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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wenjea

  1. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Wow! You've lost 81 pounds since May!!!! That's incredible! Hawaii sounds like a great 100 pound reward. I think it will take me longer then December to see that. I've reached my first two goals and now am working on #3. In 21 more pounds I will have passed from obese to just overweight. I think it is if you are more then 30% above your ideal weight then you are considered obese, right? and if your BMI is above 40 then you are morbidly obese. Correct me if it's different then that please. I was at a dinner party tonight and someone brought these Sorbet's from Costco that are in the fruit of whatever flavor it is. Ex: Pineapple sorbet was in 1/2 a small pineapple and Mandarin orange was in a mandarin peel. My friend is on Weight Watchers and she said they were worth 1 point ea.They were yummy and made me feel like I was eating Ice-cream. Who knew about these and didn't tell me before now???
  2. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    I weighed this morning and I was on another '9' number! I don't know why the weight is falling off so fast right now but this must be what they mean about a sweet spot, Ten pounds in 8 days. I can only imagine the plateau I'm going to hit when this slide stops. I'm walking this morning if anyone wants to come!
  3. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Johanna - I havn't even tried a sit up yet. I have been walking and I have been waiting for my girls to start school to go back to Pilaties/yoga classes. I got a little set back when I screwed up my shoulder but after Labor day I'm heading back to class. I'm sure it going to be shocking how weak I am.
  4. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    try eating meat only at night for dinner. I kind of do the liquid thing for breakfast, mushies at night. and regular food for dinner. I just have to remember to eat very small bites and chew a lot! I'm like you that I don't want an unfill but PBing is an everyday occurance. I hit another '9' number!!! I love to see those!
  5. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer - keep us straight, Sue is the meeting lady and I (Wendy) am the one with the fabric for you. I like Sue's idea of showing up and doing something fun together if it's canceled. . . . maybe a movie!
  6. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    wow! You don't even look like the same person! You look happier, healthier, and beautiful!! Keep it up!
  7. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Laurie - STAY AWAY FROM THE ICE_CREAM!!! It does go down easy, that is why it is such a no-no. It totally defeats the way the band works. It is my downfall so I just have to tell myself none ever, or I would visit Coldstone every day.
  8. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Merrillee - I am walking every morning on Grandview at 7:45am, after I drop the girls off to school. It is the best time for me to get it done and over with. I forgot to weigh myself today! can you believe it! I can't believe you are almost in wonderland! We got a new puppy yesterday for my husband, a manly dog, unlike puddin. I was a t a coat fitting yesterday and the head sewer gave me a bag of material that she had been saving for you. I didn't have the heart to tell her that you weren't doing dog clothes anymore. If you are going to be at the support group on Monday I will give it to you. You can still make some cute coats for your and my dogs out of it!
  9. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Yea me! I'm finally on the downhill side of my ticker!!! I met my first goal of losing half of my total and in 5 more pounds I will reach my second goal which is to weigh less then my husband. I can't remember how long it's been since I weighed less then him. . . .
  10. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Cherrybomb - I have no idea because I don't keep track. I am just making a choice to eat healthy with a little bit of sugar if it's a special occasion. I have lost very quickly this week and I'm not sure if it is because I have the right fill amount or if it because of this new tea I have been drinking. I was trying to solve a constipation problem and was taking Colace but it wasn't helping. My daughter-in-law told me that her mom has the same problem and drinks a tea called 'Smooth Move' from the organic section of the grocery store every night before bed. I have done that this week and every morning I pee my brains out and have a regular BM. For those of you who already have the opposite problem I wouldn't try it. I was so backed up I was feeling septic inside. I feel so much better now. I try to drink a lot of water during the day though so I don't get to dehydrated.
  11. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I did it! I met my first goal of half way there! I have dropped really fast lately and I don't know if it is finding my sweet spot or a little thing I discovered in trying to solve my constipation problem. I was trying to get things moving with colace and it wasn't helping at all. My daughter-in-law said her mom uses a tea called 'Smooth move' in the organic section of your grocery store. I have been drinking one cup every night before I go to bed and every morning I pee my brains out and have a very successful BM. I know this probably won't help all of you who are on the looser end of things but it sure has moved things along for me in all departments.
  12. Wenjea

    Banded with Dr. Oh

    Dr. Oh did my lap band in May and he said about 70% of his patients have the band. The longer you are with him the more he warms up and even smiles. Hirai is great and very nice from the get go. They have never missed on a fill that I know off on me or my two friends. I go to the support meetings at St. Jo's and glean lot's of information from this site and mix it up all together. I am almost to my half way point and it has been the easiest thing i have ever done. I recommend it to all my overweight friends!
  13. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I think your body is just taking a break to catch up with your weight loss and redistribute things around. You have done great so far and it will get going again so take a mental break from it and go have fun. Treat yourself to a movie or shopping. It will happen eventually. I can't believe that I am almost half way there! That was my first goal and I am just a pound and a half a way from it. Yea me!
  14. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa - I went a whole month without any weight loss this summer. I got another fill and it has been dropping off no problem. I have a shake in the morning. Usually yogurt and cottage cheese at lunch and whatever my family is having for dinner. I find that when I just eat somewhat healthy whenever I'm hungry then I do fine. I did have cake and Ice-cream last night for my sons birthday and wedding cake Saturday night too. I was down two pounds this morning, GO FIGURE!
  15. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Cherrybomb - when I have hit a plateau I have found that if I eat more I actually lose again. I think it has something to do with making your body think that you aren't starving it anymore. I have found a sweet spot after my second fill and the weight seems to be coming off again. I have 2.7cc in my band now. It's tight in the morning and a little loser in the evening but I am very restricted on the amount I can eat. I only got one slice of pizza down and I was filled up last night. About an hour later though I managed some birthday cake and Ice-cream, no problem.
  16. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I am wondering if eating a little more then usual when stuck on a plateau is just what you need to get off it again. I had a weekend of weddings and birthday and soccer and it seems all I did was eat. I was just sure that I had gained some pounds but when I got on I had lost two more. Either I have found my sweet spot or I needed to eat more to lose more. Go figure!
  17. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Johanna - That's me exactly. I'm losing about 5 pounds a month now and can only get a shake down in the morning but could eat just about anything for dinner. My second fill made a huge difference in the amount of food I can eat before it all turns to slime and comes back up. It seems to be a daily occurance now but I don't mind because it reminds me to take small bites and eat slowly.
  18. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Bandit - If the pills are small enough, like advil size, then you can still swallow them. I cut some of my bigger pills in half and then they go down just fine. Many meds come in chewable or capsules so just ask the pharmacy about it next time you get them refilled. It hasn't been as big as a deal as they made it out to be in the classes.
  19. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    It's back to school BBQ today at my girls school. I Wonder if people will say anything about my weight loss. It will be fun to share their reactions with you. You gotta notice 51 pounds right!
  20. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Melissa - congrats on the new job! Metalband - You've done great on your weight loss with only 1cc in your band! I seem to be off my plateau and on the move again but it doesn't last very long and then I sit for a few weeks. I guess that is just how I lose the weight. I really do think that we should plan a reunion next May. If LasVegas is the most affordable then I hear there is lots to do besides gambling. I want to save all my money for new clothes! We might be able to get an awesome group rate on a cruise also. Is anyone in this group a travel agent?
  21. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    no, but he has done two fills on me and I have two friends that go to him and they have never had a miss by either Oh or Harai.
  22. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    metalband - My doc says two days of liquid then on to soft. I found it hard to wait that long. It brought back memories of weeks and weeks on liquids. . . . . not fun.
  23. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Yippee! I hit 50 pounds today too! I like the idea of buying a coach purse but I don't know if I can make myself spend that much on a purse. Six more pounds and I will be half way there! I need to come up with a good reward. Thanks for the article on hair loss. Guess I better make myself take all those vitamins. I have noticed a bit more hair coming out lately. I saw the orthopedic shoulder specialist today and it looks like my tendonitis has caused my shoulder to freeze up and I have a large calcium deposit that may require surgery and rotator cuff repair. He gave me a shot with cortizone, steroids, and novicane in it that hurt like heck. Then I had physical Therapy on it where they hooked up the electrodes and run electrical currents through the swollen muscles. That actually felt good. He figures 3-6 weeks of therapy to get it moving again. Yuk! I'm having a hard time staying motivated to walk, drink my protein shakes, and take all my vitamins. Anyone else struggling with this?
  24. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Dawneb and Pinenut - I was 38 1/2 when we adopted out twin girls so all the other moms look very young to me. I like being an older mom, I think I'm much wiser this time around and I am enjoying them much more, and less stressed.
  25. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    startin over - I get my fills in federal way with Dr. Oh and Hirai and they haven't missed once. They only do fills on Mondays though.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
