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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zingythingy

  1. Zingythingy

    Hair loss!:-(

    I have a b12 injection once a month.. My nails were atrocious... My hair is ok I'm not losing much but its condition is really improved..just an idea Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  2. Zingythingy

    Wtf!!! Save ur comments

    They open their mouths and their brains fly out... The little they have Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  3. Zingythingy

    awaiting an adjustment

    So pleased for you Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  4. Zingythingy

    awaiting an adjustment

    So pleased for you Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  5. Zingythingy

    Happy Day

    Your weight loss is amazing!!! I don't think that there's a person on the site that doesnt wish secretly that it was quicker. I know I do. But as long as it keeps going down thats gr8. Well done you.. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  6. Zingythingy

    awaiting an adjustment

    I'm really pleased your getting sorted.... Proper food here you come...lol. Hope the relief is instant. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  7. Zingythingy

    weight-gaining medications

    I found lithium really good. I only took it for a matter of months but compared to the zombie making meds it was good. I also found effexor/venlafaxine brilliant. I took those for years. Lost weight, mood good and positive. Only draw back if you forget them or run out the withdrawal is horrendous. And getting used to them took a week or so. You do have to take regular blood tests with lithium to check liver function but thats not a huge deal. Hope things improve for you and you get sorted. I know only too well how frustrating it feels to not be able to control your feelings. I do really sympathise. Good luck. Hope your doctors office gets back to you with something useful.. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  8. Zingythingy


    Angelina sinus trouble is a real misery. I recently took antibiotics for two weeks to cure sinusitis.. Really awful... Wow on the weight loss your doing amazingly. Hope your feeling better... Hi to all my fellow july banders hope things are going well.... Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  9. To cut a long story short I've been invited to go to hong kong on holiday!!! The person originally going had backed out and I've been offered the place to go instead... However the flights are 3hours and 12 hours... Do I need to have my band totally unfilled... I'm sure I read that you do somewhere for long haul flights.. Its a once in a life time holiday but not sure about going back to no fill at all. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  10. Zingythingy

    started mushies and gained weight

    Don't panic some will be Fluid, some will be glycogen stores as you did hellish pre op diet. Its quite common to gain at this stage (so I've read) mushies seem reasonably calorific.. Get healed first then watch those scales go down.... Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  11. Thankyou to all of you that took the time to reply... Its greatly appreciated. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  12. I think people should really consider the message they give with their posts.. (the negative scary ones) I'm a newbie, I won't consider myself a veteran until I at least reach my goal weight and maintain it a couple of years. And then only an expert on my own experience. I've spent the day needlessly concerned. After reading thread about (my band was my worst mistake ever) I had my third fill on monday felt fine. However had a strange feeling all day between my upper shoulder blades and tingle in my right hand. Knew it wasn't anywhere near my band but was really concerned it could be related- due to horror stories. I've suffered loose discs in my back for yrs and the instant the disc clicked back into place the pain/sensation went. We are here to support inform each other not fill one another with fears. Had to say this.. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  13. Thanks bandista.. You truely are one of the sweetest most positive people.. I've never experienced jet lag. I'm not very travelled. Can't wait asia seems to be a very interesting place to go. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  14. Zingythingy

    weight-gaining medications

    Oh god here goes.. I'm frances 37 yrs old and I have rapid cycling bi- polar. I was diagnosed at 24 following the deaths of my two daughters. I gained loads of weight previously I was thin ish. I do have occasions of manic episodes and don't cope well with being criticised. I take comments very personally. I'm not always good at determining their intent.. As for medication I'm drug free at the moment and have been for three yrs now. I took them all..uppers, downers, inbetweeners, and a variety of others to combat the side effects the meds they gave me caused. My hair thinned, I clenched my teeth so much they feel out. I take occasionally meds to help me sleep. The thing that helped me most was having my hormone levels stabilised. Pre menstrually I was either murderous or suicidal both with horrible consequences... You have a right to ask them to get things right for you. I took lithium and didn't gain weight. Sadly psych meds tend to either make you thin or fat.. Maybe talking therapy or even a good friend fellow sufferer might help. Go to them and have a rant. You might feel miles better. My ear is willing anytime. Chin up. I'm sure your family understand. They love you and know you didn't choose this.. Message me if you like. We could email kik possibly skype if you liked. Xx take care. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  15. Zingythingy

    Engagement photo dress...

    You look amazing you should be a poster girl for this surgery..what a lucky fiancé.. You look smoking hot! Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  16. Thanks catfish I'm soooo excited.. Probably more so because before july I would never even considered saying yes. The seat belt issue was a no no. Being out in public was a no no.. This op has helped me get my life back.. I've booked hair and nails already.. How far is the longest you flew? My flights the long part are over night so I won't be eating anyway.. And I won't be squidged in small space as its first class. The opinions on the net vary. I googled it..? Some say to unfill as it can cause food to get stuck, others not Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  17. Zingythingy

    Cautiously posting

    I'd definatly ring and talk to your after care people. They should have some helpful advice. Maybe even your gp if the sickness is severe. There are meds that can help. Ice lollies helped me they were refreshing..keep us posted. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  18. Zingythingy

    Cautiously posting

    Peppermint and ginger cordial helped me on my singleton pregnancies.. Nothing helped when i had twins. All day sickness is right. Congratulations I'm really excited for you. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  19. Zingythingy

    Eating question, PLEASE HELP.

    Also softer foods slip down easy. I can eat alot more quantity of softer things. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  20. Zingythingy

    Eating question, PLEASE HELP.

    The above ladies are so right from my experience. I was hungry post op before my fill. I made a huge effort to only eat the suggested amounts. I haven't felt full as I knew it once since surgery.. I am satisfied physically at least. I have green restriction now and my portions are small.. Its a bit of a shock. Its best to build up to it slowly. Its tough. (I still fill my side plate) don't eat a third of it. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  21. Zingythingy

    Losing weight but no fun to be around.....

    I just thought ...vitamin b12 deficiency can cause irratic moods in men and women. I have an injection of it every month. My previous mood swings were pretty colourful and severe... Just a thought Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  22. Zingythingy

    Losing weight but no fun to be around.....

    Only helpful if your a woman.... Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  23. Zingythingy

    Losing weight but no fun to be around.....

    Hormone levels are really affected by weight loss as estrogen is released in to the system. I have felt hormonal mood swings since surgery and weight loss. I only have one ovary which hasn't worked in yrs (pcos) but since losing weight has started working again. Giving me pms.. Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  24. Zingythingy

    How many cc"s till you felt full?

    Good not god... Woops Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk
  25. Zingythingy

    How many cc"s till you felt full?

    I also have a 14cc band. I felt a bit of restriction briefly at 8cc's but not as much as I thought I should have. I now have 9/5cc's think I'm in the green (providing my current restriction lasts) god luck getting back in the saddle. Don't be hard on yourself any loss is gr8 st least it isn't a gain... Sent from my GT-S5830 using LapBandTalk

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