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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mylapspirit

  1. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    That is awesome news Claramae - Congratulations! You must be so happy. I am real happy for you! WhooooooooooooooHooooooooooo!!! shelli:whoo:
  2. mylapspirit


    I sure do know what that thing means. To me food is/was my best friend sort of - it was always there for me and never let me down. When I got stressed it was there and I always felt better after I consumed huge amounts of food until I looked in the mirror or had to be with my slim friends and their beautiful clothes and shoes. But now I am on Day 9 of my liquid preop diet. I have stuck to it completely (except for 1 banana) and now this morning I was down 14 pounds. Can you believe it? I hardly can. I feel better than I have in a long time. I can move a little better, I am not limping and I am not in so much joint pain. So Mermaidpuppy - keep your chin up and start anew every day and don't give up. You will feel so good about yourself. My surgery is Monday August 27th, so pray for me okay and I will pray for you. Thanks, shelli:ranger:
  3. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Good Morning Candle! Good Morning Claramae! Candle - 9 pounds - WOW that is fantastic!!! Keep doing what your doing because its working! You are doing great! How are you feeling? I am starting to feel really really good! Even my one knee is feeling better! Is it raining today in New York? It is just pouring here like and cats and dogs. Claramae - how are you doing? I hope your sister is feeling a little better today and I know that adds alot more stress to your life. Hang in there okay? Yes I have plenty of before pictures. Ugh. Everyone have a good day today - okay? Keep on drinking those liquids. Michelle:rain:
  4. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Day 8 is over - I am tired and going to bed now! :notagree Hope to hear from ya'll tomorrow. Sleep well. shelli
  5. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Hi Claramae, I have been thinking of you alot too. Thank you for checking in with me. Your weight loss is fantastic. WhoooHoooooooooooooooo!! I got weighed this morning and I am up to 12 pounds:clap2: weight loss. I am so happy and starting to feel so much better. I tried on a pair of slacks today that didn't fit in the beginning of the summer and they slipped right on and I wore them shopping today. A bunch of us went to Longhorn's Steak House for lunch - the Soup of the day was chicken Noodle - I asked just for the broth from it :hungry: and did real good all day today! I think this is Day 8 for me. All we have left is 4 more days! I won't know what time my surgery is until Friday afternoon but it sounds like you and Candle are scheduled early in the day. After surgery how many weeks do you have to stay on liquids??? I haven't had time to check out the blogs yet but I will soon. Take care, Michelle:ranger:
  6. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    , Candle Finally found the time to post! The last two days have been very busy, very sad and just a whirlwind of emotions. I did not even have time to post my Day 6 journal notes and today is Day 7. I lost 3 more pounds which brings my total to 11 pounds in a week as tomorrow is Day 8. I have tried to stay within the guidelines and have been very successful even with the funeral, the lunch after, and being away from my home all day today helping sort thru her personal affects. I actually feel pretty good! I haven't had any food cravings or felt tired or dizzy. How is everything going for you today, Candle? Hope all is well and you are having success! shelli:ranger:
  7. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Well Day 5 is over and I did really good! Took my Protein shake and broth to the restaurant! Watched everyone else eat fried zuchini, lobster stuffed mushrooms, italian bread drizzled with butter, chicken alfredo, fried shrimp, filet mignon, okay I won't torture you anymore tonight. I am just real proud of myself because except for 1 banana I have stuck to the preop 100 percent. I am kind of hungry right now but I am going to bed - the funeral is in the morning and we have to be there at 10 a.m. I hope all is well with ya'll and your preops are going well too! Good night! shelli:notagree
  8. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Candle, 6 pounds - that's fantastic - congratulation! Shelli:ranger:
  9. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Co-morbidities are like diabetes, high blood pressure, slepp apnea, etc.:sick I hope you can go home on the same day too. shelli
  10. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Candle, my home was built in 1880. We have done extensive landscaping too. This summer my garden has really suffered because of my weight and bad knees. I am hoping next summer will be alot different for my love of gardening and I will have more energy and be able to have the joy of gardening again. Our previous owners lived here for 43 years so we had to do alot of updates. They made it kind of 1950's ish and we brought back the Victorian/Colonial feeling to it. We do/did all the sweat equity ourselves. My husband even tiled the kitchen counters and laid a hardwood floor board by board in the kitchen. It a work in progress and we aren't done yet either.
  11. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Yes we sure will. We will be bandster buddies for life now. I just talked to one of my friends who is being banded on Monday and she isn't scheduled until 11 a.m. and they told her that if the surgeries run late that she could wait until 5 p.m. that day to be banded. She is a little - no alot upset about that. Do you know if your surgeon will have you spend the night or can you go home the same day? Do you have a lot of co-morbidities?
  12. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    My date is August 27th, too. Do you know what time your surgery is yet? Candle is August 27th, too. Right??? Where you told your husband to put those chips is soooooooooooooo funny because that's what I was thinking but being the lady(ha ha) I just couldn't write that.:eyebrows: :biggrin1:
  13. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    No kids at home right now! Candle can you believe I have a 31 year old son. Yup its true. I don't feel old enough to have a child that old. He just relocated to Phoenix and works for Charles Schwab. I miss him but I know it is for the best. No lady yet so if you have any single friends in Phoenix let me know. We can hook em up. I want grandkids someday. Well maybe in my sixties. I am in no rush if you know what I mean. Also, have a very sweet yellow lab named Jenny. She is 13 years old and has diabetes. I have to give her injections of insulin twice per day. She is my angel. No cats anymore. Claramae, we live in the country too although we only have 2 acres. We are restoring a 120 year old home and I love antiques, etc. Tell your husband to take those chips and put them out in his car/truck. Those are just too hard to resist:rolleyes Are ya'll getting nervous at all. This afternoon I actually thought to myself that I might back out even though I know I can't. shelli:help:
  14. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Hi Candle, Your post made me laugh when you described your boyfriend and his metabolism. My husband used to be like that but when he turned 40 he gained about 50 pounds. Its funny though because he has such a strong body image of himself as "thin" that he always makes fun of heavier men and can't really see himself as being fat. His stomach looks like he is 9 months pregnant but when I say something to him about it he gets mad at me. Boy can I relate to that. That is a good idea about the sugarless candy and gum. It is going to be a very long day tomorrow. Thanks. Oh and don't feel bad about the broccoli. I did 800 calories today but I broke down and ate a banana. I never thought I would feel so guilty about a "banana". shelli
  15. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Hi Claramae, Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. The viewing is tomorrow afternoon and evening and I just hope I have enough strength to stand there and greet people. Did you find you were more tired during this phase? I have no energy at all right now. I am proud of you for resisting those chips. Hang Tuff! What day are you on? shelli:girl_hug:
  16. mylapspirit

    Swimming -- wow!

    Way to go Whosyadaddy! Quite an accomplishment for someone so newly banded! Your on your way to a new slimmer and healthier you! Pat yourself on your back and be good to yourself today! shelli
  17. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Good Morning to all liquid preop dieters! Today is Day 4 and I am down 8 pounds! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:whoo: Leaving for preop fasting bloodwork! That will be easy this time - lol. No food or coffee until I get back home! Everyone have the best day possible!!! Candle, you are on Day 3 right? How do you feel today? My thoughts are with you! shelli:ranger:
  18. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Day 3 completed with 674 calories of liquids. I'm going to bed now! shelli:notagree
  19. mylapspirit

    Lap converted to Open???

    Thanks for the encouragement areelady. Congratulations on your weight loss!
  20. mylapspirit

    Lap converted to Open???

    Did anyone who had the surgery so far thought they were going to have it laparascopically and then wake up and find the surgeon converted to an open incision? If this happened to you can you please share your feelings about this? Thanks, shelli:ranger:
  21. mylapspirit

    Lap converted to Open???

    This is good information indeed. Maybe I can get some peaceful sleep tonight! Day 3 of Liquid Preop diet complete. No Cheating.
  22. mylapspirit


    My lap band surgeon told me to expect a 1 to 3 pound weight loss each week after lap band but not to get discouraged when I hear about the rapid weight loss of the gastric bypass patients. Your information was very interesting. Thanks for posting. shelli:ranger:
  23. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Yes misery loves company but thank you so much for the kind words. Day 3 seems to be going better for me. My stomach isn't churning so much and I am more optimistic. I lost 6.5 pounds since beginning this on Tuesday. Thanks for the encouragement!:ranger:
  24. mylapspirit

    Liquid Preop Diet Journal

    Hang in there Candle because Day 3 gets better if you can Hang Tuff on Day 2. I am on Day 3 today and it is getting better. I put a tsp. of vanilla in my Carnation shake and it was much more palatable. My mother-in-law died this morning after living 2 years in a nursing home after a massive stroke and all the relatives sat around and ate pulled pork sandwiches and cantaloupe for lunch while they reminisced. (sp) I reached for a piece of cantaloupe and then I said wait a minute I am on liquids only. I made it thru that lunch and came home and had broth and a Protein shake and I am feeling real good about myself right now. The viewing and funeral are on Sunday and Monday and it will be harder on those days but we just gotta hang in there - okay? Take care, Michelle:ranger:
  25. mylapspirit


    I'm with Julie on this one too! Your doctor should have understood the stress you have been under with your Mom being sick. That kind of stress is enough for anyone to fall off the band wagon. I understand the concern about the whole "shrinking liver" but---------- I am on the liquid preop diet right now - so if you need any help just please write me. Take care and I wish all the best to you! shelli:ranger:

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