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Posts posted by mswisdom

  1. I've been hunting my surgery scheduler down for the last week to make sure she submitted my insurance papers. My surgeon wants me to lose 25lbs before he'll do the surgery but I want my approval in place since it changes over at the end of the year so time is if the essence.

    Well when I talked to her (scheduler) yesterday she explained to me that she'd been backed up with trying to fill Dr. Terricana's surgery slots but she was glad that I stayed on her. She went on to say that if it gets approved this week she can put me straight on the docket.

    That's what freaked me out. On the phone I was cool but I had a timeframe for this 25lbs and so far I'm right on schedule, 8lbs in 8 days (with 22 days left before I see the nut again), then I figured i'll have to do the 2 week diet which would bring me the last week in November. I was cool with that as long as I know I was approved. Now, I feel that I'm thrown off guard, even though I've been working on this since March 2013.

    I guess I'm going to have all type of feelings as this gets closer....and 'trust' I'll be posting about em.

    I will say that I have been strong on myfitnesspal.com and it has really help me stay aware of what I'm eating. My name on there is "Mswisdom70" and I need all the friends I can get.

  2. I was looking at at link about states going forward in 2014 due to me have PCIP insurance and had to change plans. I've learned that Virginia is not one of the states that offer it. I clipped some of the info I found.

    " Which Obesity Services are Not Covered?

    As with any rule, there are exceptions. The same is true for obesity coverage. While obesity screening and counseling must be covered by all insurance plans, the determination of what those benefits constitute will be left up to the states. In general, most states will not cover weight loss treatments. Counseling, as outlined above, is not considered a treatment. However, these services are:

    Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass and lap-band surgeries Prescription medications Medical (in-patient) weight loss treatment

    Unless your state requires the coverage ofthese services, your insurance company will probably not offer these services under any plan. Currently, there are 23 states that cover bariatric surgery, which will continue to be an option in plans participating in the state exchanges. These states are:











    North Carolina

    North Dakota

    New Hampshire

    New Jersey

    New Mexico


    New York


    Rhode Island

    South Dakota


    West Virginia


    In addition, residents of California, Massachusetts, Michigan and New Mexico, along with the District of Columbia, can access weight-loss treatments such as in-patient medical weight-loss treatment and the reimbursement of fitness club membership dues.

    If you do not live in one of these states,be patient. More and more insurance companies and medical professionals are recognizing the importance of treating obesity beforeitleadsto other, more costly medical conditions. The trend is leaning toward the inclusion of treatments in insurance coverage, so within the nextfewyears, it is likely that more states will be added to these lists."

  3. I am currently finishing my Master’s in Psychology and I happen to have a focus on Addiction Counseling' date=' I hope to easy your stresses by elaborating a bit about the metabolic relationship of nicotine within the blood. Once imbibed nicotine metabolizes to cotinine which is generally what is tested for in most lab tests. And I am sure you are aware the different tests of urine, blood, swab, and hair follicle. The body can detox from nicotine technically in 5 days with heavy Fluid flush and I high intake of Vitamin C. However, what is left is the mental/emotional attachment. The same receptors in the brain that function towards the reward center are now totally confused and are also depleting. The brain is now off balance and throwing dopamine at various levels causing emotional responses such as aggression or sadness. And some have even experienced flu like symptoms. A heavy smoker or a person that has smoked for a longer period of time will have more reward receptors to nicotine and therefore take a bit longer to adjust. But there is a bright ray of sunshine heading your way. You’re at day 13, and that my lady is a fantastic goal…one I am currently trying to reach myself (I smoke too). You should start to notice soon your taste buds will become more sensitive, your breathing has increased greatly, and your sense of smell is getting more sensitive by the minute. The average withdrawal symptom a person receives lasts technically 4 to 5 minutes and no longer, however with that information just know the more recent the quitting withdraw attacks can occur back to back. During this time I would suggest chewing peppermint gum or spearmint .Peppermint reacts to the same receptors in the brain as nicotine and the same flushes of withdrawal that occur in the tongue are masked by the peppermint gum. Not to mention this gives something for your mouth to do, creating a new habit.

    As with any addiction the emotional attachment should be addressed and this would be the time to ask yourself why you are attracted to cigarettes? what do they provide? My self personally, they have always been there like an old friend. Through even stressful or happy event they were there. But they are also the ones that have brought a lot of stress to my life when I ran out..lol

    I can tell you, you are the only one that can set the goal to truly quit. Your surgeon or family can tell you, you must quit getting the surgery. But if you are not the one to say enough is enough, then you will be right back to smoking soon after surgery.

    I know you most likely know all the benefits and risks there is to this type of surgery and smoking. If you are a smoker, you have a 75% increased risk of blot clots, stroke, or cardiovascular troubles. This too is a life changing event and one that anyone who is a smoker and seeking bariatric surgery must come to grips with. You’re not alone, just reach out. If you feel like you are going to cheat, or the stress is getting too much hop on her and I will gladly help talk you down. Heck, you got a 13 day head start on me but I’ll be your quit buddy! I wish you all the best of luck and I know you have it in your to quit and have a successful surgery. :D[/quote']

    I love the info you posted. I wish I could copy this to the note on my phone. I too am smoking, picked after 10years of being smoke free....ugh! (Watch my dear friend pass of pancreatic cancer, and prepared her body....too much for me and since I don't drink I picked up). So I'm on the same bandwagon and another 'quitting' buddy to the list.

  4. Thank everyone for the input. I'm going to work this out. This is the one thing only 'I' can do for myself so I'm going to put my nose to the grind and get this done.

    I love swimming and I did a mile in 85 minutes so I'm going to keep that up and hit the shakes. I have a Ninja and been doing shakes in the morning but I'm going to step it up.

    I'll post again in few days to update how its going.

    Again Thank You!

  5. I have to lose 25lbs before my surgeon will even schedule my surgery. I have an appt. with my Nut on Nov.13th and I want to hit my goal by then. Currently I'm 379lbs so I know weight can drop quick when you start out weighing this much.

    I would like those who went on two week til 30 day liquid diets how much weight was lost. I know some had two shakes a day and one meal and I would like to know much weight loss on those types of diets.

    My insurance changes at the end of the year and I've been on this journey since March. I don't want all of this to be for nothing.

    Any stats ya'll can give me will be greatly appreciated.

  6. I was told that I had to lose 25lbs before they do surgery. So I for up today and made a smoothie. I had

    Protein Powder


    1/2 c 2% milk

    1c broccoli

    1/4c cherries

    1Tbsp flaxseed

    And even though it only had 299 calories, it had 28-32 Carbs(I logged in on both sparkpeople & myfitnesspal which gave me different carb readings)

    I mean Dang! I'm over half in the first smoothie. I do have some Syntrax Nectars which don't have any Carbs so I'm going to put them in my day and see how it holds me.

    I have to get these 25lbs off by Dec. 1st....the lastest so I can get a date before the end of the end.

    I know its going to be tough but I can do it!

  7. I had no clue that I had H. Polyri. It came up in my labwork. What's sad is that the first surgeon didn't tell me about it back it July, I found out a few weeks ago with the new surgeon. They treated it with Prevpac, its a three combo treatment that you take twice a day for two weeks. Makes your mouth taste metallic the whole time, but the taste goes away once its over. I haven't been retested yet to see if it worked, but hopefully it did.

  8. I changed surgeons last month and even though he told me that he would 'like' me to be less for the operation he didn't say that I 'Had' to lose a certain amount before surgery. I found that out today when I talked to the nutritionist.

    I'm like....'again' another set back. I mean missed a monthly weigh in due to them scheduling me an appt. on a day that the doctor was not in. Had labs that were low in Iron & albumin (which takes a month to bump up). Find out that I had a stomach infection that no one treated in July so took two weeks to treat that. Still have to redo labs for everything and to top everything off I have PCIP insurance which is discontinuing Dec. 31 13 and I have to roll over into another insurance....with No guarantee that they have wls surgery as a ryder. So 'stressed' is an understatement of what I have to do.

    I'm on a low carb/high Protein diet and my goal is to get these 25lbs off in 4-6 weeks. I don't have anymore time beyond that to get it done.

    Time to tighten up the belt and get to work.

    Wish me luck!

  9. You guys are lucky! I had to start my Protein shakes the 1st month into my 6th month requirement. So far I have not found one that I "love" but' date=' I have found a few that I will tolerate. They are not kidding when they say don't go out and buy the 5lb tub because, boy do you need to flip flop depending on what you want to drink for the day :o. I am drinking them 2x's a day. My nutritionist said if I do 2 a day she won't put me on the liquid diet prior to surgery. I figured it was a great deal, I'll take it.[/quote']

    I found Syntrax nectar Fuzzy Navel delicious. I mix it with a peach-mango green tea shaker stick (single serve) from Walmart and found that even though all whey have a taste the fuzzy navel is so lite its almost like its not there.

  10. I was looking at all the sleevers that use my fitness pal and even though I love my Sparkpeople.com I still went and gave it a shot.

    People say that they don't know how to add friends from their phone.

    Go to Community>then Find Members>there is a place where you can put the user name there then add. I'm trying to go down the list to add everyone that gave their screen name so far because I need all the buddies I can get.

  11. I was looking at all the sleevers that use my fitness pal and even though I love my Sparkpeople.com I still went and gave it a shot.

    People say that they don't know how to add friends from their phone.

    Go to Community>then Find Members>there is a place where you can put the user name there then add. I'm trying to go down the list to add everyone that gave their screen name so far because I need all the buddies I can get.

  12. How did you know that there was something wrong? and needed to get tested for H Pylori?

    When I did my blood work in July they checked for it. What was crazy is that they never said anything about it. When I switched surgeons they ask me if I was treated for it. I told them I never heard of it. How are you going to call and tell me my Iron & albumin is low yet not let me know that I have a stomach infection? SMH....I'm so glad I changed surgeons.

  13. I've been told that I has H Polyri and it needs to be treated. They gave me a PrevPac (a combo of Prevacid, Biaxin & Amoxicillin) which I have to take twice a day for two weeks.

    It is so nasty! My mouth feel like I've been sucking on a nickel. A nurse friend of mine says that its the H Polyri making my mouth taste metallic not the mess. Either way this is a drag to take. Who wants to eat anything when this stuff makes your throat feel so bad?

    I'm 5 days into this 14 day treatment and right at this moment I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    Mind you, I have to eat yogurt each day just to ward off the yeast infection that is bound to come from taking amoxicillin (any culling will bring it on).

    Hopefully this will work and my test will come back clean because I don't want to treat this again.



  14. Wow' date=' you're definitely a stronger person than I am! Twice? They fed that through your nose twice? I think I would've had a panic attack. I hope you're able to get some rest hun. Hopefully it'll be over before you know it.[/quote']

    I was so upset that that messed up not one appt. but two that I just want it over with. I'm too close now for this bull to be happening.

    Good this now is that its OVER!!!

    You don't know how good it felt to have that thing pulled out. I almost felt like pulling it out myself. I feel so bead for people in the hospital with feeding tubes now. I can now say...I understand

  15. This is to test the PH balance throughout the day. Whether I've ate or not, to see how it changes and does it affect the throat.

    They told me I have reflux, which I have no symptoms at all for so my GI ordered this along with the Mammo and EGD.

    I had to drive to the office to get my appt. since they were taking my time calling me back. I have no time to be waiting on them. I'm in the home stretch with my last PCP appt. Oct. 8th and my nutritiounist appt. Oct. 9th then I should be getting my Dummy Date and my insurance papers will be filed.

    I will say, eating is a trip! Once you swallow the tube moves and be wanking on your nose. I have to hold it to swallow. Anyway it'll be over soon. That's the way I have to look at it or I'm likely to pull it out myself....which wouldn't do me any good cause then they will make this test a requirement and I'll have to do it all again.

    Come on 10:50am lol

  16. I had the pleasure (ha ha) today to get a PH test and mammogapghy(spelled wrong) done for the G.I. doc today. First I learned that a tube was going to be inserted down my throat and left there and I had this box I wear with it for 24hrs and get it removed tomorrow. This comes problem number 1. They scheduled me for an EGD tomorrow at the same time I'm suppose to get this removed....and its at two different hospitals at different times. So they called my doc and canceled my EGD. Then we get in the room, do the test, strap me up...and the man looks at the computer and it says in his notes that I should have a Mammo too!

    I am hot right now. He goes out and tries to get it done for tomorrow,That fell through, so I told them to take this thing out my nose, run the other test and put it back (they already messed up and I have to remake one appt. I'm not about to let it be two). So that's what they did.

    It drove me crazy! To say the least, had a newbie sticking these tubes down my throat not knowing where da hell she's going). Anyway it gets done, they put other one in and send me home. This thing is soooooooo uncomfortable. I don't see how I'm going to do this for 24hrs. I took a nap and now I can feel my throat swell up from all stuff they did.

    I know it'll be worth it in the end nut right now I sure am feeling some kind of way.

    P.S. I sat at the computer and almost dropped the box on the floor which surely would have ripped this tube right out of my throat. Now, how was your day? Ha ha



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