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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by brazos2425

  1. I have also had this problem from time to time; I talked to a fellow sleever and their Dr. said that it was nerves responding to fullness in our sleeve. I googled my self to death thinking it was my spleen also but it only seems to happen afeter meals or if I have been traveling for a long time. Its more like a nagging pulling discomfort rather than a pain and it does go away if if I massage it and with Tylenol??? I hope they can figure it out for everyone.

  2. I was simply stating that MY physician approves the use of this product

    as it has met MY Protein requirements. Most supplements these days are

    not FDA approved so each to their own. This topic seems to be slamming a

    product they have not tried. I thought we were free to state our

    opinions here. I must have misunderstood. I have used this forum

    for info and support. Scary does not bother me but RUDE does.

    I won't bother anyone else on this forum with my time.

  3. Skeptics can continue to unite...I have used this product AS MY ONLY Protein supplement twice daily for months. 1 in the morning on the way to work and once before bed. I manage to average 10 grams I'm my 3 other small meals. Seems my Doc wouldn't tell me I was getting too much protein if this product was bogus. This forum is for support not to scare people.

  4. I also have a drain and I am glad that I do. I have probably "drained" almost 300 CC of Fluid

    that my body doesn't need. My Doc says it is also helpful in showing any early problems like

    excessive bleeding or infection. I am 5 days out and hope the alien will emerge Friday!!

    I also had a breathing contraption (can't remember it's tech name) to prevent pneumonia,

    leg cuffs in the hospital and some sent home to use during my inactive periods.

  5. Ask your Doc for Zofran, or you can try Emmetrol for the nausea, the belch puke thing went away for me yesterday. Oh and flavor your Water It makes me nauseated even with the Zofran.

    My gas pain has settled in my upper left shoulder blade area. Heating pad and walk it out.

    I do gas X strips when my belly gets the gurgles going. My surgery was Thursday, Nov 6th

    I'm starting to come around. Good Luck!!

  6. I am also having issues, I had some stomach acid leak into my abdominal cavity.

    Doc cleaned me out the best he could; I still wretched and heaved for two days. I think

    the pain pump contributed as well. You can try emmetrol that helped me until I got my Zofran.

    The shots in the stomach are to help prevent clots with are common; they sent me home with

    leg cuffs and a drain too. So I am 4 days out also and just sipping as much as I can its

    really hard but they told me hydration was way more important in the first days.

  7. I am having mine done in two surgeries; My doctor stated the risk for leakage would increase due to the spot where the band used to be. I'm glad I waited the band removal was simple maybe 30 min. tops. I will wait 8 weeks to heal and then get my sleeve. Dr. Jeffry Henke of WLS has removed my gallbladder, and my lap band with minimal complications and very little pain. With the shorter use of anesthesia I have had minimal hair loss and was back to work the following week.

  8. I hope this will help some, I had a lot of pressure and pain after my surgery due to the gas they blow you up with. Unfortunately the only remedy is heating pads and walking. I am 9 months out and I still get gas regularly so I take bean gas-x. I was also blessed with a "sensitive" band...cold outside..tight, PMS...tight..stress..tight...dehydrated..tight. You have to listen very carefully, if you feel even a little pressure eat mushies that day. You might try Protein shots too they are smaller two swigs gone. Good luck and best wishes SHE CAN DO THIS!!

  9. I also have yo-yo dieted for 20 years, I decided to get the band because the benefits outweighed the complications for me. This is the first success I have had, for me the pouch rules are your tools. I follow them, and it works!! Best decision ever. BTW most places have payment plans too.

  10. The first couple of months were hard for me to...realizing you can eat anything almost.

    I work through my weak moments by having SF everything available. Greek yogurt is my sweet tooth, WW string cheese with Melba is my salty. The way I lose weight is different I'm happy with 3-4# a month because the clothes keep getting looser and that's a great motivator. Keep up the good work!!

  11. You'll hurt some, feel crappy for a few days, your port will be sore for a month or so. You band will be open so you will be hungry for a couple of months. Stay strong follow your pouch rules and it will be the new HEALTHY you before you know it!! Good luck you are doing the right thing!!

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