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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sherlock1969

  1. Sherlock1969

    I'm going walking and I'm a foodaholic.

    So true! I truly believe it is an addition...certainly an addicts behavior; over eating, eating in secret, thinking of food often....the band doesn't take that away, but I have found it a bit easier to say no to bad foods. Not always but most of the time. An everyday battle. I know when I feel weak I come on here and read and bask in the fact that I am truly NOT alone. xo
  2. Sherlock1969

    A whole new ballgame!

    I use my fitness pal to keep track of calories... and I exercise every day....some days are better than others food wise...hoping for the as yet elusive green zone after tomorrow's fill. I have indeed lost inches...though I am not sure how many since the beginning. I will have to ask my doctor tomorrow what my inches were (they took them in the beginning)....I have only been taking them the last few months. I have gone from a size 20 jeans to a size 14/16...well 16's are too big but 14's a bit tight. I am happy overall, just waiting to get over this hump. Again, fingers crossed for the green zone!!!
  3. Sherlock1969

    A whole new ballgame!

    I am coming up on a year banded. The last few months have been a road block. No real weight loss. And then a 2/3 lb gain over the holiday (which is now gone, yay!) I am not in the green zone yet, but feel very close. and go for a fill Monday. So here I was thinking I am at a standstill, but I had a realization. I know the band is physical. But I had a mental breakthrough without even knowing it; til now. I used to go to bed at night thinking of what I was going to eat the next day for Breakfast. Would I give in to the fast food breakfast (my fav) or eat XY or Z? lunch...hmmm...what WOULD I have for lunch. Usually the plan was to eat healthier the following day and I was trying to psych myself up for it, usually to fail. Well, I no longer go to bed thinking 'what will I eat tomorrow.' I still have bad days here and there. But something has changed. What? How? I am really not sure; it snuck up on me. Yes, I still meal plan. But it is a whole new ballgame. So very glad I joined the team!!!!!
  4. Sherlock1969

    Starting over after loss of Son

    I will hold your hand. As I am sure many on here will. And after all you have been through...including a parent's worst nightmare, good for you for reaching out. I am (we are all) only a keyboard swipe away. After the holidays this year I had become, umm, irregular...I HATE not going to the bathroom properly. So I went on a liquid diet for a day (liquid in liquid out...thought it would help), it didn't really help THAT problem, but I did learn that my band felt tighter once I went back on solids. So I would recommend maybe doing a liquid diet for a day or 3. Go to mushies than solids and see if that helps you get back on track. Best wishes and keep in touch.
  5. Sherlock1969

    A whole new ballgame!

    B-52 I strive and pray every day to get to where you are. Bandista, yes, it really is freeing. And Karen, YES! I absolutely agree we are like alcoholics. I do come from a family of dependent of something people. It is a struggle most days. Thank you so much for the encouragement! People like you and others on this site are a true God send. Thank you.
  6. From what I have read the younger you are (the less time your skin was stretched and therefore damaged) the less hanging skin you will have. Genetics play a role in this as well. Pregnancies? Well, of course they stretch the skin, so more damage. Hydration helps keeps the skin plump and more elastic. Toning exercises. And I use a toning body lotion (Jergen's I think), it does seem to help a little and I figure if I am going to moisturize why not use the toning kind it isn't really any more expensive. Good luck! Hope this helped! (It is what I researched when i had the same question...lol)
  7. Sherlock1969

    The Dreaded Loose Skin!

    Lots of factors to consider and probably the biggest on your side is age. You are young. You will probably still have loose skin, but probably not as bad as, say, I will. I have been overweight for 20 years and have two kids. So my skin is pretty damaged (stretch marks) so I already have loose skin and I am at about halfway. Some days I am okay with it as my health has improved tremendously. Some days not as much. More good than bad though. From what I have read staying hydrated also helps. I also bought a skin toning lotion (Jergen's I think). I figure if you are going to moisturize I might as well use it...not expensive (and I do see some difference). Also toning exercises should help. Good luck!
  8. Sherlock1969

    NSV? Really?

    LOL....good you could see it for what it really was; a compliment! Great loss btw!
  9. Sherlock1969


    The chewable multivitamins would make me gag after a few days...as soon as I started chewing it created this chalky dust in my mouth and that was all she wrote. I now take Alive multivitamins and my nutritionist approved...you can get them at The Vitamin Shoppe and I think even Walmart and Walgreens are starting to sell them.
  10. Wshfully, I totally get where you are coming from! We can't change them, but we can change our response to them....I'm here for ya~! And I know you will get in to those pjs!! Maybe you can start giving gramma your hand me downs, tell her they are too big for you, but you thought they might fit her. LOL
  11. I have 2 sisters who went on and on about a mutual friend who lost 30lbs...I had just lost 30-35 as well (this past summer)...they said nothing to me. My teenage son overheard with me and he was so angry that they couldn't say anything to me about my weight loss. They noticed, they just refused to say. Punishing me? One sister is heavy and, like me, has battled her weight most of her life; the other has always been very thin and has recently started to thicken with age...jealous? I don't know. I recently saw them again, again no mention of the almost 50lbs I am down. It bothered me a bit less; not sure why...maybe because I feel SO GOOD and what they say or don't say can't diminish that. Stay the course, girlie. Take the compliments with a 'thank you' and a grin. And for those that have negative comments or none at all, remember it is there issue/deal not yours.
  12. When I undertook this journey almost a year ago, it wasn't just about weight loss for me. I have taken a good long look at myself; who I have become. I didn't like some things about myself and so I set about changing some of my ways. So along with changing my lifestyle as far as eating and exercising I also worked on my character, attitude and the way I handle situations. I viewed certain people in my life as toxic, and they are to a degree still toxic, but I had to look at how I contributed to that toxicity...and admit that I did indeed contribute. I believe we are all a work in progress, no matter how old, there is always room for improvement. I like the me I am becoming inside and out. My attitude adjustment hasn't changed certain people in my life but it has changed how I let them affect me....and WOW what a difference. I am much happier. And I while I can't preach it to those that I wish would change with me, I hope to lead by example and maybe those toxic people will become less toxic and become someone I can call friend/sister/etc again. How about YOU? Did anyone else work on more than the outside?
  13. Sherlock1969

    Curious....I can't be the only one...

    Wow...I love the diversity of responses on here...thank you all for sharing! And Donna, Godspeed....you are on the right track, no doubt, and I am so glad that you seems to have a wonderful support system in your husband and daughters; truly unconditional love.
  14. Sherlock1969

    Spring, Tx anyone?

    If you are on here, you are not alone! I have found tons of support from the wonderful people here!
  15. Sherlock1969

    What to expect in first week

    food wise, I had on hand, sugar free Jello and Popsicles, chicken/beef broth (you will get sick of sweet real quick), Crystal Lite drinks, Protein shakes, 100% juice (especially if diabetic and on meds in case of sugar drops). Your doctor's office should give you a list of things to have and that you are supposed to have...mine gave me a pretty thorough list. My biggest advice for the time post surgery is to remember this is NOT forever. liquid diet is temporary...good luck!!!
  16. Sherlock1969

    Curious....I can't be the only one...

    Parisshel...I have noticed people treat me different too...especially strangers in public...holding the door, a smile, a friendly comment etc...how does it make you feel that people treat you differently? Personally, I enjoy it, BUT have to say it makes me a little sad that people can't treat people that nice regardless of looks....
  17. Sherlock1969

    Battle in my mind

    Fast food was tough for me too...but the longer I stay away the less I crave it...recently my hubby got a cheeseburger and I had a bite...wasn't as good as I imagined. With the band you always eat Protein first. That can be lean meat, cheese, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, eggs...all good sources of protein. The second food choice should be veggies. Lastly, should be carbs and by then the theory is you will be full or close to full so you won't eat as many.
  18. Sherlock1969

    restart on Jan 1st!

    Why wait until January 1rst? Start now! You will feel better that you did. Even if you don't lose over the holidays, just keeping yourself accountable will make you feel better about yourself. Work on maintaining at the very least until January. We are always here to be supportive and help you help yourself.
  19. Sherlock1969

    So many snags in the road

    Wow! What a difficult road you have had! I hope that you are able to heal quickly and completely so that you can continue on with your healthy lifestyle changes. Hang in there! I am pulling for you!
  20. Sherlock1969


    I just found the "Recent Topics" on the right side of the screen...I am a little slow. LOL But it does help find new topics of conversation.
  21. Sherlock1969

    I met someone....

    There is definitely a prejudice in this society against fat people....and as fat as I was (and frankly still am), I have been guilty of the same thing at times and have had to mentally put myself in check. I was reading a Facebook post one day by a distant male relative of mine...he was complaining about how he sees people in public who are obese and wearing Nike, Reebok, athletic type of clothes and shoes and he found it laughable that these fat people had the gall to wear these clothes, being I suppose, that they must NOT be exercising considering their heft. My response was, 'How do you know they didn't just drop 30 lbs? How do you know they are not working on it?' (Besides the obvious, which is, people can wear whatever the hell they want.) My comment did put him in his place. There are worse things then being fat; you could also be an a$$.
  22. Sherlock1969


    Congratulations! Nervous and excited are normal feelings......rooting for you!
  23. Sherlock1969

    Size 10 Jeans

    Woohoo!!!!!! Congrats!
  24. Sherlock1969


    I am still learning to navigate this site, only been truly active for a couple of months.....I haven't noticed a drop off, but then what do I know!? Are other WLS types posting here instead?
  25. Sherlock1969

    Looking for a new compression body shaper...suggestions?

    I got one from Walmart of all places....Fruit of the loom or Hanes, not sure which (i have it on and can't look right now). Anyway, it is under $15 and works pretty well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
