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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by eyespy

  1. Haven't been on the site in about a year. Glad to see this thread. I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I am in the minority that the band does not work for. I took about a year off getting fills, too. I just needed an emotional (and financial) break wanted to get to place where I was doing all the right things so that they couldn't blame the band's failure on me. I KNOW I need to eat less, eat right, and exercise, but I thought the band would at least make me feel full so I could do all the right things. Obviously, if I could do all the right things, I would never have needed the band to begin with.

    I lost just under 30 pounds, and about half of that was in the first month when I was on the liquid diet. (It's been almost three years.) After that, I lost about three pounds per month a couple of times. Then I gained about half of it back. I have never really experienced feeling full with the band. I am amazed by people who say they just eat a few bites of food and feel full. I can eat just as much as the average person. I will say that I cannot eat the ENORMOUS amounts of food I could before, or rather, I haven't wanted to, so I guess that is something.

    Right now, I am doing Weight Watchers, and honestly, I am actually doing better with it than I did with the band. I have lost 13 pounds in the last three months. Now that I am eating the right way, I think I am ready to go back and get another fill. At least now when I explain that I am not experiencing fullness, I can say I am doing all the other right things. I wish I could rely on the band a little more instead of just plain will power. We all know that will power eventually fails. I am optimistic, though, that I can keep this up long term. I'm not really depriving myself of anything. I am just eating healthy meals, avoiding processed foods and food with added sugar--for the most part--so my blood sugar is balanced, and I really don't want too much junk. When I do, I eat a little. Guess I have gotten a little (or a lot) off topic. At any rate, I feel motivated to make a call tomorrow to go back in for a fill and see if I can't this thing jump started! I have an 11 cc band, I am already at 11 cc's. They said more actually will fit in there, so we'll see.

    Thanks for the thread. Sometimes a little venting is all it takes to feel better.

  2. Yes, they take Fluid out every time and there is no leak. The same amount of Fluid comes out each time. On one occasion, I was too tight that I couldn't keep anything down, so they had to take some out. I thought the time after that would be the one. Only have I had a couple of times where I got the fullness sensation, and that was just slightly smaller than a normal size portion, but it was only for that meal and the next time I ate it was the same as usual.

    I keep thinking that maybe I am missing something, but when I hear people describe how they feel when they eat, I know I am not experiencing what they are.

    I know the band is there doing something because there are definitely foods that I have trouble with and certain times of the day that make it hard to eat. I just don't feel full. (and I mean a phsyical fullness not an emotional one.)

  3. I agree that I do need to go back in for another fill, but I have been going in every six weeks for two years. I did not mean to imply I am never going back, but I need an emotional break, and a financial one. I agree that I am basically trying to do this all on my own without any assistance from the band. I keep trying to explain this when I go in for a fill, but they don't get it. Yes I know I need to eat less and avoid certain foods, but if I could have done that correctly, I wouldn't have needed the band. That's what I told them. I wish they had more answers for me or at least thoughts about why this isn't working.

  4. I have an 11 cc band, and I am at 11 cc. I still don't feel any restrictions. I was banded almost two years ago, and I have only lost about 23 pounds. I had lost about 28, but I have put some back on.

    It is very frustrating because my doctor keeps expecting me to make all of the right choices. I keep trying to explain that if I could have done that, I wouldn't have needed the band. I am supposed to be getting some help from it, but I don't.

    In the beginning I did really well even though I had no restriction, but like anything else, it's hard to maintain restricting your food intake, when you don't get full. I have had a couple of times where a smaller amount of food filled me, but it is a rarity.

    I have finally stopped going in for fills, even though they tell me they can put more than the 11 cc's. I feel like I need to get back on track before I go back in so I can at least say I have tried.

    I keep thinking there is something they could speculate about why I am not feeling any restriction, but they just tell me everyone is different. Meanwhile, I keep paying every time I go in for fill with no results. I have to pay my doctor, plus the hosipital, so it's over 100 per visit.

    Sorry, just needed to vent. It's so frustrating to only be 20 less than when I started two years ago. I thought I would have lost at least 50 pounds by now.

  5. I finally have some restriction! I finally feel full! It’s been almost a year, and this is the first time. I can still eat more than I feel like I should with the band, but it’s actually a normal size portion, so I’m happy with that. I was worried that I would never feel full, that I’d just feel discomfort or pain.

    I also feel vindicated because now that I am eating enough to feel full and satisfied, I am not eating junk or binging. I think my surgeon and his staff felt like I was sabotaging myself. I kept trying to explain that I am not getting the fullness sensation and that makes it difficult to stick to a diet. I knew that if I felt satisfied, I’d be able to tackle the other eating issues. My blood sugar is more stable, which reduces my cravings.

    I finally feel like this band is doing what it was designed to do!

  6. I am glad to hear that I will know it when I feel it. Part of me keeps thinking that maybe I am ignoring something. I have PB'd, but it's usually with the first bite of a meal, especially if I haven't eaten anything solid yet. I have a 10 cc band, and I'm somewhere around 8 or 9 cc's.

    Thanks for the comments. I feel like maybe this will work after all once I get more restriction. I do worry that I'm going to go from no restriction to so tight I can't eat and there won't be anywhere to go in between.

    At least I have managed to keep off what I lost. I've lost 27 pounds, whcih occured from July-Dec, nothing since then. Half came off after the three week post-op liquid diet. I swear, I think the only reason I've lost anything is becuase of the post-op diet and the liquid diet each time I have a fill. My surgeon is stricter than most, and we have to be on 2 days clear, 2 days full liquids, and 2 days of soft food after every fill!

    Someone asked about insurance. I have BCBS of FL. I get charged an office visit copay and % a hospital bill that the hospital bills. (I think 20%) What a rip off! The hospital gets a cut every time, I guess because Mr. Doctor's office is on the premesis of the hospital. They bill it as a procedure, rather than an office visit.

    Thanks to everyone for the feedback!

  7. Can anyone explain what "full" feels like with the band? I have been banded for almost a year, and I have yet to feel full. I can still eat a TON of food. At my last visit, I got into an argument with the nurse. I think she thought I was purposely cheating by trying to eat around the band. All of the things she was telling me to do were the same things you were supposed to do BEFORE the band. I thought the band would help by making me feel full so it would be easier to do those things.

    When I explained the amount of food I caould eat, I think she realized I wasn't purposely eating aound the band. Here's an example. If I go to a restaurant, I can eat a yeast roll, a side salad, a 6 oz. chicken breast, and some baked potato. I still don't feel full. I just stop eating. SHe said she doesn't know any band patients that can eat an entire breast of cheicken. That's when she finally started listening.

    So, my question is, what does full feel like? Is it something I could be overlooking, or would I know it when I felt it? Does it feel the same as before only higher up? For those of you that the band is working for, how long can you go between meals before feeling hungry again? I just can't understand if I am doing something wrong.

  8. Well, I am totaly disappointed with my 4th fill. I finally have some changes, but it's definitely not what I expected. I have a lot of discomfort and a some pain. It happens with the first couple of bites. I also PB after the first few bites. I end up having to spit out a lot of what I have eaten. I'm starting to feel like a bulimic!

    I am also not feeling full. I have asked other people if they feel satisfied or just uncomfortable. They say they are satisfied and not hungry for four hours. All I feel is discomfort or pain, and I am starting to fell nervous whenever I eat. I guess that alone will keep me from overeating! I know I will be losing weight after this past week post-fill because I can't really seem to handle eating.

    I plan on speaking to the nurse next week, but I was out of town all last week and so I didn't have a chance. I can't imagine that I am filled too tight because if so, wouldn't I feel full?

  9. I am like many of you who have not felt restriction after several fills. I went for my 4th fill this week. It does feel a little different, but I thought so last time, as well. I'm still on liquids, so I won't know anything just yet.

    What is everyone else’s post fill diet like? I have to be on Clear Liquids two days, full liquids two days, soft foods for two days, and then to a regular diet. I half think that's the only reason I am losing any weight at all.

    At least I have been walking. I have been walking 5 days/ week for 45 min-an hour. Still, I've only lost 26 pounds since I was banded in July.

    I have a normal appetite and I can pretty much eat everything on my plate, although I try not to.

    When I eat less, I am hungry a couple of hours later. I am worried this will happen when I get restriction. Someone asked about how it felt and I am wondering the same thing. Will I feel SATISFIED, or just uncomfortable?

  10. Wow! Congratulations. You guys are doing great. I was banded July 16, and I've only lost 22.5 pounds. It's frustrating, but not totally dissappointing. I can definitely feel a differnce in my energy level. I was alking around Lowes the other day and realized I felt so light on my feet. I never felt like I had a hard time getting around. I also just realized yesterday that I'm not tired anymore. It's funny that I hadn't realized that before.

    I walk 45 minutes most days of the weeks, and I'm just hanging in there until this band starts doing its thing. Just had my third fill. I think I will finally have some restriction. I will glad to be back to eating food. I was looking forward to the fill, but I hate getting back on the liquid diet. I can't say how you'll know when you're full because I haven't gotten there yet. Can you beleive I actually look forward to the PB'ing and discomfort! Well, maybe not!

    Keep up the good work.

  11. This is such a great thread.

    I just went for my third fill yesterday. My second fill was only one week after the first because I called the nurse and said I have no restriction and I wouldn't make it another six weeks. After the first two fills there was no restriction. I just tried to eat healthy choices and less. I don't eat between meals unless it's yogurt or sandwhich meat or fruit, but rarely. So, I resolved to eat enough to feel satisfied. I have just tried to listen to my body for any feelings of fullness and discmfort. Nothing!

    Yesterday I went for my third fill. I am at 7cc. I think this fill will finally work. It felt different when I sipped on Water at the dr.'s office. I am still on liquids for the next couple of days, so I won't be able to tell for a while.

    I've lost 22 pounds so far, but not with the help of the band. I walk 45 minutes at least five days/week, and stay away from the junk I used to eat. I guess the fear of the band has helped. I purposely stop eating before I get full because I don't want to stretch my stomach. I will be glad when the band starts doing its job.

  12. I agree. I was on liquids for 4 weeks post op: 2 weeks clear, and 2 weeks, full liquids. My surgeon actually cleared me for full liquids at my first post op visit one week later. I have never been so happy in all of my life. So, actually I was on liquids for three weeks, and then on to soft foods.

    I tried my best to follow my doctors orders, but I did start the soft foods a little earlier. Since I knew other doctors had their patients eating soft foods the first week, I wasn't too worried. I didn't go crazy. I added something really easy like sandwhich meat and chewed it to a pulp.

    Now I'm wondering about the post fill diet. I just had my third fill, and it's back to liquids for 4 days. I've lost 22.5 pounds so far, but no thanks to the band! So far, I haven't felt any restriction. I think the real reason you lose weight with the band is because you have to be on liquids so darn much! I am now at 7 cc. I think this one will make the difference. It already feels differently drinking fluids than before. What is your post fill diet like?

  13. I called the nurse and told her that I wasn't feeling any different and that I didn't think I would make it six more weeks for my next fill. I have an appointment for next week!

    I think maybe I should try to eat more than I am. I am just so worried about stretching out the band, but I am tired of being miserable because I am always hungry. I eat plenty of Protein. So, I decided that I will eat just a normal size portion of meat and starch and just keep chewing everything like I am supposed to. So, last night, we went out to eat.

    I have been craving a hamburger like crazy! I have pretty much been eating chicken and fish, so I felt it was in moderation. I also decided to have the fried--my first questionable meal since surgery on July 16. I ate about half of the burger and half of the fries and it filled me up! That was the first time since surgery that I have felt full.

    Yesterday, I planned out my meals for the rest of the week, and I am going to eat a normal sized portion--normal for someone eating a 1200 calorie diet, anyway. I think this is a better option than starving all of the time. I was filling a binge coming on! I haven't really eaten any junk food so far, but I was feeling it coming on!

  14. Yes Misty. Those are the very ones! I think they are distgusting!

    I am going to ask about taking them without food. I think the problem is supposed to be that they can inhibit the absorption of Iron. I have been told from my nutritionist plus other sources prior to the band, that your body cannot absorb more than 500 mg/calcium at a time, so even if you take more than that at a time, you are still only getting the 500 mg.

    I figure I am getting way more Calcium than before the surgery anyway. I never used to have dairy or take supplements. Now I mix milk or soy milk with my Protein Shakes. My goals is to get it in at least once/day and then work my way up. I think my big hang up is how cheap I am. If I take the amount they want me to, that one GINORMOUS bottle only lasts about a week! That's about 40 bucks/month.

    Oh well, I can't make all the changes at once!

  15. Ursa, When I don't feel like walking, I will tell myself to put on my tennis shoes and exercise clothes, but I don't have to walk. I'll just wear them around the house. Once I have them on, it makes it easier to go ahead and head out the door. I also tell myself I'll just do 10 minutes, but once I get walking, I end up doing 30 minutes. It's just the getting myself out there part that hinders me. I also walk at 6:30, which is a really nice part of the day to walk. It's still light out, but the sun is going down, and so it's pretty cool about that time, even here in Florida.

    Hang in there!

  16. I'm curious if anyone has a calcium citrate they like. My dr. says that calcium citrate is the best absorbed--no tums or the caramel type calcium chews. I found a chewable "wafer" in Calcium citrate, but it is about the size of a brick and you have to chew 2 of them to get in the 500mg/serving. My surgeon wants us to take 500 mg four times a day! This seems a little overkill to me. What do your doctors reccommend? We are also supposed to avoid eating for one hour before and after taking the calcium. I have just given up on trying to take it. I am doing everything else as prescribed. I will work on the calcium later!

    As for Vitamins, I take whatever children's chewable happens to be the cheapest. We have a grocery store chain that's closing here, and I was able to stock up on a variety of childrens Vitamins, B-12, and liquid Tylenol. I'm stocked for a year at least! (except for the calcium, DRAT!)

  17. I am calling the nurse tomorrow and telling her that I will not make it another 6 weeks for my next fill. I have been eating about 3 oz. of meat and a few tbsp. of vegetable/starch. I could eat much more. The fear of stretching my pouch is the only thing keeping me on this starvation diet! I will be so glad to get to where some of you are--getting full after 1/2 c. food.< /p>

  18. I am totally feeling your pain. I just had my first fill--five weeks post-op--and I still don't seem to have any restriction. I am straving to death! I've lost 16 pounds, but no thanks to the band. I am trying to eat like I will have to when I get restriction, but I am worried that I may go on a binge soon if I don't start feeling full! I am doing everything I am supposed to, but I don't know how long I can keep it up. I am calling the dr. tomorrow because I am not schedule for another fill for six more weeks. I'm starting to fill like my stomach has some kind of defect that doesn't ever get the sensation of feeling full and that is why I am fat to begin with!

    I hope your fill works for you!

  19. I'm just wondering how everyone's post-op experience has been. I feel like I do not even have a band in. I have lost 16 pounds since my surgery, but that is all thanks to me and not the stupid band! I have been trying to eat what is recommended with the band, but I am straving to death! I thought it would be better once I had my first fill, but no change! Is anyone having this problem?

    What is it supposed to fill like when you feel full?

  20. Forgot to mention that my sugeon has us on Clear Liquids for two weeks, full liquids for two weeks, mushies for two weeks, then regular foods. I had my first post-op a week after surgery, and he cleared me for full liquids--THANK GOODNESS! I think everyone's doctor has slight variations of this plan.

    I am two weeks post-op (today) and am tolerating everything on the full liquid diet very well. I will be glad for a fill because I have no restriction. Any weight I lose between now and then is all me!

  21. I have been e-mailing my nutritionist a lot on this liquid phase because it's killing me! She said that pureed Soups are allowed. Cream of wheat is on my list, but I don't eat that. I figure if I can get something to that consistency it is okay. She also said that I can have thinned mashed potatoes. Last night I made a pureed Soup that was deliscious. It looked disgusting, but man did it taste great, especially since I have been having only Protein shakes, V-8, and juice. Oh, and spaghetti sauce. My nutritionist said that was okay.

    I heated 1 can of cream of celery, 1 can of chicken broth, some ready made mashed potatoes. Then I put one can of canned chicken in my magic bullet and added the heated soup. Then I pureed. It had the consistency of cream of wheat, and it had about 22g of Protein. IT WAS GREAT! I didn't use all of the soup when I added the chicken, so I have some leftover to make another batch with another can of chicken today. I can't wait to move on to the next phase!

  22. Well, I had my final consult with the surgeon today and then over to pre-op. Ihate answering the same questions over and over. Can't they put it in the computer and leave it there!

    Getting a little nervous and thinking it feels strange that I'm actually doing this. It's seemed so abstract for so long. I feel a lot more confident after my appointments today.

    I stockpiled Gatorade and canned Soups the other day. The ladies in line behind me thought I was stocking up for a hurricane! I am totally ready for the pre-op diet. Thankfully my doctor only requires three days of Clear Liquids pre-op. I'm a little worried about the post-op. He requires two weeks of Clear Liquids and then two weeks of full liquids. So NO food--mushy or otherwise--until week five! That will be hard. If I had that much willpower I could have lost the weight before surgery! My friend who had gastric bypass says she didn't feel like eating after surgery, but you can compare the two surgeries.

    Only four more days of eating! Tomorrow's my birthday and then my surgery is on the 16th. Good way to start off the 35th year!

    Good luck to everyone!

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