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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mylapspirit

  1. mylapspirit

    how many incisions

    I have 8 incisions including my port but 7 and 8 are really close together. Not much pain though. I fell lucky or have a high threshold for pain - lol. thanks shelli
  2. mylapspirit

    Post Op Diet Journal - Phase 1

    Candle, You are doing awesome! I had that scratchy throat thing too but it finally went away. I am not allowed to have pudding or yogurt until Phase 2. How long do you have to stay on your "Phase 1"? Ours was 3 weeks but he changed it to 2 weeks because his patients were getting really hungry at 2 weeks out. Next is Phase 2 which is called the pureed food stage. I bought some Stage 2 Baby Foods today which we are allowed, in preparation, but i still have 8 days to go. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well. Here's to a speedy recovery for both of us.:bounce: shelli
  3. mylapspirit

    Post Op Diet Journal - Phase 1

    Well, I was banded on Monday, August 27th, 2007. My surgeon said it was a "textbook" surgery and I spent one night in the hospital. It is Day 6 now and everything is going fairly well except I can't believe how bloated I get after I eat something. Is anyone else having this problem? I just finished my breakfast protein shake which I sipped over a period of 45 minutes and my stomach is starting to bloat up and I feel uncomfortable. I got weighed this morning and have finally lost all my post surgery weight gain from the IV fluids. My doctor said to only weigh once per week but I felt thinner this morning and wanted to see how I was doing. I am on Phase 1 of the post op diet and am sticking to the 500 calories per day. I have two protein shakes per day, 1 cup of strained soup, and usually 1 cup of 100% juice, SF popsicles, and SF jello. I really don't think I could eat anymore of that right now. I have started walking outside but couldn't believe how weak my legs are so have to build up slowly. Everyone have a good day and stay well. Write when you can. shelli:ranger:
  4. Hi all, how long does it take to get rid of the fluids they put in your body at the hospital before and after your surgery? I was up 8 pounds when I came home and want to lose that fluid asap. thanks, shelli:ranger:
  5. mylapspirit

    How Long!!!

    Hi Sue, I love your thoughts on drinking the water and fluids. I am not too worried about the weight gain except for the bloat. My stomach is so bloated. Here I go to drink some water with lemon. Thanks for writing. shelli:ranger:
  6. mylapspirit

    How Long!!!

    Marilyn, Your doctor would not want you to be so nauseous and definitely not want you to throw up. He should give you some antinausea medicine asap. Let us know how you are making out! shelli:girl_hug:
  7. mylapspirit

    How Long!!!

    Thanks for welcoming me to Bandland. I am so happy. shelli:ranger:
  8. mylapspirit

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I am a bandster now. My surgery was August 27th and my Doctor said it was a "textbook surgery" even though I ended up with 8 incisions instead of the 4 or 5. I had no nausea and got up on my own every fours hours to pee and walk the halls. Didn't get much sleep that night. Felt like a human pin cushion by the time Tuesday morning came. Was so glad when my surgeon came in my room to tell me I could go home that day. I was certainly ready. When I got home though I couldn't believe how hard it was to get out of the recliner and the bed so I had to implement some homemade solutions like big puffy pillows and kitchen stool and my old cane and my extender grabber. Killed a spider in the bathroom and could not bend down and pick it up with kleenex. So my DH had to come to the rescue. Today is Day 3 and only had to take pain meds one time but will lake my liquid Lortab before bed. Don't feel hungry yet but pushing the liquids big time. I hope everyone is on the mend and I will talk to you soon. shelli:girl_hug:
  9. mylapspirit

    Getting Banded tomorrow! 8/27/07

    I am getting my band tomorrow too. Good luck tomorrow to you. Sending good thoughts your way. shellli:ranger:
  10. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Tried to PM you but couldn't figure it out. Brain is just too tired today. I am doing great. Excited now and not scared. Saw some old high school friends tonight so they took my mind off of the whole thing sorta. Didn't feel like eating I mean drinking too much today though. Had to force down CIB shakes, had 1 Jello, 1 broth, some water. Trying to remember not to get up in the middle of the night and drink a sip of water. Claramae, thanks for all your support and advice during the last two weeks. It has really helped me knowing you and Candle are out there and experiencing the same things. You do real good tomorrow and I will pray for you tonight and I will definitely check in with you by Wednesday. Heres to our new life ahead of us!:clap2: Take care:girl_hug: shelli Good Night!:notagree
  11. mylapspirit

    Banding set for August 27!!

    To everyone I met on this thread. Thank you for being there during my most stressed days. I am not frightened any more just looking forward to the new adventure and the new learning process. I am just so glad I never have to drink another Carnation Instant Breakfast - I had my last one at seven p.m. We WILL be back after tomorrow and we will get healthy and wise together. I will pray for everyone tonight. Talk to you on the other side--------------------------------- shelli:girl_hug:
  12. mylapspirit

    Banding set for August 27!!

    I will be joining the ranks Monday at 9:30 a.m. The only fear I have is not waking up after the surgery. Please pray for me. shelli:paranoid
  13. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    You are so wise for your young years. Thanks, Day 11 is over. Today I ate only 4 Carnation Instant Breakfasts, 3 cups broth, 1 sf popsicle, 1 sf jello, and 8 glasses of water.:hungry: Goodnight Monday bandsters - sleep well. Tomorrow is our last----------------------- shelli:notagree
  14. mylapspirit

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    My doctor recommended once per week but I am on the preop and have been weighing every morning. I don't know what I will do once i have the surgery------------------------------------------------------ thanks shelli
  15. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    How are you doing Claramae? Are things going okay for you? I don't think I heard from you yesterday so I was worried about you!!! Write when you can. Only two more sleeps until bandland.:clap2: shelli
  16. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    I would like to compare notes on your "Clear Liquid Diet" for tomorrow. I just wondered if you could list the foods you are permitted to eat. Can you believe Day 11 is almost over? I didn't lose any weight today - my total is still just 14 pounds. Thanks,:ranger: shelli
  17. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    My husband is frickin' driving me crazy today. For some strange reason he wants everything in the house and yard to be perfect before I go into surgery. I told him this morning that I fell like S#%& but he keeps pushing and pushing me to keep moving. We moved furniture in all the rooms, took books off the cases and dusted, mopped the floors and have done about 10 loads of laundry. My throat is scratchy, my back is aching, and all I want to do is lay down and take a nap. I had to stop taking my NSAID today so I think that is why I feel like crap plus they started me on Cipro. I have really dark circles under my eyes - maybe I am developing an allergy to all these milk products too. Gee I felt better when I was pigging out all day long. Physically of course but not mentally. Thanks for letting me Rant and Rave. Honestly, I usually am not such a whiner and I rarely use bad language - ----------------------------- shelli:help:
  18. mylapspirit

    ketosis - sore throat?

    I've had a scratchy throat too. and lower back pain and achy knees - we only have today and tomorrow left until our surgery so we have to stay strong. Let me know if the Sudafed helps. Are you as tired of the milk products as I am??? Do you mix the Unjury with Water or milk? shelli:ranger:
  19. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    I was sorry to hear that you had to go thru that awful nuclear stress test but I am happy to hear that your okay. Sounds like you had a meltdown like me today. Maybe its the way it is. When I went to the pharmacy to pick up my Cipro they said the doctor never called it in - I got so upset I was already to call the oncall bariatric surgeon but then they called and said it was called in to the wrong pharmacy. WTF - why does this have to be the week from "hell". Hang in there - we only have 2 more days until bandland. God Bless Us All.:rain: shelli:girl_hug:
  20. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Thanks for your prayers and thoughts - I really needed to hear that tonight. I got kind of emotional today and having people who are supportful is awesome. I will be bandland on Monday and let you know how it went. Thanks, shelli:ranger:
  21. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Candle, I'm not sure but the nurse said it wasn't for sure that it was a urinary tract infection but she said maybe the sample got contaminated or something else which I didn't understand but she said they want me to be on an antibiotic pronto. He only gave me 6 pills as they will give me more antibiotics on Monday before the surgery. The only symptoms I have is lower back pain and tiredness but geez on this crazy diet who wouldn't be tired. hehe:hungry: I had a good cry this afternoon are you getting emotional yet? It has just been the week from hell around here. I need a hug. How are you doing? Take care, shelli
  22. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    I just found out that I have to be at the hospital at 9:30 a.m. but that I have to start on Cipro today as they found bacteria in my urine. But I feel for you with such a late surgery time. You are strong though and you can do it. I'm here for you if you need me. shelli:girl_hug:
  23. mylapspirit


    That is great mermaidpuppy, you are half way there. You go girl! You CAN do it! Just called the hospital and found out I am to report in at 9:30 a.m. Now I really am getting nervous. They found some bacteria in my urine culture so I have to go to the pharmacy and pick up a prescription for Cipro just to be on the safe side. I just pray I make it thru the surgery with few problems but I guess we all feel that way. Day 10 of the liquid preop today - yep all liquids. I don't feel hungry today so I am forcing myself to drink every two hours and alternating my Carnation Instant Breakfast with broth and a ton of Water. I would kill for a Lean Cuisine right now - lol. For one glimpse of a second I thought to myself gee I wish I could order a pizza and eat the whole thing today but then I snapped back to reality and drank my shake - ugh!!!! Have fun shopping mermaid and thanks for the post. Michelle:ranger:
  24. Are you retaining fluid? Have you been eating too much sodium? Did you just switch to the mushie stage or Is it hot wear you live right now? Keep up the hard work cuz you are doing so great!:ranger:
  25. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Good news! I stuck it out for 3 days on full liquids and for some reason it got easier and easier. I did cheat once with 1 banana. I am down 14 pounds and my surgery is on Monday! Thanks for writing to me.:whoo: Oh I love your user name Indigo is my favorite color. Thanks, shelli:ranger:

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