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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by xxjosettexx

  1. My pain is ok, they are good about giving pain meds but I am handling it a lot better now. At first I was having muscle spasms which really hurt and standing up and down hurt a lot but I'm hoping today will get better. At this point I'm more sore and bloated feeling than anything, unless I move. Haha Don't be shy to ask for pain meds, they help you rest and heal quicker!

    Oh ouch! The muscle spasms sound really painful.. At least they are giving you good meds :( Was your surgery an overnight stay? My surgeon prescribes the hydrocodone elixir for the pain after surgery

  2. I can tell you from my own experience that the hospital process was incredibly smooth. It was kind of like hanging out. Got a beeper when I checked in. Beeper went off, went to the pre-op room, met with one nurse to go over medical history again. Told her I am a tough person to get an IV going and she called a different IV nurse into the room. Changed into the hospital garb, and then talked to the bariatric coordinator (who had been sleeved herself), until the anesthesiologist came in and put me in happyland. Woke up 3 hours later and it was over. The first week was not a lot of fun...the first full day home was the worst as I now had to get my own fluids in. Only pain I had was at the large incision point, no nausea at all. After a week, pain virtually gone. Averaging about 5 lbs lost per week.

    You will do fine. Complications are extremely rare in this surgery. My surgeon has done thousands of these operations and has never had a leak. Worst case if you have a leak is they do a bypass...not the end of the world.

    Wow that is great! Hearing about people with successful surgeries is comforting! glad you are doing so well (:

    My surgery is also on Tuesday June 23rd so I know exactly how you feel! I am pretty nervous but excited all at the same time! However I have faith that for both of us that all will go well and we will be home recovering before you know it! Wishing you much success!

    Thank you! I am sure that we will both do great as well! It seems like a lot of people are having surgery on the 23rd!

    My surgery is June 29 and I've been pretty good until I met with my surgeon today and he told me that I will need to have my gallbladder removed, fix my hiatal hernia and be sleeved, Now I kind of knew this already from my last appointment with him but I was thinking of holding off the gallbladder till later, but he highly advised to take it out since I have two polyps that can pose a risk to cancer down the line, so the risks for my surgery are a bit higher than the average. I start my pre-op diet tomorrow, and at this point, I'm just counting down the days. I may freak out more on the day of surgery. :wacko:

    Oh no, I'm sorry :( I'm sure your surgery will go very well though! I was watching a lady on youtube who had the hernia repair/sleeve/gallbladder at the same time and her surgery went well! I totally get you about freaking out on the day of surgery...I'm sure I'll be a ball of nerves and emotion!

  3. Hi, thanks for the reply. I totally understand about the band and port, I could always feel my band and that was so weird! I have been doing tons of research lately. The forums and making/watching youtube videos has been keeping me semi sane, but the reality of the surgery is hitting me now haha. For some reason my hands are really thin and bony so they never have trouble sticking me, but the iv swells my hand up like a sausage haha

  4. Hi, I'm having my surgery next Tuesday on the 23rd of June and I am so extremely nervous. I have had gastric plication and lap band, which were both removed. Now I'm revising to the sleeve, but I feel like something is going to go wrong or that I will have a complication. Don't get me wrong, I am so excited and prepared, but I just don't know how to calm my nerves!

    How did you guys deal with nervousness and anxiety before your surgery?


  5. Honestly I wouldn't go for the plication or POSE. The plication was a total waste of money, not to mention the constant nausea. I revised to the band from the plication after a year with only 20 pounds lost. The band pressed on a nerve on my diaphragm (rare and random complication). Save yourself the time and heartache and go for the sleeve the first time. no reason to waste years of your life as well as your hard earned money, on something that isn't going to give you results. The doctor that invented the gastric plication no longer performs it because it simply didn't produce results.

  6. I'm getting sleeved the 23rd and my nerves are kicking in so hard. I'm scared that something will go wrong, and scared that I will fail, but at the same time I know I'm ready for this; so I don't even know how to feel right now, all I know is that I can't back out now. We are all going to do great! Good luck to you all (:

  7. @Jose: I am sorry that didn't work, but I'm glad your able to get the revision! Are you excited?

    It's okay, I'm just glad to get this new start! I'm so excited, but so nervous at the same time, and I think the nervousness is just me fear of failure coming out since I'm starting out at a pretty high weight

    Btw, I will be writing a Facebook blog about my WLS experiences, so you are welcome to check it out when it's up in a couple of weeks :) I hope it will help inspire people. You can find it on Willamette Medical Center (McMinnville Hospital) Facebook page.

    I'll definitely check out your blog, let me know when it's posted (: I just make youtube videos about my experiences haha

  8. Yes, the drives would have been way easier haha. I don't feel that the lap band worked well for me at all.. I never got to the "sweet spot", it was always too loose or tight. Also, It was pressing on a nerve on my diaphragm, making it painful to take deep breaths and to sleep on my left side, which was the main reason it was removed. It's a rare complication but it happened haha. Upon removal they also found that the band had a leak as well

  9. I went to a nurse practitioner here in Salem for a couple of lap band fills when I was still banded, and she knew of Dr Tersigni in Coos Bay, since I was asking about revisions, and she recommended him, however my insurance approved me to go to the OHSU bariatric surgery program for my emergency lap band removal, and after I completed their program to have the gastric sleeve done, my insurance wouldn't cover surgery there, and we appealed but nothing happened. So I was planning on going to Mexico again because I was desperate, but then I remembered Coos Bay, and when we called they were so helpful! Dr Tersigni has been performing weight loss surgery for over 15 years, and his program and facility have the Center of Excellence label. And his coordinators have been completely helpful through the process. And at the time we did not know of Dr Higa, or we would have checked him out too!

    Sorry that is such a long explanation!!

  10. That's awesome, I've heard good things about Dr Patterson, she was one of the first we checked out, but we just couldn't afford it. I know right? I only have 7 more days! my nerves are really kicking in! I have had a two week Liquid Protein shake, plus 1 light greek yogurt per day, and I'm on day 7 now. Mainly this Pre Op is to shrink the liver, but I am starting out at the largest I have every been so every pound I lose now will hopefully help! Does your surgeon require a Pre Op or liquid diet? You are going to do so great with your surgery! Good Luck (:

  11. Thank you guys for all of your supportive words, I am just mainly worried about not reaching my goals, all of you guys are doing so fabulously well, this renews a lot of hope for my surgery. I have family friends (a mom and all 3 kids) that have had bypass 10+ years ago, and their results have been a mixed bag as far as success goes, but they all wish that sleeve or even the band was an option when they started.

    Hearing about the successes that you all have had is so inspiring, thank you all (:

  12. Hi all,

    I am 19, I'm having my sleeve surgery on the 23rd of June, and I am starting out at 346 pounds and 5'11" tall. I am on day 5 of liquids and I am now at 337. My goal weight is 165. I just worry that I'm not going to be able to lose 180 pounds... More than half my body weight. My surgeon told me that with the sleeve it won't be a realistic expectation for me to reach under 200 pounds, and right now I'm freaking out About that. My surgeon believes that I should have chosen bypass, but the thought of having a permanent sugar aversion for life sounds awful, and I don't consume dairy or sweets anyways. (I know I know, bad reason to not consider the bypass.. But I'd like to enjoy cake at my wedding, etc)

    So I guess my questions for you guys are: Do you feel that the sleeve was worth it? Did you reach you goal? If you had to do it again would you choose bypass or stick with the sleeve? Starting weight? Goal/current weight? And how many months out? And most importantly, when did you realize that you could do this?

    I know this is a lot of questions, but my anxiety is starting to set in. I know that I'm ready to make this change, but I want to get it right, since I didn't the first time (lap band), and whatever I choose now is what I'll have to live with for 50+ years.

    Thanks for your comments,



  13. I use health wise gummy vitamins from Costco! I take two per day.

    As far as shakes go, I am in LOVE with Fit Frappe brand... Their mocha flavor tastes like a chocolate chip frappe from Starbucks but less sweet.. with 21g of protein! I love that they can be used hot, cold or blended without curdling or grittiness! I tried GNC totally lean... Instant nausea. Premier Protein from costco is great as well and I use it when I'm on the go!

    Here's where you can buy fit frappe: https://www.bigtrain.com/t-protein-mix-powder-fit-frappe.aspx

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
