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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wenjea

  1. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer - i can't remember which measurments you want so I will guess . . . back of neck to where her tail attaches is 8 inches. Her neck is 7 1/2 inches, and her chest is (right behind her front legs) 11 3/4. She is just a tad block like. She is getting fat eating all of Hunter's puppy food. Congratulations on onederland!!!!! Wish I was there! I still have a way to go . . . .:faint:
  2. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Sue and Mer - How was the meeting? What did I miss?
  3. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I did better on the water but not good enough so I bought two cases of 16oz. water bottles. i put 4 in the frig after I marked 1,2,3,4 on them in large permanent #'s. I am not going to bed tomorrow until all four of them are gone!! I did so good about the sugar thing today until back-to-school night where they had Costco cookies. YUM! I did walk two miles in the rain this morning and bought a bunch of fresh fruit to snack on. Tomorrow is going to be better!! My hair fell out horrible last month but I realized I was slacking on my vitamins and protein so i have been faithful with both and it has almost completely stopped. Lets hope it grows in as fast as it fell out. Laureli - congrats on the ring being so loose!
  4. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Coastgirl - glad you could join our little group! The post op pain does eventually go away and you will feel great! Take it easy and don't push yourself to hard. I just got back from a 2+ mile walk in the rain. I never would of done that before this surgery. It won't belong before you will be feeling like the rest of us. . . . happy to be banded!
  5. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    That's a little early for me cuz I'm still picking up kids from after school sports and running them around. How about 5:30 at the mall. Sue - maybe you can bring Taylor here at 5pm and David can take them to soccer. If it's raining I think Anna will stay home and do homework instead. Do we really have to walk or can we just visit and catch up?
  6. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Maybe I could meet you all for walking though . . . when and where? Mall sounds good if there is rain.
  7. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    I'm so bummed . . . .I was planning on going to the support group but my girls back-to-school night is on Monday and I need to meet their teachers. I'm hoping to make October 1'st even though I will just be getting back from a cruise that day. I will have to see how that goes.
  8. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I've been sitting on the same number for two weeks! Who will join me in a re-commitment to the rules 1. Drink 64oz. water per day! 2. No sugar! 3. No fried foods! especially chips! 4. No Ice-cream! 5. Exercise a minimum of 20 min/day! 6. Snack on fruits, veggies, and whole grains! Give it a week and see if the scale changes . . . let me know next week. REFUSE TO GIVE UP!!!
  9. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Yes, I'm planning on going on Monday so hopefully I will see you and I can give you that fabric. Glad the tea worked. Keep it up for a few days and then start drinking it every other day, then when things are back to regular, drink it when things start to clog. I prefer to drink it at night because sometimes it makes me feel a little bet nauseous . . . which is only slightly better then feeling septic from being stuck but good.
  10. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Went back to my upholstery class last night after a two month break and one of the guys said,"aren't you just a former shadow of yourself?" I smiled and thanked him for noticing and was surprised that he was the only one who said something. I am starting my second week of staying the exact same weight and living on the plateau. I was feeling a little discouraged and binging a bit so I'm glad he said something. It just reminded me that this is the way my body looses weight and to keep on doin my thing. It will come off sooner or later. I was crackin myself up Wednesday as I was cleaning out my closet of dresses that were between 10-20 years old. I noticed that everything was a jumper with a high waist, Holly Hobbie style. I can't even remember the last time I wore a dress that wasn't to a wedding! Seems like every time i do laundry now I'm pulling out clothes that are too big. I don't want to buy to much because I don't plan on stopping here but the smaller things in my closet are so dated that I just can't bring myself to wear them anymore. I'm taking my mom and sister on a little four day cruise on a Celebrity ship at the end of the month and I'm wondering what the heck I'm going to wear. I couldn't even find a coat to fit for last Fridays football game! We need to have our own little clothing exchange on line here.
  11. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer - drink a cup of Smooth Move, found in the organic section of the grocery store with the rest of the medicinal tea's. I drink mine just before bed every few days and by the next morning things are moving pretty well.
  12. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    love the before and after pics, love the gown, especially the red with your dark hair, and wow! . . . .your arms are a heck of a lot slimmer. I would show them off too. My before pics are in my underwear so I can't put them on the web site but I will try and find some fully dressed. Oh, I wore my shirt tucked into my waist band today at church and everyone was saying how much weight I had lost and how healthy and happy I looked . . . I was happy because I can't remember the last time I tucked in a shirt! LOL
  13. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    I was definatly okay with the pace!!!
  14. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Lots of people know I had surgery but the other day someone asked me what I was doing to lose the weight and I told them protein shakes, healthy eating w/portion control, and lot's of walking. I left out the part about surgery but i didn't feel I knew them well enough to share and all the things I said were soooo true. I get such a mixed reaction from people who know that I just chalk it up to interesting. Those who are already researching for themselves usually come right out and ask and I always tell the truth when they ask right out, especially if they are overweight themselves. There are a lot of obese people who have been thinking about it but don't know anyone who has done it so you might just be the person that helps them make the decision to change their life like we did.
  15. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Great info! Sometimes I just burst into a smile for no reason other then I am losing weight and for the first time not thinking about how long this time before it is all back on. It just seems to easy sometimes . . . like it should be hard to be this successful. I am very thankful for my band and wish I had done it earlier too. Kudos for Sue and I for walking the loop around an entire golf course that had killer hills in it!!
  16. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer - Did your son-in-law tell you I called? I was in the north end and thought I would drive over to see you but he said you were not available . . .does that mean sleeping? Sue and I walked the Cambers Bay loop this morning, what a hill!! It was just nice to know that we could do it know matter how slow we were coming up the hill.
  17. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    hey there, did I miss a support group meeting at St. Joe's on Monday night? I was still in Portland cleaning out my mom-in-laws house. Mer - talk about antiques . . . I brought back lots of very old dishes and stuff. How do I find out if they are valuable or junk? Whens the celebration? I could meet today around noon to walk the mall if you want. Call me!
  18. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    first - after reading the last four pages to catch up I must confess I ate a dipped ice-cream cone from Dairy Queen last night. . . and it was very good! But, it was very bad for me so back on the wagon I go with determination from all of you. I'm doing my plateau thing after my week of rapid weight loss which is just how I do it. 'drop and sit' should be my new middle name. I did get the tape measure out though which I haven't done in two months and I had dropped 15 1/4 inches since the last time I measured!! and I was at a board meeting last night and someone who I hadn't seen me all summer told me how thin my face was looking. I love it when people notice!
  19. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Sounds fun! I am in to stuff reduction at my house and I have a whole house full of old stuff of Jim's mom that I am packing up so i will let you have a look at it before I e-bay or craigs list it all.
  20. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinmommy - Smooth Move by Traditional Medicinals, its a herbal Stimulant Laxative and caffeine free. I found it in the organic section next to Throat Coat tea. What is it that biotin do exactly?
  21. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I have met one person and heard of another one who were banded and haven't lost a pound. That is really hard for me to imagine. You got to eat a lot of wrong things not to lose any weight on the band!
  22. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    I want to go to the carribean where I can wear a swimsuit and feel normal. Of course I would tan first and buy a new wardrobe so I would look fabulous! I'm losing hair too. What is biotin?
  23. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Mer - Let's have a onederful celebration is honor of your reaching onederland! What fun thing could we do that doesnt' involve food?
  24. Wenjea

    May 2007 Banders

    Twinmommy - doesn't that 50pound mark feel good! Way to go! That half way mark is just a few days away!! Everybody is doing soooo good. May must have been a great time to get banded!
  25. Wenjea

    Any one in NW WA

    Okay . . . I was at this dinner party tonight and my friend brought these Sorbet's that were in the fruit that corresponded with the flavor. Orange in an orange, lemon in a lemon etc. She is currently on Weight Watchers and said they were one point each. she got them at Costco! How did I not know about these before now and who out there did know and didn't tell the rest of us?!!!!! Shame on you! They were delicious!!

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