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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sha0717

  1. April will be 3 years. I have struggled the past year and put back 8 lds and the year prior put back 7. I must make a commitment before its out of control. I have a goal of loosing 9 lds. That will bring me back to 150 at 5 ft 4 and age 60. My cloths all fit, I am at a helathy weight and feel good in my skin. For me its about alcohol. We go out and away alot and the wine puts weight on...I made a decision yesterday to begin again . I wont drink alcohol at home,,and only one glass when out. I. Back to recording my weight and calories and staying around 1200 calories avoiding heavy carbs. My first goal is 155. And then if I get there ill try for 150. It is a struggle. I at my lowest when I lost was 146. But Im 3 years older and 150 for me is a hood fit....any suggestions what to do about hunger pains...its difficult now. When I began this journey I had nearly no appetite that is not the case anylonger. It makes it difficult. I start my day with coffe. Balck...and a high protien shake...i then try and eat yogurt...fish low carbs...lots of chili,,chilken...steak...and low calorie low carb Snacks. Diet Jello and pops. But its so hard.

  2. I was a low bw to start. But im ok with my results...i went from 185 to 145. I put back 6 lds..but 151 is still ok for 58 and 5 ft 4. I love my wine and thats the 5 lds...as far as eating...i have a protien shake most days..and can eat a bit more then 2 years ago...average size is a slider ..or 1 piece of pizza...i eat pretty much what I want. I dont get sick very often or that pain in my chest from eating to fast ..hated that. No regrets here..and how r u doing.

  3. Well my worrys are over about loseing ti much.....hit my goal weight in Nov,,,and stayed there,,4 pounds up and down. Began 185. Lowest 145.6. Now 149 today. But its right after xmas,,,my concern my appetiite is coming back. Can now eat 1500 cal easy...so jan 2 im starting to watch again...love my bew body 57. 5 ft 4. As long as I stay betwee 145-150. I feel this was all worth it...its just a tool

  4. I was a low bmi. I started this journey 6 minths ago and am 2 lds from goal. Ive lost 37 lds. Im 57. 5 ft 4 and now 148.9. I am trying not to loose any moore.,i like how i look and feel., am afraid of saggy skin...but cant get in the calories. Any suggestion. I can get in about 1000-1400 if i try and eat more i get sick. No regrets. But i do miss the love i had for food...now things smell great but two bites in and im done,also not likeing fried food any longer

  5. Am 4 months post op. 29 lds lost to date ..Im a low bmi to begin with hence the slow weight loss.....but im very pleased with the loss my goal weight is just 11/12 lds more....im nervous. I have not told anyone but hubby about sleeve..and next week i head to italy for a month with a group...im nervous about the food questions...i can not eat much...about a half a hot dog on a bun ...i eat real tiny meals...or i feel like its stuck...so wish me luck...

  6. Start weight 184.5

    4 months lost 28 lds

    Weight to date 156.4

    Slow but coming off

    Goal weight 145

    Now its coming off very slow only lost 2/3 of a pond in past two weeks...but thats ok I was on vacation

    And even if it takes me till my 1 year anniversary to loose the other 10 im ok with that.

  7. Yeah yeah yeah..so excited 184.4 4/24. 168.8. 6/2. Tried on cloths from 2 summers ago Im back to shopping in my closet yeah...bave a formal this friday and no need to buy a gown. Photos to follow ,,i have 3 from two years ago that fit great...next stop the 150s....my next goal to reach 159 by aug 31. Very realistic right....,I head to Italy on 9/1

  8. This thursday im 5 weeks post op vgs. i began 185. Need to loose 40-45. Ive done well,,,,,i have lost 14.4 in almost 5 weeks....of course I lost 10 lds quick and now its slower 1-2 a week,,,,ill take it, Im back to going out with friends...still no carbs,..very small meals. A few bites of what ever iim done....i get in 4 botteles of Water daily....,still doing a shake in the morn. Yogurt for lunch. i have cheated had wine...but im fine.my issue is trying to eat slow..ive got sick maybe 3 times in 5 weeks from eating too quick

    So glad i did this...but do miss food.< /p>

  9. 3 weeks post op. I lost 12 ponds in 2 weeks...but have not lost anything this last week...im getting in 800-900 daily...and getting in the fluids....it is upsetting...i have a goal very realistic 13 more lds by sept 1. That will put me under 160. I want to get to goal of 145. But once under 160. I feel like I am in a healthy weight..and the self pay would have been worth it..if I go two weeks without loosing I will try all shakes for a few days to see if that helps.

  10. Had sleeve two weeks ago had no choice but to go away for 1 week....its been tough. Going out to eat when no one knows about the sleeve isnt easy. Breakfast easy. Protein Shake. lunch not hard string cheese Soup yogurt..shake......dinner has been the challenge. Did mexican one night. So just picked at quacomoli.,,and inside of shrimp quesadia......next night burgers. I had a 1/3 of a burger no bread chopped up to next to nothing,,chewed up to nothing. Was ok...tonight some cooked veggies....my cheat had a diet coke. I no bad girl....but for me this is really about not gaining anylonger. I getting about 800 cals a day. And 64 oz water.,would lice to loos still at 5 lds lost...but its harder when u have only 35 to loose mat take a year...truth us even if i get under 160.at age 57 And can stay there ..ill feel this was worth it..ill be healthier..and feel good in my skin again.

  11. I have a history of skin cancer and can tell u the best way to keep a scar from getting thick is the me-derma strips, Walmart cells them..cut to fit place on and forget it all day of course not now, must be totally healed first...i recently had surg in face. This stuff saved me,,,with the acceptation of needing some cover up for a bit of redness it is now as flat as the skin around it.

  12. Today i could start the following string cheese. Of course i cant bite into it lol..its pulling off a thing string chew chew chew till its nearly gone then. Swallow...took like half an hr to eat. Beef that is ground up to nearly puree or diced up small,,,,,,both them chewed to nearly gone...it was fine but ate maybe an1/8 of the serving....i am also now allowed guacomli...greek yogurt...,and egg.....didnt like the egg ....,.that along with my protien shakes.....broth, Jello pops and jello. Im eating about 700 cal ..prot ave 50 g. 2-3 bottles of water...i wk 5 lds lost.......i now have enough to not feel bored with prot shakes....and although can progress to cooked veggies and oatmeal week 3. Im holding off to maybe a month...i have enough to stay healthy satisfied social and loosing.

  13. As very nervous....its only been a week..,ive lost 5 lds yeah,,,,but really misss my girls and going out ..so tonight Feeling great and having tolerated ....string cheese ,soups,guacomoli. Hummis, i decided ill try..the girls do not know...they think I am on a medically supervised diet....we went for chinese...i ordered won ton Soup. Drank half the broth was fine,,,,then ordred diced beef for lettuce wraps.....I never ate the lettuce....just put some on my lettece and ate with a spoon...i chewed and chewed. Went down fine...once or twice felt like it was a bit much....but all went well...no alcohol of course

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