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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MrsFraga2016

  1. Has anyone else vomited after surgery? I threw up twice the first day. Threw up once last night, but I think it was because I was soooo hungry that my body was fighting back. The see through liquids diet sucks.
  2. When was the turning point for people post op? I'm on day 3 since surgery. Wounds sore. I'm having trouble getting out of chairs, the couch, bed, even using toilet paper after going to the bathroom. Was this normal for you too?
  3. MrsFraga2016

    Vomiting after surgery?

    They did. I had a patch behind my ear and later got an Iv injection of anti nausea meds. I threw up after they gave me a certain type of meds to drink. I threw up at home because I was so hungry it was making my tummy upset.
  4. Got out of surgery at 9am. The worst part was the gas pains. Burped and I feel a little better! I'm in love with the pain meds. Just feels like I'm sore from crunches now. I can't wait to go home tomorrow!
  5. My day of surgery is FINALLY within reach! I will be banded at 7:30am tomorrow. I have to go to the hospital at 5:45 am. I met with the anesthesiologist today and he's gonna give me "the good stuff" tomorrow morning to help with my nerves. I can't believe my new life is about to start. Thank you all for your advice and support thus far.
  6. I started the diet last Monday (on my own) and lost 6 pounds in 3 days. Since then I have stopped losing weight. I offically started my pre-op diet on Thursday after visiting with my surgeon. I will admitt I cheated this weekend, but did not gain any weight back. It was difficult to do the diet around my boyfriend (I will try harder next weekend). For meals I am having a fruit smoothie such as 1 cup of blueberries blended with 1 1/2 cups of plain almond milk, and 1 scoop of unflavored protein powder for breakfast with my coffee (with 2 tbsp. half and half). For lunch I am having a Pure Protein Vanilla shake and a fruit or vegetable (such as a banana or 10 baby carrots). For dinner I am eating a protein (like chicken breast or salmon) with a blended vegetable puree soup (such as asparagus). Does anyone have any tips to get past the after dinner hump? Anything that will satisfy a hunger pain for an extended period or task to keep me busy? I am literally considering throwing out or boxing up any food that will trigger me overeating! Thanks!
  7. My family is trying to figure out what to do with me after surgery. My surgery is Wednesday October 2nd (TWO WEEKS AWAY! YAY!). It is at 7:30am and I stay over one night. Would people suggest that I stay over my parents house for a few days and have them take care of me or will I be okay at my own home. There are 2 flights of stairs (one from the garage up to the living room/kitchen/1/2 bath and another set of stairs to the bedroom/bathroom) in my condo. If I choose to be home, my boyfriend can assit me until he goes to work at 1:00, but he does not come home until 11:45. I can also have co-workers come over after school at 3:00 if necessary. What are your experiences/thoughts with the after surgery recovery? I know everyone is different, but I consider myself a "tough cookie". I really just want to know, will I be okay to be on my own? Thanks! Nicole
  8. MrsFraga2016

    ? about getting the stomach flu

    This is scary news to me. I teach first grade and can count on getting the stomach virus at least once a year. Ah!
  9. MrsFraga2016

    What to expect after surgery?

    Thanks for the advice everyone! I wanted to stay home anyway. God willing I wil have no complications.
  10. I have my pre-op diet visit with my surgeon this week. My surgery is scheduled for October 2nd (finally!!!!). What puréed Soup recipes have you all learned for pre or post op. I love to cook and need something besides sweet Protein shakes. Thank you!
  11. MrsFraga2016

    Pre-Op Diet...Help!!!

    My surgery is also the 2nd! Best of luck to you! I start my pre-op Thursday.
  12. I got the call today that I was approved for surgery! My surgery date is October 2nd. Anyone else around that time?
  13. MrsFraga2016

    Im back - for the moment :)

    Student calling me fat or asking if I was pregnant and not fitting onto the rides at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter were my breaking point too. I had a student snootily ask my how much I weigh when I told him he couldn't sit in my rocking chair because I don't want someone to break it. They can be mean sometimes even if they're 6!
  14. MrsFraga2016

    Unflavored protein

  15. MrsFraga2016

    Unflavored protein

    I use the GNZ brand of the 100% Whey Protein, unflavored. I put one scoop of that into fruit smoothies and can't taste it. It's cheaper too.
  16. MrsFraga2016

    Before Surgery

  17. MrsFraga2016

    Mo and I summer 2013

    From the album: Before Surgery

  18. MrsFraga2016

    First day of school 2013

    From the album: Before Surgery

  19. I am not having my surgery till October 2nd. I had problems with my dr delaying paperwork. The staff at my school is very supportive, not nosy.
  20. MrsFraga2016

    The waiting begins

    I was approved by insurance today! October 2nd starts my new life!
  21. MrsFraga2016

    The waiting begins

    I'm currently playing the waiting game with my insurance. I was supposed to have gotten the surgery by now, but my Dr submitted my paperwork 3 weeks after they said they would. I'm probably looking at an October 2nd surgery date. The waiting is definitely the worst part!
  22. Last month I visited my local sleep center and had the mandatory sleep study done for my surgery. I went into it thinking that there was NO WAY I had sleep apnea. Wouldn't you know that 1 1/2 hours into the night I was awoken by the technician to tell me I had to put the CPAP machine on because I had already stopped breathing 40 times that night! The technician told me I had severe sleep apnea. Well the pulmonologist quickly ordered me the CPAP machine and I politely declined. The woman at the sleep center gave me huge attitude about canceling my order telling me I wouldn't be able the get the surgery without getting the CPAP machine. My doctor had already told me that I didn't need the sleep study results to get the surgery so no...you're lying lady. I don't want the CPAP machine because I would need the full mask. I am also a stomach sleeper and the mask does not permit people to stomach sleep. I also live with my boyfriend of over a year who probably wouldn't like rolling over to Darth Vader. Yes I get headaches and don't feel rested during the day, but surely there must be something else out there that won't make me look like Predator. Needless to say I recently discovered a device called "Provent" online. This is not a CPAP machine. It is simply two little bandaid things that go over your nostrils. Each bandage contains a valve that helps keep your airway open. I am all for trying something that doesn't require me to wear the God awful CPAP machine. I was wondering if anyone else has tried or uses Provent to help their sleep apnea. Does it work? http://www.proventtherapy.com/index.php
  23. MrsFraga2016

    Severe Sleep Apnea

    I have obstructive sleep apnea. I'm sure it's due to the fact that I have DDD chest and sleeping on my back is not comfortable due to the fact that I feel like I'm being choked. I also need the full nose and mouth mask because I am a mouth breather. I don't not want the CPAP machine for vanity's sake, it's because when I did have to wear it I didn't like it. Several times during the night during my sleep study I woke up unconciously ripping the mask off my face. Quite frankly, the darn thing scares me. hazelsbliss, I don't care if you're not "thrilled" with me. I am not abivalent in anyway. In no way am I contradicting myself. Perhaps you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I am merely trying to see if people have used provent and if it was successful for them. I am looking into it as a possible alternative to getting a CPAP machine. I called my pulmonologist today to try and get it instead of the CPAP because I am not comfortable with the thought of sleeping with a full mask. They must still be making the product because the secretary had just ordered it for another patient when I asked her about it. If the provent product can help my sleep apnea the same way a CPAP machine will, then why not do that instead?
  24. My dietician wanted me to ask everyone their definition of hunger. Pre surgery and post surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
