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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gomekast

  1. Yes, its normal. I told my nurse the same thing at that point and she said as long as I was hitting my liquid goals and protein goals then she wasn't worried.
  2. Try a calorie free sugar free beverage. I use propel zero packets...its sugar/calorie free. I can't tolerate water yet and I'm 4 months post op.
  3. At one month post op, my only worry was hydration and Protein goals. Worrying about calories at that point is useless imo. Focus on your liquid and protein goals. The rest will follow.
  4. gomekast

    weight gain

    ...this isn't a race. Put your scale away. My program told me to stay off my own scale for the first month post op. Do that! Your body is healing for petes sake! Stay off that scale abd focus on healing and hydration. Those are your ONLY 2 worries at this point. Healing and hydration! !
  5. gomekast

    Uhm... Ate half of a

    I can down salad too. But I focus on chewing really welk..so I don't worry about it. Once its all ground up its a fraction of the starting size. I'd still measure tho at 7 weeks. I'm 4 months next week.
  6. gomekast

    bowel issue?

    Pre surgery I was very regular. Post op for weeks I was going every 4 days. Until I added back in a little salad at week 14. Now I'm regular again.
  7. Im 4 months post op and can't drink water. I drink propel zero. Its sugar free calorie free plus has vitamins.
  8. gomekast

    wish you got lap band?

    My program won't do lap bands anymore. I went into this thinking bypass but then learned about sleeve. I was sleeved back in October and I love it. Its given my kids a healthy active mommy. My husband has a healthy wife. I have energy and zest for life again! Love my sleeve!
  9. My kids do the same thing for me too. Its a game for them.
  10. gomekast

    Biggest loser winner

    Ali Vincent, a past season winner said in an interview that when she won her season that she stopped gettinf her period. She was obsessive about it and she had health issues while she was that thin. She said the same thing..it was a contest. .she did what she had to do to win it. Even if it meant losing her period. I stopped watching years back because of this. Its unrealistic.
  11. gomekast


    I felt weak and lightheaded until about week 12 post op. Take it easy and listen to your body. Everyone heals at different rates.
  12. gomekast

    grr...medifast commercials. .

    Oh for sure. I had a friend a while back that went for a free consultation there..and their program was their food and tons of expensive supplements. Nothing right about that.
  13. gomekast


    I'm happy getting 48oz in. My nurse and nut want more though.
  14. gomekast

    Quest Cookies & Cream

    Just remember to make sure its cold first. It needs to be cold!
  15. gomekast

    October 2013 Sleevers Roll call!

    SW-286 CW-210 Sleeved october 22nd. Very happy. Getting my energy and mojo back from exercising!
  16. Sw-286 Cw-210 Sleeved October 22nd 2103.
  17. gomekast

    Juicing is so amazing

    My family has juiced for the last year n a half. Kids love it, they go nuts to help make it and drink it. Husband lost 35 pounds drinking green juice last year. He's put a few back on because of winter so he's planning another juice fest to lose the few pounds this spring. We heart our breville juicer! I did drink it post op for a week or two when I wasnt getting much in me. Haven't had it recently. I should add this... I started on a cheap store model, spent 50 on it. It lasted 3 weeks. Then I spent the $ on a breville. If you think you'll stick with it long term, I would just spend the extra and get the lowest breville model. They have several models and price ranges to choose from.
  18. My pre op diet was 5 protein shakes per day. That was it. Did that for 16 days.
  19. gomekast

    How much were you losing at 2 months?

    That's pretty darn good! Stop comparing your loss to others loss. No two of us are going to lose the same rate. My 2nd month was my slowest month.
  20. gomekast


    Im 4 months next week and I'm doing the elliptical, recombamt bike, and a Water jogging class. There are yoga days as well. I will have a heavy cardio day, followed by a light workout day, then rest day. I keep on that pattern.
  21. Do you make your own seafood salad and shrimp burgers? How are shrimp burgers made?
  22. gomekast

    Let's talk CARBS!

    Yeah, I hear ya. I went as low carb as I did because I loved the Dukan Diet from years past. I'm not sure the average person is able to go as low carb as I did. I would say, if you've done the low carb eating in the past, and you liked it then go back to that. I stopped only once I stopped losing weight. Then I reevaluated things and upped just a little. I'm averaging around 33-45 carbs now per day. I'm 4 months post op next week.
  23. gomekast

    Let's talk CARBS!

    Each of us has a personal preference. I kept mine under 24 until week 12.. then I upped because I hit my first resting period. Most track everything, so my thought is to track and see where your body is happy while still losing. Eventually you'll have to up them a bit just to keep yourself going.
  24. gomekast

    Talk to me about Fitbit Flex!

    Ahhh...thats what that means! Thank you for the tutorials, much appreciated.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
