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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fit4Me

  1. Fit4Me

    My New Life

    From the album: My New Life

    I love my business!!! I help others change their lives to a new healthier lifestyle.
  2. Fit4Me

    Breakfast ideas

    Try some of the recipes on this website. Its pretty good. Also mix up Protein shakes in the morning too. I make all types of flavors from spiced pumpkin, to cherry chocolate. Its awesome and almost a treat.
  3. Fit4Me

    Fat Burner?

    Yes... I use It Works Fat Fighter. I love them!!! They are not meant to be taken every day. Only with fatty meals and it helps burn the fat and carbs in my meals.
  4. Fit4Me

    Breakfast ideas

    Dont worry about the carbs... breakfast time is the best time of the day to have carbs. Especially, if you are working out. Make sure you are eating healthy carbs and good proteins to get your day going. veggie omlete protein pancakes yogurt with granola eggs w/ turkey bacon bananas (fruit) with oatmeal cherrios w/ almond milk (low fat & cal)
  5. Fit4Me

    How did you get beyond a plateau?

    Our bodies just get used to the same ole routine. Although it sounds like you are eating right, and exercising; your body is just not shocked anymore. You need to shock your body by changing your diet and workout. You need to find more filling foods so you wont feel hungry. Where is most of your Protein coming from? You might not be getting protein from the right foods, which still cause the feeling of hunger. That leads us to make poor food choices.
  6. I posted a comment on another members topic on Vitamins and have been receiving a lot of emails on what vitamins I use, and how to test your vitamins. Most people do not realize the type of Vitamin we take is very important. NOT ALL VITAMINS ARE CREATED EQUAL! Our stomach acids are suppose to dissolve the vitamins and our body needs to absorb it. Thats how our bodies receive its nutrients. If your vitamins are not working for you, then you are just swallowing a pill for no reason!!!! It doesnt matter how much they cost, it only matter if our body is absorbing the nutrition of the vitamin. This is important because for many reasons like skin, hair, bones, teeth, nail, endurance, sleep, weight loss, etc... Here is a video on how to test your vitamins. PLEASE DO THIS ASAP! Doesnt matter if your vitamins are only $10, if its not working for you then its a waste of $10. By the way, I use It Works vitamins which are, 100% NATURAL, WHOLE food COMPLEX & 100% ABSORBANT. Since I haven't had a fill in 2 years because I watch what I eat and now am a vegetarian, I can swallow the pills whole. (Do not recommend swallowing whole for other banders, crushing in the blender with your Protein shake is better) Good luck! Hope this helps! Please let me know how the test worked for you.
  7. I really hope some people tried this test on their vitamins. We must make sure our vitamins is working for us.
  8. Does anyone use their medical card given by your surgeon at restaurants (buffets)? I haven't been to a buffet in years and just happen to find it in my wallet today. Last time I used it, they gave me a hard time but still gave me the discount any way.
  9. My surgeon gave it to me on my first fill visit.
  10. From the album: Wrapping

    This is how I tone, tighten, & firm my loose skin since my surgery. It Works!
  11. Fit4Me

    hair loss

    Yes, this happened to me. Although shampoos and treatments are good for your hair, it doesnt help with the way your hair grows or prevent hair loss. Most people (including myself) that suffer from hair loss do not realize that it comes from our nutrition. Now that I learned more about Vitamins and I am taking the right kind, my hair is thick and healthy again!!! Most people purchase ANY vitamins on the shelves and do not know that in order for a Vitamin to work, it needs to be 100% absorbant. MOST vitamins are not absorbant and basically, you are just swallowing a pill or crushing a pill. This goes for crewables too. Test you Multivitamin at home by putting one pill in vinegar and Water and see how long it takes to dissolve. If it is not completely dissolved in less than 30 mins, then your vitamins is not working for you. The vinegar acts like your stomach acids. The purpose of a multivitamins is supposed to dissolve with our stomach acids in less than 30 mins, and our body absorbs it. If is doesnt, contact me and I will guide you in the right directions. Everyone on this blog should try this test.
  12. Fit4Me

    NEED exercise advice

    What equipments to you have in the garage? Treadmill and bike? Your body needs to be shocked every once in a while. Or our body gets used to the same routine getting the same results. I suggest your pruchase some light 5lb weights, floor mat, and a resistance band (light). Increase your speed on the treadmill and add incline (to the best of your ability for as long as you can). Interval training is great too because it increases your heart rate while burning fat. Then, do some light weight lifting for toning, muscle mass, and more calorie buring. Make a schedule for yourself with daily activities. Increase your weights and activities once your feel its getting easy/boring. You want to maintain a good heart rate and feel the burn. Example: Mon- Cardio & upper body Tues- Cardio & lower body Wed- Cardio & abs Thurs- rest Fri- total body (workout video??) Sat- free day (swimming, walking, yoga, etc..) Sun- rest
  13. Before I can even eat anything, I need to drink coffee or tea. This kind of jump starts my stomach to be able to eat foods after. Microwaved eggs might be too dry and fluffy in the mornings. When I eat eggs, the have to be scrambled and with cheese. Try adding some butter spread (smart balance) and cheese in your cup of eggs to make it more moist. If not, oatmeal, yogurt,protein shakes, Protein pancakes, smoothies, bananas with a nutty spread on toast. Hope this helps.
  14. Walking is best to prevent blood clots, so keep walking.
  15. Fit4Me


    I drink and sometimes more than others. I only got sick one time, but thank God it was easy and it was more due to motion sickness in the car. When you do decide to take that drink, just listen to your body. You will definitely get more tipsy sooner than you did before. I watch for the signs now. Also, I dont drink as fast as used to, so now my drinks last longer, I'm a cheaper date, and I enjoy being tipsy not drunk.
  16. Fit4Me

    Lap band revised to Gastric Sleeve! (NEW ME!)

    Sure cant blame you for the cat walk! You earned it!
  17. Fit4Me

    Need a kick in the pants

    Sometimes eating more than usual is not a bad thing. You just have to make better food choices. Since you have a very busy schedule, I suggest packing your lunches and snacks so when you eat, you have more healthier meals. Dont let the old habits of quick meals like MCD's take over.
  18. Fit4Me

    Muscle milk light

    I would suggest you eat more. Its great that you are starting the diet ahead of schedule, but I would eat more nutrient meals. Although, we no longer eat as much as we used to; we still have to eat 5 small meals a day. Honestly, I dont think I eat 5 small meals but I definitely eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I suggest you eat a good healthy breakfast like oatmeal or eggs with fruit and your Protein shake for a snack. Eat a high protein lunch and a low carb dinner. Snack on fruit and nuts is the right path. Good luck on your surgery!
  19. Good luck and enjoy the meds! LOLIt will be the fastest45 mins ever.
  20. Fit4Me

    Why I love cucumber water

    Another great source of water is lemons and ginger or apples and cinnamon.
  21. Congrats! Keep it up!
  22. I use It Works! Its Vital Pack which include:It’s Vital™ Minerals:• Sea algae-derived Aquamin® premium mineral blend with over 74 trace minerals• Support for healthy bones and teeth with 250% the RDA of Vitamin D• Maximum calcium absorption with Vitamins K1 and K2 (MK-7), ensuring calcium stays in bones to help minimize arterial calcification• Keep your heart strong with Vitamin K2 support for cardiovascular healthIt’s Vital™ Omega-3:• Triple strength fish oil-derived DHA and EPA fatty acids to help maintain and support healthy cholesterol levels• Natural rosemary-based antioxidants to fight free radicals and support health cell growth• Support for healthy joint movement and for the body’s response to minor inflammation• Lemon-flavored softgel that’s easy to swallowIt’s Vital™ Core Nutrition:• Gluten-free, plant-based, whole food complex• Patented controlled-release technology for sustained nourishment throughout the day• Mind/body energy blend to stay energized and sharp mentally and physically• Improved metabolic support to boost your body’s ability to burn caloriesIt Works! Greens which equal to 8 servings of fruit and veggies, detoxify, alkalize and promote pH balance filled with 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods. Not to mention they are delicious!Website: www.showstopperwraps.myitworks.com/shop
  23. Fit4Me

    Protien shake "sample packs?"

    It Works Protein is delicious and all natural, gluten free, no sugar added, low calorie and has 14grams of protein per scoop. Let me know if you would like any more information. https://showstopperwraps.myitworks.com/Shop/Product/496
  24. Fit4Me

    tell me about peanut butter

    I prefer almond butter over Peanut Butter because it is a healthier nut. I usually only eat almond butter as a snack with crackers, on fruit, or in my Protein shakes. 1-2 spoon fulls are more than enough for daily intake. Almond butter is way more expensive, but investing in our health is important. I purchase my almond butter from the organic store for about $8.99. It lasts forever! Here are some fun facts. Which ever you decide, make sure it is all natural unsalted. GOOD FATS Monounsaturated fat Polyunsaturated fat Olive oil Canola oil Sunflower oil Peanut oil Sesame oil Avocados Olives Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews) Peanut butter Soybean oil Corn oil Safflower oil Walnuts Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds Flaxseed Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines) Soymilk Tofu
  25. Fit4Me


    I love salads. It took a long time before I could really enjoy a salad but now I eat them almost daily. The trick I use to be able to enjoy a salad is ripping/cutting the lettuce into shreds. I rip it to little pieces and make sure I have enough dressing on it. I add eggs, cucumber, Beans, broccoli and so many other veggies so I'm not eating all lettuce. The more heavy veggies kind of help push the lettuce down. If that makes sense? Also, another trick is that salads are not my first meal of the day since the first meal is usually the hardest for me.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
