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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by nailsbyniki

  1. nailsbyniki

    Feeing like a failure

    A re-sleeve or God forbid a bypass is definitely a LAST DITCH EFFORT...please do not even think that is an easier way out than just getting back up on your horse!!
  2. I would have to agree with the above topic. I have had my sleeve balloon dilated 3 times between Dec 2012 and August 2013 as a last ditch effort (well in addition to two hiatal hernia repairs and a lychees of adhesions procedure) prior to revising to the gastric bypass. I had lost all of my weight 100+ pounds and still then some and have never had one single actual hunger pain. My stomach as my doctor refers to it now is the size of a shrunken walnut and I am on TPN for malnutrition. The balloon dilations however were very welcome procedures as at the time I was unable to keep anything down due to the strictures of the esophagus.
  3. nailsbyniki

    Sleeve now!

    I had the sleeve in December of 2012 and lost over 100 pounds! Well over my goal weight. And that was before they revised me to the bypass for GERD reasons. I am still losing and have been put on TPN for weight gain, malabsorption, and malnutrition.
  4. nailsbyniki


    Titaniumsleeved2014...are you still considering the bypass surgery? Where are you in the process?
  5. nailsbyniki


    Yes I had to do the upper GI. 1phych visit, 1 nutrition, I already had a bunch of testing from my Gastro doctor like a gastric emptying scan and EGD and his office notes. Okay that all seems manageable. I just know from the sleeve how crazy insurance requirements can be and I just am hoping this is simple since I stuck with my program and lost the weight and there's nothing I can do about the GERD. I only have one EGD that was done out of country so I'm guess I'll probably have to do some more tests. Good luck on your surgery! I'd love to hear your experience. Did you have your surgery? Any complications now? I'm interested to hear your story and maybe relate mine...it's been a long and grueling one, if you're interested.?
  6. nailsbyniki


    @@Lisa's Hope omgoodness there's a name from my past! How are you? I hope this finds you well!
  7. nailsbyniki


    I used to be on here a long time ago...you can look me up. I have been unable to work since April 2013 and have just recently filed for disability. Please, please, unless it's absolutely the LAST DITCH EFFORT to make you well, please do not go the bypass route. There are so many more complications, malabsorption rates, the list goes on and on for me. That was my exact reason for doing it too, but oh I so regret it now.
  8. Hi Lisa...I had been thinking about you long before mistyj told me to stop in but I have been going thru so much myself, I hadn't taken the time and I'm sorry! I'm sorry to hear you're still having such trouble! It's exhausting isn't it?!?! The trouble you're going thru, the thoughts about what to do, the opinions from friends and family who hate to see you suffer and just want you well...take it from me, I know! Let me know if there's anything I can do or say...I'm praying for you!
  9. Hello, well I was doing a lot better but then I realized pretty quickly that my restriction had really gone down a lot so my weight loss surgeon scheduled an EGD with a balloon dilation for the 28th of this month. Then about a week ago I came down with a kidney stone about 10mm big. So yesterday I had to have shock wave surgery to knock it out...I guess I have to live with the fact that both of these are recurrent themes in my life now and will have to be dealt with from time to time. And the Addison's disease only makes the procedures worse because they have to give me boosters of steroids during the procedures to boost my blood pressure so it doesn't tank every time. And now that we've finally found what works, I actually got to come home after my surgery yesterday instead of having to stay an extra night! Yay me!
  10. Thanks all for asking about me! Makes me feel loved! I am feeling better but still feel like I am going thru the motions on the medication for the Addison's disease and the thyroid disorder...feel like we really can't get ahold of where I should be yet...considering a new endocrinologist...I have to have my potassium checked twice a week still because it stays critically low. But other than that my stomach feels great and I still eating like a horse just can't gain any weight!
  11. That is so great! Are you able to tolerate fat? If so, you might try adding 100 extra calories a day for a while so you can gain some weight back. Peanut Butter or avocado would do it. It will probably help your hair and skin too and help your energy levels. Yes I am...and I'm eating lots of avocado! Can't get enough of it!!! I'm not even counting calories at this point, just trying to get the calories in! But thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Hey! Well today is my one year surgiversary from my initial sleeve surgery last year and I have to admit for the very first time in forever I feel so much better! Even with the Addison's disease and the thyroid disorder and taking more medications than any person has a right to, I actually feel like I may be coming around to myself. I'm down to 119 again, which I'd be happier at 125 or 130 but I'm eating like a horse and feeling great about it! The kink in my small intestine must have really been the answer! I don't have to go back to my bariatric doctor for a whole month! That in itself is a minor miracle!! Thanks so much for asking!!
  13. Thank you all! I am feeling much much better, except for the jitteriness of the steroids...my bp is better and my stomach is better though so I think if I just get used to the steroids I'll be fine! Thanks so much all of you! I'll keep you updated as I have a couple if follow up appts this week.
  14. Hi all...I actually feel pretty good right now...very little pain, some tiredness, and I think the steroids are making me hungry which is a feeling I've never had since this whole process in a year! I could use a little more rest here and there but the recovery hasn't been so bad! I have a couple of follow up appts next week so I'll know more about what happened and what's going on but I actually feel pretty good! Thanks for asking! Hope it stays this way!
  15. I got to go home today, yay me! We beat the weather in so that was great! I still can't sleep, I'm pretty sure it's the steroids for the Addison's disease. But maybe my ambien will help tonite. I feel really sleep deprived. But other than that I'm all good! Thanks for asking! You are home, that is wonderful news. Praying for some good sleep and some time to recover from the latest surgery. I'm so glad you were able to go home though! Yes! I also got some sleep finally! The steroids are really hard to get used to...but I feel much better now that I've had some sleep! Thanks for the prayers!
  16. nailsbyniki

    All of my December sleevers...

    Congrats! So happy for ya! Glad everything is going great! Keep up the good work!
  17. I got to go home today, yay me! We beat the weather in so that was great! I still can't sleep, I'm pretty sure it's the steroids for the Addison's disease. But maybe my ambien will help tonite. I feel really sleep deprived. But other than that I'm all good! Thanks for asking!
  18. Yeah I'm sure I would feel better if they could get my bp up too! Also, a little side note, it seems as if my kidneys are shutting down now...no urinating and they hurt and they've taken a urine spec but no word on it yet...also, we have a major storm coming in tomorrow so if I don't leave sometime in the morning/early afternoon I may not get to until Sunday evening. Which is fine but not optimal...I'd take well over not well any day i just miss home and wish I was there. Plus my daughter is with me and she needs to go home to her own family. My husband is having to work because I've taken all of his vacation days this year and he has none left. He worries about me too while I'm here and he's not. Oh well, I rant too much these days in the hospital...I'm sorry! Like I said before, I'll just take it one step at a time... You don't rant too much! That is what we are here for. We have a ice and snow storm as well coming in right now. Where are you Niki? Sorrry to hear about this kidney thing. I just know that everything is going to be ok. Still praying for you. Hope things are better today. I'm here in Dallas right now but I live a little east of here in Greenville actually. It's about an hour or so away in good conditions. We'll see how the conversation with my doctor goes today...I'm thinking positive! Thanks Lisa!
  19. Thanks Susan, for the info...I am really worried at this point but the nurses don't seem to be yet...I will ask my doctor when she comes around in the morning...I just have this feeling something's not right...
  20. While "fantastic" wasn't the first word that came to mind, I am still appreciative that they are both treatable! My doctors did test me for thyroid but not the Addison's until I went to a cardiac doctor then got referred to an endocrine doctor. But I also didn't know that with one usually comes another, so thanks for that. Hopefully things will turn around for me soon. Niki, I too have thyroid issues. I have been diagnosed with "Graves Disease". In 2007 I had my thyroid ablated because of hyperthyroidism. Now I take synthroid to regulate things. They can give you synthroid and your blood pressure and heart rate will rise and you will feel so much better. I was hyper so I my BP and HR were too high and that is why they had to kill it. So now I have a dead gland in my throat! lol You having hypothyroidism, it is easily fixed and with meds. I hope that is the case. Graves Disease is a autoimmune issue as well. Wishing you the best. I know you are on the road to recovery. You will feel better once they start giving you meds. Did the Dr. say they would start you on synthroid? Hi Lisa...they actually haven't technically told me what the disease/disorder is but that's because they're putting it on the back burner until I can get the Addison's disease and the blood pressure issue taken care of. But they did tell me that when they do they'll start me on Armour. So I don't know much about any of this until my docs appt on the 11th. Right now I'm just trying to get out of this hospital. Thanks for the well wishes! You're welcome! I'm not doctor but I would think they would start you on those meds now to help your BP and HR. Armour is good as well. Actually heard the sides effects are less and it works better for some. I'm sure you are ready to get home. I would ask the Dr. about this though if I were you. Just a suggestion. It may help you get out sooner if they can get your BP up. Looking forward to reading your post that you are home! Take care Yeah I'm sure I would feel better if they could get my bp up too! Also, a little side note, it seems as if my kidneys are shutting down now...no urinating and they hurt and they've taken a urine spec but no word on it yet...also, we have a major storm coming in tomorrow so if I don't leave sometime in the morning/early afternoon I may not get to until Sunday evening. Which is fine but not optimal...I'd take well over not well any day i just miss home and wish I was there. Plus my daughter is with me and she needs to go home to her own family. My husband is having to work because I've taken all of his vacation days this year and he has none left. He worries about me too while I'm here and he's not. Oh well, I rant too much these days in the hospital...I'm sorry! Like I said before, I'll just take it one step at a time...
  21. While "fantastic" wasn't the first word that came to mind, I am still appreciative that they are both treatable! My doctors did test me for thyroid but not the Addison's until I went to a cardiac doctor then got referred to an endocrine doctor. But I also didn't know that with one usually comes another, so thanks for that. Hopefully things will turn around for me soon. Niki, I too have thyroid issues. I have been diagnosed with "Graves Disease". In 2007 I had my thyroid ablated because of hyperthyroidism. Now I take synthroid to regulate things. They can give you synthroid and your blood pressure and heart rate will rise and you will feel so much better. I was hyper so I my BP and HR were too high and that is why they had to kill it. So now I have a dead gland in my throat! lol You having hypothyroidism, it is easily fixed and with meds. I hope that is the case. Graves Disease is a autoimmune issue as well. Wishing you the best. I know you are on the road to recovery. You will feel better once they start giving you meds. Did the Dr. say they would start you on synthroid? Hi Lisa...they actually haven't technically told me what the disease/disorder is but that's because they're putting it on the back burner until I can get the Addison's disease and the blood pressure issue taken care of. But they did tell me that when they do they'll start me on Armour. So I don't know much about any of this until my docs appt on the 11th. Right now I'm just trying to get out of this hospital. Thanks for the well wishes!
  22. While "fantastic" wasn't the first word that came to mind, I am still appreciative that they are both treatable! My doctors did test me for thyroid but not the Addison's until I went to a cardiac doctor then got referred to an endocrine doctor. But I also didn't know that with one usually comes another, so thanks for that. Hopefully things will turn around for me soon.
  23. Well it's official, I do have Addison's disease so that's what's going on with my low blood pressure and a lot of other symptoms too...BUT, I also have a thyroid disorder (never saw this one coming) and they want to take care of the Addison's disease before they work on my thyroid. I am currently still in the hospital from my latest surgery, to repair a kink in my small intestine and my bp is still too low...also I have a urine problem too even with all of the fluids I'm getting. One step at a time I have to keep telling myself...
  24. nailsbyniki

    All of my December sleevers...

    Hi Tracie...please be scared...be enuf scared that you have exhausted all research methods before you do this. While I don't know anything about stomach spasms, I have truly had my share of complications in this past year. I am currently at 119 and my doctor's (and my) goal weight was 145. I cannot stop losing weight... The restriction is different for everybody so it's hard to make just one comment about it, although my restriction is still really good even a year out. My malabsorption and malnutrition is absolutely horrible and I take more meds than anyone deserves to...I was just diagnosed with Addison's disease and I now have a thyroid disorder too. My blood pressure is currently 78/40 (I'm in the hospital as we speak for a kink in my small intestine, they did surgery yesterday). Please let me know if you have any other questions after giving you this very brief synopsis of what's been going on with me...you might look up some of the other posts I've made if you're interested in more...all I know to tell you is to please do your research for an outstanding surgeon and all the what fors to come.

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