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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gomekast

  1. gomekast

    Hospital Bag

    There is a long list under the stickies of things to take with you. Its compiled by other members thatve had the surgery.
  2. gomekast

    Bad idea dinner

    This was me today, but with a treat. First I've allowed since surgery back in October. Lesson learned on my end. Eek.
  3. Mine made us sign a contract saying we would avoid alcohol for 1 full year.
  4. Surgery was 10/22. Recovrry for me was tough for sure..had a double stricture for a few months that worked itself out, so I have lost at a faster rate than some because of that. Starting weight was 286 Surgery weight was 279 Current weight is 191.
  5. gomekast


    You got it! I've figured out that things change pretty fast with my eating and what works versus not. So I've really had to watch everything and track it all. What happens when you have the attacks from the fake sugars??
  6. gomekast


    Yes, she said mid morning and mid afternoon were the typical times it will hit. But not always. I have felt it at night too, and will have a few nuts or a scoop of my fruit flavored Protein powder. I've actually been sipping on a bottle of flavored Water with a scoop of Syntrax fuzzy navel Protein Powder added to it every night after dinner. I finish the bulk of it right before bedtime so that I dont get the middle of the night crash and sweats etc that the hypogly can cause. Keep your exercise going for sure, but cut the fruit and add the nuts back in. Im fairly sure you'll feel much better. I rarely eat fruit, working out or not. It is another one of my triggers that causes the hypogl in the first place.
  7. gomekast


    And for the record, fruit will make it worse for a lot of people with hypoglycemia. I avoid it in general due to it. Any fruit is too high in natural sugars and I will crash hard and fast from it. Rj, if its acting up I would just add little cheese and a couple nuts in mid morning and mid afternoon. Those are the times our bodies will feel it the most for some reason. The nut did tell me that she has seen a few sleevers get hypoglycemia post op at different times. Its not common but it happens.
  8. gomekast


    Add in a couple nuts with the cheese and youll feel the balance within minutes.
  9. gomekast


    Its the exercise. I quit most of mine and no issues since. I'm going to ask this week when I go in for my 6 month check up. I'll report back what if anythibg they tell me.
  10. gomekast


    I have it had it for 15 years now. When I exercise it gets horrible. Nut said my light string cheese paired with 6 cashews was perfect to balance and pick up the bsl fast. Its got Protein, Fiber plus some fat all in one. I would have to snack on those 2 things several times a day before. Eating something small every 2 hours was (and is the only way according to my nut) the only way for me to keep the bs levels even. Mine regularly run in the 60's.
  11. gomekast

    Am I Eating Too Much?

    Not many are able to hit liquid or protein goals until a little further along. Heck, I'm going on 6 months out and am only just this week hitting my liquid goals. I would just get a couple bottles of Isopure from GNC or Vitamin shoppe. They both carry. Them. They do leave a weird feeling on the tounge but a 20 oz bottle of that has something like 40 grams protein in it. Its all I could do until about week 2 or 3. Just do the best you can for now.
  12. gomekast

    weight loss stall

    Dang, you guys are hard on yourselves! You just had major surgery! Give yourselves a break and trust in the process and plan your program has given you. And technically speaking, a true stall is 3 weeks and more. Your body is resting and readjusting. Things shift every so often. The more you stress the less you'll lose. Right now where yall are at, youre all losing inches. I can darn near promise you that too. Breath and give yourself credit for coming this far in the journey!
  13. I did! I got my half inch back!
  14. Sorry for the short first post. Anyways..I felt out of control this past weekend. Wasn't nuts but I judt needed a way to gsin back the confidence to know I could continue to lose. So I started the 5 day test. I had intended to do just the 5 days and be on with it. But, I really felt the confidence surge and I can again feel the restriction. I've decided to do modify the 5 days to this...but find what works for you. Breakfast-scoop protein powder in decaf plus 2 tablespoon powder skim milk Lunch-same as breakfast. Midafternoon snack. .if I need it scoop of fruit flavored protein powder in flavored water. Dinner-all protein small dinner that is low fat and low carb. After dinner snack-protein powder scoop..I drink it close to bedtime so that overnight, my body keeps working and not thinking its ever starving.
  15. Sorry your struggling so much. Have you read about this www.5daypouchtest.com? Give it a look and see what you think.
  16. gomekast

    Protein shots

    I have a box of these and i use these as well. They taste decent. They do have a little bit of a whey after taste to them but as long as you use water as a chaser its all good.
  17. My program didnt have us add in our multi until we started on soft solids. Taking them with food will help keep the tummy discomfort to a minimum.
  18. gomekast

    suffering from hiccups

    Hiccups for quite a few mean that your sleeve is full. There really isnt a way to stop them in my experience. I will hiccup once or twice once im full.
  19. Heating pad will be your bff post op. I even slept with mine on all night once i got home. Get gas x strips! I echo the Water issue, im 5 months post op and cant do plain water most days. Try lots of things post op until something works. For me its been propel zero and smart water. Head hunger is real and its tough. Learn to stop and think twice before you drink or eat anything now..so that you dont fund yourself mindlessly eating or drinking for no real reason. Just be mindful before anything goes in the mouth. I didnt feel comfortable lifting things for a couple months...so prepare for that possibility. Relationships will change. It doesnt have to be a bad thing either..just be ready for that. Im still dizzy most of the time, and hadnt read much on people having that. (I have labs next week, but im suspecting i have low sodium levels, which has happened before to me. ) ive been carrying around Snacks with me in my purse and vehicles to be safe.
  20. Hey guys. I'm wondering if anyone else here has had to take antibiotics and has had hunger like a demon once you start taking it? I am on a 10 day course of it and this hunger is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Trying to stay on plan but i feel so gross and fat becuase i constantly feel hungry, even tho i shouldnt be. Thinking i need to double up my prilosec maybe. I've placed a call to my nurse asking her. Any advice, ideas, or thoughts?
  21. gomekast


    I'm 5 months post op and i feel like this half of the time. This head hunger is no joke!
  22. gomekast

    Weird thing...

    Ha! Yes! My 4 year old told me last week that she doesnt like my bones! She misses the warm squishy mommy. My butt is the worst tho..its all tailbone now. The knees took a bit to get used too, but now its the waist and hips i feel the most. Shoulders tol..never thought i would see skinny shoulders or clavicles!
  23. gomekast

    Is my sleeve big ?!

    A bougie is what the anesthesiologist uses to form the shape of the sleeve. Its a tube thats placed down your throat. They work hand in hand with the surgeon to do the surgery. My brother in law is an anesthesiologist and has said that in the grand sceme of things the size doesnt really matter. Their all pretty small regardless, but that often times behaviors of patients havent been changed enough and some look at the size as a reason or excuse to really change. Again...he's your typical dr type, so take that with a big ole grain of salt! I do know that on youtube, Endobariatric channel has a ton of great videos on tons of different questions. Go check them out..i learned a lot there in the beginning of my journey.
  24. gomekast

    Is my sleeve big ?!

    When they do surgery, they use meds to numb things down there. Our new sleeves are numb for several weeks until the meds and trauma effects have worn off. Its why they stress measuring measuring measuring until you can fully feel your sleeve. That usually doesnt happen until you hit the later food stages and varies from person to person too. But they are all numb for a period of time, even with me and i had a double stricture for a while.
  25. So the low carb pancake is just something i whipped up. I didnt use a recipe. I think it was Half cup soy flour 1/4 cup egg Skim milk..not sure if i used half cup or 1/4c 2 scoops any Protein powder Little Water as needed. Just mixed it all and made 5 pancakes out of it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
