both on receiving approval!! :-)
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    babypoe reacted to Cupcake in newbie   
    Congrats I went to my seminar in August of this year and I was inform the next day my surgery was approved and all I have to do is a 6 month weight management. So I am looking forward to Jan 2014 .
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    babypoe reacted to B-52 in Green zone   
    That is how it has been for me for over 2 years now....people say they are not hungry only between meals....I am not hungry at all, 24/7...the band is there 24/7, so why would it only work sometime??? I need to remind myself, and sometimes force myself to get a good meal in....I have gone full 24 hr. periods without eating, if I am busy at work for instance, and get home too late to eat anything.....
    Not only have I lost all interest in food, my tatstes for foods have also changed...things just don't tase that appealing anymore....

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