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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gomekast

  1. gomekast

    VETS - packing list help?

    Also, check the stickies under pre op. They've got a great thread I looked threw before my surgery.
  2. gomekast

    Feeling faint, dizzy, blurred vision, shaky...

    I have reactive hypoglycemia now(I'm in no way a dr, not giving you medical advice at all). I have it now that I've had surgery, but also had it when I was younger. The things you describe are what I feel when I have an episode. Go search reactive hypoglycemia in and there is a great post from RJ's beginning on the subject. Mayne you can relate to some of it. I would start to carry around a baggie of nuts with you everywhere you go. Or a Quest Protein bar. Something with fat and Fiber both. The nuts and a cheese stick pick me uo fast when I have an episode.
  3. gomekast

    Memorial Day Challenge

    The 21st is just the starting weight. It isnt an active weigh in..its just the baseline for the challenge. The active weigh ins begin on the 28th, which makes it the first weigh in. The end of the challenge is the last day...most weigh ins dont typically count the first and last recorded numbers. Their used to measure the overall success of said challenge.
  4. gomekast

    First Dumping

    I dumped off of too much sugar free torani coffee syrup. No fun.
  5. gomekast

    Help with Protein 'shots'

    Some people have added half to a bottle of flavored Water...to water it down. I just slam it and have a water chaser the second the tube leaves my lips. Otherwise I gag.
  6. gomekast

    Meats with casings

    I'm 7 months next week and I can't do any casings. I will slice the meat and peel off the casing if I really have to eat the item. I will choose chicken over that if I can tho. I get a really upset sleeve if I do have the casings.
  7. gomekast

    PCOS Pain

    The pain when I have a flare up is horrible now for me too. I had some percocet left so I took one last time I did have a flare up. I'd like to know also if anyone has a trick.
  8. gomekast

    Anyone from Minnesota

    Anyone know of any North Metro support groups that are open? Was sleeved at PN, but getting to St Louis Park during rush hour to make a 5:30 meeting isnt doable for me. But I would still like to find a support group up here in the north somewhere. If anyone can point me out somewhere that'd be awesome. Thanks.
  9. gomekast

    Newbie Question

    Many people have had this yes..it does go away. I used a heating pad on my belly until all the gas was gone. That said...I still have moments where a liquid or bite of food replaces that and up comes a giant belch. I'm 6 months post op.
  10. gomekast

    Memorial Day Challenge

    Cw191 Gw 181 Lofty but that's why it's a goal. This is just the kick in the pants I needed.
  11. gomekast

    Memorial Day Challenge

    I'm in after a hiatus from the challenges.
  12. gomekast

    Low Carb or not....

    Im 6 months post op and have lost 97 so far. Im 29 away from goal. That said, for the first 3 months I stuck to low carb, but just because I wanted to maximize the honeymoon phase of that jump out of the gate. I would try to keep carbs below 40..but...then month 4 hit. I needed to add in healthy fats..but didnt know it. So I really struggled for a few weeks until someone on myfitness pal pointed me their way. Once I added in the full fat stuff and other healthy fats, I was finally able to go long periods between meals and feel totally fine. Now, I eat the full fat cheeses and Greek yogurts. I have a little Protein granola, nuts, avocado. Each of my meals has a healthy fat as half of the meal. The fact that I can now go 4-5 hours between meals is key to my weight loss at this point, combined with the healthy fat stuff. Low carb may work great for the beginning but eventually the body gets used to it and needs a change to resume the loss.
  13. gomekast

    Post Op Question

    I used a heating pad on my belly until all the gas was gone. That with the gas x strips got thr gas moving and out fast.
  14. That's about the same for me. Took quite a bit for others to notice, but once they all did notice, the questions never stop. It depends on how I dress too, living in upper Midwest, ive usually got layers on for cold so im able hide it still.
  15. The drug stores all have liquid adult tylenol. Get that. It will go down super easy and you wont risk getting a tummy ache from the pills.
  16. Puree was like torture for me. Eek. I went back to yogurts for that stage.
  17. Soup is a slider. I was told to keep it out of my diet long term. What your describing is totally normal!
  18. gomekast

    Very light headed and dizzy

    Drink more Water. That's a symptom of dehydration. That's one of my ques that I need to up my fluids. I would say your eating too few calories. Have you tried adding in some healthy fats? Full fat cheeses/yogurts, nuts, avocados..etc. Keeping your intake at such a low level for that long can really mess up your metabolism. Does your dr/nut know you're at such few calories like that on a regular basis?
  19. I barfed up white chicken each time I tried until just a few weeks ago. Im 6 months post op now. The dark meat is moister naturally. Its very common for a lot of people post op. I saw lettuce mentioned above..I was eating small salads each night at 3 months out, but you do need to focus on chewing really well for the first 6 months. Just about anything can be eaten, as long as you chew it really really well. I'm talking like baby food consistency well.
  20. I totally did when I was at that point. I had a partial stricture for the first 3-4 months..so I wasnt crazy about going further threw the stages either. I just kept eating the stuff I did like and that would agree with me sleeve. My program didnt mind it because I wasn't hitting my fluid goals either and they wanted me to go slower. Good luck in your journey.
  21. gomekast

    Hungry all day

    Try adding in a little healthy fat to your meals you guys. A little full fat yogurt, full fat cheese/cottage cheese, avocado, nuts etc. It will help you to feel satisfied and not hungry. Once I added them in, I could easily go several hours without eating. I regularly go 4-5 hours between meals now..which I could never do until I added in the healthy fats at each meal. Its just your body wanting some more nutrients, thats all.
  22. gomekast

    Has anyone tried the Quest bars?

    Im 6 months out and love them. I usually get chocolate chip cookie dough, white chocolate raspberry, Cookies n cream, or double chocolate chunk. People complain about the carbs...what some fail to realize is out of the 21 grams carbs is 17 grams of Fiber. You subtract the fiber from carbs, leaving you with just a few active carbs. The fat...they do have fat in them. But our bodies get to a certain point where its been low carb for so long that the body won't let go of anymore weight. Thats where adding in healthy fats and some carbs come into play. Our bodies need both in order to function. They can be sliders for some people tho, and eating too many supplemental Protein products will mess up your blood levels at your surgery check up. It did mine, and I was told to eat more food by the dr and surgeon to bring a few things back up to acceptable levels.
  23. gomekast

    Im about to faint

    6 months out and I still get it. But I also have hypoglycemia. My trick is to quick eat a light cheesestick and some cashews. They pick me up fast and I recover quickly. Also, being dehydrated will exaggerate the passing out feeling as well. Make sure you're drinking enough first off..then maybe add in cheesestick n nuts if you like that stuff. But you need to be careful for too many extra Snacks.
  24. gomekast

    coffee anyone?

    I drink a pot of decaf now at 6 months post op. Tried with just one cup a few times earlier in recovery but the sleeve just wasnt having any of it until I hit the 4 to 5 month post op time frame
  25. gomekast

    When do you know that youre full?

    One week post op, you are still really swollen. You'll know when it goes down, but that wont be for a few more weeks. Just measure everything until the numbness wears off and yes, when you hiccup or sneeze or the nose runs, stop eating or drinking. If your only trying to drink, just wait a few minutes and then drink a little bit more. Not huge gulps. I've had the hiccup since day one. Any food after the hiccup and its coming right back up. drinks, I will hiccup from them yes, but I wait a good 5 minutes and still at this point have to take small sips to get past it. Drinking too soon after eating causes more of an issue than between meals. Once the numbness wears off, it will be easier to gage the size of bites and gulps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
